By TMYstories

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Lacuna (n. latin) : An unfilled space or interval; a gap; a missing portion in a book or manuscript. Melanch... More



112 11 6
By TMYstories

Please read the previous chapter too , this is a continuation chapter.

                  ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

*Small flaws, glitches, my new afterimage. Breaking down the wall between what i want to say and what i cannot say. Not getting intimidated but rebelling and raising questions against what the world demands. The world's fixed stereotype collide with my inner self and leaves trauma for a while but this temporary glitch transforms into the driving force to create a new wavelength and becomes part of me.*

His nose tinged with a rosy hue, and his words slightly slurred by the effects of alcohol, he took a hesitant step back, uncertainty clouding his mind as he peered at the figure before him, questioning whether it was truly Jimin standing there. Tears glistened on his lashes, delicate and ethereal like the wings of a butterfly, evoking a surge of emotions within Jimin.

A profound desire washed over him, compelling him to envelop Yoongi in a protective embrace, shielding him from the harsh realities of the world with the softest of kisses. Observing Yoongi's vulnerability, as he blinked and gripped his T-shirt's hem, Jimin felt a surge of jealousy, not wanting anyone else to witness Yoongi's fragile state.

Jimin took a cautious step or two toward Yoongi, noting his obvious state of inebriation. Despite this, he yearned to embrace him once more, holding him close and showering him with affectionate kisses. Eventually, Jimin's hand found its place at the nape of Yoongi's neck, while the other tenderly cupped his fair cheek, marveling at how radiant and precious his Hyung appeared, like a gleaming pearl.

"Hyung, it's Jimin. I'm here," he reassured softly.

Yoongi's eyes widened in alarm, as though uncertain of the identity of the person embracing him.

"A man just hugged me," he muttered, wrapping his arms around himself defensively, his discomfort palpable. Yet, to Jimin, witnessing Yoongi's vulnerability only deepened his affection.

"Hyung, it was me hugging you just now, and it's me hugging you now. Let's head inside, alright?" Jimin coaxed gently.

Yoongi mumbled to himself, unsteady on his feet as he made his way toward the couch.

"Jimin came, my Jimin, my beloved Jimin came," he whispered, his words filled with a mix of relief and affection.

Before collapsing onto the couch, Yoongi stumbled over the litter of empty bottles scattered at his feet, his movements unsteady. With one eye closed in exhaustion, he muttered incomprehensibly, his voice heavy with drowsiness. Witnessing Yoongi's struggle, Jimin bent down to tidy up the disarrayed floor.

"You know, I can't bear to be without Jimin," Yoongi murmured, his words tinged with slumber.

After neatly arranging the bottles on the table, Jimin draped a blanket over Yoongi's form, noting the telltale flush of alcohol coloring his cheeks. Yoongi, in his intoxicated state, shifted restlessly on the sofa, his closed eyes and flushed complexion painting a picture of vulnerability that stirred Jimin's heart. Unable to resist, Jimin leaned in, pressing his nose against Yoongi's soft, cotton-clad cheek, and tenderly placing a kiss upon it, savoring the scent of his Hyung. Overwhelmed by Yoongi's endearing demeanor, Jimin longed to shower him with affection, planting gentle kisses all over his beloved Hyung's face.

As Yoongi peacefully slept, Jimin busied himself with tidying up the disarrayed surroundings, gently organizing the kitchen as dawn broke outside. Glancing at his phone, he noted the advancing hour and decided sleep was futile now that daylight had flooded the room. Anticipating Yoongi's inevitable hangover, Jimin rolled up his sleeves, preparing to whip up a remedy he knew would soothe his Hyung's discomfort.

Ensuring he checked on Yoongi intermittently, Jimin found solace in the domestic routine, relishing the sense of caretaking and intimacy it afforded. Yet, amidst his satisfaction, a lingering uncertainty gnawed at Jimin's thoughts - the desire to be the sole provider of comfort in Yoongi's life warred with the fear of overstepping boundaries. Lost in contemplation, Jimin sliced onions thinly, the pungent aroma momentarily masking his internal turmoil.

Once the soup was simmering, Jimin returned to Yoongi's side, tenderly combing back his damp hair, sweat glistening on his forehead. Each glance at Yoongi's porcelain skin stirred a primal longing within Jimin, leaving him with a persistent urge to swallow his emotions. With a sudden surge of impulsive affection, Jimin sank to the floor beside Yoongi, positioning himself at eye level with his sleeping form. Without disturbing Yoongi's slumber, Jimin nestled his head beside his Hyung's, his gaze fixated on Yoongi's serene features, unable to tear his eyes away.

