Chapter 8

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"Ok, so. What does the birthday boy want to do next?"

"Take a nap?" Mason chuckled.

"A nap? Seriously? What about getting some ice-cream?"

"Addie, it's January!"

"And?" she shrugged.

"It is too cold for ice-cream. Besides, I'm full after that Sunday roast."

"They say ice-cream is digestive."

"I think I'll pass."

"Ok" Adele sighed. "Then what do you want to do?"

It technically wasn't Mason's birthday yet, it was in a couple of days. But since he had to work the next day and on his actual birthday he was throwing a party, that was the only day both of them were free to do something alone.

"Going home and taking a nap."


"But that's what I am in the mood for."

"Yeah, your mood" Adele said while they kept walking. "What is going on with you lately?"

"With me? Nothing."

"Mase, you've been acting super weird since the new year. Is it because of the kiss?"

"The kiss?"

"Yeah. About the photos and the article. Did it bother you?"

"Oh, that" Mason said, looking down.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? That's what friends are for."

"Yes, friends."

"Mase, what is it?" Adele insisted, grabbing him by the arm and making him stop. "C'mon, you can trust me. What happened?"

"It's just... It's..."

"C'mon" she said with an encouraging smile.

"It's something I have to do for work that I know you won't like."

"Something like what?" Adele asked.

"A brand I work with, one of the big ones. They want me to... They... It's for Valentine's Day."

"Oh... I see."

"They have this campaign about that day being not only about a partner, that it can be about everyone you love. Your family, your friends, your pets... And they want me to post some photos with the people I love."

"And they want you to post one with me."

"Yeah" Mason sighed.



"I said no. We are not playing the press game" Adele said, crossing her arms over her chest.


"I said no, Mason. Post photos with your parents, your brother, your friends... But not with me. I'm not allowing it."

"But Addie, you are my friend, you just said it. And I have to do it, it's part of the contract."

"Then tell them I've said no! I'm on my right to do it, I'm the one in the photos!"

"It isn't that easy."

"It actually is. My photos, my choice" she shrugged.

"The deal with this brand is one of the big ones, I can't lose it. And besides..." Mason said while nervously playing with his hands.

"Besides what?"

"I have to do it, Addie. I have to."

"Why, Mase? What is going on?" she said, taking a step closer. He looked so... Worried.

Friends, lovers... and an orangeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz