
By JulianneBrittingham

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*PEASE DO NOT STEAL THIS STORY* What happens when Rebecca, a dancer, gets hired as Harry's fake girlfriend b... More

Simon's Office
Meeting the "boyfriend"
Late late late
Hey ho the band
Freedom isn't that easy with the "boyfriend"
Family I do's
Speechless words
immature ways
Teenage girl problems
Da-Da-Da Date
Calls from overseas
Sorry not sorry
Shocked emotions
Sir yes sir Louis Tomlinson sir
Amusement at it's slightest
Feel the pain yet cupcake?
Runnin' isn't the answer
There's hope after all
Agree to disagree
Secrets meant to tell, but never told
It isn't that obvious, right?
Out of control emotions
Can't do this on my own
If you let them, things do change, maybe even feelings.
Convincing me or yourself?
The hiccup remedy
Doors should open themselves
dance, awkward moments, and butterfiles.
We are family.
Dreams come true for five, but not for six
One way or another
Falling apart (part 1)
Falling apart (Part 2)
Let it out
Oh how cliché
I don't like you at all
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands *silence*
Dance is a no go..
Suspicious pushes
It's at the tip of my tongue
Sometimes early isn't for the best..
He's the parachute that I need
Anything can happen
Become what we've always known
The truth behind her eyes
Twice the alarm rings
Simon debacle
Birthday girl
Alarmed and loved
Comic Relief, or not..
Rise and shine baby
Nice gents who apologise
the grass isn't always greener on the other side
Danger zone
The Brits is a good thing
Ready or not
It's about time
Newbies are a coming

Two year olds at their best

864 24 0
By JulianneBrittingham

[Rebecca's POV]

"So.. you two just got in a fight?" Eleanor asked as we sat at outside.

We were at a small little cafe' eating lunch on my lunch break. Danielle had called her up telling her there was something up with me and she didn't know what. She was right, when I got into Danielle's car this morning I didn't talk. I was just lost in my mind. I haven't seen Harry since the fight last night. We needed to talk, but I don't want to at the moment. I just..

"Yeah," I nodded. "it was over something so small too, but we both blew it up to something huge."

"Well, hun. He accused you of cheating." She shrugged then taking a bite out of her burger.

"I know, but why would he do that? I mean, hasn't he known me long enough to know that I would never do that?" I asked hurt looking down at the food I haven't touched.

Eleanor sighed. "Eat up. You have at least five more hours of practice left. We don't need you fainting."

"I'm not hungry." I said pushing my plate away. "I'll eat after practice."

"If this has anything to do about the fight, drop it and eat." She said pushing my plate back.

"It's not El, I just really am not hungry." I said looking at her seriously.

She sighed again and went back to eating. We sat in silence as I began thinking about the fight once more. We were both at fault. I had a stressful day, and clearly Harry did as well. I mean, he nearly snapped my head off last night. I wonder what has gotten him so tense lately? Like, I don't understand it. He was fine before he went to go be with his family, but after he came back, things started to change. I honestly just want to know what the hell is up. I don't want to be like this before he goes on tour. I want to be happy with the last month we've got left. I mean, we'll be away from each other for eight months..

"Becca!" Eleanor snapped her fingers in front of me trying to get my attention.

"Huh?" I asked blinking back into reality.

"Do you think he'll apologize tonight?" She asked.

I sat up picking up a cold fry. "I don't even want to talk about it anymore." I said effortlessly putting the fry into my mouth.

She nodded knowingly. "Call me tonight if you need anyone to talk too?"

I smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, El."

"No problem, sweetie." She smiled sweetly.

It's always good to have a a friend who is three years older than you. She's like the big sister I never had.

[Harry's POV]

"Lighten up, mate." Zayn said slapping me on the back.

I was clearly not in the mood for anything. No joking around; no good times. I just wanted to get this over with, so I could go home.

"Not in the mood, Zayn." I cursed.

He widened his eyes, but that soon turned into him rolling his eyes as he walked away. I've been an arse today and I really don't care. I just hadn't really gotten the best sleep last night knowing we got into a fight over something so stupid. I was still angry at how everything came to be last night. I was curious to know why my girlfriend was an hour later than what her friend had told me. I might not have thought she was cheating at first, but once she brought it up, I lost it. I thought she was hiding something, but wasn't completely sure if I was right, or not. This is until she blew up in my face. Once everything was said last night, I fell into a dark place if you will even want to call it that. I just started thinking of every possible reason as to why the fight even happened. She was stressed; I was stressed. She was late; I was left wondering. She was practicing to be perfect; I was sitting on the couch getting pampered. You know what I hate? I hate that she has to be perfect at dancing. I just hate it. It stresses her out, so it causes me to stress out. I told her straight to her face that she was already amazing, but one little insult she thinks she's the worst dancer.