In that quiet moment of unspoken adoration, Jimin yearned to convey the depth of his feelings, to articulate just how beautiful and captivating Yoongi was to him. Yet, words eluded him, their limitations falling short in capturing the magnitude of his emotions. So, Jimin simply remained there, silently soaking in the sight of Yoongi's peaceful countenance, his heart overflowing with love and longing.

He was on the verge of doing something audacious, like meticulously counting Yoongi's eyelashes one by one. With the luxury of time before Yoongi stirred from his slumber, Jimin fixated his gaze upon his Hyung. The fluttering butterflies in his stomach were a testament to the enduring emotions that consumed him, foremost among them, the profound conviction that Yoongi belonged to him.

Despite the pang of guilt for causing Yoongi heartache, Jimin recognized the necessity of addressing their relationship issues. They needed to have a candid conversation, to mend their hearts and restore the sweetness between them. Yet, in the midst of these contemplations, Jimin found himself unable to resist the irresistible urge to shower Yoongi's cheeks with tender kisses. It was an impulse he couldn't control, driven by an insatiable desire for closeness and affection.

Jimin found himself flooded with emotions at the thought of losing Yoongi, prompting an instant desire to proclaim their relationship to the world. This impulse felt so overwhelming that it bordered on insanity. Both Jimin and Yoongi grappled with the complexities of their situation, unable to confide in their families or confront certain obstacles.

Despite sharing a deep love for each other, they navigated their relationship in secrecy. Yet, Jimin couldn't shake the yearning for their love to be acknowledged by those around them. He longed for the validation and recognition that would bring them peace, a sentiment shared by Yoongi.

Feeling unable to find validation for their relationship, Jimin grew fixated on making Yoongi feel more deeply his own. Disregarding Yoongi's inebriated state, he climbed on top of him and settled in. Though a fleeting thought suggested this act might be more significant if they were both naked, Jimin couldn't divert his gaze from the constellation of moles adorning Yoongi's face, each one akin to the most beautiful stars in the galaxy.

Pressing his nose to each mole, Jimin tenderly kissed them, feeling as though God had mapped out each spot for him to explore on Yoongi's face. To Jimin, his Yoongi was a vision of beauty in every sense - whether inebriated, sober, serene, furious, or elated. Lately, Jimin found particular joy in observing Yoongi's reactions as they explored each other in bed, reveling in every flicker of excitement reflected in his eyes, every whimper and moan that escaped his lips.

The thought of anyone else having the privilege to witness Yoongi in such intimate moments filled Jimin with an inexplicable rage, even in the absence of any tangible obstacle. The mere notion of sharing that sacred space with another ignited a fierce possessiveness within him, one that threatened to consume him entirely.

After lavishing each mole on Yoongi's face with tender kisses, Jimin trailed his lips down to his chin before pausing at Yoongi's Adam's apple. Without breaking contact, he pressed his lips against it, reveling in the scent of Yoongi's skin that lingered there. Overwhelmed by a wave of desire, Jimin struggled to keep his eyes open, longing to consume Yoongi entirely. Unable to resist any longer, he allowed his eyes to drift shut, succumbing to sleep with his lips still pressed against Yoongi's Adam's apple.

As Yoongi slowly emerged from a comforting slumber, his gaze first drifted to the ceiling. Yet, upon attempting to move, he found himself immobilized by a heavy, almost oppressive sensation engulfing his body, accompanied by a pervasive warmth. Still grappling with the lingering effects of alcohol, Yoongi strained to moisten his parched throat and pry open his eyelids, sticky with sleep. As consciousness gradually enveloped him, he became aware of another presence, a steady rhythm of breath rising and falling in sync with his own. Overwhelmed by the influx of sensations and thoughts in those initial moments of awakening, Yoongi found it challenging to make sense of his surroundings.

As Yoongi drew in a deep breath, his gaze settled upon Jimin, sleeping peacefully atop him like a comforting weight. Like a quilt. Familiarity flooded him as he recognized Jimin's scent , knowing instinctively that no one else carried that particular fragrance. With a sense of certainty, his limbs responded as if guided by unseen forces, one arm instinctively encircling Jimin's slender waist while his hand found its place against the warmth of Jimin's bare skin beneath his T-shirt - a sensation that threatened to drive Yoongi to madness with its intoxicating allure.

