Fulfilling Promises

By Yuk_Melody

394 58 828

"I don't want to lose you," he whispered. "You won't ever lose me." "I'll always come back to you. No matter... More

Chapter 1: We promised
Chapter 2: I promise
Chapter 3.1: You Promised
Chapter 3.2: I Promised
Chapter 4: Past promises
Bonus Chapter: April's Fool Special
Chapter 5: White Promise
Chapter 6: Secret Promise
Chapter 7: Harmful Promise
Chapter 7: Harmful Promise (2)
Chapter 8: Harmful Promise (Better version)
Chapter 8: Dangerous Promise
Chapter 9: Angry Promises
Chapter 10: New Promises
Bonus Chapter: Birthday Special

Chapter 11: Misunderstood Promises

6 1 21
By Yuk_Melody

A.N: Hi everyone! I'm sorry for disappearing for so long. I hope you are all doing well. I've been really hard time writing due to some events in my life but I finally got back to it this week. It's gonna take me some time to get back to a good level but until then please bear with me. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you for reading.


As always I was sitting under the tree's shade reading a book. I did not get to finish the sentence as the book was ripped out of my hands. The book was hiding the soon to be corpse from my view but I already knew who it was.

"Catch me if you can, loser."

With that he took off and I ducked my head making sure I don't look at him by mistake. I got up and started to head inside, completely ignoring him. I had barely stepped inside before Sara called after me.

"Bella! Gray just got back. His new haircut..."

"I don't want to hear about it." I interrupted her.

"Oh, come on! Don't be like that. It was long due."

"That does not mean that I can't be upset about it."

"It does actually." Tyler added from wherever.

"Nobody fudging asked you."

"Nanananana." He mocked me.

I would chuck the closest object at him but I'm not wasting that much effort or him.

"Seriously Bella! It's just a haircut. You can't seriously be mad at him about that!"

"He also stole my book."

"Oh my God, is he still alive?"

She was already rushing to check on him.

"He's fine!" I yelled at her retreating back. "For now." I muttered.

"You really need to sort out your priorities, girl!"

I turned around to find Maiva plopping on the couch.

"I know," I muttered dropping beside her. "What I don't know is why I'm so upset about a freaking haircut."

"You sure it's about the haircut?"

I looked at her and she stared right back.

"Ok maybe not."

"Knew it! I mean yes you can be extremely childish but not at this point."

I glared at her. "I'm not- "

"Yes you are."

I rolled my eyes.

"So, tell me what did lover boy do?"

"Well, he did not exactly do anything. It's just sometimes he can act so high and mighty and he makes it look like I can't live without him."

"Which is true."

"Which is not."

"I like him like a lot. Might even be as much as I hate him but I can survive without him and I am someone without him."

"Of course, you are Bella and everyone knows that. Even him."

"I don't know. It's just he makes me happy like giggling and smiling for no reason kind of happy but I sometimes wonder, can I be happy without him?"

"Oh! I see the issue. Everyone can see that you don't need him to be you except you."

"I... Yeah."

"Well then maybe talk to him about it."

"I don't know. How do I do that without sounding like a bee?"

"Who cares if you do sound like one. You're not one. Also, it's Gray, Belle. He'll understand. Just try, okay?"

"I guess I could try. What's the worst that can happen? We stop talking?"

"Now if you go in with the mindset that it's gonna push him away, good luck in not doing exactly that. Think how this will allow you two to be more open with each other."

"Yeah you're right. Thanks Maiva."

"Anytime, girl. And if he breaks your heart, I'll break his legs, 'kay?"

I chuckled.

"Sure. Thanks again."

With that I got up and went in search of my best friend who better start praying I don't kill him for interrupting my reading.


I felt a soft kiss on my forehead and someone caressing my head before the warmth disappeared and I suddenly my body felt frozen. I stirred but by the time I opened my eyes, there was no one around. I peeked in the corridor but there was no one in sight. I shrugged. I must have still been dreaming. The sun was slowly rising and I gathered my things to go home.

"Wake up soon."

I squeezed Alex's hand before leaving.

Once I reached home, I freshened up and got ready for the office. Although, it was pretty boring, the atmosphere was cool. The people were fun. I get why Alex liked working there. Except for the whole being around the jerk part. I wonder how much longer I can bear having to see his face.

His handsome face you mean.

Shut up.

After a peaceful subway ride, I strolled into the lobby smiling at my colleagues. I sat at my desk and got to work knowing it would keep my mind off the recent events.

"Belle. Can we talk?" I glanced up at him.

"It's Miss Anderson to you and you're the boss can I even say no?"

His eyes flashed with sadness and I tried my best to ignore the guilt churning in my stomach.

"You can. You're as much the boss as I am."

My eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't want to force you but we really have to talk."

Now that I was intrigued it was hard to refuse. I sighed.

"Fine." I muttered.

His face lit up like a Christmas tree and my heart fluttered. The hell. What's wrong with me?

You are in love. True love.

No, I'm not.

He glanced back when he noticed I was not following.

"You coming?"


I stood up and followed him into his office.

He gestured for me to take a seat. I plopped down on the comfy seat and waited for him to start talking. He stared at me intensely. I could feel his eyes prodding at the barriers I spent so long building. I shivered and that seemed to snap him out of his trance.

"Belle," I sent him a harsh glare and he sighed dejectedly, "Miss Anderson, as much as I am delighted to have you working in my marketing team. It simply isn't your cup of tea."

The nerve of this guy. He went radio silent on me and the first thing he wants to tell me after all these years is that I'm not doing a good job. I swear if he wasn't my 'boss' I would have punched him so damn hard in that perfect jaw of his.

"I didn't realise my work was not up to your level. I will try harder." I gritted through my teeth. I was fuming at this point. I pushed my chair back ready to leave.

"What? No! That's not what I meant. You have been doing a fabulous job but as the co-owner I think you deserve a higher post."

"Co-owner? What are you talking about?"

"Damn you Alex for ditching me." He muttered in a low voice.

"What does Alex have to do with anything? Did he know about this co-owner thing? If this is your idea of getting on my good side, I'm sorry but I don't care about your stupid company. You can keep it to yourself."

"This was not my aim. I made a deal with my adoptive father when I met him. I told him that I wanted to be in charge of his business so that I could be worthy of you. He said he would accept if I was willing to sacrifice the one thing I loved the most. You."

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