
By mieschkaloveszayn_

1.1K 172 10

Many years from now slavery has returned.The world is runned by rich,manipulative and heartless men. Summer h... More

what happened last night
holding onto you
Hi im Perrie.
As long as you love me
blue laced dress
my babygirl
I dont need your love too
change my mind
trust and betrayal
You and I
family reunions
your love was a lie
heart brakes or happiness ?
critical but stable
hatred or forgiveness?
its okay to give in
hopes turned hopeless
Plans for love
A night out
Our first time together
anger issues or love issues?
dreams or warnings?
who to blame.
help from runaways&&enemies
rescue mission 101.
Life or death? (For the second time)
An exclusive interview with Zayn and Justin
the truth will set you free.
Everything fell into place.

im the reason for your misery

38 7 0
By mieschkaloveszayn_

Summer's POV

We were driving for a while and we were driving past alot of nice shops in the city where we could just relax and have a nice talk.

I look towards Zayn and smiled at the sight of him driving and keeping his eyes on the road. He turned to look at me and he put his hand on my thigh.

I didn't want to ask where we were going but I was curious "Where we going?"I asked him. "Don't worry love"He said with his deep voice. "Urgh"I said and turned away. "Go nap, it's going to be a long trip"

I listened and put my head on the seabelt and fell asleep


"Summer,wake up"Zayn shook me awake. "mmm"I said lazily.I looked infront of me and there stood a big board saying welcome to Bradford

"Zayn?"I asked and we stopped infront of a beautiful open field with a river running through it and a brick road. "Welcome to my home, Summer "he smiled.

He got out and walked around to open my Door.I got out and two girls came Running. "Zayn!!"they screamed.He bent down and held his arms open. They ran into his arms and they all had this beautiful group hug.

Zayn stood up and held their hands. "Summer, this is Safaa "he said looking at a beautiful young girl with blue eyes. "and this is Waliya, my sisters"he said. They were beautiful just like zayn."Girls this summer. "He said and i smiled at them. They smiled back."Girls,go home because Summer and i is going to take a walk "they smiled and ran away.

"They beautiful Zayn"I told him. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "What was that for?"I asked him."You beautiful "I blushed

We played a game of eye spy and had a good laugh."I spy with my little eye something that start with a b"he said.I looked all around trying to find something with a b."Brick road. "he shook his head."bark"he shook his head. "What then?"I screamed, he turned around facing me.He took the hair that was face out of my face and put it behind my ear."Beautiful girl and her name is Summer"I blushed and he kissed me.

When he pulled away, i was curious where his parents were"Zayn,wheres your parent's?"he looked away and I saw tears filling his eyes."Zayn, you okay?"I saw a few tears escaping his eyes. "They dead"

I never knew he would get emotional of this topic. "oh I'm So sorry Zayn"I said and hugged him.He sat down on one of the benches and i followed him. "It was a few years ago"he began. "No Zayn you don't have to tell me if you don't want to"he shook his head."I want to, Summer... I want you to know the reason your life is like this"

I didn't understand what he meant."I remember I was outside smoking because my dad and I har a huge fight.People came driving past and started shooting everyone, i didn't know what to do but I just stood there. my mom came running outside to get me inside.They shot her infront of me and My dad came to help and they shot him to."Zayn started to cry and i took his hand."They did this infront of me,my mom told me to go and save my sisters. The last thing I told my dad was i hate you.I ran inside and saw my sisters sitting on the couch huddled together. I fell to the ground and started crying."My older sister Doniya walked to me and asked where my parents were. She saw in my eyes that they were gone.She told my other sisters and all I remember was everyone crying themselves to sleep and all being depressed. So one day"..."wait wait,there's another sister?"I asked him and he laughed and nodded. "Ya Doniya, she's older than me, well back to the story... One day I decided to care for my sister's and went to London. I met a few lads who had a similar story like mine so we got talking and decided to start something like slavery. "he looked at me with big eyes

Zayn was one of those people who started this shit?"What the fuck?"I asked him."I'm sorry Summer but it was out of guilt and sorrow, we never knew it would spread worldwide "he took my hand and looked at me with those hazel eyes."Zayn it's okay,if it made you feel better then I'm fine with it, i promise "I smiled and kissed his cheek

"so where's Doniya?"I asked and he got tears filling in eyes again. "I don't know i haven't seen my sisters in three years, and I'm scared Doniya wouldn't speak to me because I left her and the others just like that"he began to cry. I slid closer to him and put my hand on his cheek. "Zayn,she would be more than happy to see you,go to her Zayn...She loves and needs you...All of them do. "I said.Zayn pressed his lips against mine and I could feel my heart beating fast."Thank so much Summer, im actually going to go to her right now"he said and stood up."Yes and i will be there holding your hand through everything."he smiled and took my hand. "But what so I tell her?"he asked me."Sorry,Zayn tell her you sorry "He smiled and we turned and began to walk back

A/N isn't that sweet how she didn't blame him because he did it out of uilt and sorrow aww.

So I'm doing a idea drive where I take your ideas and put it in my book.It gives you a chance to put your own style in misunderstood. So comment what you want :) but there's a catch, i need 100 reads and 12 votes so press that star and spread the word...

Comment :

Who is your favourite
Zayn or Justin

Who is your favourite
Summer or Madison

Who is you favourite character
In the book

Oh and excuse all the mistakes hunny's :)

Thanx loveys :)

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