Fuck you. (Andy Biersack fanf...

By jessie_kitty

6.7K 269 37

After a bad breakup Jess was forced to move in the bvb house with her childhood friend Ashley. She comes acro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 8

204 7 0
By jessie_kitty

The whole band came to the hospital to see me. They are such sweethearts, Ashley got me a gift baskets of my favorite stuff, and CC and Jinxx got me giant teddy bears. They were super cute and cozy, one was brown and other was pink. Andy said he felt bad he didn't get me any thug but he's wrong. He got me my stuff from the house which was really sweet. Andy has been visiting me everyday, I enjoy his company for the first time in forever. He sneaks in my iPod which has my life in it, basically music.

Andy occasionally sits by me in the hospital bed but I don't mind. He isn't being as much as an asshole as he used to be. This could be a temporary thing though...that worries me a lot.

The nurse informs everyone that I was to be able to go home in two days which is great cause I hate going to the hospital. Last time I went was because I had bad food poisoning, but the other time I was in here was because the accident. I was there with them but I survived, too many bad memories, sometimes the guilt would eat at me and I almost killed myself but the hospital got me before the time was up.

"That's great you can go home soon." He says sweetly.

"Finally. I can't stand it here." I sigh.

"Why is that?"

"Bad memories."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"It's fine, I don't wanna burden you with my stupid problems."

"Your problems aren't stupid," he smiles at me. "You can tell me anythig, I'll always be here for you?"

"Thanks. Well ya see..."

"Last time I was here was because I kinda...tried suicide..." I sigh. His eyes turn into sadness. He holds my hand in his warm large ones.

"Why would you do that?"

"I didn't want to live without my parents." I frown, and fear tears about to emerge. I hold them back. "I loved them a lot. Still do." I scrunch up my nose. God no crying. Andy take my arms then examines my wrists. There is a faint scar along the back of my wrist also a couple battle scars. I just couldn't help think that it was my fault, that I should've died because I had nothing to offer this world... I was nothing.

"Don't worry anymore ok? You got a whole family now." He smiles. "Your gonna do great things, I know it." He smiles then hugs me by surprise I hug him back. I feel like I'm acting like an attention whore.

//two days later

I was released from the hospital the bvb boys picked me up just in time. I looked terrible, my hair was a mess and I had no makeup so I looked tired as hell. The clothes were boring too I had jeans and a boring over sized white shirt. Andy gonna see me in my ugly glory. My stomach was also still heavily bruised plus my head still had stitches, and I still had a bruise that was by my eye, it was a little cut up there too so I looked like I came out of a street fight.

"Jessie!" They all come in for a group hug.

"Injures girl here!" I say before they squeeze me too tight. They back off saying 'shit sorry' 'we just missed you'

"I missed you guys too." I smile and hug them individually. Ashley hugs me for a long time, I really did miss this goofball. He visited me but he had some family problems to deal with too. Andy was there keeping me company, which is something I'm grateful for.

They take me back to the house. It felt a little weird to be back in the house. I was really happy though! The boys leave me be and I go into my room. I get out of my Raggy clothes and put something comfy on. I go downstairs and all the boys were on the couch talking to each other. It feels like a house full of brothers then there's a girl. Weird huh?

"Dude we should all go out tonight!" CC says with a wild look in his eyes. Oh jeez.

"All?" Ashley questions him looking at me.

"I don't know if it's safe for Jess to go." Andy says by surprise they all give him weird looks, he avoids their stares.

"He's right-" Ashley says but I interrupt them.

"Fuck that. I've been in a boring ass hospital, I think I deserve some fun."

"Fun? Your seriously hurt Jess." He says in that protective brother tone.

"Jesus Christ." I roll my eyes.

"He's right Jess, how's your stomach?" Andy says raising his eyebrows at me. I cross my arms stubbornly.

"I'm okay!"

"No your not."

"I am, okay let's check on it." I'm sure it's probably faded away. I lift up my top to reveal my flat stomach. It was still bruised dark purple, and almost a white color. "Fuck!" I sigh.

They all give me sad looks. Andy looks sad but pissed off too. "Sorry Jess." Andy sighs.

"No I can do stuff cause I'm an adult!" I say.

"She's right." CC says.

"Oh you just want to party with her." Ashley says. CC rolls his eyes.

"No-" Andy says once again.

"I'm not a child! Stop treating me like one, both of you!" I stomp off to my room, instantly regretting what came out if my mouth.

They are treating me like a child. Just because Andy is a little older than me doesn't mean I'm a child. Is that what he thinks of me? A child? I'm not a child anymore, I'm a woman.

//YO SORRY FOR CHANGING THE STORY NAME. I just wanted something more original ya know? Are you enjoying the story? :3

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