Eternally Yours (A Supernatur...

By thatonetallchick00

2.9K 129 36

I don't have much left in life. Not many hunters do. We sacrifice it all for the good of man kind. I would gl... More

Chapter one- New faces
Chapter two- The strange man
Chapter three- Memories
Chapter four- Pervert!
Chapter five- Arguments
Chapter six- Castiel disobeys...
Chapter seven- My brothers a demon
Chapter eight- Angels and demons
Chapter nine- butterfly wings.
Chapter ten- Stories only I know
Chapter eleven- You would make a very attractive fox
Chapter twelve- Constellations.
Chapter fourteen- When it all goes crashing down
Chapter fifteen- Secrets
Chapter sixteen- Family issues
Chapter seventeen- The fox and the butterfly
Chapter Eighteen- saying goodbye and hello
Chapter Nineteen- Drama, Drama, Drama
Chapter Twenty- Dreams VS Reality
Chapter Twenty-One- What could possibly kill you makes you stronger.
Chapter Twenty-Two - Every party needs a pooper.
Chapter Twenty-Three - Me and Him
Chapter twenty- four- Eternally Yours
Authors Note :)

Chapter thirteen- Big hips suck

110 4 2
By thatonetallchick00

I woke up to a painful headache, a sore throat, and a stuffed up nose. At first, I didn't want to move. But after a few minutes, I opened up my eyes. Light streamed in through the single window near the ceiling. It was bright and made my head hurt more. I closed my eyes again and pulled my blankets up over my head. 

After about five minutes of shivering under ten tons of blankets- I pushed them back off and swung my legs over the side of my bed. Slowly, I shuffled out of my room into the library of the bunker. Dean and Bobby were both sitting at the table, looking through old books and files. 

"Got a hunt?" My voice came out scratchy and dry, and it cracked when I said hunt. 

"Oh hey, TJ." Dean said with a small smile. "How do you feel?" I folded my arms over my chest uncomfortably. 

"Like crap." I croaked, Followed by three sneezes. 

"You want something to eat?" Bobby asked. 

"No." I said sitting down at the table and sniffing. "I'm not hungry." 

"You want some coffee?" Dean asked nodding towards a mug he had in front of him. I nodded. He stood up and walked out of the room to retrieve my drink. 

"What time is it?" I asked, coughing a bit. 

"Four o'clock." 

"Seriously?" I asked, rubbing my head. He nodded. "Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I asked. 

"Taylor- your sick." Bobby said looking at me confused. 

"So- I can still help you guys." I said gesturing to the books and papers. 

"No-" Dean said walking back into the room with a mug in his hand. "No you can't." He placed the coffee in front of me. 

"Thanks." I said quietly, picking it up in both my hands and holding it under my nose. The warm steam felt nice against my face. I took a long drink, and sighed as the warm liquid made its way down my sore throat. "Wheres Sam?" I asked looking around, realizing the book worm wasn't in the library for once. 

"Sleeping." Dean said, closing a file. "He's just as sick as you." 

"Oh." I said. "What about Cas?" I asked thinking about last night. Dean shifted uncomfortably. 

"He- He's getting information on the case." Dean said. 

"Yeah okay-" I said looking at him strange. Why was he acting weird? "Well," I started, standing up. "if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go be sick while exploring the deeps of the internet." I turned and slowly made my way back to my room. I heard a soft tapping on my door, shortly after I had shut it. "Come in." I said as loud as my crackly voice could muster. 

To my surprise, Dean pushed open the door. 

"Hey, Can we talk?" He asked. I nodded, and he stepped in, shutting the door behind him. I scotched over to make room for him next to me on the end of my bed. He sat down, and didn't say anything. He just looked really conflicted about something.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, getting slightly worried. "Is it Cas?" I asked, my eyes growing wide. "Is- Is something wrong? Is he O-" 

"He's fine, TJ." Dean said, making me relax a bit. 

"Then what do you want to talk about?" I asked, rubbing my head to make my headache go away.

