What Makes You Beautiful (A N...

By hardcorewriter02

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I am rating this story PG13 due to language and just a little bit of sexual activity (kissing/making out)... More

Tara James
Josie Hughes
Chapter 1: Welcome Back!
Chapter 2: Happy Birthday Josie!
Chapter 3: The Concert
Chapter 4: One Thing
Chapter 5: What Happened?
Chapter 6: Make Yourself At Home
Chapter 7: Morning, Love
Chapter 8: Talking to Niall
Chapter 9: Dublin, Ireland
Chapter 10: Dinner
Chapter 11: Truth or Dare
Chapter 12: Fuming
Chapter 13: Nando's and the Man
Chapter 14: Let's Talk Sense
Chapter 15: Dinner With Hunter
Chapter 16: Niall's Unexpected Visit
Chapter 17: What the Hell!
Chapter 18: Happy Two Months!
Chapter 19: Memory Loss
Chapter 20: Amnesia, Dog Piles, and Letters
Chapter 22: Crappy Crap
Chapter 23: The Job Offer
Chapter 24: Hunter
Chapter 25: Moving Day
Chapter 26: Breathtaking
Chapter 27: Meet the New Girl
Chapter 28: 2 AM Shower
Chapter 29: The Almost Kiss
Chapter 30: Thinking It Over
Chapter 31: Scissor War
Chapter 32: Tara Has a Boyfriend?
Chapter 33: What Are You Doing To Me?
Chapter 34: I Have To
Chapter 35: My Girlfriend
Chapter 36: Chasing Tara
Chapter 37: Chatting With the Stars
Chapter 38: Cat Fight
Chapter 39: Moments
Chapter 40: Doing It
Chapter 41: Stunninly Evil
Chapter 42: Wanna Meet Up?
Chapter 43: Don't Go
Chapter 44: My Red Headed Girl
Chapter 45: Liv Could Be the One
Chapter 46: Dreaming of You
Chapter 47: Fireproof
Chapter 48: Blueberries For My Blueberry
Chapter 49: Jack and Kelly
Chapter 50: Love Sick Roller Coaster
Chapter 51: The Girl In the Mirror
Chapter 52: I Should've Stayed
Chapter 53: Stealing Tara
Chapter 54: Talking To My Friends
Chapter 55: Changing Plans
Chapter 56: So What?
Chapter 57: Late Night Snacks
Chapter 58: Five In the Morning
Chapter 59: Sneaky Me, Wimpy Me
Chapter 60: Please Come Back
Chapter 61: I'm the Tofu
Chapter 62: 30 Years Or 2 Months?
Chapter 63: Pulling a Tara
Chapter 64: Mum Needs Me
Chapter 65: Mr. Blondie, Pigtails, and Little Red
Chapter 66: Home Is Where the Heart Is
Chapter 67: Reminiscing
Chapter 68: Secret Emotions
Chapter 69: The Two Sides of Life
Chapter 70: Collision
Chapter 71: This Isn't Easy
Chapter 72: Illusions Bring Hope
Chapter 73: No Escape
Chapter 74: Gone
Chapter 75: Determination
Chapter 76: My Blonde Haired Boy
Chapter 77: I'll Miss You

Chapter 21: I Wanted Coffee, I Get Niall Horan

58 1 8
By hardcorewriter02

Tara's POV

I walk out of the living room. I glance back in and see all the boys wrestling. I laugh a little to myself and walk back to the door. I quietly open the door and slip out.

I walk down the long driveway and open the gate. Geez, I think, these boys are seriously loaded. I open the gate and walk out. Not too many people are out, so I smile and start walking.

I walk down the street and decide to call a cab. The cab comes, and I hop in. As the car passes the boys' house, I see Louis at the front door watching the car. I look down so he can't see my face.

The cab ride is long and silent. I look down at my phone and see Niall texted me.

Niall: I have a question

Tara: Shoot

Niall: I'll pick you up at three, and we can talk there

Tara: Ok

I sigh and put my phone down. I don't actually want to meet up with Niall; I really just want him to ask me his question, and I can give him a simple answer. I know that he's probably going to ask me why I just left the house, and, honestly, I don't really know why I did. I just felt like if I stayed, I'd get in trouble from someone. Plus, I need to get back and study for the inevitable finals.


I get back to the dorm building, and I am pooped. I unlock my door and almost have a heart attack. In my room is a random girl putting up posters of skeletons and graveyards.

"Um, can I help you?" I ask timidly. The girl looks over at me, her black eyes piercing through me. I open my mouth to say something, but she starts hitting her hand on the wall. I don't know what to do.

"DAMMIT!" the girl screams. I jump back and grab my backpack. Thank goodness I always keep my school things in my backpack, I think gratefully. I run down the stairs to the lounge and over to the welcoming desk.

"Hey, Mrs. Yule!" I say scared yet happily. Mrs. Yule looks up at me and smiles. She holds her finger up to signal for me to wait a minute. I nod my head and walk over to the bulletin board. I see the usual flyers, but one catches my attention particularly.

"Okay, sorry, Tara. Mr. Gert is quite mad that more girls didn't sign up for the summer science class," Mrs. Yule says, grimacing. I laugh. I walk over to her and show her the flyer.