In the midst of this tactile connection, Yoongi found himself adrift in a sea of confusion. He couldn't recall how they had come to be in this intimate position, or when Jimin came. He felt as if he had had a long dream or felt as if still dreaming.

Yoongi shifted both arms from Jimin's hips to his waist, embracing him tightly as he lifted them both from the couch. As they finally stood upright, Yoongi held Jimin's waist with one arm while cradling his head with the other, leaning into his own chest for support as they made their way to the bedroom. Carefully, he lowered Jimin onto the satin sheets, marveling at the sight before him - a vision he knew he would cherish forever.

Every aspect of Jimin seemed to harmonize effortlessly with Yoongi's bed - from the smoothness of his skin to the strands of his hair, even the rhythm of his breaths. It was as if Jimin had always belonged there. In that moment, Yoongi couldn't help but feel that his bed was incomplete without Jimin's presence, a sentiment he swore he would never tire of.

Yoongi didn't want to stay longer and get more confused. He could still smell alcohol on him and felt hungry. Without waking Jimin, he quietly grabbed a few things from his closet and headed to the big bathroom at the end of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. As he filled the bathtub with hot water, he thought about how Jimin came here and when. Testing the water with his hand, he grabbed his mint and rosemary shampoo, undressed completely, and eased into the warm water. His limbs relaxed, and he closed his eyes, enjoying the heat since he still felt the alcohol's effects and had a heavy head.

The hot water was so soothing that he didn't notice himself falling asleep.

With the sounds coming from inside, Yoongi watched the bathroom door with an incomprehensible look through the hot water. Someone was shouting at someone, and it didn't take long to figure out who it was. He quickly got out of the water, wrapped the towel around his waist and walked towards the bedroom with water dripping from his hair and body.

The voices were coming from downstairs.

He wondered for a moment why he was doing this half-naked, but for some reason his steps were hasty, all his limbs were giving him orders to prevent something that shouldn't happen.

When he finally reached the last step of the stairs, the screams stopped with the wet sounds of his bare feet on the floor and Yoongi made eye contact with his father.

Yoongi was frozen in place, but when he took his eyes off his father and looked a little to his left, he saw Jimin standing with his head bowed. He felt like his world had collapsed around him. He lost his ability to speak. His father's anger surrounded the whole house like smoke, and it was felt.

''Are you shamelessly appearing naked in front of your father? '' His father's anger wasn't good.

His father turned and grabbed Jimin's arm, forcing him to meet his gaze. Jimin's eyes welled with tears, rendered speechless. Yoongi's heart ached at the sight.

As his father released Jimin's arm, a sharp sound echoed. It happened so quickly that Yoongi barely registered it, but the effect of Jimin's slap redirected his attention. His father's hand recoiled, and with tears streaming down his face, Yoongi realized the gravity of the situation - his father had struck Jimin.

" I didn't raise my son for you to see him naked and engage in perverted acts. I didn't raise my son for you to turn him into a faggot," his father's words cut through the air like a knife, each syllable laced with disdain.

Another slap landed across Jimin's face, and Yoongi felt as though his heart was being torn from his chest.

He wanted to scream, but he couldn't make a sound, he felt like his feet were nailed to the ground on the last step of the stairs, all sounds were muffled and confused as if he was under water, he couldn't breathe. He felt like he really couldn't breathe, and when he saw the tears falling from Jimin's eyes, the water poured out of his mouth with the feeling that rose to his throat. As if he had swallowed a sea, the water flowing from his mouth buried the place they were in under water.

And Yoongi opened his eyes when he felt his body being pulled by a force.

As Yoongi's eyes fluttered open, he felt a strange tug at his body, pulling him back to consciousness. The sight of Jimin, tears streaming down his face, reignited Yoongi's fears. Confusion clouded his mind as he struggled to comprehend the situation. He couldn't shake the image of Jimin being slapped by his father, yet here Jimin was, beside him in the bathroom, sobbing and desperately seeking Yoongi's gaze.

Something felt off, out of place, as if reality itself were distorted and hazy. Yoongi's focus wavered, unable to fully grasp the situation unfolding before him.

""Breathe!" Jimin's voice pierced through the haze, raw and strained, sending shivers down Yoongi's spine. The air around him felt icy, and as he glanced around, he realized he was still in the tub. The water, colder than cold, sent a jolt of pain through his lungs.

As the reality of his situation sunk in, Yoongi became aware of Jimin's frantic efforts to revive him, pounding on his back. A fit of coughing erupted, the rush of water escaping his throat startling him.

