A Fossil Adventure! (A Fossil...

Od DRAGOquing

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This is going to be the original game play of Fossil Fighters, and then the next book is of course FF Champio... Více

The Start of a new Era
A New Day Another Vivosaur
It's Just a Normal Rock...
The Missing Medals
The Answer is... Cake?
Idolizing a Tacky Idol

Vast Cliffs and Cramped Caves

65 1 4
Od DRAGOquing

(Yuuusss! My second favorite dig site is open!! One of the shorter dig sites, sadly...)

Rivet Ravine is open.

I place the idol on my stand next to my bed. The hotel manager tells me about a seminar being held over at the Ravine.

I take a boat over there and see the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on. Sheer cliffs falling into darkness, but to the top no one has been...

"Okay, listen up, everyone! As soon as you've collected eight, bring them here and we'll do the next part." A voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Hey there! You a Fossil Fighter, here to take my seminar?" I walk over. "Hi, I'm Sam Inaro (really?). I teach seminars to give young Fighters the skills they'll need in their careers. If you wanna attend, I guarantee you an improving your fossil-digging performance. Wanna take part in today's seminar?"


"Great! First, let's see what you know about digging fossils. Bring eight fossil rocks back to me here. Any fossil rocks will do, and you can go outside of Rivet Ravine to collect the. If you want. I'll be right here, so come on back and see me when you've collected your eight."

He didn't say jewel rocks but I don't want them yet, either.

I give the rocks to him to look at.

"Great. You've proven that you can find and dig up fossil rocks. That's a good start. Keep up the good work. Now...my teaching methods are a little... unusual. Don't say I didn't warn you. Get ready for it! Here it comes! The fire hose of knowledge going straight into your brain! ALAKAZOOIEEEE!!!!!!!! Colored fossil rocks are the same as the fossil rocks that you've been digging up all along. Except now with the advanced technique I just taught you, you can distinguish five different colors. Red, green, yellow, blue, and white. That's right, the same colors as the five elements types. So any fossil that you dig up from now on will appear the same color type as the fossil inside. You can use this new ability to help you find only the fossil rocks you're actually looking for. So we're done now. Good luck out there!"

I run around and get more rocks. I find a cave. Hm... Do I hear clanking? I'm gonna go inside.

"Who goes there?! Here to finish the job, you no-good, mine-car-vandalizing hooligan!" A man yells at me.

"Whoa, look. You've got the wrong guy."

"But you're just a kid! Who busted up old McJunker's mine car?!"

"Uh, no. I just got here!"

"The only way into Tunnel Number Five here is by mine car. Tunnel Number Five is my own private dig site... and the only people allowed in there are the ones with my permission... and my mine cars. There are some very rare fossils in there, so I have to be careful who I let in. But to make matters worse...my tools have been stolen! How am I supposed to fix my car without tools? This is where you come in. Would you look for my tools? I have to stay here and guard my other cars. Yes, that should work nicely! I'll upgrade your sonar to detect my tools, and you can find them for me! Here, let me see your sonar unit..."

I give him my sonar.

"Well, all right then." He puts a microchip in it.

"That should do it. Here. Now find my tools. Please. I rigged it so it will detect metal... Iron tools and whatnot will show up as red dots. Now, you need to find two tools, my mega-wrench and multipurpose pliers. If you find them, I'll let you into my private dig site deep in this tunnel. There are some fossils in there that can ONLY be found in there. It should be worth your time. Now hop to it, junior. I need my mega-wrench and multipurpose pliers!"

I head down the first tunnel. I dig a hole where the red dot is and it reveals a BB goon.

"B-B-B-Beeeeeee! Who are you?! It's this wrench you're after, huh? Well, tough! I'm not giving it up! B-B-B-B-Beeee!"

"Well let's fight for it!"

He has a Stygi and Pachy.

He uses Iron Headbutt on V-Raptor, and Fiendish Headbutt on Spinax.

Spinax Fang on Pachy.

Iron Ram on V-Raptor taking her down.

Spinax Combo on Pachy. Savage Bite on Pachy. He's gone.

Fiendish Ram on Spinax.

Spinax Fang on Stygi. Savage Bite on Stygi and we win.

I recover the mega-wrench. It's badly rusted over.

I head back to another path and pick the one on the far right. After twists and turns, I finally find the other goon.

"B-Beeeee! Don't surprise me like that! I'm busy trying to hide these pliers! Give YOU the pliers?! Ha! Why would I do that? B-B-Beeeee!"

"Now, idiot, now!" My F-Raptor jumps out.

He, once again, has a Stygi and Pachy. (This fight is almost the same thing as the last one, so I won't bore you with the details.)

I recover the multipurpose pliers. They are badly rusted over.

"Well, better get back, F-Raptor." I pat him on the leg.

"Call me Terra."

"Okay, Terra."


"Excellent! You found my tools! Yes, these are definitely my mega-wrench and multipurpose pliers!"

"Well, I found them, but BB Bandits got to them first."

"What was that? The BB Bandits you say? Hmmm... What would those devils want with my tools? I didn't think they even knew how to use tools... Ah, they don't. See? The tools are all rusted from misuse. Sheesh. Think you can clean these?"

"Yup. I'm, like, the best cleaner on this island."

"Excellent. Now get the rust off my tools!"

I did it in about three seconds. Who knew a hammer and drill could clean so well.

"VERY well done. Look at the shine! You do good work, junior. Now, let's fix up that car!" He turns to fix the one next to him, but stops. "Oh, I nearly forgot. Think you could head back to town to pick up an Elecrominite for me? I can tinker with this car all day, but without a battery, it's not going anywhere. Go to my Junk Depot. Talk to my apprentice and he'll give you the Electrominite I need. There's just one problem... You'll need a V-Raptor with you as proof that I sent you. Hurry back would you?"

I rush off to find the Junk Depot.

Little did I know the apprentice was a friend.

"Holt?!" I ask stunned.

"Hey there! Long time no see!" He laughs. "McJunker put me to work as his apprentice. There I was thinking I'd learn all about Fossil Battles, But all I've done is learn about tools and stuff. Anyhoo... Whatcha doing here?"

I tell him the story.

"Hmm. McJunker sent you for an Electrominite, huh? Seems a little fishy... There's only one thing you can show me to prove what you say is true: a V-Raptor. McJunker says that V-Raptors hate liars, so you should only trust people who can keep them. Oh, fantastic! You've got a V-Raptor, so you must be trustworthy! Here's your Electrominite. But... before I hand it over, there's a favor I want you to do for me... Let's battle! I don't get enough battle practice working for McJunker. If you beat me, I'll give you the Electrominite!"

"Then let's battle."

He has an Elasmoth and Tricera.

Elasmoth Combo on F-Raptor.

Savage Bite on Elasmoth.

Elasmoth Combo on F-Raptor.

Savage Combo on Elasmoth.

Elasmoth Combo on F-Raptor.

Spinax Fang on Tricera.

Running Smash on F-Raptor.

Another Spinax Fang on Tricera. Veloci-Claw on Tricera leaving it with one LP.

Elasmoth Combo on F-Raptor.

Savage Bite on Elasmoth. He's down. Spinax Fang on Tricera. We win!

"Darn! I really thought I had a chance against you! Here's your Electrominite, then. Say hi to McJunker for me. We'll be sure to battle again sometime, right? See you then!"

I walk out.

"Hmm." I think. Something dangerous is about to happen.

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