The Other Original

By ysafhilit

58.5K 1.2K 63

What if Klaus had another sister other then Rebekah; She was the youngest of the 2. She idolized Klaus; She w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapyer 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

2.7K 63 10
By ysafhilit

Chapter 11

Jeremy's POV

After meeting Esther I took Mel to the Grill. This town being so small leads to there only being one place to take someone on a date which is sadly the Grill.

"Hey Mel, sorry that we have to go to the Grill for our first date but it's the only place to really go." I tell her sheepishly.

"That's ok Jer, as long as I'm with you I'm good." She tells me.

I lead her into the Grill by her hand.

Esther's POV

Once Melanie and Jeremy leave I start getting ready for the spell I'm about to preform.

There's a knock on the door but I'm too busy with setting up so I wave my hand to let my magic open the door for me. Elena walks in.

"Esther why am I here?" Elena asks.

"I have learned some interesting things today. My children have found their soulmates. If I want this spell to work I need to add the soulmates into the spell. It will be easier to kill them all if we can link them and then kill one soulmate."

"Why can't we leave the soulmates out?" Elena foolishly asks.

"I don't think you understand. A soulmate is someone who is perfectly matched with another. Both my daughters and one of my sons have found theirs. I understand the bond of the soulmate, if either of the two die or leave the other will become so sad a ms depressed they will die as well. It is better for everyone if they were all linked as one and died as one. At least they will be together forever. I also realize that my other children may find their soulmates after I link them so I will add an extra spell that will link them after they have locked eyes." I explain.

"Ok I'll do it." Elena states.

"There's a twist, my families soulmates are your friends. They will die as well." I tell her.

"Who?" She asks.

"Rebekah's soulmate is your friend Matt, Niklaus' soulmate is your friend Caroline and Melanie's soulmate is who I believe to be your brother, Jeremy."

"Jeremy?" She asks.


"Wait that's why he got mad at me when I told him he couldn't see Melanie?" She asks very rudely may I add. I'm 1000 years old and I don't even talk about my family this way, I'm also killing them.

"Yes so I will give you 5 minuets to make up your mind if you want to continue with this spell or do it the first way?"

I'm about to leave the room to give her space when Elena calls out "Wait, I'll do it."

*Kol's POV*

Everyone at home is boring. Mother is doing some weird witchy thing, Mel is on her date, Nik is trying to get Caroline to give him a chance, Rebkah is with Matt and Finn is being Finn. So I have decided to go to the Grill to give me something to do. Maybe get a meal.

As I walk through the door I see Caroline and Nik talking with Nik hanging off of her every word. You can just tell that their soulmates. I like the whole soulmate idea but I haven't told anyone this, I don't tell people deep stuff unless it's Mel because she understands me. No one else does, except I guess my soul mate.

The thing about the soulmate stuff, I believe I don't have one. Everything is so messed up in my world I probably don't have a that special someone. With the luck I have their probably dead.

As I walk into the bar I feel this weird pull, I look around the bar until I spot the thing pulling me towards them. It was a girl, her back is to me so I can't see who se is. Even from the back she is gorgeous. She's talking to Caroline maybe she's friends with her.

As I go to talk to her she turns around and I look into her eyes. Realizing that whoever this girl is, she is my soulmate.

*Bonnie's POV*

Caroline called me to the bar saying she had something big to tell me and I also have to tell her what Elena did.When I get there Caroline is sitting at a booth talking to Klaus.

I go up to her. "Caroline, what the hell?"

She looks at me surprised and Klaus leaves. "Hey Bonnie."

"Caroline what are you doing talking to him?"

"Bonnie this is what I need to tell you. But you can't tell anyone else."

"What?" I ask confused.

"Before I tell you, you have to promise me you won't freak out and go tell Elena." Caroline almost begged.

"Ok I won't." I promise her.

