Breaking the un-breakable (Fi...

By XxDarkxAngelxX

89.7K 3.4K 406

{Completed} Julian doesn't remember a time when he was strapped to a bed, waiting for the next beating... More

Chapter 1~the stranger
Chapter 2~the hellish prision
Chapter 3~the outside
Chapter 4~trust building and Quincy
Chapter 5~whats wrong with Julian?
Chapter 6~Is Julian going crazy?
Chapter 7~getting the demon out
Chapter 8~Julians a perv!
Chapter 9~River's in danger
Chapter 10~The deal
Chapter 11~Julians stay
Chapter 12~I just got him back...
Chapter 14~What happened to Nick?!
Chapter 15~dont be scared Julian...
Chapter 16~inside Julians head
Chapter 17~cant a guy get a break?!
Chapter 18~The little boy
Chapter 19~Time is running out (Part 1)
Chapter 20~Time is running out (Part 2)
Chapter 21~the talk
Chapter 22~ will you be mine?
Chapter 23~ babies come home! <3
Chapter 24~ unhumanly possible
Chapter 25~5 years later (part 1)
Chapter 26~5 years later (part 2)
Chapter 27~Epilogue
Questions? No? Well answers anyway!
Sneek peak at the next book!
Final authors note :,(

Chapter 13~Family?

2.3K 104 9
By XxDarkxAngelxX

~Dominik's POV~

" I don't want to go in." Julian looked at me, his cheeks puffed out and his huge red eyes gazed up at me with tears brimming in his eyes.

"You don't have to. In fact, I don't want you to go in yet. Stay with Asa. Me, River and Avery are going in to talk to your parents first." I kissed his forehead. "I'll be right back though."

"Okay..." He looked at Asa who was looking out the window.

"Asa. Make sure Julian stays calm." Asa nodded and looked back at Julian.

"Don't worry. Julian will be fine." He smiled at Julian.

River, Avery and me climbed out of the car and went up to the front door. I knocked a couple times before a boy opened the door.

"Um... Hello..." He had the same brown hair as Julian, he looked younger than him though, also he had deep chocolate eyes.

"Hi..." I gave him a small smile. "Can I talk to your parents?"

"Uh. Sure." He walked off. "Mom! Dad! There's some people here to see you!" The kid looked at us. "Um. Just sit on the couch, they will be here in a second."

"Thanks." I nodded at him.

"Your welcome..." He walked away.

"Um hello?" A woman and a man walked into the front room. The woman had grey blond hair. Her blue eyes were sad and tired looking. The man was tall and had grey black hair, his soft brown eyes were just as tired as the woman's eyes.

"Hi. I'm Dominik William Saint." I shook the woman and mans hands.

"I'm River Paul Saint." He shook the couples hands.

"Avery Sebastian Saint." My brother just waved.

"We have a fourth brother but he's in the car..."

"Oh... Well my names Audrey Willow Tobias."

"And I'm Rylan Reid Tobias."

"May I ask why your here?" Audrey looked between all of us.

"You may want to sit down." I gestured to the chairs.

Audrey and Rylan shared a look if worry before taking a seat. "If it's about one of our kids, they are angels. They wouldn't hurt anyone-"

I shook my head. "I actually came to talk to you about your first born child- Julian. We found him."

Audrey gasped and Rylan narrowed his eyes. "Don't joke with us. He was taken 14 years ago. There has not been one sighting of him since."

"We aren't lying. I promise. He's alive."

"Rylan-" Audrey looked at Rylan with big eyes.

"Where is he than?" Rylan crossed his arms and eyes us suspiciously.

"He's out in the car with my younger brother. Julian's very scared of what you will think of him so he requested to stay in the car while I talk to you about some- problems of his..."

Audrey bit her lip. "What kind of- problems...?"

"I know you won't believe me right away, but after some convincing I know you'll believe me." I took a deep breath. "I'm sure your aware that Julian wasn't like other boys. He probably showed signs that he much better than the other boys. He had special powers, whatever he drew came to life. That's why he was taken. So very evil people wanted to use him as their 'secret weapon'."

Audrey shared a glance with Rylan.

"Well, the people who kidnapped Julian were vampires."

Rylan huffed. "You have got to be kidding me. Vampires?"

"Yes. I would know. I'm a vampire myself. That's how I was able to save Julian from undergoing more abuse."

"Proof." Rylan demanded.

River coughed. "Mr. Tobias. Let Dominik finish telling you everything. Than you'll get all the proof you ask for."

Rylan glared at River before nodding a 'okay.'

"Julian was very scared at first to be in the hands of yet anther vampire, but he soon figured out that I was a good guy. So he was able to live with me without any problems... Well maybe a few, but it was mostly due to him being scared if certain things. Like basements. Bathrooms- being alone..."

