Eternally Yours (A Supernatur...

By thatonetallchick00

2.9K 129 36

I don't have much left in life. Not many hunters do. We sacrifice it all for the good of man kind. I would gl... More

Chapter one- New faces
Chapter two- The strange man
Chapter three- Memories
Chapter four- Pervert!
Chapter five- Arguments
Chapter six- Castiel disobeys...
Chapter seven- My brothers a demon
Chapter eight- Angels and demons
Chapter nine- butterfly wings.
Chapter ten- Stories only I know
Chapter twelve- Constellations.
Chapter thirteen- Big hips suck
Chapter fourteen- When it all goes crashing down
Chapter fifteen- Secrets
Chapter sixteen- Family issues
Chapter seventeen- The fox and the butterfly
Chapter Eighteen- saying goodbye and hello
Chapter Nineteen- Drama, Drama, Drama
Chapter Twenty- Dreams VS Reality
Chapter Twenty-One- What could possibly kill you makes you stronger.
Chapter Twenty-Two - Every party needs a pooper.
Chapter Twenty-Three - Me and Him
Chapter twenty- four- Eternally Yours
Authors Note :)

Chapter eleven- You would make a very attractive fox

97 6 1
By thatonetallchick00

"I have a proposal." I said holding one finger up, and standing up, out of my chair. We were all sitting silently in the library, doing whatever. 

I was making rock salt bullets with Bobby, Dean was cleaning his gun, Sam was reading a book, and Castiel was downstairs giving Ryan the next dosage of blood, which he had just gotten from Sam. 

No one looked up at me. They all just kept doing what they were doing. I cleared my throat. 

"I said- I have a proposal!" Sam glanced up at me, then back down at his book. That was the most reaction I got out of anyone. I crossed my arms. "I have an idea." I said again. 

"That's great." Dean muttered. I bit my lip in frustration. 

"I'm pregnant." I said blandly, hoping to get at least a twitch out of one of them. Nothing. I grunted in annoyance. 

An idea struck me. I pulled my gun out of my waste band and sent one bullet into the ceiling. All three of them jumped.

"What the hell?" Dean shouted. Sam looked petrified and was gripping his book tightly. 

"Why'd ya' do that!?" Bobby shouted.

"There was a fly." I said shrugging. "But now that I have your attention- I have an idea." 

"If it involves putting more holes in the ceiling- then no." Dean said looking up. Castiel walked into the room at that moment. 

"What happened?" He asked. 

"There was a bug." I said sighing and folding my arms. 

"Yeah." Sam said. "A bug." 

"Shut up." I snapped. "Can I tell you all my idea now?" 

"Yea- I guess." Bobby sighed.

"Thank you." I said with a grin. "I propose, we celebrate Halloween this year!" I clapped my hands together and smiled.

"No." Dean said quickly. "Halloween is stupid." 

"But why?" I whined. "You guys never do anything fun!"

"But Halloween? Really TJ?" Sam said. He had a large grin on his face. 

"I'm not dressing up like some idjit just to make you happy." Bobby snapped.

"You will if you love me." I said with a fake frown on my face. He just glared at me. "PLEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEEE!!!" I shouted. 

"No." Dean snapped. I lied down on the table on my back, and looked at him, upside down. 

"PLEASE DEAN!!!" I shouted. "PLEASE!!!!!!" I heard Sam sigh from across the room. 

"I will." He said with a laugh. I jumped off the table.

 "One down, three to go!" I said, throwing my fists in the air. 

"I guess I will too." Cas said with a small grin on his face. "It might be fun." 

"Thank You!" I cried. I almost ran to hug him, but stopped myself remembering Bobby and Dean were in the room. I turned to look at them. I stuck out my lips in a frown and batted my lashes, pressing my hands together as if begging. 

"Fine." Dean snapped. I smiled brightly and turned to Bobby. 

"Nope." He said. 

"But Bobby!" I cried. 

"No." He said in a final tone. 

"I will never ask for anything ever again!" I bargained. 


"Is there anything that will change your mind?" I asked. He opened his mouth to refuse, but stopped as if thinking. 

"There is one thing." He said, narrowing his eyes. 

"Anything!" I shouted. 

"I get to call you Taylor-Joelle again." He folded his arms, a smirk on his face. Sam started laughing and Dean let out a deep .


"Fine." I said with a frown. "If that's what it takes." 


Since Halloween was in three days, we left later that day to go get our costumes. We arrived at the store at around five o'clock. I was the only one who walked into the store with a large smile across my face. Cas had that unreadable expression on his face, Dean and Bobby were wearing scowls, and Sam looked bored. 

I looked around the store. It was full of plastic skeletons, cotton spider webs, silicone masks, and Styrofoam jack'o lanterns. All of the usual Halloween stuff. 

Cas walked over to a display of gallons of fake blood and picked up one. 

"This doesn't even look real." He said with a confused look on his face. 

"Why would people waste their money on this crap?" Bobby asked, holding up a fake spider by one of the legs. 

"Oh you guys are so negative." I said with a sigh. 

"Wait- Where's Dean?" Sam asked, setting down a pair of vampire teeth he was looking at, and looking around the store. 

"GAH!" Dean shouted jumping out from behind a shelve of fake bloody heads. He was wearing a clown mask. 

"Shit!" Sam yelled, a horrified expression on his face, and stumbled backwards a bit. All of us started laughing, (Even Cas snickered a bit) except for Sam who just looked pissed off. Dean was crouched over holding his gut from laughing so hard, the mask still on his face. 

"Wow Sam!" I said between breaths. "I would've thought a big guy like you would be afraid of something a little more scary then clowns!" 