"Last night when I got to the ball I felt this weird pull so I looked around to see what it was and i turned around and saw Klaus.

*Caroline's POV at the ball*

When I looked into Klaus' eyes this weird pain filled my stomach. By the time it spread everywhere Klaus had picked me up and brought me into this room filled with lots of art. He set me on the couch and started stroking my hair and telling me everything would be ok. At this point I was very weirded out but at the same time Klaus doing this was comforting. By the time the pain stopped I felt very strong and powerful but also drained at the same time. I've felt this way before I just can't remember when.

"Caroline, sweetheart are you ok?" Klaus asks me.

"What? Klaus what's going on? What's happening?" I ask him very confused.

"Caroline sweetheart, you just need to take a breath and I will explain everthing to you. I promise." He tells me sincerely.

So I take a deep breath and ask him to tell me what's going on.

"Caroline in my family there was a myth that none of us believed till a few days ago when it becae true. This myth said that the original witch, my mom the one who made me and my family vampires made us all soul mates. It's said that the youngest would find theirs first and then after that all the others would find theirs. We can't find ours without the youngest finding hers first though. But the twist to it was for the youngest to find theirs, they would be dead and their soul mate would be able to see them. My sister Melanie found her soulmate in Jeremy Gilbert. I believe what happened right now is a product of you becoming my soulmate. That pain that you just felt is you turning into an original vampire." Now the pain made sense. It's why it felt like I've felt t before, because I did when I turned into a vampire the first time.

"But you can't be my soulmate. Your Klaus, the evil hybrid. You can't love someone like me. Your not my soulmate your just trying to play some trick on me or something No you can't be." I say trying to convince myself that it's true.

Out of nowhere Kluas just runs out of the room and that's the final straw that makes the dams overflow. By now I'm bawling so hard I can barley hear Melanie come in. When she ds come in she gives a good talking that makes me realize how I should give Klaus a chance and how he could be an amazing soulmate. But it also makes me realize how much of a bitch I was to him.

"But now Klaus is going to hate me. He's not going to want me. I look horrible, he sent you in because he didn't even want to deal with me himself. He hates me, he deserves a much better soulmate." She even realizes how pathetic I am because she doesn't even respond.

I'm about to burst into tears again but Klaus comes barging through the doors with such a scary face on. "Caroline Forbs, don't you ever say those things about me not wanting you. I will always want you. I have wanted you before I even knew you were my soulmate that's how amazing you are. I have loved you since I have first talked to you." By now he's moved in front of me and is holding my hands. "Caroline, I knew from the moment I met you that you would change me for the better. You have done so much for me and I just want to repay that and if repaying that for you is for me to leave then I will leave if you want me too. But know that I do love you and i's not because of this soulmate bound that is making me love you. I have loved you since the night I saved you on your birthday." By the end of this his voice has gotten much softer.

Instead of replying I quickly rush to hug him. After him and Melanie talking I realize how much I need to stop judging people before I get to know them.

I pull away and tell him "Klaus, I don't want you to leave me alone. I want you to be here. I want to try to make this work. But we need to do this slow because don't think I'll be able to stand it if I fall in love with you and then you up and leave me. I can't have my heart broken again. I don't think I'll be able to stand it if my heart gets broken again." A tear falls down my cheek after telling him.

Klaus gently wipes my tear away and tells me "I'd never leave you." as if it's the most simple thing in the world. He leans in and gives me a quick little peck on the lips that makes me laugh. "There's that smile that I know and love."

I look around and see that Melanie left. I wonder when she left.

*Bonnie's POV Present*

After Caroline tells me this I realize that Klaus does care for her. I couldn't judge her for this. But then I realize what I still have to tell her. Before I can I feel this strange tug and I turn around and am faced with the most handsome man I've ever seen. Then I realize he's an original.

Oh shit.

*Kol's POV*

Oh shit.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I've just had a really busy summer. I have decide I am going to try to update every other Thursday.

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