Dragons Fury (Of Black and Re...

By Silverflare-2

16.2K 561 1.4K

Twin brothers. Once inseparable, now bitter enemies. How will the Dance of Dragons play out with the Sons of... More

The Heirs of the Dragon
A New Day
We All Go Mad Sometimes
The Beginning Of The End
A Day Of Mourning And To Spring The Trap
Where Do We Go From Here?
Tread Carefully
Moving Forward
An Heir For The Heir
Second Of His Name Part 1
AI Art
Second Of His Name Part 2
AI Art
First Step To Redemption
Home Sweet Home
AI Art: Dragon Egg For Our Babe
Making Moves
The Truth
AI Art: My Family, My Life
We Light The Way, With Fire And Blood
Rough Road Ahead
Saints & Sinners
Let The Guilty Men Be Judged
Darkness Calls
Into The Fire
Short Tempered
Seeing Things Differently
Awkward Reunion
Rekindle Or Crumble
There's No Going Back
Broken Family
New Dragon Heirs
AI Art: New Dragon Heirs
Flawed Reunion
A Feast And A Wedding
The Proposal That could End A War
AI Art: The Children Of Black And Red
Unclear Edge
Brothers: The Choice
Brothers: Truce
One Last Attempt At Peace
AI Art: A War Of Black And Red

Ambition for Driftmark

193 6 15
By Silverflare-2



On the high mountains of Dragonstone, Duncan had watched as Syrax flew to her cave where she had been lying her eggs. Duncan waited for her to depart, and when she did, he entered the cave and found three eggs. He then smirked when he saw the eggs. At the age of 16, he had grown at the height of 6'2, and was a formidable fighter thanks to his father and Daemons intense training, and had risen to Lord of Runestone. He was approached by two dragonkeepers.

"It would seem that Syrax brought forth a fresh clutch today. Three eggs, three eggs." He happily proclaimed. "See to it that they are placed in the warming chamber." He said and gave the bag of eggs to his uncle.

"At once, my prince." The dragonkeeper said and revealed a little. "A raven came from King's Landing." He gave the letter to Duncan and when Duncan read it he got angry, he was having a good day and now someone had to suffer for ruining it.


Like Duncan Rhaenys had also received news that could make her anger set the world on fire. Lord Corlys was returning home from war, but he suffered an injury.

"It's been near 6 years since I last saw my lord husband, Maester." Rhaenys said. "I must know. Will he live?" She asked.

"He lead his sailors into an ambush, his ship made to look as if it were abandoned, in the fighting, his neck was slashed by a corsairs dagger, he fell overboard into the sea, the wound was severe, much blood was lost, but the greater concern is the fever that followed, the ships maester says it burns from within." Maester Kelvyn said.

Rhaenys needed time to absorb this information, she was angry at her husband but she did not want him to die, she looked at her granddaughter Baela, who had been her ward for the last 4 years.

"The ravens came from?" She asked.

"Edenfall, princess." The maester said.

"So they arrive in three days? Let us all be ready to receive him, Maester Kelvyn." Rhaenys said, and Maester Kelvyn bowed and left the Hall of Nine.

Baela sighed as she walked to her grandmother. "The Sea Snake is strong."

"No doubt, and yet, I have seen that fever overcome men half his age." Vaemond said.

"I will not suffer the talk of crows in my house, Vaemond." Rhaenys warned.

"I love my brother, but we must be honest with ourselves, we may greet his ship to find him gone, and who will take the Driftwood Throne?" Vaemond asked.

"My grandmother seems quite comfortable here." Baela said.

Vaemond smirked at her and looked at her as if he wanted her. "She presides only in the absence of her husband. Upon his death, the throne passes to -"

"Jacaerys Velaryon, as is my lord hubsbands desire." Rhaenys cut him off.

"I am the Sea Snakes own blood, the closest kin he has left." Vaemond pointed out.

"Be careful, good-brother. One could take your words for treason." Rhaenys warned him again

Vaemond walked closer to Rhaenys up the steps. "I speak the truth, Rhaenys, and you know it." He said.

"The matter has been decided." Rhaenys dismissed.

"By a man whose ambition has brought down on us calamity after calamity, my brother cares only for the history books, but what of the Velaryon line? Is it to be snuffed out? Supplanted by the pups of House Strong?" He asked. "Driftmark is mine, by all rights, and while I should like your support, I do not need it. The winds have shifted, and the crown had good reason to take my side." Vaemond pointed out.