"You guys are all ass holes." Sam muttered folding his arms. Dean pulled off the mask and discarded it on a pile of fake pumpkins, a huge smile still on his face. 

"Okay," I said growing a bit more serious. "Lets split up and get this done quick. And remember- None of us can have the same costume." 

"Yeah- ya' hear that Sammy?" Dean asked slapping Sam's arm. "You and TJ can't have matching costumes." Sam rolled his eyes, and walked away. Dean stated laughing and walked in the same direction as his brother. Bobby also walked away. 

I turned to go find my costume, when I heard Cas call my name. 


"Yeah?" I asked turning around. 

"Can you help me? I don't know what to do." He looked slightly embarrassed as he said this which made my lips blossom into a huge smile. I looked around to make sure Dean and Bobby were no where in sight, and grabbed his hand. 

"I have a few ideas for you." I said pulling him along side me. We had been walking around with each other for a good five minutes when we were approached by one of those- so happy it makes you gag- sales people. She was a really short blonde lady. 

"How are you two today!" She said with a huge smile. "Welcome to Halloween City! Can I help you find something?" I nodded. 

"I kind of want to dress him up as a butterfly." I said with a grin. She looked Castiel up and down then stated to giggle. 

"That's awesome that your boy friend is willing to do that- Mine wouldn't be caught dead in something that cute." She said with an actual smile, and not a fake, over happy one. "Right over here." She lead us over to the butterfly wings, and helped us pick out a pair for him. We also got him some antennas to match. The wings we picked out were black, bright blue, and a soft purple. After that, I went and found my own costume while Cas examined one of those, motion sensing werewolf things, that jumps out at you when you walk past. 

I eventually picked a really cute fox costume. It came with an orange dress that stopped half way up the thigh, and had a huge, puffy tale on the back. The dress had  a cute hood on it that had large furry ears attached to the top. I also grabbed a pack of face paint so I could give myself a nose and whiskers. 

I met the boys at the check out at six o'clock and we all bought our costumes. We agreed not to tell each other what were being until Halloween night. 


Most people think that Halloween is a kids holiday, but I could not have been more excited while drawing on my whiskers that night. Cas was getting ready in my bedroom with me. 

"Okay- I'm ready." He said from behind me. 

"One second." I said, quickly drawing on my last whisker and looking at myself in the mirror.  I smiled at my reflection. For once I thought I looked pretty cute. I stepped out of the bathroom and looked at the back of Cas. He was wearing his usual trench coat, but with his wings over it. 

"You can turn around!" I said happily. He did as I said and smiled when he saw me. 

"Your a fox." He said coming up to me. I giggled as I looked at him in his wings and antennas. 

"And your a butterfly!" I smiled at him. He walked up to me and pecked me on the lips.

"You would make an attractive fox." He kissed me again, a bit longer this time. 

"Wow Cas." I said quietly. "You have a way with words- don't ya'?" He kissed me again, a bit harder and longer. I put both my hands on his chest, and gently pushed him away. "Your going to screw up my whiskers!" He laughed softly. 

I heard a banging on my bedroom door, and Cas and I both immediately separated. Sam peeked his head in. 

"Don't worry it's just me." He said with a grin. Both Cas and I relaxed a bit. 

"You can come in." I said with a small smile. I walked over to where cas was sitting on my bed and plopped down on his lap.

Sam walked in. He was wearing a tan jumpsuit with a big black contraption on his back. The jumpsuit had a little logo on the arm. 

"Ghost Busters!" I yelled. Sam looked down at his outfit and smiled. 

"Yeah! and you are a fox, and Cas- are you a butterfly?" He asked with a grin. Cas nodded. I smiled, leaned back, and pecked him on the cheek. 

"I picked it out." I said with a proud grin on my face. 

"You two are so cute together." Sam said shaking his head. I blushed. 

"Are Dean and Bobby ready?" I asked changing the subject. Sam nodded, smiling. 

"They're in the living room." 

All three of us made our way into the living room. When I walked in, a large smile crossed my face.

Dean was wearing what looked like some sort of blue dress, with black leggings and tall brown boots. On the dress type thing was a coat of arms with a lion on it. He also had on a long red cape that had black and white on the bottom and was wearing a crown. 

"I'm a king." He said with a smile like a little kid. I giggled and looked at Bobby. 

He was wearing a red plaid shirt that was buttoned up the front, with overalls and a black hat. He had on old black boots and was holding a fake ax. 

"I'm a lumberjack." He said with a grunt. We all shared what we were and complemented each others costumes. Then Dean saw Cas. 

"Cas?" He said with a chuckle. "Are you a butterfly?" Cas nodded once. 

"Yes." Was all he said. Dean started to laugh a bit, and Bobby shook his head. "It was TJ's idea." He said looking at me. 

"I think you look adorable." I said before I could stop myself. Dean stopped laughing and Bobby narrowed his eyes at me. 

"What?" Sam said. "She's a girl she likes butterflys." Dean nodded his head in understanding and Bobby just smiled at Cas. I quickly gave Sam a look that said- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING MY ASS!! He smiled and winked at me to except it. 

"Okay!" I shouted. "Lets go!" 

And with that, we all headed out the door, to go celebrate Halloween. 

HI GUYS!!! If it loads correctly, I put a picture of Dean's costume above because I had a bit of trouble describing it. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had alot of fun writing it. Shout out to my friend Eliza for helping me out with some ideas for this chapter and some in the future. If you want to go check her out, her Wattpad name is- elizalovescows. I don't think she has any storys up so far, but I know she would like to start one soon. 

Lastly- I just saw today that this story has 230 reads. OH MY GOSH thank you all so so much! I love all of you!

Please comment! I love to hear from you! And if you have any questions, feel free to message me! I promise to respond!

Love ya'll lots! 


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