Friends, lovers... and an ora...

By caniirove

2K 130 0

Summary: Since the day Adele was born, people had told her she was destined to fall in love with Mason. Their... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

86 6 0
By caniirove

"Ok, so. What does the birthday boy want to do next?"

"Take a nap?" Mason chuckled.

"A nap? Seriously? What about getting some ice-cream?"

"Addie, it's January!"

"And?" she shrugged.

"It is too cold for ice-cream. Besides, I'm full after that Sunday roast."

"They say ice-cream is digestive."

"I think I'll pass."

"Ok" Adele sighed. "Then what do you want to do?"

It technically wasn't Mason's birthday yet, it was in a couple of days. But since he had to work the next day and on his actual birthday he was throwing a party, that was the only day both of them were free to do something alone.

"Going home and taking a nap."


"But that's what I am in the mood for."

"Yeah, your mood" Adele said while they kept walking. "What is going on with you lately?"

"With me? Nothing."

"Mase, you've been acting super weird since the new year. Is it because of the kiss?"

"The kiss?"

"Yeah. About the photos and the article. Did it bother you?"

"Oh, that" Mason said, looking down.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? That's what friends are for."

"Yes, friends."

"Mase, what is it?" Adele insisted, grabbing him by the arm and making him stop. "C'mon, you can trust me. What happened?"

"It's just... It's..."

"C'mon" she said with an encouraging smile.

"It's something I have to do for work that I know you won't like."

"Something like what?" Adele asked.

"A brand I work with, one of the big ones. They want me to... They... It's for Valentine's Day."

"Oh... I see."

"They have this campaign about that day being not only about a partner, that it can be about everyone you love. Your family, your friends, your pets... And they want me to post some photos with the people I love."

"And they want you to post one with me."

"Yeah" Mason sighed.



"I said no. We are not playing the press game" Adele said, crossing her arms over her chest.


"I said no, Mason. Post photos with your parents, your brother, your friends... But not with me. I'm not allowing it."

"But Addie, you are my friend, you just said it. And I have to do it, it's part of the contract."

"Then tell them I've said no! I'm on my right to do it, I'm the one in the photos!"

"It isn't that easy."

"It actually is. My photos, my choice" she shrugged.

"The deal with this brand is one of the big ones, I can't lose it. And besides..." Mason said while nervously playing with his hands.

"Besides what?"

"I have to do it, Addie. I have to."

"Why, Mase? What is going on?" she said, taking a step closer. He looked so... Worried.

"Do you trust me?" he asked her.

"You know I do."

"Then please say yes to this. Please" he begged.

"I'm sorry, Mason. But no."


"I've said no. End of the story" she said, starting to walk again.

"C'mon, think about it. It's just a photo. We'll pick one from Christmas for example. One you like."

"I've said no, Mason!" she said as she turned around, raising her voice maybe way too much. "I'm not gonna let them use me to earn more money, and I'm not gonna give the press an excuse to start harassing me again now that things seem to have calmed down. No means no."


"I said no" Adele repeated, giving her back to Mason and walking away.


"So I am the bad guy now?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Great" Adele sighed.

What had happened the day after her argument with Mason? That they were on the Daily Mail because someone had sold them photos of her and Mason at the restaurant where they had eaten, and of everything that had happened after. Of their argument. And in those photos, Mason looked like a sad puppy while she just yelled at him, which had made his fans turn against her for hurting him, bitch being the nicest thing they were calling her.

"Have you spoken with him?" Jourdan asked.


"What about tomorrow's party? Are we still going?"

"You can go if you want to. I don't want to see him."

"But Addie... You need to talk about this. About the photos and the campaign."

"There is nothing else to say. We must have a stalker, and I don't want him to use me."

"Then talk about whatever is going on with him. Look at his face in these photos! And you keep saying he is acting weird. Adele, he needs you. He needs his friend."


"Come to the party, please" she pouted. "Besides, you know who is gonna be there. If I go alone, I'll end up on his bed again."

"Quoting Dua Lipa now?" Adele chuckled.

"She was right, wasn't she?"

"She was, yes. But I don't know... What if he doesn't want to see me?"

"I'm sure he's dying to apologize, Addie. Especially after the way his fans are treating you."

"I'll think about it."

"Thank you" Jourdan said while hugging her.


"Adele, you came!"

"Hello, Jacob."

"And you too, Jourdan" he smirked.