"Take deep breaths," Jimin's voice, cracked with tears, echoed in Yoongi's ears, a stark reminder of how much Yoongi fucked up the situation.

He had fallen asleep in the water, teetering on the brink of drowning.

If Jimin hadn't been there... the thought sent a shiver down Yoongi's spine.

Yoongi took deep breaths after each water that came out of his throat, and when he finally relaxed, he leaned back. Jimin was looking at him with big eyes because Yoongi's face was almost livid and he could imagine what would happen if he couldn't breathe anymore.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Jimin collapsed onto the bathroom floor, his back against the cold porcelain of the bathtub. The dampness of the floor seeped through his clothes, a tangible reminder of the gravity of the moment.

Yoongi struggled to fully comprehend the events that had transpired, but one thing was clear - the realization of the precariousness of his own mortality.

As tears streamed down Jimin's face, his shoulders convulsing with sobs, Yoongi's stiff limbs refused to obey him. Unsure if he could even muster the strength to speak, his voice emerged as a hoarse, raspy whisper.


Jimin turned towards him on the marble floor where he was sitting and looked at Yoongi's whole body, the effects of shock still on his face.

After wiping his own tears with his fingers, he stood up and grabbed Yoongi's arms under the water.

''Get up, get out of the water. ''

Even though Yoongi had a little difficulty, he did what he said without protesting, his whole body hurt. As soon as Jimin wrapped the large towel around Yoongi's body, Yoongi started to shiver, as his body was wrapped, he was just realizing how cold he was, and the tears didn't stop flowing from Jimin's eyes.

When they got to the bedroom, Jimin sniffled and selected the clothes that would keep him warmest from Yoongi's closet. Yoongi was sitting in the middle of the bed; his lips were livid and his eyes were shaking unfocused. Jimin's hasty steps immediately found him, and he helped him put his clothes on without wasting any time. After he was fully dressed, he was still shivering and Jimin held Yoongi's bare toes, they were ice cold. He thought of ideas on how to warm them.

lJimin swiftly shed his clothes and gently laid Yoongi on the bed before covering them both with the duvet. Naked against the warmth of the covers, Jimin contrasted sharply with Yoongi, who remained clothed and cold. Sensing Yoongi's frigid feet, Jimin wrapped his own warm toes around them, pulling him close.

As Yoongi trembled, Jimin reached out, intertwining their hands and placing them against his chest, exhaling warm breath. Yoongi buried his head in Jimin's neck, seeking solace in his embrace. The coldness gnawed at him, stirring up feelings of loneliness, but with Jimin's arms around him, he felt safe and secure. He wasn't alone; Jimin was there..

He was cold but Jimin was there to warm him up.

Feeling his lips grow numb, Yoongi's concern surfaced.

"Jimin, my lips are cold," he murmured softly.

Jimin took a deep breath, his anger palpable, yet Yoongi knew that beneath it all, Jimin would move mountains for him, just as he would for Jimin. It was a bond that transcended words, a silent understanding that they would do anything for each other.

Despite the tightness of Jimin's embrace, his voice still carried a hint of anger.

"Tell them not to be cold," he urged.

As Jimin's warmth began to seep into Yoongi's body, he couldn't help but feel grateful for how quickly Jimin could chase away the chill. Yet, his limbs still remained cold.

"How can I tell my lips that they shouldn't be cold?" Yoongi questioned softly, breaking the silence. "I can't keep them warm by myself."

Yoongi was obviously trying to distract Jimin from scaring him so much because he was just realizing that he was almost drowning, he hadn't felt himself sinking into the water while he was asleep, and he was almost drowning. He presented a sight that he would never want to see for someone you loved, and Yoongi really didn't know what to do.

Jimin didn't answer, as Yoongi's condition got better and his body temperature increased, Jimin became calmer, but calmness also meant thinking about things clearly and sharply, and this made Jimin really angry because he was so angry. He was angry that Yoongi was so careless.

Yoongi's voice broke the silence as his trembling gradually subsided after several long minutes.

"Now get dressed. I don't want you to get cold either," he instructed gently.

Observing his own nakedness beneath the quilt, Jimin rose from the bed and retrieved the clothes he had discarded earlier, noting their dampness. With practiced ease, he returned to Yoongi's closet and dressed in his clothes. Meanwhile, Yoongi watched Jimin intently from beneath the duvet, his eyes the only visible feature.

