The Cinderella Contract

By SashaKadley

67.5K 3.1K 407

"I have a proposition," He began. I gestured with my hand for him to continue. "You will sneak into the princ... More

Extended Description
Chapter 1: The step-family
Chapter 2: Locked in a Library
Chapter 3: Trouble at the Supermarket
Chapter 4 : The Past
Chapter 5: Jerk in Disguise
Chapter 6: A Customer With No Manners
Chapter 7: Return of Prince Jerkface
Chapter 8: Always Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 9: A Suprising Offer
Chapter 10: Backstabbing Snitches
Chapter 11: Three Strikes
Chapter 13: Eavesdropping

Chapter 12: The Cinderella Contract

4K 208 16
By SashaKadley

Chapter 12: The Cinderella Contract

Well, today kept getting better and better.

When I had looked up, I knew straight away that it was Wes. But something was different. He wasn't smirking like I had thought he would be. No, he had a straight, blank expression, his blue eyes shining. I blinked, trying to comprehend his words.

"What do you want?" I muttered bitterly.

He stared at me for a second. "I told you you'd regret not taking my offer."

I glared at him. "What did you do?"

Wes shrugged innocently. "I did absolutely nothing-but warn you, of course."

"If you just came here to say 'I told you so' then you should just leave. I get it. You win. I regret my disicion. Now, go away." I murmured. Wes shook his head.

"I came for a different reason." He stated. "But in hindsight, I did tell you so."

My eyes narrowed to slits. "Shut up and beat it. I am not in the mood for this crap right now." I snapped defensively. A faint smile pulled at the tips of his lips.

"Fine. Too far." He agreed. "Look, my offer still stands. You could still get away from the life you have now. You'll have another chance to work."

How does he know about my life?

Oh, right. He had my phone.

I lifted my chin. "I don't need your stupid pawn shop. I can find a different job."

Wes looked at me skeptically. "Really? I don't think you could."

"What are you talking about?"

He smirked at me. "Well...You know, I'm sure your aunt wouldn't be very happy if she knew what you were up to, now would she?"

My eyes widened. "You wouldn't!"

"Oh, you know I would." He said, his expression turning serious. "Storm, I don't want to manipulate you. Please, at least let my boss explain what we are all about."

I sighed. Did I really have another choice? I mean, maybe working at a pawn shop could be fun. I bit my lip deep in concentration. Maybe...

I glanced back at Wes and shut my eyes before slowly opening them.

"I'll go."


I was happy to know that we didn't have to get into a car. That definitely would not sit well with me.

No pun intended.

Instead, we walked. For quite a while, I might add.

It had been pretty cool outside when I left the house, so I brought a jacket to Cal's. It had dropped a few degrees, so I was glad that I had brought it. I shoved my ice-cold hands into the pockets. Wes walked beside me in just a short sleeved black shirt that hugged his chest and black jeans to match. I kept myself three feet away from him.

I might have agreed to go with him, but I so did not trust him.

At all.

He confused me. I can't figure out why he wanted me-and only me-for this job. I knew nothing about him, besides the fact that he's a grade A as-

You know what, let's just say he's a jerk.

Kind of like that stupid prince Ace. But not quite as bad. Nor does he seem to be as scary. Well, actually that's a lie. He's just as scary. Maybe more so, especially when he gets too serious. It's a bit intimidating.

All the more reason to stay exactly three feet from him on the sidewalk.

We both stayed silent, whether it was because we didn't want to talk or we had nothing to say. I glanced at the surroundings, though it was just a bunch of shops and restaurants. I did my best to play it cool.

Instead I almost fell.

For the third time.

Yep. Totally cool Storm.

And cue sarcastic conscience.

Rolling my eyes at my own stupidity and clumsiness, I cleared my thoughts, focusing where I was going by staring at the ground. I hadn't realized Wes had stopped until I felt his arm on my stomach, halting me from walking into a building.

Great work, Storm. You did it again.

I looked up and saw the words 'Pawnshop' in light-up block letters. It was a large building was painted white, though it looked old, the paint faded and cracked. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see what was inside.

Wes didn't look at me, he just stared at the shop. "Here's our stop." He said casually. I took in his solid expression and looked back over at the glass doors. A hand stuck out and grabbed one of the handles and pulled it open. Wes put his hand out and ushered me into the building. I took one last uneasy glance at the old building before taking a step inside.

The first thing I noticed was how warm it was inside. The second thing I noticed was how dark it was. Suddenly, a light was switched on and the room lit up.

The place was huge, shelves were everywhere filled with trinkets and treasures of all kinds. It was a lot to take in. It wasn't messy, in fact, everything seemed to have its own specific place among the masses of oddities. My eyes zeroed in on a collection of animals made of colored glass. Each one was unique and beautiful, shining in the pale light of the shop.

My gaze traveled all around the shop, observing every detail. I had never been to a place like this, so it was different.

But a...good kind of different.