"Well, about Cas actually..." He said slowly. CRAP HE KNOWS- HE SO KNOWS!  I decided to play it cool and figure out what this was about before I completely gave everything away.

"What about him?" I asked 'smoothly' (In case your wondering- when I say 'smoothly' I actually mean it sounded panicked and it didn't help that my voice cracked when I said him.). Dean sighed and looked up at me.

"Here's the thing about angels, TJ. They don't, how should I put this- They don't feel anything." He said. Now I was confused.

"What's this about?" I asked skeptically. He ran a hand through his hair.

"I know you have a crush on Castiel." He said quickly. I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing. "But angels can't love- they just can't."

Pause the story for a moment- do you remember earlier on when I said I sucked at acting? Yea- well I really had no choice at this point in time but to act, So I take that back. I'm a great actor. Some one get me a Grammy- I deserve one more then Leonardo Dicaprio. (Okay maybe I wasn't that good but- Oh just see for yourself.)

"What?" I asked, purposely making my voice crack. I looked at him pretending to be confused. "But-"

"No- TJ, I know this sucks but It's the truth." He said placing an awkward hand on my shoulder. I sniffed a couple times, before letting out a loud sob and covering my face in my hands.

"This always happens!" I cried. "Always!"

"TJ- I- I didn't mean to make you cry, I just-" He stuttered.

"It's okay-" I sniffed, wiping away the fake tears I had managed to squeeze out. "It's not the end of the world." I bit my lip to make it look as if I was holding in tears- and technically I was. Tears of laughter!

"I'm sorry- I- I shouldn't have told you while you were sick." He stuttered. I nodded.

"I had to know sooner or later." I sniffed. "If you don't mind-" I started nodding towards the door. "I would like to be alone for a minute." He nodded and left.

As soon as the door shut, I burst out laughing and flopped back on to my bed. My head started to throb once more- making me stop laughing. I moaned and rolled on to my side. Being sick sucks.

After a while of being lazy in my room, I made my way down stairs to see Ryan. I hadn't talked to him in about three days. (And the best sister award goes to-)

When I opened up the dungeon door, I didn't like what I saw. Ryan was huddled in a small ball on the floor. He had one thin blanket on top of him that he had sweat through and he was shaking under it. The room smelt a lot like vomit. He heard the doors up and slowly lifted his head. His face was as white as white could be, his eyes blood shot, and his lips purple.

"Your sick?" He said, slowly sitting up. I rushed over to him, stepping into the devils trap. I helped him sit up and leaned him against the wall.

"Compared to you? No- I'm not." I said quietly. "Let me go get you a new blanket."

"No-" he said shaking his head. "No it's okay, Sam brought this one down ten minutes ago." I looked down at the wet blanket."

"Gosh Ryan, what is wrong with you?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

"The blood." He muttered. "Told you it sucked." I reached my hand up and wiped some of his long brown hair out of his eyes. He looked up at me, his eyes flicking black for a few moments before they flicked back to normal.

"Wait- Ryan do that again-" I said, my voice sounding scratchier then before. He did as I asked. His eyes were black, but not as black as normal. They were more of a dark, grey. "Your eyes-"

"I know." He said. "It means it's working." He started coughing, loudly and hard. He leaned over onto his hands and knees and coughed, dark blood splattering on the floor beneath him. I placed a hand on his back.

"How much longer do you have to do this?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Not much longer." He said sitting back against the wall. A small trickle of blood rolled down his chin. I examined his face, then leaned in and hugged him tightly.


Cas didn't come back that night. Dean said he wasn't worried, But I could tell he was thinking otherwise. I decided to go talk to Sam- since he was really the only one I could talk to this stuff about.

I knocked on his door softly. It was about seven o'clock. The door opened and Sam stood before me. 

"Hey." Was all I said. He was in his pajamas (Just as I was) and his hair was slightly tousled. He had bags under his eyes and his face looked slightly pale. 

"Bobby told me you were sick to." He said with a small smile, stepping out of the way and letting me into his room. His voice sounded horse and tired. 