"Did the paps outside catch you?"

"Of course they did. They were waiting for me" Adele said.

"I thought you would not show up after your argument with Mason, you know? He's been looking like shit and even thought about canceling the party."

"Really?" she asked.

"Yup. I don't know what happened between you two, he hasn't said a word. But my boy has fallen for you, and hard."

"Jacob, we aren't together or anything like that, it's all the press."

"That's not what I said" he smirked again. "Anyway, gotta keep greeting people, I'm on door duty."

"Enjoy" Jourdan said.

"What... What did he mean?" Adele asked her when Jacob left them alone.

"Nothing, don't worry. He's probably already drunk. Should we get ourselves something to drink?"

"Yeah... Let's stick to our plan of being together and keeping you as away from him as we can."

But their plan didn't last long. After a couple of drinks, Jourdan was dancing with one of Mason's friends and getting very cosy, leaving Adele alone while keeping an eye on her.



"Sorry" Mason said next to her. "Didn't mean to startle you."

"It's ok, don't worry. Happy birthday, by the way."

"Thank you" he smiled. Though again, it was that sad smile. The one he had had since the year started. "I thought you wouldn't come after... You know."

"Yeah... But Jourdan asked me to help her stay away from Jacob, and I couldn't say no. And I also wanted to check on you. How are you?"

"I don't know, to be honest" he said, running a hand through his hair.

"Why don't we go somewhere quiet where we can talk?" Adele smiled, giving his arm an encouraging squeeze.

"What about Jourdan?"

"It looks like she is ending the night with that friend of yours, she'll be fine."

"He actually is one of the good ones."

"Nothing to worry about, then. C'mon" she said, taking Mason's hand and leading them outside.



"Thank you, Mase" Adele said, putting on the coat he had given her. After looking for a place where they could talk and having to see some things they would have preferred not to see, they decided to go outside to one of the balconies. "I didn't expect it to be this cold."

"It's January, Addie" he chuckled.

"I know. But earlier it wasn't this cold."

"Do you want to go inside?"

"Nah, it's fine. Besides, I've always loved the view from here. Even at night it looks beautiful."

"It is one of the reasons why I chose this house."

"I'm sorry" Adele said.

"About the house?"

"No, no. About our argument the other day."

"I should be the one saying sorry. You were pretty clear about not wanting your photo to be used, and I kept insisting."

"But I could have been nicer, you know? Or make less of a scene."

"I've seen you do worse. You are a bit of a drama queen."

"Who, me?"

"Sorry" Mason smiled. And this time, it was an honest smile. The dimple was giving it away.

"I've missed seeing you smile like that."


"Like that" Adele said, taking a step closer. "Like you really mean it. What is going on, Mase?"


"It clearly is something" she said, taking his hand on hers.

"It's just... It's my agency" he sighed.

"What about them?"

"They keep pushing me to do things I don't want to or agree with."

"Then say no, leave them. It's that easy."

"It isn't, Addie."

"Why not? I remember my mum talking about a friend of hers breaking a contract with an agency that wasn't treating her well."

"Yes, but in my case it isn't that easy. There are... Clauses."


"Yes. And if I do something that goes against them, I'll be in big trouble."

"Will they sue you?"

"They could end my career."

"Holy shit, Mase" Adele said, caressing his cheek with her free hand, the other still holding his.

"That's why I kept insisting on the photo. If I don't do it..."

"But you are their best client! They wouldn't be that stupid, would they?"

"When there is money involved, people don't care about certain things."

"I'm so sorry, Mase."

"It's ok, don't worry."

"No, it's not" she said, wiping away a tear from his cheek. "There must be something we can do."

"Do as they say" he chuckled.

"What if I talk with them? What if I tell them I don't want my photo being shared?"

"Please don't" Mason said, closing most of the space between them.

"I already told you, I'm on my right to..."

"Don't. Trust me and do as I say. Please."


"Please, Addie. Promise me you won't talk with them" he said, caressing her cheek the way she had done with his. He looked so worried, so desperate.

"Ok. I promise."

"Thank you" he sighed, resting his forehead on hers.

"But only if you promise me that you won't do anything stupid."

"I won't" Mason whispered.

"Good. Now come here" Adele said, hugging him as tight as she could. "Everything will be alright, Mase."

"Everything will be alright" he repeated against her neck, his lips touching her skin as he spoke and making the goosebumps she had felt when they had kissed, come back.

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