"My cousin, the king, would have your tongue for this." Rhaenys reminded him.

Vaemond smirked. "It's not a king who sits the Iron Throne these days, good-sister. It's the crown prince."


"Rhaella Velaryon was listening to her brother Jace being taught high valyrian by Maester Gerardys." She had married Duncan after they had left Kings Landing the 3 years ago, and had immediately consummated their marriage when they both had turned.

Rhaella massaged her now 6-month pregnant belly as she was listening to her brother Jace speak in high valyrian and struggle a little.

"The Conquerer and his sisters sailed with a great army and landed at the Blackwater Rush." Translated what maester Gerardys was saying.

Rhaella smirked and decided to test him. "Dranot."

"Ah, Dranot, Dranot." Jace hated when Rhaella did this. She would always randomly test him, and she was a real scholar. "Dranot. The end?"

"The mouth." Rhaella corrected him.

"The mouth, oh come on Jace, you knew that." Jace said. "Dranot. Dranot."

Maester Geradys spoke up. "Dranot vilinio viartis-"

"Dranot." Jace interrupted. "Dranot. Come on, Jace."

"Perhaps that's enough for this morning." They heard their mothers voice as she and Vaegon decended from the steps. Rhaenyra was carrying a 3 year old boy with her. He was the son of Rhaella and Aemond. Duncan still did not know about it.

"No. No, I want to keep going. Maester?" Jace insisted, and Maester Gerardys started speaking in high valyrian again. "Aegon...ordered the tree should be killed."

Rhaella chuckled. "Felled."

"It is a related word, but I don't expect you to learn High Valyrian in a day, Jace." Rhaenyra said.

"Rhaella did it in a week." Jace argued.

"A month to be precise." Rhaella corrected him. "Don't compare yourself to anyone, little brother. I'm sure that you will get it all right, and do not rush yourself. You have plenty of time to study." She said.

"Mama!" The boy exclaimed.

"Oh, my little Laenor. I missed you." Rhaella said and took her son from her mother. "I hope he wasn't too much trouble."

"He couldn't be, even if he tried. I never look past a moment to spend with my grandson." Rhaenyra said.

Jace smiled at his sister. Just then, the doors burst open, and Duncan walked through them.

"Leave us." Vaegon said to Jace.

"Come Joffery." Jace said to his brother and they left the rooms.

"Is everything alright, husband?" Rhaella asked, even Vaegon noticed the serious expression on his son's face.

He walked to Rhaella and gave her the letter that he received earlier and both Vaegon and Rhaenyra were surprised that Duncan didn't give the letter to Vaegon first.

Rhaella read the letter and was surprised. "This cannot be true."

"Unfortunately it is, my dear wife." Duncan wasn't sure if he loved Rhaella or not. All he knew was that he was a father and needed to protect his children, and that meant that she was also under his protection.

Rhaella on the other hand loved her husband, but it was nothing compared to what she felt for Aemond. She remembered her wedding and how Aemond was nowhere to be found.

"What's wrong daughter?" Rhaenyra asked, hoping it wasn't something that would cause Rhaella any stress in her condition.

"Here." She gave the letter to her mother and she and Vaegon read it, it was a letter that stated that there would be a petition held in the capital for the future of Driftmark.

"He means to question Jaces legitimacy." Rhaenyra said, she was worried about her children now more than ever, especially little Laenor and her grandchild in Rhaellas belly, if Vaemond gets Driftmark, all her children are marked for death.

"Vaemond only cares about Driftmark, and the Velaryon line, not about our politics." Vaegon said. "Has he made common cause with Otto Hightower yet?" Vaegon asked.

"Mm, this is what I fear, Rhaenys had flown to court, surely she cannot be planning to back him?" Rhaenyra inquired.

"No, whatever disagreements we may have had, she's not cruel, or stupid enough to do that-" Vaegon was interrupted by Rhaella.

"Disagreements? She believes that the two of you had my father killed so that you could marry my mother." Rhaella said, Rhaenyra had told her daughter that Laenor was alive when she found out that Rhaella was pregnant with Laenor and Rhaella wanted to see him, but knew that she couldn't.

"Yes, and yet she's taken Baela to ward." Vaegon pointed out.

"Yes it is Lady Laenas memory she honors, she has no love for either of us." Rhaella said talking about the four people in the room.

Duncan chuckled. "Has the vipers venom spread so far?" He asked and smirked at his wife.

