The Alpha & Vampire Princesses

By lukacross

3.8K 123 4

Cello lives trapped in a castle, her mother that she hates is dying leaving her with the throne and a council... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Part 14

The Alpha & Vampire Princesses

1.2K 18 2
By lukacross

Chapter 1 Dreams


I keep waking up in night sweats from dreams I can't remember; sometimes I'll get pieces like a photo of a spot or an emotion. A golden chandler hanging in a room painted a cream white with a grand piano and next to it a beautiful cello lay in a rack, the curtains are closed yet the room feels bright, but for some reason it feels depressing. Like I'm trapped.

I shake the thought out of my mind changing and go running. I enjoy running, not as a wolf but in human form. I enjoy all the smells, watching the sun rise, and the huge lake. By the time I'm there the animals are out, bunnies and a mother doe with her fawn trailing after her, still a bit shaky on his feet. I suck in the morning air savoring it before heading back.


I fling my self in the shower letting the water wash away my morning escape. I throw on an old pair of jeans and an old tee shirt and run down the stairs two at a time, I grab my keys off the rack and leave. Being home when everyone's waking up and getting ready makes me feel like a slave being forced to help with things or cook.

I twist up the radio singing and dancing along with it, at stop lights everyone looks at me weird like they don't have secret pleasures. I pull up to Caleb's house, he comes out like a jack rabbit; his sister throwing a fastball apple at his head. He bounces in slamming the door and buckling up just as the apple splatters on my trucks door. "Sisters pissed at me," he says.

"Really hadn't noticed." You could taste my sarcasm.

"She asked if a dress made her look fat, she demanded my honest opinion, I said, 'nope but you do look like a high class whore.'" He shrugged like he didn't do anything wrong.

"You dip-shit that's to much information you just say what they want to hear and nothing more, christ next time it might be a toaster thrown at you!" Sometimes I'm surprised Caleb is still alive.

"Well then I'll just have to run faster next time," god he sounded proud of himself.


School, as always, was worse than being roasted in hell by the devil himself, not saying it was hot it was actually always freezing in the building but that doesn't exactly help me either. The hot would effect me but the cold is worse.

Everyday I get here I hop out of my truck lock it and walk up to the path that leads to the door, there I'm always jumped on like bees to honey with questions and hellos. Getting to the doors is a blessing once inside I'll get asked about 15 times (by different girls) if they can borrow my jacket, I smile and say, 'sorry I'm gonna need it today' and walk a way, in every class but gym I'm asked at least 12 times at lunch 20 and by the end of the day I'm thinking, 'why can't they remember their own damn clothing.' Hell I'm not even wearing a jacket half the time.


I hate not being able to open the curtains, the sun won't kill me it only hurst my eyes a little. But after a while I get use to it. I miss the sun, or at least what I think the sun would feel like. Its been a long time since I've seen the sun.

I hate being trapped in this house, not allowed in the garden or anywhere else because of the paranoia that something will happen to me. My mothers illness is only making the council more jumpy, once she passes I'll take over. They hope I'll marry before I take over but won't overthrow me if I don't.

I hate my mother, she was one who left Flora to tend to me. I think of Flora as a mother, she was kind to me played with me and took me outside to the garden everyday. Now Flora has passed her sprit to be recycled along with the other pure bloods. When pure bloods grow ill, are killed or decide it's their time they all get recycled around. Non pure bloods that are changed, not birthed, just die like normal humans.

Walking over to the piano to uncover it, I sit and play, though I never learned how to play I just kinda know how. Dreams of a lake with a bright sun to bask in; the clean and pure air matched with rabbits hopping around, it makes me feel a since of freedom of...happiness an emotion that has been dead to me for a long time.

Today I've decided no matter what I'm going to go outside, to see the garden and no one is stoping. I approach the door that leads out to the yard; when Henry approaches me (a council member). "It's a wonderful day to stay indoors, try reading in the library, it would save us much worry."

He attempts to calmly pull me away, "and what if a shelf fell on me?" 

"How about painting?" I pull my arm back.

"Something that I'm no good at, I'll decline," I turn back to the door.

He moves in front of the door, "you shall never become good at it if you do not work on it."

Frustrated I grab the knob. "Today I wish to see my garden, and if I am needed for anything important I will be out there."

"Please madam do not go out there, you'll get dirty or injured or both!"

"I am going, step aside that's an order!" He flinches and moves away from the door. I may not be the queen yet but I will be, and they treat me like it.


The sun's warmth is so inviting, I walk the paths that lead around my garden looking for the perfect flower to sketch the lilies look nice but before I sit I see the Middlemist Red have bloomed and I make my way over to the rare plants area. The JadeVines hang from potters hung from the pavilion that covers the sidewalk, their aqua flowers stretching down. I finally settle on the Ghost Orchid.

I spent the entire day sketching any thing that found my interest from the tinny caterpillar crawling around, to flowers in bloom. As the sun began to set the Kadupul flower started to bloom that told me that I had made the right choice to come out here today, I waited till it finished opening before I sketched it.

Walking indoors from a wonderful day of flowers I was informed that my mother gave me the task of setting up the peace agreements with the wolves, tomorrow. I instruct the staff to have it set outside in front the Kadupul, dinner with them will take place there too. Everyone was surprised at this request and wished to know why, "because it's a place I feel safe and it's outdoors making them feel safe and not like vampires have them surrounded, plus I do not believe they like our sent." They agreed and started picking things out for tomorrow.


Coming home from along stressful day at school to be told that I'll be accompanying my father to greet the future vampire queen, and make the peace agreements. I'm pissed that I'm gonna have to spend my afternoon trapped in a building surrounded by vampires, but it's not an option as future alpha I have to learn this stuff.

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