Yandere [ Various Anime x Rea...

By BadEnd-

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This is Yandere One Shots for Various Anime / Video game guys. I'll take requests. I'll do any anime, if I d... More

{ Introduction }
~:: Run Away ::~ [ Roxas / Kingdom Hearts ]
~:: Not Just A Video Game ::~ [ Sora / Kingdom Hearts ]
~:: Hide and Seek ::~ [ Subaru Sakamaki / Diabolik Lovers ]
Interferences - Zexion { Kingdom Hearts }
Burn - Axel [ Kingdom Hearts ]
Captured - Vanitas [ Kingdom Hearts - Birth By Sleep ]
Can't Swim - Demyx - [ Kingdom Hearts ]
Trap - Riku - [ Kingdom Hearts ]
Treat - Ayato Kirishima - [ Tokyo Ghoul ]
Innocence - Sora II - [ Kingdom Hearts ]
~:: Innocence Part 2 ::~ [ Sora III / Kingdom Hearts - Smut/Lemon Continuation ]

Scared - Ventus { Kingdom Hearts - Birth by Sleep }

3.2K 49 21
By BadEnd-

Ven had been by { Y/n }'s side every second he could. He was the weaker of the two, always hiding behind her for protection. However, he wanted to protect her. He wanted to be the stronger one. He wanted her to be scared and have to depend on him for once.

 He had been there when she met Terra and Aqua, immediately becoming friends with them pretty much after { Y/n } did. The four of them were together every day, without fail, for a time. When they were younger, { Y/n } was forced to move away because of her father's job transfer. However, the female promised the three that she would one day be back to see them again. After her departure, Venus became quiet and almost avoided everything that reminded him of her. 


"Is Ven home?" Aqua tilted her head at Ventus's mom, who nodded and let her in. Aqua had come for a time after she left, once or twice a week to check up on him. 

"He's in his room.. Ventus!" She yelled for the boy and soon enough, said blonde came out of his room. His blue eyes drifted to Aqua sitting on the couch and he seemed to wince at her presence. 

"Ven.." Aqua said as the boy sat in a plush chair, opposite to her spot on the couch. "Me and Terra got worried... We weren't sure if something happened.. We hadn't seen at school.. Or anywhere.. " He didn't speak, but he maintained eye contact. She decided to address what she thought was wrong, "I know it's been a few years since she moved..." Ventus's stare at the bluenette sharpened, she decided to drop that, "I mean.. We're too old to play , given you're a first year, I'm a second and Terra's a second... But we could still hangout."

"Whatever... I don't care." He replied, folding his arms across his chest. 


After their talk, well, it was mostly Aqua talking and Ventus giving short replies. The bluenette sighed and looked to Terra, 

"It's like... He didn't want me there. Like my presence was Annoying him.." Terra sighed at Aqua's statement.

"He's sad. He has ever right to be."

"That's not it! He looked irritated, he looked mad.."

"Everyone grieves differently." Terra said, ending it there.

•••Little Time Skip•••

Aqua and Terra burst through the door of Ven's room. Aqua vigorously shook Ven awake.

"The hell?!" The blonde yelled in surprise looking up at the pair, "Why did you-"

"{ Y/n } is coming back!" They shouted in union and Ventus gave them a look. 

"Don't li-" He was cut short,

"We're not lying! I got a message from her yesterday and she said she's coming back! She'll be here later today!" Ventus's blue eyes widened a portion before he jumped up and got dressed. 

"Why didn't you-"

"I forgot to check it..."



The three sat and waited for the train to come. Aqua got a call, she had to leave since something turned up. 

"Sorry... Tell her I said 'hey', okay?" She said, running off. Not long after she left, the train pulled up and let off a swarm of people. Among them, a { h/c } girl appeared and immediately spotted the pair, running over. Ventus felt his heart skip a beat. She had grown, in more ways then one.

"Ven! Terra!" She yelled over the noise of the station, As she finally got over. "Long time no see!" Terra nodded,

"Yeah, it's been quite awhile." Terra took one of her bags and Ventus took the other. "I speak for all of us when I say, we missed you." Terra said and began walking from the station. Ventus followed, glaring daggers at Terra, who happened to be stealing every single word out of his mouth.


Aqua couldn't be around for a few days, she had made a horrible mistake on a paper she wrote, it needed to be corrected immediately. { Y/n } said that that would be fine and that she'd just hang out with Ventus and Terra. The blonde male was fine with that, the less people the more attention he got. After a somewhat long discussion on what to do, they decided to go to an arcade for the day.

"I'm gonna get this! I swear!" { Y/n } smiled at him and walked over. She did her best and easily got the stuffed animal. "Awww! It's fluffy!" Terra and Ventus both smiled at the girl for a time. She spun around and smiled, "I don't need another one... Here!" She said, pushing it forward to Terra, "Big guys need fluffy bears!" 

"Ah, thank you.." 

IF hE WaSN't hErE ShE WoULd haVE GiVeN it tO mE....! 

...S...h...E...'..s... M...i...N...E..


They were walking home from the arcade and Terra had gone home. It was just the two of them. { Y/n } wanted to take an old forest path that they used to when they were kids, Ventus happily agreed. Ventus had picked up a metal rod along the trail, using it as if it was a hiking stick.

"Hey, { Y/n }?" 

"Yeah?" She asked, her { e/c } eyes looking up at him. He smiled and looked at her, before holding his breath, his anger still raging."Do you like Terra..?" The girl thought for a moment,

"Yeah. I do." The { h/c } girl smiled to herself, as she walked along. Ventus had stopped, a troubled look on his face. It almost looked scared.

ShE's.. MiNE. 

"Eh? Ven? Are you okay? You look like something's wrong.- It's alright if you're scared of the woods still.. We can go the usual route." She said remembering how he would cower behind her in the woods at night.

F..OR..E..V..E..R.. HE.. WoN'T.. TAkE.. hEr.. A..wa..y. 

"It's not that...~" His frown now twisting up in a rigid and twisted smile, he gripped the rod tightly in his hand. 

"V-Ven..?" She walked closer, "Are you okay..?"

"No~ The question is... Are you scared?!" He said, raising the metal rod above his head and taking a swing at the girl. She responded a little late, causing her to get hit and knocked down by it. "Don't worry too much.. I won't hurt you too bad~ Some of your body will be intact~~" He rose it again, taking another swing down. She barely dodged it and ran away, "Aw~ No fair~ Don't run! The woods are scary at night~!!" The male yelled, running after her.


{ Y/n } ran and ran, there was a bruise forming on her chest where he had hit her. Her legs hurt, they felt like giving in on her, but she still ran. She didn't want to be caught, not by him. 

"Is it.. Safe...?" She asked herself in a mumble, stopping. She peered into the darkness behind her before catching something gleaming. She reacted late, the metal rod was threw at her with a spin and hit her in the chest again.

"Did ya like that~? I learned that in my swordsmanship class. The Sensei told me it wouldn't work, but it seemed to knock you down~" Ventus said, walking out from the darkness.  He picked up the piece of metal, jamming it down on the girl's shoulder. He had a maniacal smile, "I'm going to make it so you can't run. No matter what~ I'll start with your arms and then your legs~ But don't worry~ I'll do everything for you. Isn't that relieving?!" Her { h/c } eyes filled with tears, "It's okay. I'm stronger now.. You can depend on me now."

{ Phew.. Sorry it's so long- I liked the idea and kinda got out of hand... Hope it's alright uwu.. }

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