The Devil's Tear

By antheias

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"Once the mirror is reunited with the tear, The Devil will ascend once again." In a mirror, the spirit of a d... More

Chapter 1- Prologue
Chapter 2- Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 3- Peculiar
Chapter 4- Convinced
Chapter 5- The Tale of the Devil
Chapter 6- An Unknown Figure
Chapter 7- An Unexpected Savior
Chapter 8- Revelation
Chapter 9- Goodbye
Chapter 10- Periwinkle Sky
Chapter 11- Confusion
Chapter 12- Arising Mysteries
Chapter 13- Vesta's Conclusion
Chapter 14- Exedras
Chapter 15- Living Dead
Chapter 16- Another Trick
Chapter 17- End
Chapter 18- Exposed
Chapter 19- A Mother's Sacrifice
Chapter 20- A New Mission
Chapter 21- Madness
Chapter 22- Capture
Chapter 23- Hopeful Reunion
Chapter 24- Wrong Destination
Chapter 25- The Dragon King
Chapter 26- Established Lemare
Chapter 27- Risky Tactics
Chapter 28- Ariadne Ellery
Chapter 29- Interruption
Chapter 30- Obligation
Chapter 31- Failed
Chapter 32- Disasters
Chapter 33- Warnings
Chapter 34- Ixeldra
Chapter 35- Rescue
Chapter 37- The Deadly Duo and The Exedras Twins
Chapter 38- Past Sacrifices
Chapter 39- Live
Chapter 40- Persevere
Chapter 41- War I
Chapter 42- Conditions
Chapter 43- Clarified Plans
Chapter 44- Uncovered
Chapter 45- Reunion
Chapter 46- Losse Armont
Chapter 47- Gathering
Chapter 48- Game
Chapter 49- Identity
Chapter 50- The Queen Returns
Chapter 51- The Queen's Entrance
Chapter 52- Extraction
Chapter 53- Colourless Flower
Chapter 54- Extent
Chapter 55- Of Love and Hope
Chapter 56- Procession
Chapter 57- War II
Chapter 58- Reawakening of a King
Chapter 59- Sacrifices
Chapter 60 (final)- Forevermore

Chapter 36- Intent

1.1K 17 3
By antheias

Artemis could see the swirling tower of Xerxes’s palace in the distance. She and Demetri had been running for over three hours, trying to close the enormous rift as rapidly as possible. Although they were not tired, the anxiety of what they might find was a great burden. 

Demetri was slowing down by the minute, but Artemis’s determination disallowed her to alter her speed, despite the pain she felt in her stomach and the cold wind against her eyes.

“Art-emis,” Demetri’s words were cut by the wind. “We..”

“Don’t say it,” Artemis released with a shout. She was surprised to find her voice still strong. “We’ll get there!”

Artemis could almost picture Demetri sighing in defeat, and was confirmed he had surrendered by the considerable increase in his speed. Artemis’s hand fell involuntarily into Demetri’s. She felt a soothing sensation on her troubled mind, and grasped it tightly.

Demetri squeezed back, and the two continued at full speed towards Xerxes’s palace.


“Welcome to Tytania, my Queens,” the Devil spoke, bowing his head in mocking respect. Beatrice’s nostrils flared, and her golden curls flapped around her head as a gust of wind manifested itself around her body.

“You can’t intimidate me,” the Devil smirked.

“Are you positive?” Fortuna asked almost inaudibly. “We have a lot to ‘return the favour’ for.”

“Return the favour?” the Devil repeated. “Ah, revenge.”

Fortuna tossed her head back, and her flawless face contorted as her hands glowed silver. The silver flowed almost like liquid, crafting itself into a short weapon attached to her hand.

“A weapon of pure energy,” the Devil smiled, impressed. “I must say, Lady Fortuna, you have very radiant energy.”

Fortuna’s eyes narrowed, and she smiled menacingly. Her figure vanished, reappearing only an inch away from the Devil. Fortuna bent to the possessed Rosy’s height, bringing her face disturbingly close to Rosy’s.

The Devil stood, unflinching. Fortuna’s blade inched towards Rosy’s pale neck. Alexei, at once, protested. “M’lady!”

“Don’t worry,” Beatrice assured. “She will not harm Euphrosyne.”

Alexei scrutinized the Devil and Fortuna. The two were completely still, and no words passed between either. Not even a blink. But the atmosphere remained threateningly tense, as if they were fighting a mental battle.