Will I ever tell her that?


I'm not that stupid.

So now, i'm in a pissy mood and the lads just can't get that through their damn heads.

"Let's do I would again. This time try doing the second choreography I taught you. I want to see the picture it makes." Kathy said squinting her eyes trying to see the picture that hasn't even been made yet.

The music started and we did as told. None of the others goofed off either; it was just business. Sure, that didn't make it much fun, but i'm not really in the mood for fun at the moment.

At the end of the song, Liam, Niall, and I were at the top of the platform while Zayn, and Louis were at the bottom of the stairs. Louis on the left; Zayn on the right. Well, if you picture it at my point of view, which is at the top left hand side of the platform.

"Ooohhhh." Kathy squealed of happiness. "This is perfect. We're keeping this!"

We all nodded and Liam, Niall, and I walked down the stairs. Louis stopped me before I reached the bottom. "Break, you and I are having a little talk." then he walked to Kathy who was telling everyone what to do next.

I didn't even get time to answer him back, but I should have known. It's Louis' way, or no way.

Bringing myself together, I walked over to Kathy to receive my next job. This time we were going to run Little Things with the platform moving. This should be good. We all ran up to the platform and got into the spots Kathy wanted us in. As the music started, Zayn began singing. Like in the middle of the song, that's when the platform moved. It was a bit weird at first, but we all got the hang of it. Long story short, no one fell.

After the song, to my dismay, Kathy called break and Louis gave me a look. I closed my eyes, but followed him near the snack table. It was just us. "What's up with you?" he asked picking up an apple.

"Rebecca and I got into a fight last night." I said honestly grabbing a napkin full of grapes.

"What for?" He asked.

"I thought she was cheating, kind of.." I said as we turned around and walked to the chairs they had for everyone to sit on.

"Kind of?" He questioned.

"She came to my flat an hour later than she was suppose to and I got curious as to why. I asked her why and i'm guessing because of the tone I was using with her, she got defensive and asked if I thought she was cheating, so that got me thinking that she was." I said popping a grape in my mouth.

"Wait.." He stopped. He put his right hand over my chest making me stop as well. He dropped it. "what happened now?"

"We basically got in a fight with it ending of her walking out on me thinking I think she was cheating." I said.

"Did you physically tell her you thought she was?" Louis asked.

"I didn't exactly say that I didn't think that." I said scratching my head.

He closed his eyes before talking a deep breath. "You are an idiot for not telling her the truth."

I breathed out harshly. "It wasn't my fault. She could have called."

We continued to the chairs. "That is true, but still.. mate, without saying that you've made it a lot worse. Yes, she should have called, but really? Rebecca cheating."

We sat down and I eat another grape. "She brought up the cheating; I didn't. What am I suppose to think?"

"You need to talk to her." He said ignoring me.

"Why me? why can't she come talk to me?" I barked.

"Man up, she's not going to be the first one apologizing here." He said shaking his head and eating another bite out of his apple.

"First one?" I questioned.

"Yes, Harry. You both are to blame here." He said looking at me as if I was stupid, or something.

"She started it." I defended myself.

He sighed. "Whatever. It's going to to be you, alright? so just pull up your big boy trousers and make sure you two make up before tour."

"Do you really think this could last that long?" I asked softening up a bit.

I don't want to be fighting with her... I just want her to tell me she was wrong.

"It could if you two keep acting like children." He said turning away from me and talking to Niall who had just sat down.

Well, fuck.

[Rebecca's POV]

"You did way better than last time. I'm guessing you used the extra hours to your advantage?" Mike asked.

"Yeah." I smiled shyly.

"Well, keep up the good work." He praised patting my back.

I smiled and nodded. It was the end of the day and we all were packing up our things. Today wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. No, I didn't do it perfectly, but it was better than yesterday. Lynox helped me a bit on some of the moves during our break. That was nice of her.

"See you lot tomorrow." Mike waved as all four of us walked out of the studio we were working in.

I walked around looking for Danielle; she's my ride home. I found a chair and decided to take a set. I felt kind of light headed due to the fact I only had a fry for lunch. I admired my surroundings as I waited for Danielle. There were pictures on the wall of dancers. It was beautiful. Ballet, Hip-Hop, Broadway, and Street dancers where the ones I saw. I found it funny that they had street dancers on their walls, but it kind went together if you think about it. Four different types of dance all in the same home. All different, but they ended up in the same place. A place where they all got along. It was nice to think about people getting along. Harry and I. That's what I thought about when I saw a picture of a Street dancer and a picture of a Ballet dancer side by side. Two completely different styles, yet together they make a beautiful picture. I looked down with a slight smile. Harry and I.. a beautiful picture.