"Those vipers rule in our fathers name, and our father-" Rhaenyra was cut off by her daughter.

"Is the only one who can help us, the only one who can ensure that nothing happens to my children." Rhaella said as she massaged her swollen belly.

"What choice do we have?" Rhaenyra inquired and saw how Duncan affectionately touched Rhaellas swollen belly.

"To Kings Landing then?" Vaegon asked and Rhaenyra nodded.

"I'll have a ship readied." Duncan said and he put his forehead against Rhaellas, it was obvious that he loved her, but he still hadn't told her that he did. He then went to have a ship readied.

What of uncle Taeron? Rhaella asked. He could help since Laenor is his grandson as well.

"Your uncle will only ever do what is best for the realm." Vaegon said. "We may have a truce now, but knowing him, he'll be unbiased to this decision.:

Kings Landing

Aegon and Vaelas chambers

"I was thinking that I'm ready for another one." Aegon said as he wrapped his arms around her waist, theh had been watching their son sleep, little 3 year old Aemon was conceived on their wedding night and the realm was celebrating for the heirs heir having an heir.

"When you have to carry one for nine months then we can talk about having another." Vaela said.

Aegon chuckled. "You understand that I would switch places with you if I could."

"I know, I just want us to wait, maybe when Aemon turns 4  we can try again?" She suggested.

"Very well, I understand." Aegon said. "I'm just happy that you're willing to try again."

"I'm always ready to try for us." She said and kissed him. "I think that they should arrive shortly." Vaela said.

"I wish to receive them, but father wants me in the small council after I look to grandsire. Will you receive the, only if you're alright with it?" He inquired.

She looked at him. She didn't want to see her father and she wanted to keep Aemon as far away from him as possible. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You're to good for this world, Aegon Targaryen." She said and kissed her husband in his lips. "I can receive them with Rhaegar and Heleana."

"Thank you, my wife, have your handmaiden see to Aemon and I will see to grandsire." Aegon said and left their room

Red Keep

"Presenting Prince Vaegon of House Targaryen, and his Lady wife Princess Rhaenyra of House Targaryen." Ser Steffon announced.

The wheelhouse carriage door opened and Vaegon wad the first to step out, he extended his hand for Rhaenyra, after was Duncan who helped a pregnant Rhaella, next was Jace, Luke, Joffery and Rhaena, neither brought dragons just in case it would be seen as a threat to the Reds. They saw Aegon and Vaela and the couple walked closer to them.

"Welcome back, aunt Rhaenyra, father." Vaela greeted happily.

"Vaela." Rhaenyra happily greeted as well, she was astonished by how beautiful Vaela had become.

"Good morrow aunt Rhaenyra, uncle Vaegon." Heleana greeted.

"Heleana." Rhaenyra smiled. "Not long ago, you were a babe in your mother's belly, and now you're a mother of three."

"Uncle." Rhaegar greeted Vaegon.

"Hm." Vaegon nodded his head at Rhaegar

"Where are your little ones?" Rhaella asked the girls.

"Aemon is asleep at the moment." Vaela said.

"Our children are playing in their rooms." Rhaegar said.

"This must be Laenor." Heleana said. "He'll be happy with his father." She blurted and Rhaella finally understood what Heleana meant so may years ago.

"Congratulations to you and Duncan, Rhaella, I believe that you would make good parents to Laenor and the babe in Rhaellas belly." Rhaegar said.

"Do you?" Vaegon inquired.

"Yes I do, uncle, for the best thing that you can do as a new parent is to fix the flaws of  your own parents." Rhaegar said and Vaela smirked at that dig at her father.

"Shall we go inside?" Rhaenyra suggested.

"Yes of course, I'll have a servant tend to your belongings and direct you to your rooms." Rhaegar said and they walked inside the Red Keep.

"It's nice to know your father hasn't changed anything." Rhaenyra said as he saw the Targaryen dynasty was still showing its heraldy and power.

"Well father was never really a godly man, but mother has brought up the emblems of the Seven before." Rhaegar said.

"Well your father's greatest flaw is believing that we aren't gods." Vaegon said. "Where is he?"

"He's in the small council chambers, he sends his apologies, but his meeting could not be moved aside." Rhaegar said.

"Hm." Vaegon was annoyed with his older brothers attitude.

"Perhaps you could show everyone their rooms and we would see the king." Rhaenyra said.

"Of course." Heleana said and led cousins to their rooms but Rhaella stopped.