Finally, the Devil exhaled almost painfully. Fortuna pulled her head back, instantly and astutely stepping to the side. A large ball of shadowy energy blasted the ground Fortuna had been standing on.

“You..” the Devil breathed heavily. “What are you doing?”

Fortuna refused to reply, and slashed once with her blade. The Devil dodged closely. Rosy’s legs were shaking, and she was sweating. The blade passed right through Rosy’s torso, and the Devil’s face became a mask of utter pain. Alexei’s eyes widened, and he lost his voice.

The blade stayed embedded in Rosy’s chest. Rosy’s arm outstretched, and her mouth opened slightly.” The Devil whispered before his eyes shut. Fortuna frowned, anticipating the next event. Right through the wall, a small jewelled box floated towards Rosy. The box was decorated with exotic jewels, and exerted an almost bright aura.  

“Fortuna!” Beatrice’s blue eyes were anxious. The box approached at a steady speed towards Rosy’s hand. Fortuna was occupied with keeping the blade in place in Rosy’s body.

Most suddenly, the ornate box toppled onto the carpeted floor. Rosy’s arm went limp, and Fortuna prayed in relief. The lid of the box parted from its place. The dusty, harmless-looking mirror glinted in the yellow light of the hall.

“Lord Xerxes,” Alexei whispered under his breath as a cloud of smoke rose to the mirror. Fortuna knocked Rosy on the side of the head, deeming her unconscious. The moment Rosy’s eyes shut, the whole room fell into quietude.

They had only barely rescued Tytania.

“This girl… why was she wandering on her own?” Fortuna demanded icily. Despite the harshness of her question, she cradled Rosy in her arms as if she was her child. Her dark eyes softened while she brushed a strand from Rosy’s face.

“She wasn’t alone,” Irma spoke quietly and fearfully. Fortuna inspected the eleven-year old closely. Irma indeed had the appearance of someone much older, almost Alexei’s age, but her eyes shone like an immature child’s.

“You couldn’t have seen this coming,” Beatrice sympathized. “Don’t blame yourself, young one.”

“I did see it. I just couldn’t do anything about it,” Irma wrapped her arms around her torso, “I came here … unwillingly. My mind was protesting against my body. I-I-..”

“Hush, Irma,” Beatrice held her hand out. “Alexei, get this girl out of here. She has no need to see all this. She is uninvolved as I see it.”

Alexei was stunned. Beatrice had watched for less than ten minutes. Irma was equally astonished, and felt slightly hurt. Beatrice noticed this as well, and with her golden ringlets bouncing silkily, she swooped down to Irma’s level.

“It is for your good, child,” she whispered. Despite her cool breath, Irma felt suddenly at ease and protected because of the beauty in front of her. Alexei cleared his throat, gaining the attention of both queens.

“Go, Alexei,” Beatrice urged. Alexei’s eyes keenly fell on Rosy’s sleeping body.

“We will take care of her,” Fortuna assured, “You have my word.”

Alexei felt beaten and useless. He had lost his power to protect Rosy, not only because of the dragon’s extraction. Two new, masterful and keen beings also had the intent to protect her. They would undoubtedly carry out this task unfailingly.

“My Queens,” Alexei bowed his head in surrender and respect. “Very recently, I had thought you two the most dangerous beings ever to exist. I apologize deeply. Please don’t let harm come to Rosy.”

The Queens did not respond, only smiled ambiguously but kindly at the retreating man. Alexei grasped Irma’s hand, pulling her down the hall before halting. He reached into his waist pocket, and closed his fingers around Vesta’s purity ring.

He turned around, flicking the ring in Beatrice’s direction. She caught it swiftly, and examined it with a smirk.

“Where is Vesta?” Alexei inquired suddenly.

“She… had something else to do,” Fortuna replied vaguely. “Worry not. And also, she sends her apologies for all her past ‘evil’ deeds. She is a noble woman.”

Guilt washed over Alexei once more, but he turned around the corner with Irma in tow giving nothing but a look of remorse in reply to Fortuna. All of them had terribly misjudged Vesta. Irma bit her lip, and hung her head low, avoiding Alexei’s now similarly coloured eyes.

And what a lovely colour they were. As blue as a pleasant summer day’s sky.

A scenario of herself, Alexei, Artemis and Rosy lying together under such a sky manifested into her mind. A lump settled in her throat.

Happiness seemed so agonizingly distant.

A/N: Ouch, my schedule's tight. I'm so sorry! *bows head*

I hope you enjoyed~

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