Joy Marie Silva

By LostAlone

708 19 6

“Who’s this?” Emmett asked wearing his usual smirk. “Joy that oaf is Emmett, the other is Edward, and I’m Ali... More

Alice's Closet

Joy Marie Silva

487 8 2
By LostAlone

“Hello, can I help you?” A white haired woman inquired from behind what I assume to be the receptionist desk.

“Yes. I am Joy Silva, Forks High’s new student.” I informed. Realization and recognition blanketed her shriveled features as I waited patiently.

“Oh! You just missed Isabella Swan, the Chief of police’s daughter. She’s a new student too, and is coming in a few weeks.” After rummaging through piles of paper work the woman held out five papers. “This is your schedule, locker number, a school map, school rules, and a paper for all of your teachers to sign that you’ll return to me at the end of the day. Have a nice day dear!” I swept into the hall as I flipped through my papers, and, memorized them.

Got to love having a photographic memory!

After I could recite everything they said verbatim, I skipped to AP History, my homeroom. Loud chattering erupted from the other side of the wooden door, but ceased once I entered. Everyone’s pupils dilated, and I had to bury my irritation. It’s not like I can blame them. Crimson locks flowing to my waist, indigo blue eyes rimmed with sapphire, skin as pale as freshly fallen snow, and a slim, yet, curvy figure at the height of 4'5. I am a sight to behold. The teacher, who recovered first, was a man in his late fifties, and, cleared his throat before asking,

“W-who are you?” I grinned as amusement danced in my eyes.

“I am Joy Silva, your new student.” I informed. When all I received was a blank look I added, “Forks High’s new student who’s fluent in several languages? Surely, you’ve been notified?”

“Ah, yes! How about you sit next to Mr. Hale? Mr. Hale raise your hand.” A boy-No a man with glorious golden curls, pale skin, and, topaz orbs at the height of 6'3 raised his hand, and, I skipped to the empty seat next to him.

“Salutations! I am Joy Silva, it’s nice to meet you.” I introduced and, held out my hand as I slid into my seat.

“Jasper Hale, ma’am. It’s a pleasure ta meet ya.” He twanged as he shook my outstretched hand, which set off delicious, frigid fireworks. Then it happened. I slid my gaze from our shaking hands to his beautiful topaz eyes, and the world froze.


*Jasper’s POV*

Mine. This gorgeous, angelic creature is mine. My reason for living, for existing, is Joy. I’ve been waiting over a century and a half for her. My heart, my life, my soul; it all belongs to her. Joy is my everything. Forget gravity; she holds me to earth. Gravity, air, blood; I don’t want it, all I want is her. The latter surprised me. Usually, school is comparable to hell for me. Constantly having to restrain myself, and, feeling all the humans emotions plus my family’s, and my own; it’s tiring. It’s almost as if Joy’s touch dulls all of these aches and, strains. No, she some how cancels them out! The jealousy, curiosity, and, lust that was raging inside me is gone. I can’t feel anyone’s emotions except mine! Even my bloodlust is effected by her touch, though it is still there, the strain is slightly lessoned…

“Alright class! Today we’ll be learning about the Trail of Tears.” Mr. Lewis announced, effectively breaking the trance we were in.


This class almost killed me. I could see Joy, hear her, and smell her, yet I couldn’t touch her. I mean, how would she react if a random guy she just met kept touching her? She would most likely avoid me, and I don’t find that acceptable at all. When the bell rang I gently held one of Joy’s warm hands in mine, and asked,

“What classes do ya have, Darlin’?” Thankfully, Joy just smiled and handed me her schedule, and didn’t mind me touching her. After I quickly scanned the paper I grinned, which earned a raised eyebrow from Joy.

“We’ve got the same classes.” I explained, then added. “I could take ya ta’em if ya want.” That’s another thing Joy did to me. I can’t help, but relax a bit around her, hence my accent slip. To my joy (No pun intended) she nodded, and I easily added her books to mine, slung our bags over my left shoulder, and, as I held our books with my left hand, offered her my right arm. Joy took it without question and, I led us out.