"Bec?" I heard right in front of me.

I looked up and saw Danielle looking at me with her held tilted to the side. "You alright?"

I stood up and plastered a smile on my face. "Fine."

She smiled back, but I knew it was just as fake as mine. She linked arms with me and we made our way outside to her car. I don't know why, but looking at those two pictures made me want to work out this argument right now. A reason I have yet still found out. I don't want us fighting over something that never happened. It was all stupid. All childish. All too hurtful to even be considered true. Hoping wise that is. I guess we both just let out everything that's been building up inside us.

We shouldn't have done that.

We should have talked to each other until we were stress free. That would have been a better ending to that night. We are suppose to be a team. A team that is always there for one another. Listening when needed to be listened too. Comforting when needed to have comfort. Loving when needed to be loved. Not throwing worthless hate to one another just because we had a bad day.

It isn't suppose to be that way.

We're suppose to be there for each other and so far we have up until last night. The crazy part was that last night is probably when we both needed our team member the most, yet we both failed.

We failed to care for each other.

Something we've always done was care for each other and somehow we forget last night.

It wasn't suppose to be like that.

I got into the car with Dani and we put our duffels in the backseat. I leaned back around and got buckled as she copied. Once we both were buckled, she started the car and pulled out. She turned on the radio, so it wouldn't be nothing but silence. I wouldn't blame her. I'm being a real Debbie downer. I sighed looking out the window. It was getting dark. The sky was just turning orange due to the sun. The sunlight kept hitting the windshield just enough to make me have to move me visor over, so Dani could drive without the sun in her eyes. I bit my lip thinking about if I was going over to Harry's once she dropped me off. I had this little pitter patter happening in my heart; I was nervous. Why you might ask? I was nervous because I don't want things to end like they did last night. I want things to end like that picture I saw, beautiful. Maybe, being able to breathe without thinking what either he, or I did wrong. Maybe, just seeing his smile again. Those you really begin to miss when you're upset. Those smiles always made me happy even back when I hated him.

"Dani?" I asked turning towards her.

"Yes?" She asked paying attention to the road in front of her.

"Do you think I should go over to Harry's and apologize?" I asked. "We got into a big fight last night and things didn't end to well."

She smiled as I finally told her what was bothering me. "Honestly, yes. Things need to be resolved before something happens that neither of you probably want."

"What would the be?" I asked. "It was just a stupid fight."

She turned to me with a knowing look before turning back to the road. She knew how childish Harry and I could be. She knew how fast we could blow stuff up. Heck, for the first two months she was there while Harry and I constantly bashed each other left and right over nothing.

"You know what I mean. No one wants to see it happen." She said.

I knew what she meant.

Us breaking up, but a thought occurred to me. What if the reason why this one stupid, and untrue assumption of me cheating blew up was because that's what we're familiar with? I mean, if you think about it, that's what we've always done. On tour we used to take the smallest, stupidest things that made us annoyed, or seemed like it would, and we fought about it. A huge fight that lasted over a good three, maybe four months. What if that's the reason why we take it big without, like normal people, talk about it with one another first.

That's how it should be.

"We're here, love." Dani smiled.

I leaned over and gave her a hug. "Thanks."

"Your welcome." She said as we pulled away.

I got my duffel and unbuckled myself before getting out. As I got out, I looked over to Harry's apartment.


He wasn't home. There was no red car.

I sighed shutting her car door. I slowly made my way up my steps as she drove away. I made it to my door and unlocked it and walked in throwing my duffel to the ground. I had no idea when Harry was going to be home. Now, I can't talk to him.

I groaned and went into the kitchen and did what any girl would. I torn that place apart. Any traces off food was gone by the time I was down with it. I sat there on my stool just staring into space. My stomach was full, and all the light headedness I felt was gone. I was not hungry anymore, and I felt like my stomach was stretched to the max. This is what I get for not eating at lunch and stressing over not talking to Harry. He'll be home.


I picked my ass up off the stool and shuffled towards the stairs. I picked my sore legs up one by one as I walked up the stairs towards my room. Once I got to the top, I wished my bed was closer, but sadly it wasn't. I walked down the hall with a new record time of about three minutes. My hallway wasn't even by far, that long. It was quite shot to be honest. I was just so tired I guess you could say.