"Is this true? Do I have to have a certain number of hours of internship to be able to join the early admission program?" I ask. I was already signed up, but I haven't gotten an acceptance letter yet. Mrs. Yule takes the paper from me and skims the details.

"Looks like it, sweetie. Man, that must stink. I mean, most of the labels that do internships are really hard to get in. And it'll be even harder since it's so late," Mrs. Yule says sadly. I nod my head. I take in a breath as I try to think of places I can apply for an internship so late.

"Yeah," I say, "Anyway, I thought I should tell you that there's a creepy girl in my room hanging pictures of dead people up. So, could you, like, tell her to get out?" Mrs. Yule's expression is blank.

"What do you mean? Catey is your new roommate," Mrs. Yule says. I stare at her, my mouth hanging open.

"But, Josie Hughes is my roommate," I say, disbelief bleeding into my tone. Mrs. Yule looks at me questioningly. She pulls open a file drawer and takes out my file.

"It says that on April 12, you had sent in a request for a new roommate. And on Josie's file," Mrs. Yule pulls Josie's file out, "it says the same thing." I look at her, shock covering my face. I shake my head.

"No. I never requested for a new roommate. Why would I ask for a new one when the year is almost over? And I'm best fiends with Josie," I state. "Or used to be at least." Mrs. Yule shrugs her shoulders and turns to look at her computer, clearly finished with this conversation. I walk out the door and over to my car.

I get in and decide to call Josie.




"Hi! This is Josie Hughes. Sorry I can't pick up the phone, but if you leave a message for me I promise I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Okay, love ya!" Josie's voicemail says. I sigh and hang up before the beep goes off.

I start my car and drive down to the Campus Starbucks. I grab my backpack and walk in. I see John, a cashier I know, and nod. He smiles and starts fixing my usual. I sit down in the back, and I start my computer. John comes up to me, and he hands me the tea cup and scone. I smile at him and hand him my money.

"So, I couldn't help but notice the distressed look on your face," John says, sitting down across me. I nod my head slowly.

"Yeah. I just found out that I have to have a certain number of intern hours to get in the early admissions class," I say. I take a sip of the warm tea. I look at John, and he is staring at the wall.

"Well, I'm sure you'll figure something out," John says, standing up. "While you worry about your college life, I have to worry about serving people their correct order." I laugh a little at this. He's such a dork, I think. I watch as John goes back behind the counter. I sigh and turn my attention to my laptop.

I search a whole bunch of sites, but all the places have either certain requirements or are already closed for intern applications. I want to scream, but I'm in public and know that that is not a wise thing to do when you are surrounded by people. I slam my computer closed, and I glare at the untouched scone. I sigh and pull out my notebook. I start to doodle around it when someone's shadow falls over my paper. I look up and see Niall standing in front of me.

"Hey, Tara," Niall says in his cute accent. I smile up at him. I start packing my things up.

"Hi, Niall," I say, shoving my notebook in my backpack. I stand up, and Niall gives me a quick hug. "How'd you know I was here?"

"Actually, I didn't. I was just gonna get a coffee, but I saw you here and decided why wait?" Niall explains. I nod my head.

"Huh," I say, not really sure how to respond.

"Shall we go?" Niall asks, pointing behind his back towards the door. I nod my head, and we head to the front. Niall opens the door, and the little bell goes off.

"Bye, Tara!" John yells from the front. I turn and wave before exiting the building.

Niall and I walk down the street and make small talk. Really just talking about the nice weather and things like that. I push my bag higher up my shoulder and a soft grunt escapes my lips. Niall looks over at me and stops. I stop with him, turning in a circle to see why we stopped.

"Here, let me help you," Niall says, reaching for my backpack. I shake my head.

"No. It's okay. Really," I say. Niall doesn't believe me.

"Give it," Niall says, more serious this time. I roll my eyes and shake my head. He tries to grab it again, but I jump back. He gives me a playful look. I smile evilly and run away. I hear Niall chasing after me. I stop at a crossroad. I look both ways, and I dash forward. Before I go too far, someone yanks me back. I fall back into a pair of strong arms and look as a huge truck zooms passed us.

"Damn, Tara!" Niall whispers in my ear, holding me close to his chest. I stand there, shock filling my blood as I realize I could've died right there. I start to shake a little, and Niall holds me even closer. Niall loosens his grip on me, and I turn around to look at his blue eyes.

"T-t-thanks," I say, wiggling my way out of his arms around me. I look down as I realize that Niall is probably thinking how ugly I am. I mean, he saved my life, but that doesn't mean he's not thinking how ugly and stupid I am. Stupid, I think, Stupid girl for thinking there's a possibility for you and him. Plus! You have a boyfriend! I mentally kick myself. Niall gives me a questioning look, and I just look down at the ground.

"Well, um, we should probably get something to eat," Niall says. I laugh at his comment, remembering that he's the one who loves food. I walk towards the backpack I had somehow lost, but Niall picks it up before I can. I give him my give-it-back look, but he smiles and starts walking. I sigh, smiling to myself.

"You coming?" Niall yells, walking backwards. I nod my head and run after him.


Heylo! Okay, this is sort of a filler but not as much as the last chapter. I'm sorry I updated later than usual. I just lost track of time and didn't realize it was so late.

Anyway, if you like my story, please comment, vote, and/or follow me! Well, that's it. Love ya!

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