As Jimin lingered before the mirrored wardrobe, Yoongi felt a pang of unease at being apart from him for too long.

Yoongi didn't like the time he spent in bed without him.

"Come back to bed," he urged softly.

This wasn't an order; it was actually a plea from Yoongi to Jimin. Jimin met Yoongi's gaze through the mirror, their eyes locking in a silent exchange. Once more, he remained silent.

'' Be my comforter again. '' Yoongi's voice was hoarse from being in cold water for a long time and came out in a tone that signaled that he would get a fever very soon.

Even through the reflection in the mirror, Yoongi could see tears welling up in Jimin's eyes. It was clear that Jimin understood what Yoongi was asking for - to lie together like on the couch, wrapped in each other's warmth like a quilt. Yet, once again, Jimin offered no response.

Yoongi was very good with his words and wouldn't make promises he couldn't keep. Yoongi also had a very strong heart and a stubborn love, solid like the root of a plane tree.

"I'll never find warmth at night unless I sleep with you, wrapped around me like a quilt."

Jimin's reflection in the mirror seemed to draw closer to Yoongi with each passing moment, causing his breath to hitch in his throat. Undeterred, Yoongi continued with conviction.

"You'll be my cover every night. Only you can warm me," he declared.

As Jimin's raw image in the mirror stirred something within Yoongi, he sprung out of bed with sudden determination. In just a few strides, he reached Jimin, his gaze still locked on the mirror. Gripping Jimin's arm, Yoongi turned him towards himself, pressing Jimin's body against the mirror's surface. Yoongi's hair, still damp, appeared darker in the dim light, and Jimin's wet eyes lingered on it for a moment.

Both Yoongi's skin and lips bore traces of moisture, as if they were still submerged underwater, yet there was a warmth in his eyes that Jimin always found reassuring, even in the coldest of moments. Somehow, Yoongi seemed to sense Jimin's unspoken thoughts, a connection that puzzled him as much as it intrigued him. He didn't understand why he could sense Jimin's thoughts.

Yoongi gazed at Jimin's reflection, his hands cupping Jimin's cheeks, reveling in the contrast between their skin tones.

He wanted to have a dream...

With Jimin in it.

"Jimin, I want to dream and act without pondering the outcome for once. There's just one thing-I promise it's the only thing I want to do. For everything else, I can analyze and contemplate for days. But this one thing, I want to do it without considering the end result, something I know I'll never regret." His eyes sparkled with excitement and his lips parted.

Jimin felt a sense of bewilderment wash over him as he processed Yoongi's words. The man who had been trembling in his arms just moments ago was now speaking of dreams and fantasies. Yoongi's words seemed like the opening lines of a fairy tale, a narrative detached from reality-a notion that Jimin found difficult to accept. He preferred concrete facts over whimsical musings.

After regaining his composure, Jimin spoke, his breath mingling with Yoongi's as they stood close.

"Why are you speaking as if we're characters from a fairy tale? We're not fictional," he stated firmly.

With a gentle touch, Yoongi used his little finger to free Jimin's bangs, which had become entangled in his eyelashes, and placed a tender kiss on his eyelid.

Jimin shuddered involuntarily, feeling the icy chill of Yoongi's lips against his skin. Regret washed over him as he wished he had kissed Yoongi earlier, warming his lips with his own.

"No, baby, we're not fictional," reassured Yoongi softly.

He pressed another kiss to Jimin's eyelid before continuing, his words laden with conviction.

"I promise, it will be the most enchanting reality of your life."

As Jimin's mesmerizing eyes locked onto Yoongi's, he felt his breath catch in his throat. A swarm of butterflies erupted in Yoongi's stomach, emboldening him with a surge of courage.

Cupping Jimin's face in his hands, Yoongi gently caressed his skin with his thumbs, his gaze lingering on Jimin's lips, nose, and eyes in turn. Without waiting for Jimin's response, he uttered the most audacious and yet profoundly sincere words of his life.

"Jimin, let's get married."

Jimin felt like time was flying away with Yoongi's lips closing on his own without even being able to breathe. After what Yoongi said passed through Jimin's ears and mind filter, despite the effect of the lips devouring his lips, he opened his eyes wide and tried to push Yoongi's shoulders, but no. Yoongi wasn't letting Jimin go even an inch.

Yoongi shared his own breaths with Jimin and made him breathe with his own whenever he was breathless. Jimin felt like he was going to faint. Yoongi had never kissed him so intensely and deeply, as if he wanted to seal everything he said, and Jimin realized that Yoongi really meant what he said.

