Chapter 5

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"The internet is going nuts about you and that Nico."


"Yep" Jourdan laughed. "Right now it is team Mason vs. team Nico, and it is so funny. I don't know who has the craziest fans."

"As long as they leave me alone..." Adele sighed.

"Have you heard from any of them?"

"Nope. Mason seems to be still working in Italy, and Nico followed me on Instagram and that's all I know."

"Was he just a one night stand, then?"

"Yeah. He's cute and we had fun, but I don't think anything else could happen."

"Then team Mason wins!"

"I hate you, Jourdan" Adele said, rolling her eyes.

"Hate you too" she smiled.

"And my mum is calling me, I guess it's time to leave."

"Oh, good luck! I can't wait to see those photos, they are gonna be amazing."

"I hope so."

"They will, you'll see. Good luck, Addie."

"Thank you. I'll need it" she replied before hanging up.


"Mum, move your right hand a bit. Yes, perfect" Adele said before snapping another photo.

"She's a natural" she heard the other photographer say behind her.

"Both of them are" Maria Grazia added.

They had decided to stay and see her and her mum work together for the Dior campaign, which had made Adele feel even more nervous than she already was. This was her first professional photoshoot, and since being for one of the most iconic brands wasn't enough already, she had their creative director and a photographer who had been working for as long as she had been alive, keeping an eye on her.

When she first picked up the camera, her hands were shaking so much that she thought she wouldn't be able to take a single photo. But as her mum started posing, she relaxed and everything flowed.

"Ok, I think we are done" Adele said.

"Wait, no" her mum stopped her. "Let's take a couple more. Maybe standing?"

"Maria Grazia, what do you..."

"Yes, yes" she said, holding Adele from her shoulders and not allowing her to turn around.

"Ok..." Why were they all suddenly acting so weird?

"Now I do think we have them all" Elizabeth smiled after just a couple of shots. "Should we check them on the computer?"

"Sur... Mason?" Adele said when she was finally allowed to turn around. "What... How..."

"Hello, Addie. Elizabeth" he said with that smile of his that had broken so many hearts.

"What are you doing here?" Adele finally managed to say. "Weren't you in Italy?"

"I was, yes. But we wrapped up early, my mum told me that you were shooting your mum for Dior, and I said to myself, why don't I pay them a visit? I know this is huge and I wanted to be here for you. To support you."

"Thank you, Mase" she smiled, feeling her cheeks get warm.

"Mason, since we have you here, would you mind taking a photo of Adele and I together? You are the only one who manages to convince her to pose in front of a camera and I want to remember today."

"Of course. What do you say, Addie?"

"I'm not looking presentable, I..."

"Nonsense, you look beautiful. Give me that and join your mum" he said while taking the camera from her hands.

"C'mon, do as he says" Elizabeth insisted.

"Ok, fine" Adele replied, rolling her eyes and doing as she was being asked. Or ordered to.


"I hate you so much."

"Why?" Mason laughed.

"The trap you and our mums set up?"

"Oh, that. We just wanted to surprise you on a big day."

"Yeah, sure" Adele snorted.

"Will a macaroon make you forgive me?" Mason pouted, offering her the little box. After the shoot was done, they had decided to go for a walk around the city to catch up and stop at their favourite bakery.

"It may help" she said. "So, how was Italy?"

"Definitely not as fun as Paris. Every time I saw you on Instagram I wished I was here with you. It looks like you've made some new friends."

"I've met so many people, Mase... So many" she chuckled. "But I don't consider them my friends, just acquaintances."

"Nico too?" Mason asked as he looked down, suddenly too interested on the floor.

"Nico too."

"You won't be seeing him again, then?"



"Good?" Adele chuckled.

"I mean, you've probably seen everything that is going on online. Team Mason vs. Team Nico and all that. You are struggling enough with everything going on with us, you don't need to add more to it."

"Yeah, you are right" she sighed.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Eating another macaroon?"

"Haven't you had enough?" Mason laughed, hiding the box behind him.

"No, I have not. I barely ate today, I was too nervous."

"Then let's go find something else to eat. This is too much sugar."

"Oh, c'mon, Mase. Just another one" Adele pouted.


"Just one, please" she said, trying to take the box from his hands.

"I said no" Mason smirked, lifting it in the air so she wouldn't reach it.

"That won't stop me. I'm almost as tall as you are."

"Yeah... Perks of having a mum who is a supermodel and a dad who could have played basketball, right?"

"Exactly" she said, standing on her tiptoes and reaching the box.

"Addie, wait... Addie!" Mason said, the macaroons that were left on the box falling to the floor. "Now what?"

"Now I guess the pigeons will be having a feast, and you'll have to buy me lunch" she shrugged.

"Ok, come here you little rascal" he laughed, putting an arm around her shoulder and starting to walk. "What do you fancy?"


"Addie, I just came from Italy. Can't we have something else?"

"Ummm... No" she replied with her best smile.

"Ok, then. I can't say no to that face" he said before kissing her cheek, her skin tingling where his lips had been. It was something Adele had never felt before with any other guy, and definitely not with Mason.

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