I was interrupted by Wes, who coughed into his hand to get my attention. My focus snapped to where he was standing. He was next to a large gray metal door with a sign that had the words 'Staff Only' printed in bold ink. A keypad was on the handle.

It reminded me of the library and I suddenly just wanted to curl up with a good book.

But then again, I would have to face Terri.

Clearing my thoughts I looked at Wes expectantly. He motioned for me to follow him as he opened the heavy gray door and held it open for me to go through. I stopped when I had almost went in.

"Am I allowed in there?" I wondered aloud.

Wes rolled his eyes. "It is where the boss is. So I would say yes."

I made a face at his obvious sarcasm and headed through the doorway. It was a large, brightly lit hallway that had doors lined up all the way to a big brown door at the end. It had words printed on the wood, but I couldn't read it. People were walking in and out of the doors with papers and boxes in their hands.

I felt the heat of Wes from behind me. "By the way, don't mention any of this to anyone."

I just nodded, not really paying attention. Wes passed me and strode to the end of the hallway. I walked behind him. He entered something on another keypad before turning to me. "This is where my boss is. Do not say anything stupid."

I shot him an annoyed glared. "I don't always say dumb stuff." I protested.

His eyebrows rose. "Really? I guess I'll take your word for it." He replied, entering the room. I caught the handle just before the door closed but paused. This was it. Now, there was no turning back.

The first thing I saw in the room was a man right next to the door on my right side. I noticed a gun in his belt, giving me the impression that he was some sort of guard.

Because that's not scary at all.

I moved further into the room and saw a person sitting in a large chair speaking to Wes. I quietly closed the door behind me, trying not to draw attention to myself, but unfortunately that plan failed, because the guy sitting in the chair turned to me.

"Hello, Storm." he greeted. I suddenly felt shy for some reason.

"Um, hi?" I said. Maybe Wes was right, I do say stupid crap.

The man in the chair smiled, crinkles appearing around his eyes. He didn't seem as old I thought. Maybe in his thirties. He had black hair that was combed back and a completely shaven face.

"You're probably wondering why you're here." he guessed. "I should introduce myself, first. My name is Will."

I stayed quiet.

Will nodded at the chair in front of his desk. "Please, take a seat." He offered.

I cautiously trudged toward the black felt chair. Dropping down onto it, I folded my arms. "So, can we move on to the subject of why I am here?" I spoke up.

Will looked away from Wes and sighed. "Yes. Of course. I am going to tell you something that you cannot share with anyone. Family or not."

My eyes narrowed. "How do you know I won't say anything?"

I heard rustling behind me and froze. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the guard had put his hand on his gun in his belt.

Well, that's just dandy.

Will shrugged. "Honestly, who would believe you?"

I glared at him. "Touché." I muttered.

"Anyways, you must have gathered by now that this is no ordinary pawn shop."

I slowly nodded, though I had no clue what he meant.

"This happens to be the headquarters for a group of detectives. And treasure hunters." Will continued. "The reason I have requested you to come is..." he glanced at Wes, who immediately took over.

"You know about the ball that is being held in a couple weeks, right?"

"Pretty sure everyone in this whole country knows, but please, continue." I commented.

Wes rolled his eyes. "We need someone to help us get a...sort of relic from the royal museum that is located in the same building as the ball will be held in."

I stared at him. "You want me to take-no-steal something from the royal family?" I sat, dumbstruck. "Are you insane?"

Wes sighed heavily, like I was causing him stress. "We have a valid reason."

"And what could possibly make theft okay?" I said confusedly.

The brunette boy shared a secretive glance with Will, who grimaced. Dragging a hand down his face, he answered. "That information is classified, but I can say that we aren't the bad guys."

I threw him a blank stare. "Isn't that what the villains always say?"

Will, who had been sitting back and watching us finally stepped into the conversation. "I have a proposition," He began. I sat back in my chair and gestured with my hand for him to continue.

Might as well hear what he had to say, even if it was completely bonkers.

"You will sneak into the prince's ball to retrieve the diamond slipper-"

"Why a slipper?" I said, interrupting his speech. Will glared at me. I held my hands up in surrender and let him finish.

He cleared his throat. "That is for us to know and you to not find out." He stated simply. "Anyways, we will fix you up like a princess so you can meet the prince, seeing as it is a costume ball. After you dance with him, which is required for all girls who attend the ball, we will cause a distraction. At that time, you are going to follow our directions and obtain the slipper."

I leaned back on my chair. I couldn't believe I was even considering this offer. "What's in it for me?"

He threw me a sly look. "You will be granted ten thousand dollars for your services."

I took a moment to think about it. After a minute of silence, Will pushed a paper packet forwards.

"So what do you say, Storm? Want to become Cinderella for a day?"



Well wadda ya know. The chapter finally came.

This is where The Cinderella Contact finally kicks into gear.

Apologies for the cliff hanger xP

Thoughts on the chapter?

Pretty crazy offer, huh?

Whelp, stay tuned for the next chapter!

Hope ya enjoyed!


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