The Hybrid

By grace232425

157K 5.3K 437

Bailey Wild has been running most of her life. She has been trying to find a place where she will be accepted... More

~chapter 1~
~chapter 2~
~chapter 3~
~chapter 4~
-chapter 6-
-chapter 7-
-chapter 8-
-chapter 9-
-chapter 10-
-chapter 11-
-chapter 12-
-chapter 13-
-chapter 14-
-chapter 15-
-chapter 16-
-chapter 17-
-chapter 18-
-chapter 19-
-chapter 20-
-chapter 21-

-chapter 5-

7.3K 253 8
By grace232425

Jason's p.o.v.

I watched as Ashley left the bar and I almost went after her before Mark stopped me.

"She's not worth it." He said and I looked at him confused.

"Dude you don't want to show him. It's not worth it." Ethan said getting up from the couch. 

"What do you mean? What do you have to show me?" I asked, totally and utterly confused about what they are talking about.

"Fine but if you or her don't tell him then I will show him." Mark said and walked out. 

I watched him leave and I looked back at my friend and he looked guilty and then he went to an emotionless face and looked at me.

"What was he talking about?" I asked getting a little angry. 

"Nothing." He said and walked out. 

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Obviously he had tell me something and it was something he probably regretted or not. I don't know. And what did Mark mean when he said 'I will show him'? What is going on?

I stopped playing pool and put the cue up and walked out. I was walking home when I felt like someone was watching me. 

I turned around to see that no one was there. I shrugged it off and kept walking. I got to my house and saw that my step-dad's car was there.

That's weird he usually isn't home by now.

Oh shit I forgot my car at the bar.

If someone sees it they might get the wrong impression. I told myself that it is okay and then walked into my house.

The first thing I noticed was that my mom didn't greet me. 

"Mom?" I called through the house but no one answered.

"Eric?" I called. Eric is my step-dad who my mom married 3 years after my dad died when I was ten. I don't like Eric so I never called him my dad. 

I walked into the living room and saw the most disturbing sight.

Eric's hands caressing the breasts of a blonde that definitely wasn't my mom since she was a brunette.

"What the fuck is this?" I growl out. My voice is deeper and I can feel my wolf trying to take control.

"Shit." Eric mutters and gets away from the blonde and I glare daggers at him.

The blonde quickly puts her clothes on and then does the stupidest thing,

"See you at work tomorrow." Winks at Eric and then leaves.


"How long?" I ask while still trying to get my wolf under control. Eric knows that me and my mom are werewolves and also knows not to get us ticked off.

"A year." When he said that I saw red and I felt my wolf, Marcus, take over.

Marcus' p.o.v

"What the fuck is your problem?" I ask the piece of shit that I have trapped by the throat on the wall.

"I have been seeing her for a year." He says and he doesn't even seem guilty about it.

"Don't you feel at least a little guilty for what you have done? All these years committed to my mom and it is all washed away because of what?" I demand.

"Your mom and me have been having some problems lately.."

"So you go fuck another chick?" I growl at him. He flinches and that gives me satisfaction.

"Well you see.." He starts.

"What?"I growl.

"Your mom doesn't want you to know this but she filed for divorce about a month ago and we still have to get the papers ready." He says leaning more into the wall like I am going to attack him any minute.

I slowly feel Jason gaining control.

Jason's p.o.v


I slowly let my hands down from Eric's neck and then slump onto the couch.

"When were you going to tell me?" I ask looking up at him. He doesn't even seem bothered by the fact that he is divorcing his wife, my mom.

Oh my gosh. How is my mom getting through this?

"We were going to tell you as soon as the papers were finalized which was going to be in the next week."

"Does she know about all the affairs?"

"No and she doesn't need to." He says glaring at me trying to be intimidating. He might be a few more inches taller than me but he is lanky and barely has any muscle on him. 

I glare back at him."Well I should tell her because it doesn't matter now since y'all are getting a divorce."


"Yes she does she deserves that at least." I say and go to the door."If you don't tell her than I will." I sat turning back and looking at him.

"Please don't. I don't want to break her heart more." He says and looks at the ground finally looking guilty.

"To bad because you have a week before I tell her myself." I say and then walk out the house slamming the door.


I was walking towards the bar when I felt the same feeling I had before. Like someone was watching me. 

I looked around but no one was there. I shrugged it off and kept going.

Then a felt a needle go into my neck and something injected into me. 


"The hell?" I said before I feel to the ground.

"Night Night little wolf." Said a voice before I went into darkness.


Author's note

Well as you can see I am updating more often and that is because I FINALLY  got my computer to work so I can update faster.

About the whole divorce thing I don't know how it long it actually takes to file for divorce but what I have is probably not accurate so please don't leave comments and be like"OMG that is so wrong why are you so stupid?" like really no one wants to here those kinds of things.

Anyway next week is Thanksgiving. 

Wow this year is going by quickly. 

Just to think I started this book so many months ago and it feels like forever. 

Anyway who do you want to play the people in this story leave suggestions and I probably will mostly likely look at them.


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