"Bathrooms?" Audrey questioned.

"He wouldn't tell me why, but he refused to take a bath for awhile. I can it assume why..."

Rylan sighed. "Are you done yet?"

"Almost." I looked at my two brothers. "We had a few occasions where me and my brothers had to protect Julian because his kidnappers still want him. So this hard to let him live here without our protection. But we know that family is important." I looked at Rylan. "Your son Julian is-troubled though. He has voices in his head. Ones a demon and one is his protector or guardian. They live in his head. I know it's hard to believe but it's true. You may catch him muttering words to himself, it's just him talking to the souls in his head. Also, his vampire captors raped and bit him constantly. Also would beat him till he passed out and hardly fed him. He could barely speak for awhile. He's a very strong man now. But he has a childish nature that tends to come out when he's around people he trusts."

Audrey looked at Rylan. "I really think he's telling the truth hun. So please be nice about this. This man saved our baby and protected him. Thank you." She put a hand over her heart as she looked back at us.

"So your a vampire?" Rylan eyed me and I nodded. I showed him my fangs. His eyes went huge at that.

"Julian has little baby ones because he's a temporary vampire due to all the bites. He should go back to normal in a few weeks."

Audrey bit her lip. "May we see him now? I want to see my baby..."

I nodded. "Of course. Avery? Can you go let Asa know that Julian an him can come inside now?"

"Yes." Avery got up and walked out the door.

We sat in silence until we heard the shuffling if feet. Avery and Asa walked in first. Than a very nervous looking Julian. His eyes downcast, his hair blocking his eyes from his parents view, his hands tightly clasped in front of him. Audrey shot up out of her seat.

"Julian?" She took a step toward him, but e still refused to meet her gaze. "What's wrong with him?" She looked at me, wanting an answer to why he was ignoring her.

I walked over to Julian and got down in front of him. "Julian. Don't you want to meet your parents? You were so excited last night. Now you aren't talking. What's wrong?" I put my hands on his shoulders.

Tears dribbled down his cheeks. "I'm not so sure anymore Dominik. They are gonna hate me-"

"Julian." I used a stern voice. "These are your parents. They want you back with a their heart. Just look at them and say hello. And if your not ready, I can always take you back to my house, give it a day or two and than take you right back here."

Julian looked at me than he looked up at his mom and dad. I moved away from Julian as he walked over to them. He looked up at him mom than his dad. He started bawling.

"I'm home!" He threw his arms around his parents. "I have a mom and a dad! This is so un-real!" His parents wrapped him in a big hug and kissed his head with their own tears pouring down their cheeks.

"We're so glad to have you back Julian!" His mom wailed.

"I finally have back my first son!" His dad looked back at me and my four brothers. "I'm so sorry I was so mean, you brought this family back together. I owe you." He smushed his son in a hug.

"I have to get your siblings so they can meet you! They always wanted to meet you Julian!" Audrey ran off screaming for her kids.

Julian looked over at me and my brothers. "Thanks." He broke away from his dad to hug us. "For everything you've done for me. Saving me, catering for me, protecting me, and bringing me back home... Thanks." Julian had tears of joy cascading down his face.

"Your welcome Julian." I kissed his head.

"Julian. These are your brothers and sister." Julian turned around looked at his siblings. "This is Nick Raymond Tobias." She gestured to the kid who had answered the door. "He's 15."

Nick gave a shy awkward wave. "Hi Julian." Julian returned the wave and nodded at Nick.

"This is Justin Eddie Tobias. He's 12." Justin blonde hair and very pale blue eyes, almost grey. He was clutching at the little girls hand next to him.

"Hi Julian..." Justin looked at Julian in awe. "I'm glad your here..."

"I'm glad to..." Julian gave a small smile.

"And the baby of the family. Essence Angel Tobias. She prefers to be called Angel though. She's 5" Angel had bright blonde hair that was in pig tails, she has hazel eyes. She smiled at Julian and giggled. She let go of Justin's hand and ran over to Julian. She grabbed onto his leg and looked up at him with adoration.

"Julian! Brother!" She giggled some more.

"Hi Angel." Julian bent down and hugged his sister.

"Where have you been?" She looked at him. Us adults tensed and held out breath. Julian's brothers seemed to get the aura and assumed the worst.

"I was-away. I stayed with some people. Traveled a bit. But I thought if my family a lot. But now I'm back to stay."

"Yay!" She hugged him tight.

"Julian... We will just go get your stuff..." I walked out the door, my brothers followed, we got all of Julian's stuff and brought it inside.