The last four classes went smoothly. Joy and I talked when we got the chance or we’d pass notes. I found she doesn’t mind when I hold her hand, or when I wrap my arm around her shoulders. It’s helped a lot to be able to touch her even though I wish I could do more then hold her hand… Thankfully, I don’t have classes with my family so, Joy and I could get to know each other before she meets them. When the lunch bell rang I stood up and shifted my weight to my other foot nervously.

“What?” Joy asked as she stood up and, faced me.

“Do ya want ta meet my family?” I inquired hesitantly. Joy smiled and nodded.

“Sounds fun. Is that what you were nervous about?” Of course Joy knew me inside out, and vice versa. Once I nodded Joy flashed me a heartbreakingly beautiful smile and laughed.

“What?” I asked confused as I directed us to the hall and she held my arm.

“You, the most gorgeous and amazing man I ever met, was nervous about inviting me to sit with you at lunch! I mean, have you even glanced in a mirror?! If anything I should be nervous. I have never thought someone was worth talking to, let alone hanging out with so, I am rusty with social graces and such.” I couldn’t help, but smirk, which didn’t escape Joy’s notice. “What?”

“Ya think I’m amazin’?” Joy blushed a deep crimson that made me want to kiss her so bad.

“Yes. Like I said you are the most gorgeous and amazing man I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.” Joy was obviously embarrassed admitting this, but it sent my ego soaring.

“Pleasures all mine, Darlin’.” I grinned as we entered the cafeteria. Joy and I ignored the human’s stares as we waited in line. Fortunately, my family hasn’t noticed my arrival… Yet. Joy studied me for a moment before making an observation.

“Please tell me I didn’t send your ego sky rocketing.” This only made me smile so much that my pearl-white teeth were in full view.

“’Fraid so Darlin’.” I answered smiling more, if that’s even possible. Joy groaned and we grabbed our trays. As we approached, my family immediately threw me curious, confused, and, enraged looks. Once we made it to the table I pulled out a chair and gestured for Joy to sit on it. Flashing me a beautiful smile Joy obliged and I pushed her in. When I sat down Alice gave me a disapproving look because I sat on it backwards, but, I ignored her. If Joy didn’t care than neither would I.

“Who’s this?” Emmett asked wearing his usual smirk.

“Joy that oaf is Emmett, the other is Edward, and I’m Alice.” Alice introduce as she vibrated in her seat. “My sister is Rosalie and I’m sure we’ll all be friends!” Rosalie scoffed and I shot her a death glare which surprised the whole table except Joy.

“So, Alice? How do you know me?” Joy asked unfazed by my actions. Some how she had grown used to me in the last five hours so, I don’t surprise her with my clear protectiveness.

“We haven’t had a new student ever since we came. So, word traveled fast about the new kid.” Alice lied. She must’ve saw Joy in a vision. Joy could tell Alice was lying, but just shrugged it off.

“Cool. I heard a girl named Isabella is coming in a couple weeks. So…. What do you guys do for fun here?” Joy asked. Alice began practically bouncing in her seat now.

“Seattle, and, Port Angeles are great for shopping! The woods are terrific for camping, hiking, and, hunting. We hunt in various places, though. There are several places: mountains, forests, and, parks that are perfect for us. You should came to our house! No, you should come live with us!!!” Alice squealed making all of us, excluding Joy, wince. When her words sunk in the four of us froze in pure shock. Alice shook her head at our statue-like forms and laughed carelessly.

“It’s okay. Joy knows about us.” That snapped us from our paralyzed states.


“Shhhh… You’re drawing attention!” Alice scolded. Indeed, we were being stared at by the humans with wide eyes. Once the humans looked away Joy explained,

“You see-I-Ahhhh… Argh! Forget the gentle approach! I am not human. I am more complex then that…” Then she turned to me with honest, and passionate eyes. “As soon as you told me you are a vampire I was going to tell you about me. I promise, Jasper.” She knows me so well. I felt a slight stabbing feeling in my heart, because I was kind of hurt that she didn’t tell me first. The others threw me confused looks, but, I didn’t acknowledge them; Joy had my full undivided attention.