"Yes sir." I replied, sitting down on his bed. He sat down next to me. 

"Whats up?" He asked, looking down at me.

"I'm worried about Cas." I said with a frown. "He left this morning to go investigate the case and we haven't heard from him all day."

"What time did he leave?" He asked. 

"Bobby said eight." 

"Weird." Sam said frowning. "It's not like Cas to take that long just to investigate one case." 

"My point exactly." I said crossing my arms over my chest. 

"If he doesn't come back tonight- we can go looking." Sam said with a firm nod. 

"But Bobby and Dean wont let us out of their sight." I moaned frowning up at Sam. 

"We can figure out a way." Sam said smiling a bit. 

"Ohhhh! Are we going to be bad?" I whispered excitedly. 

"If that's what it takes." Sam said with a shrug and a small laugh. I clapped my hands together. 

"Yay!" I jumped up and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Sam." 


I pulled on my tan jacket and grabbed my black wedges from my closet. I didn't put them on because heels make a lot of noise when you walk and since I was trying to sneak out- Noise was something I wanted to avoid. Both Sam and I were still sick, so we had loaded up on cold medicine a few hours ago. I was so tired but I had to ignore that- this was about Cas. I quickly and quietly sneaked down the hallway (Hard to do in a tight black dress) with my bag, and out of the door. Sam was waiting in the impala. he hadn't turned it on yet in case the noise woke Bobby or Dean up, we would need to drive away quickly. I slid into the seat next to him and slowly closed the door. He was in his suit and tie. His hair was neatly groomed. 

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded. He started the impala, and quickly pulled away from the bunker. It was four AM and we had a very long drive. If all went well, we should get to Illinois (where the case was) by two o'clock PM. 

I flipped open my makeup mirror and started to draw on my eye liner. 

"What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"Become presentable." I murmured. Once I finished my eyes, I covered up several small patches of acne (Yes- adults get frickin pimples too) and put on some red lipstick. Then I threw my black hair into a fishtail braid that fell over my shoulder. Once I finished, my head had started to hurt again. "Did you bring the cold medicine?" I asked rubbing my temples. 

"Yeah it's in the back." Sam said. I unbuckled my seat and started to crawl into the back of the impala, careful not to flash Sam because of my dress. 

Suddenly, I heard the honk of a car horn, and Sam swerved the car to the right, then slammed on the brakes.

When he swerved, I was thrown over the front seat, onto the back seat- then when he slammed on the brakes, it caused me to roll off of the back seat and on to the floor of the impala. I laid there stunned on the floor, staring at the ceiling. 

Sam peeked his head over the front seat and looked down at me. He looked worried. 

"Damn!" He shouted. "Are you okay?" I blinked a couple times before sitting up. 

"You are a terrible driver- You know that?" I said looking at him. He looked at me then started to laugh. 

"Sorry." He said. I tried to get off of the ground, but I was stuck. I may be a very tiny person but I have large hips for my size. They get annoying-  like really annoying. 

"Damn." I muttered under my breath. Sam started laughing harder. 

"Are you stuck?" He asked laughing loudly.

"Shut up." I snapped. I forced myself off of the ground, it took an effort but I managed. I climbed out of the back of the impala, not forgetting the medicine, and sat back down in the front- slamming the door. 

"You sure your okay?" Sam asked smiling at me. I looked over at him folding my arms. 

"Drive idiot." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Okay, Okay." He chuckled. 

"Oh and Sam?" I said turning to him. 


"If you ever tell anyone about this I will personally gut you like a fish." 

"Well then." he chuckled. 

Hi guys! there is so much more I would have liked to add to this chapter but It was getting pretty long. So I cut it short. Just so you know- I'm planing on making the next chapter really eventful and having stuff go DOWN! Like literally...... (Hint, hint, wink, wink)  

It will all make sense soon my friends. 

If you have any guesses on whats going to happen, please comment! I would love to hear!

Thanks guys!


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