Cupid's Arrow ; BeomRyu

By ImfinethankyouRyu

706 68 233

Wherein I present to you random BeomRyu oneshots More

Fate by Flowers
Fate by flowers PT#2
Forgive, Forget
Red Lights

10 Reasons Why

85 5 83
By ImfinethankyouRyu

10 reasons why I love you, and why I should be with you forever.


I like you. I think it's really obvious.

"I like you Shin Ryujin, a lot." The boy confessed, as the girl in front him blushed. A pink tint rushed to their faces, as they both looked away, feeling shy.

"Well it took you long enough." Ryujin spoke, pushing his shoulder playfully.

"So will you be my date?" He asked.

A tingling sensation suddenly went through him. A pair of lips softly kissed his own, as he felt sparks igniting. His eyes closed on their own, as the girl pulled away with a smile on her face. Beomgyu in return was awestruck, he couldn't react and instead gave her a silly, yet cute smile.

"Does that answer your question?" She asked, resting her chin on her palm. Beomgyu sheepishly nodded.

You saved me.

"Hey! What are you doing?" The little girl shouted. The boy looked up, keeping the toy dinosaur on the side as he waved his legs back and forth, enjoying the splashes of water on the pool.

"You can't swim! Why are you here?" She said, Beomgyu on the other hand, ignored her words and kept staying in the pool. He continued to sway his legs, seeing the water splash everytime. A smile came to his lips, enjoying the moment without any worry.

Ryujin shook her head, turning back as she realized Beomgyu wasn't going to listen. However, it wasn't like she cared for his safety either, the teacher was just asking all the students to be safe inside the camp, and Beomgyu not knowing how to swim while being closer to a huge pool was definitely dangerous. Out of all the children in the room, her eyes seemed to only have found Ryujin suited enough to go and tell him to get somewhere else.

A yell rang in her ear.

Turns out, some kids were in the pool and they pushed Beomgyu to the water. 'Bullies.' Ryujin thought, as she suddenly started acting on her instinct. Her feet sped to the pool, jumping without a second thought.

It was rather a very odd situation. The place they were in was summer camp, a fun, friendly and safe environment for kids aged 8-14. But if only people were not catfished by these fake acts put on by the staff there, they would've never been there in the first place. Or at least the kids wouldn't want to be there. Their swimming coach was supposed to be there, yet he was late, as always. It definitely wasn't safe like they were promised. Although going near water while you cannot swim is a foolish action too.

Ryujin jumped in the water, not even caring about the fact that she just changed into a new outfit just a while ago. Beomgyu struggled to keep his head up, his hands and feet moving erratically as he gasped for breath. It truly felt traumatizing, as he took a mental note to never be near the pool until he learns to swim.

Hands wrapped around him, pulling him up as he was able to keep his head outside the water. Slowly, those hands brought him to the stairs as he climbed them up, catching his breath when he finally was on the ground.

"Wow. You're not even gonna thank me?" Ryujin said before walking away in annoyance. Faintly, she heard him mutter a small thank you, which brought a smile to her face, and she didn't know why.

You light up my world.

"What's wrong?" A concerned voice asked, a warm hand on his chin, making him look up to see Ryujin staring at him with a worried expression.

"Nothing. I'm just bummed about my disgusting grades." He said, kicking a stray kidz- I mean rock that was near his foot on the lawn.

"They're not disgusting, plus our teacher is shitty anyway." Ryujin said, sitting beside him. She munched on a pack of sour cream chips as she leaned on his shoulder. The butterflies on their stomach were going crazy, even though neither of them spoke a word about it. It was just simple things Ryujin did that made him feel better.

You're insanely talented.

Ryujin huffed, being fed up with teaching the boy in front of her again and again. They were supposed to be practicing for their exam in performing arts, more specifically, dance. According to their school's system, they needed to attend at least 1 extra curricular activity. And Beomgyu, having no interest in any of the options, chose Ryujin, or dance because Ryujin took that too.

"Come on, Gyu! It's been an hour, why can't you learn it by now?" She whined, stomping her feet in anger and frustration. Dance was her thing, and she was a pro at teaching it too, except when it comes to Beomgyu. Sadly, Beomgyu wasn't blessed with the same talent as hers, and the choreography was getting too hard for her.

Throughout the whole time Ryujin taught him, he couldn't help but be awestruck by her skills. Her dance skills were no joke. She was super talented indeed.

"I'll learn it if you give me a kiss," He smirked playfully, as Ryujin raised an eyebrow, before pinning him to the wall and putting her hand on his chin. She gazed into his eyes, before saying, "Learn it first and I'll kiss you. This is graded group wise, do not lower my grades." She said, her voice deep and serious.

You're so funny.

"Old cottage cheese is nasty!" Beomgyu said, as their very weird discussion was getting out of hand.

"You know what else is nasty? Mr. Heo's feet." She said, as everyone on their table started laughing.

They were having lunch in the cafeteria, and it was more livelier now that everyone was chatting away. Beomgyu was mainly focused on Ryujin, admiring her little to no effort to be funny.

The day you said yes to me was the day you made me feel like the happiest man on earth.