Yoongi spoke without taking his lips off Jimin's lips - lips whose tastes mixed together -

''I'm serious, let's get married. My sun. Let's be each other's forever. ''

Jimin wanted to cry. As Yoongi took Jimin to the bed without leaving Jimin's lips for a moment, he wanted to cry like crazy because his heart felt like it was going to explode.

Yoongi looked at Jimin, who was sitting on his knees and taking deep breaths with his mouth open, with the pride of having placed the most beautiful, rarest, most untouchable and most precious person in the world in the middle of his bed.

He also climbed onto the bed and while he was enjoying looking at Jimin from a few inches above, something happened. Tears flowed from the corners of Jimin's eyes, filling the bedroom floor, and as Yoongi looked at the rising waters, he felt cold hands on his ribcage, Jimin's hands, pushing him and pushing him off the bed to the bottom of the waters that seemed to be infinitely deep.

Yoongi groaned in pain and when he opened his eyes, he lost his perception of reality with the view of the large hall. Within a few seconds of his whining, he heard footsteps approaching him. When he raised his head and looked around, he realized that he had just fallen off the couch. he looked around, the liquor bottles were no longer there and bare feet were at eye level. Jimin's feet.

''Hyung, does it hurt anywhere? ''

Yoongi had truly lost his sense of reality. He had a dream within a dream, and everything was mixed up. His father, the bathroom, Jimin crying, Jimin warming him up, cold, hot, Jimin's lips and.. And.. getting marr-. Jimin pushed him. He had rejected him.

Yoongi didn't even feel like answering. He had a migraine and his eyes were sensitive to light. He probably looked like he was very angry, but he just couldn't stand the light. Besides, he was cold. Didn't Jimin warm him up?

It was indeed a dream.

His mouth was dry and he could still feel the taste and smell of alcohol.

''Hyung, you're scaring me. ''

Jimin carefully put his arm under Yoongi's armpits and folded them across his chest, then picked him up off the floor, sat him on the couch, and put a pillow on his back. He cupped his face with his palms.

''Hyung, you're cold. I'm sorry, I was cooking you some soup to help you wake up. If I had known, I would have brought another blanket. ''

Yoongi ruffled his own hair, not understanding why he lost control so quickly even though he didn't drink that much alcohol and felt his stomach churn.

He ran upstairs to his bathroom, apologizing to Jimin before covering his mouth with his hand.

Yoongi looked at himself in front of the mirror and decided that the dreams he was having were not a dream but a nightmare because he could never allow such things to happen in real life. Especially his father's attitude towards Jimin could only come true in a nightmare, and even this was hurtful enough to make Yoongi not want to dream again.

The instinct to hide Jimin from everyone and everything spread even more through his blood. He thought he should have paid more attention, and when he thought about the marriage proposal in his nightmare, he looked at his reflection in the mirror again, and now his skin was whiter.

Yoongi has always loved to dream, since he was a child. His biggest dream was to continue dreaming. But now he didn't know why his dreams hurt him so much and why he wanted to escape from them. Maybe what he dreamed was no longer just a dream, he wanted to make it all come true, and many of his dreams were connected to what he had in reality.

It wasn't the same as before. Yoongi's dreams were no longer like dreaming of a house, a car, a nice vacation, they were not dreams that he could easily achieve, and no one would judge him, on the contrary, he was including someone in his own life. Without asking him... He was making him the protagonist of his dreams and expecting him to make his dreams come true. Without asking him.

Did dreams become smaller as we grew up, or did we grow up when we stopped dreaming?

Yoongi thought about this while looking in the mirror but couldn't reconcile it with himself. He was an adult and he still had dreams, he dreamed of continuing to dream.

''So what am I? '' he asked to his reflection in the mirror and then another voice in his mind answered him. He wasn't a stranger, but he wasn't like him, either.

''Peter Pan. '' answered the voice in his mind and Yoongi knew that voice belonged to him.

Maybe he's an alter ego.

Yoongi didn't know if he liked that voice or not. But he whispered again.

''Set me free so you can dream. ''

And Yoongi was looking in the mirror with his own fearful eyes and he had never felt so afraid. He could hear Jimin's footsteps, the sweet tapping of his bare feet on the hardwood. His hands holding the sink tightly felt the cold of the ceramic, which was not good at all.

Because Yoongi knew,

this time it wasn't a dream.

                    ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


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