I was done.

I opened my door and didn't even care that my window curtains were opened; I stripped anyway. I walked to my dresser and pulled out the first thing I saw in the top left side of the drawer. Little did I know..

It was Harry's shirt.

I slipped it on anyway and some pajama pants. As I closed my drawers, my front door opened. I thinking it was Harry just let him come in. Maybe, we could finally talk. I walked to my bedroom door and heard stumbling. That not being a good sound I slowly made my way down the hall. Once I reached my stairs, I knew who it was. It was Harry.

But he was drunk.

You could see it. His eyes shot, and he couldn't even stand in one place without leaning a bit to the side. He looked up to me as he heard my hand hit the railing. Stupid ring.

"Babe." He slurred.

I didn't answer. I just slowly, but cautiously stepped down one step at a time towards him. It was dark in the hallway, but just bright enough to see each other. You could see how tired, and stressed he was. His face told everything. "Harry.." I trailed.

He grinned at the sound of his name coming from my mouth. "We," he hiccuped. "need to talk."

I made it the the last step. It was me and about a foot of hardwood flooring between Harry and I. I was on the last step. "Later." I said.

"No, now!" He demanded.

I shook my head. "Go home." I said softly.

"Not until we talk." He said stomping his foot to the ground. It made him stumble over, so I quickly stepped down from the step and caught him before the floor did.

"Baby, go home." I said as equally as soft as before. I've never handled really drunk Harry before. I didn't want to set something off.

He kissed my neck, but I know it was because his face was just buried there as I tried getting him back on his feet. "I am home." he whispered.

Trying not to blush at that because i'm mad at him, well, suppose to be anyway I said. "You're home three doors down."

His left hand found my waist and tightened the grip around his shirt, not hurting me, just because he was catching his balance to help me make him stable. "We reeeally need to talk."

"I know, tomorrow." I said trying to get him to move. I had a feeling he wasn't to sure what was going on.

"Now." His voice darkened a bit.

"No, go home." I said once again this time pushing him towards the door.

Although it started to work, it didn't for long.

"Bec, please." He begged as he turned around to face me. I was pushing his back, but now he was facing me.

"Harry, go home." I said sternly.

His eyes trailed down me and all of a sudden his begging turned into questioning. "Who the hell's shirt is that?" He shouted evenly.

"Yours." I said truthfully.

"No," he shook his head. He keep shaking it like a two year old saying it wasn't his fault, "That is not my shirt." he pointed to it and then his head flicked to upstairs. "Are you cheating on me? is there a man upstairs?"

I got scared, but I knew it was just the alcohol  talking; not him. He'd probably not remember any of this in the morning.

"No." I said honestly, but that didn't stop him from knocking into me and fast, stumbling upstairs.

I followed him telling him there was no one, but it seemed the more I kept telling him the truth the more he wouldn't believe me. He went into my room and went to the bed throwing all the covers off it and to the floor. "Where is he?"

"There isn't anyone, harry." I said.

"BULLSHIT!" He cursed.

"Harry, stop!" I said has he continued to ransack my room.

He came towards me and I thought just for a minute he was going to hit me, but he didn't. He went right up to me said "You tell me where the hell you're hiding your little boy toy?"

Rebecca.. it's just the alcohol. Just the alcohol. He's upset. He doesn't mean any of this. It's not him.

"There isn't one." I said biting my lip.

"TELL ME!" He demanded.

"HARRY, GO HOME!" I shouted trying to be inferior to him right now.

He got pissed as I said that, but stumbled past me. I didn't follow this time. I just was in a state of shock. I never saw this side of him while he was drunk. Never. I got shaken up as he yelled through the apartment. "FUCKING SLUT!" then the door slammed shut and I sunk the the floor of my room.

I was scared, but I knew all this was because he was hurt, and upset, and he thought I cheated. It was just the drugs. They make everything worse. I knew that, but it didn't stop me from crying. It didn't.

I picked myself up off the floor and got onto my bed crawling to the phone. As I got to the phone, I dialed a familiar number. It rang a few times before they picked up. Before they even got hello out I had already said their name.

"Eleanor??" I all but tried not to cry into the phone.

Heard moving and Louis' whining. Then I heard more moving before she finally said. "I'm on my way."

We hung up and I put my head to my pillow letting my tears just drop.

This was not the beautiful picture I had in mind.

Not at all.

I couldn't blame Harry though, so I blamed myself. If I hadn't had to do everything perfect. If I would have just come home on time, and if I hadn't thought such a stupid thing. If only I stayed, so we could talk it though.

If only I wasn't such an idiot.

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