"Wow, you just started courting me a few weeks ago, and you already kissed me so much?" Ryujin chuckled, as she leaned her head on his shoulder again. Over the years, it became a habit of hers to do it often.

"Not my fault you're so loveable." Beomgyu answered, before planting yet another soft kiss on her cheek, before kissing her lips again.

"You're getting pretty bold now, huh." Ryujin said, as Beomgyu kept planting butterfly kisses on the crown of her head.

"Might as well become my official boyfriend now." Ryujin said.

"Why not?" Beomgyu replied with a cheeky grin, looking up at her as he faced her properly now. Ryujin's eyes widened at his boldness, as she wrapped her arm around his neck.

"Damn, my boyfriend is so bold." She playfully said.

"So is that a yes?" He asked, as Ryujin chuckled again.

"Yes. You're my man now. So start acting like it." She replied, kissing him again.

You're not perfect, that's what makes you even more perfect.

Beomgyu watched as Ryujin tried her best to make a simple pancake. Too bad for them, she already added way too much batter to the pan, and there was no going back now.

"I...guess we'll work with that." Beomgyu said, as he fixed the heat so it wouldn't burn. Ryujin grinned sheepishly, as she just saw Beomgyu flipping the pancakes, low-key simping.

"I suck at making food." She admitted.

"You look cute while trying to cook." He replied, his eyes on the pan. A blush crept up to her cheeks as she felt them get warm.

In a few more seconds, the pancake was ready. Ryujin hesitated. She never really cooked anything other than instant foods, like ramen, and you know, the usual convenience store foods. Beomgyu was the first to try it, as she took a small bite, making sure it cooled down.

"It's...disgus-I mean it's great!" His face scrunched up as she chewed the pancake, grimacing before quickly switching it up when he realized what he just said.

Ryujin broke a piece from the pancake, tasting it herself. "Good Lor this is horrible!" She exclaimed, understanding why Beomgyu couldn't control his reaction.

"How are you so good at this?" She asked as Beomgyu shrugged. Cooking was his talent, or hobby. And she somehow got really good at it, while he was a pre-teen.

Your kisses are my Roman empire.

The two of them snuggled together, with Ryujin resting her head on his shoulder as usual. Beomgyu's hand played with her fingers, as Ryujin kept reminding him to not mess up her new manicure.

"We can't just keep sitting here and stare at each other. Let's do something!" She said, sitting up with crossed legs on his bed as she took out her phone.

"What do you wanna do?" She asked, as Beomgyu pretended to think.

Both of them were in their first year of university, and had been dating for the past 2 years. The only thing certain to Beomgyu was that he was madly in love with the girl in front of him. Some things also changed, as Ryujin had gotten better at cooking, she simply thought the need to be able to cook for herself because she would be alone in university and eating ramen for a whole year isn't a really healthy choice. Beomgyu, on the other hand, had picked up a sport. He joined the volleyball team, and Ryujin often went to see him practice.

"Keep kissing you for the rest of my life," He shamelessly answered.

"Pervert." Ryujin muttered as Beomgyu smirked.

"As if you weren't staring at my abs just a few days ago at the pool." He replied, as Ryujin accepted her defeat.

"You kiss me way too much." Ryujin said, plopping down on the fluffy bed of his rented apartment.

"And you actually like it." Ryujin could tell he was smirking even though she was facing the ceiling.

Before she knew it, another kiss was planted on her face, as Beomgyu started showering her with butterfly kisses.

You are one of a kind.

Ryujin was an odd type. She was good at almost everything, except at the ones she really needed. Her sense of direction was horrible. And her driving skills were good. Her odd way of saying 'I love you' was to buy him video games, and give him food.

To her, good food equals love. If she's gonna give you a nicely cooked meal, or buy a really good meal, consider it as a thank you and an 'I love you'.

We spent years together, I'm gonna let it go to waste.

"I've been thinking about telling you this sooner, but I guess this is the perfect time." Ryujin had an instinct that this was going to be what she thought it was. And she was right.

He took out a red box, its elegance being something to stare at. Inside it was a diamond ring, a unique one that suited her style perfectly. Beomgyu crouched down, as Ryujin felt tears come to her eyes.

"I know we're still young, and we'll graduate next year, but can you promise me you'll stay by my side forever?" He asked, the words rolling off his tongue like honey. Ryujin and Beomgyu's friends watched them from afar, as they giggled silently, as they were the one who planned this whole setup.

A teardrop trickled down her left cheek, as she covered her mouth. Her smile didn't stop, in fact, she couldn't stop smiling.

"I promise." Ryujin said, as Beomgyu got up from his knee.

"Now come here!" She said, pulling him closer as she wrapped her arms around his neck, tip-toeing as she kissed him.

Sparks ignited inside of them, immense euphoria washing over them. Both of them wanted it to last. They'll make it last.

"I love you." Beomgyu finally said those three words, as it felt special now even though they've said it before.

"I love you too." Ryujin said, before capturing his lips within her again.

That was their story. It was sweet, but it wasn't perfect. Like everyone, they've had their ups and downs. But they stuck together. And that was all that mattered. 

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