“It’s alright, Darlin’. Come here.” I opened my arms, and to my delight, Joy slid onto my lap and hugged me. Joy snuggled into my chest and I placed my face into the crook of her neck. Of course Rosalie had to ruin our moment.

“Alright?! Alright!? What if she tells?! What if Jasper loses control for a split second?!!! We all know he has the worst control!” Rage built in me with each word she spoke, and I growled at vampire frequency. Rosalie turned her gaze to me and looked like she was about to give me an earful until she saw my facial expression. Then the last thing any of us expected happened. Joy laughed.

*Joy’s POV*

Fat tears rolled down my cheeks as I laughed hysterically. I was laughing so hard I had to cling to Jasper to stay upright. Once I calmed down and my fit was over I glanced at their expressions.

“What?” Emmett was first to recover and cleared up my confusion.

“We tell you that Jasper has the worst control, and that if he doesn’t keep himself in check around you for a second you’ll die, and, what do you do? You giggle!” Then he turns to Jasper and chuckles, “She’s a keeper, man! We’ll watch horror movies, and play all my video games!” At the mention of video games I perked up.

“Video games?!” Emmett nodded. “I have seen many people play them, but, I could not play… Gabriel said if I went anywhere near Earth that he would lock me up in his room until the 28th of 2001. Of course I managed to escape!” I grinned proudly, causing the others to chuckle. Then Edward asked,

“What was supposed to happen on that day?” Everyone looked at me curiously and my grin was replaced with a serious expression.

“I’ll answer all of you questions after school. How about at your house?” They nodded just as the bell rang.


People stampeded out of the school, as if Lucifer himself was chasing them, after the final bell rung. Jasper led us to the parking lot where his family was already waiting by there respective vehicles. I threw Jasper a smile as he opened the passenger door to Edward’s Volvo, and shut it behind me. Edward and Alice slid into the back seats as Jasper sat in the driver seat.

“Are ya ready, Darlin’?” Jasper inquired as he pulled out.

“Yes.” I nodded. The car ride was enjoyable. Jasper and I talked the whole time about pointless things as Alice scanned the future and Edward analyzed me. When we turned onto a gravel driveway that wound threw the forest I bounced excitedly in my seat.

“What?” Jasper chuckled.

“I have never been in a house on Earth before! This is so exciting, I might explode!” When the car stopped in front of a beautiful house with myriads of windows I squealed and leapt out of the car after Jasper opened my door. I ran to the door and bounced in place.

“Come on! Come on! I want to go in! I really, really want to go in!” I cheered eagerly. The frozen vampires came to the door at vampire speed and Jasper opened it.

“Ladies first.” Immediately I entered and began examining my surroundings at Angel speed. The others watched me curiously until Emmett pulled up with Rosalie in his jeep.

“Hello, who might you be?” Dr. Carlisle Cullen asked as he entered the family room where I was looking at the couches as the others sat on them.

“Oh! Dr. Cullen, it is nice to finally meet you in person! I told Gabriel and Michael you are naturally blonde, but they would not believe me! I was right all along!” I babbled then added, “I am Joy Mary Silva, and ‘your children’ have brought me here to explain what I am.” Carlisle seemed to be momentarily overwhelmed, but soon came back in full swing.

“What you are?” He inquired and I nodded.

“I hate to say it but we will have to go outside for this…” I informed before zipping outside. Esme was on their porch so, I explained why I was here. “Greetings Esme Cullen! I am Joy Silva and I am showing your family what I am! It is so fun to be breaking the rules! Anyway, are you all ready?” Once they nodded I began backing up which made Jasper step forward. “Jasper, you need to stay back… Please?” Jasper nodded stiffly and stayed where he was, and I backed up until I was 200ft. away. Then I shifted.


I don't own anything except Joy!

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