Hush **on hold**

By danielleb333

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Hush ~Into~
Chapter 1 ~guilt~
Chapter 2 ~ Fury~
Chapter 3 ~Trusting the untruthful~
Chapter 4 ~punished~
Chapter 5 ~Doomed~
Chapter 7 ~ Why Me? ~
Chapter 8 * Do I Know you? *

Chapter 6 ~ the choices we make~

173 5 5
By danielleb333

Her movement so subtle yet as fast was like a shot to my heart as it truly seemed that she feared me.  I had thought that she was ignoring me but as my hand reached out to her shoulder, she jerked away from my touch.

 I stopped mid air confused.  My hand trembled for a moment as I stared at her dark glistening hair that shielded her delicate face. I faltered, letting it go limp to my side as I stared at her, wishing for her to look at me.

 To tell me what was wrong.

 From the sudden emotion she brought forth, I could only think that there was more to her story than she originally foretold.  After yesterdays encounter I couldn’t get her out of my head. After everything really. 

 Meeting her by chance in the hallway with a crowd of spectators as well as her classes to which she succeeded to embarrass Amber Taiton, queen bee of the jocks. 

There’s just something about her that captures me, and reels me in.  Only wanting more and more of her.  I felt terrible after she nearly had been tackled by one of the guys at tryouts.  Hell, she didn’t even know what hit her. 

She seemed so touchy about the whole ordeal I had nearly forgotten why she had even been out there in the first place.  …But then again I had followed her to this old house near the back of the woods.

 …..What was that place?  She had mentioned something about how I shouldn’t be there, but then again, whenever girls say that, they only want you to linger. 

So what did I do? I lingered. I took my time.  A dark figure clouded the porch, as she left me standing yesterday though…she seemed on edge ….again I ask the question; what was that about?  

 I shook my thoughts away as I leaned closer to her, ignoring her frantic protest in escaping me.

“Hey…”  I barely heard my own voice as my hushed words ran upon her pale skin.

My pleading eyes ran over her hooded face, searching for a sign of hope. Anything that would tell me she was okay, or that I didn’t do something to offend her. I could feel the tension rising, her skin cringing away from any physical contact I could manage. 

“-is everything alright Mr. Forbes.?” The teacher hesitated for a moment.


The whole entire class had taken the chance to turn in their seats and look at us.  Ashley ducked under her hood, her hands trembling on the desk. 

 I returned my gaze to the teacher who had her glasses to her nose, her eye brows raised to show her un-approval.

“Yeah, I was just….”

“- Communicating with a freak?” Someone had interrupted me.

I looked around to see who had said it, as the class started to laugh. The teacher had begun to calm the class down again, but the second those words left that persons’ mouth, Ashley’s head jerked up.

Not visible to the class, but enough so that I could see.  I followed her, seeing  Kyle snickering with Luke and Brad on the other side of the room. I could feel my muscles tense, my knuckles turning white from the accumulated pressure I put within each squeeze to calm myself. 

“He’s right Tyler, …and besides you could do better.  Come sit by me, and you can forget you never made contact with that alien.” Ambers voice echoed, silencing everyone’s gossip.

I looked at her for a long moment, then over at Ashley. A single silver droplet had fallen to the desk.  

Was she crying??

**To be continued**

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