"I'll show you guys where to put it." Rylan gestured for us to follow. He lead us to a room down the hall. Inside there was a bed, it was messy in the room so I assumed he would be sharing a room with one of his brothers. The walls were painted grey with designs decorating the walls. We set Julians stuff down on the floor. "Dominik. Can I speak to you in private?"

"Um. Yeah."

"You seem to have a close connection with Julian... I was just wondering-"

"Julian and I... We were starting a relationship. But I thought since he's coming back home I would tell him I couldn't see him anymore unless he was in danger. He needs a normal-ish life. And I can't give that to him."

"Dominik. I'm just fine with you seeing him as in relationship... It's just I want you to understand that you can't be here all the time. Me and my wife want to catch up and keep him safe and try and give him that normal life. But being around vampires for 14 years, he's in this and will never get that full normal life..."

"I understand." I nodded at him.

"Why don't you guys stay for awhile?"

"I don't think so. River has work in a bit, and Avery and Ass has missed enough school... Their probably behind in homework. And I have to drive them back home or whatever-"

"Well alrighty than... Come by anytime. Your welcome in this house alone with your brothers."

"Thank you. Oh! And here. This is Rivers work address. He's a doctor, go to him if you have questions about Julians health." I handed him a business card from my wallet. "And if you want, Julian has all my brothers numbers in the phone I have him, just get out numbers from him."

"Thank you Dominik." He smiled.

"Anytime." I smiled back. "I'm going to say goodbye to Julian than."

"Alright." Rylan nodded and we walked downstairs. I saw Julian standing next to Audrey in the kitchen. Angel next to him and his brothers sitting at the bar watching Julian with curious gazes.

"Since this is your house now to Julian, you better learn about it. I guess you can assume this is the kitchen-"

"Not that I want to interrupt, but I gotta say goodbye."

Julian looked at me with wide eyes. He let go of Angels hand and launched himself at me. He threw his arms around my neck. "Don't go. I don't want you to leave me..."

"I'm sorry Julian. But I'm not leavening forever. You have my number. I'm just a call away. Be good okay?" I let him go and straightened his jacket. "I'll check on you in about a week-" Julian put his hands on my cheeks and drew my face closer to his. He closed his eyes as he brought his lips to mine. The room was dead quiet as we shared our goodbye kiss.

After Julian pulled away I looked at him. He had tears still coming out of his eyes. "You better come back otherwise I'll have to hunt you down and kill you. I'll miss you..."

I smiled at him. "I'll miss you to. Bye Julian." I kissed his forehead before walking away. I walked out to the at where my brothers were. I started up the car and left.

I felt my heart break. God I'm gonna miss him.

~Julian's POV~

I turned back to my family. My dad had seen the kiss. My mom had seen it. My brothers. My sister. I put my gaze at the floor. "I'm sorry..."

"No it's fine hunny." My mom walked over to me and hugged me. Angel walked over to her brothers.

"Justin? Why did he kiss anther boy?"

Justin picked up Angel. "Because they like each other..."

"Oh." She looked back at me.

Nick walked over to me and looked at his mom. "I'll show him our room... That's where he is staying right?"

"Yeah." His mom nodded. "Go ahead Julian." She let go of me. Nick put an arm around my shoulders and lead me away.

I kept my head down. "You okay with me liking boys?"

"Yes. You could have come back home liking unicorns and I'd still jump for joy praising the Lord that your back."

"I've seen a unicorn..." I nibbled at my pointer fingernail.

"Unicorns don't exist." He opened a door. And we walked inside.

"Yes they are! So are vampires, werewolves and dragons."

"Sure." He rolled his eyes.

"I was kidnapped by vampires and they-" I covered my face and sobbed. Can't I stop crying?! The vampires that hurt me are gone. They won't hurt me.

"I'm sorry Julian." Nick hugged me.

"It's true though. They did bad things to me. And bit me. I almost died. I couldn't move. The only thing I could do was look at the ceiling and beg for death." I hugged Nick tightly.

"It's okay Julian. You don't have to tell me. Today's supposed to be happy day."


{yeah Julian. Today's a celebration day. Your home.}

[aren't you happy your home?]

"I'm happy to be home." I muttered.

"Good. We're very happy your home." Nick gave me a big smile.

I smiled back.

I am home. I am happy. But I'm missing something...

I gasped. "Batty!" I ran over to my bags and dug batty out. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay good." I clutched batty to my chest. Nick laughed.

"Your like a little kid."

I blushed. "So?"

"It's funny and cute." He put his arms back around my shoulders. "Lets go back to the family before they freak out."

"Okay." I nodded as we walked back to the kitchen.

I'm home...

My family's waiting...

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