"Are you alright, is it the babe?" Duncan asked and both Rhaenyra and Vaegon stopped as well.

"No, I'm fine, we're fine." She assured her husband. "I just want to see grandsire as well."

"Very well." Rhaenyra said.

"I will see you later then." Duncan said and kissed her on her cheek, he then knelt down to kiss her belly.

"Don't get into any trouble." She warned him.

"No promises." Duncan said and walked off.

Small council chambers

Taeron was in a meeting and he was annoyed, he had received word about Lord Corlys and he didn't really want to discuss the succession of Driftmark, he knew that the right move would be to give Driftmark to Vaemond Velaryon, but the decision would be the kings or the reigning monarch of House Velaryon, but unfortunate both were out of commission, Taeron knew that the decision would fall on him. Vaemond was tbe right choice. He has seen war and know how to command a fleet, whereas Jacaerys was but a boy of 17 and would most likely wet his pants at the first sign of battle. He hated being in this position, but he had no choice.

"We continue to enjoy the improved customs duties since the settling of the Stepstones, and the extent to which we exploit those in contingent on the harbour master's receipts of which...um...we...The septons have requested half that again for the bronze bust they wish to com...to commission for the Festival of the Mother of which we recommend-" Lord Beesbury stammered but was cut off by Taeron.

"Thank you for that exhaustive accounting, Lord Beesbury." Taeron respected the master of coin, but he was old and slow, some days he would take an hour just to finish two sentences. Just then the door opened and Lord commander Harrold revealed himself and bowed his head when he faced Taeron.

"Your guests are his his graces chambers, my prince." Lord commander Harrold said.

"I trust my nephews and niece been welcomed and been accommodated as befits their station?" Taeron inquired.

"As you instructed, my prince." Harrold said.

"Thank you Lord commander, the crown prince and I will meet with them all shortly." Alicent said and the Lord commander left the small council chambers.

"It is my understanding that Lord Corlys wished for his grandson, Jacaerys to succeed him as Lord of the Tides." Grandmaester Orwyle said.

"The boy has been raised most of his life away from Driftmark, he can fly a dragon, yes, but can he command a fleet?" Lord Tyland asked.

"Ability does not alter his claim." Lord Beesbury said.

"The Sea Snake never formally named him his heir, if it comes to that, the crown must do what is best for the realm." Larys said and Otto nodded in agreement.

"He's Laenors son, what grounds could there be-" The master of coin was cut off by Jasper Wylde.

"What indeed, Lord Beesbury, what indeed?" Jasper asked arrogantly.

"Lord Beesbury is a respected member of this council and you will do well to remember that, old and slow as he is, I still have use for him, you on the other hand...well lord Jasper my youngest daughter could fill your post." Taeron said, he wqs watching Jasper very closely since his slip up 8 years ago.

"Forgive me my prince." Jasper quickly apologized.

Taeron sighed. "We shall hear Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Vaegons petition along with those of the other claimants on the morrow. The hand will sit the throne for I cannot be seen as making biased decisions, my wife and I are off to greet our guests. Aegon, take over for me and your mother." Taeron said. Taeron and Alicent got up as did the council members to show their respect to the crown prince, they all felt that Taeron is the king and Alicent is the queen of the Seven Kingdoms

"Yes, father." Aegon said.

Viserys' chambers

Vaegon, Rhaenyra and Rhaella entered Viserys' chambers and it was almost unrecognizable to them. They saw his model was well cleaned by Aegon from collecting dust, and when they got to his bed they found maester Kaeyron there, they saw a roll of bandages at the maesters side and they saw freshly wrapped around his head.

"My prince, My princesses." Maester Kaeyron greeted.

"Fuck off out of here." Vaegon rudely commanded.

"Vaegon, please, forgive us maester, might we have a moment alone with my father?" Rhaenyra asked, she remembered bow the maester safely helped to bring her first four children into the world.

"Of course, princess." The maester bowed and left the room, and they could hear Viserys wheezing as if he could barely hold on to life.

"Father?" Rhaenyra called out.

"Grandfather?" Rhaella called out. Mother and daughter walked closer to the bed while Vaegon stayed back and looked down in guilt.

"Who goes there?" Viserys wheeled.

"Father." Rhaenyra called out again. "It's me, my king, Rhaenyra."

"Oh. Oh." Viserys kept wheezing.

"I'm here with Rhaella and Vaegon." She said.

"Rhaella, my fireball." The king wheezed more.

"Yes it's me, grandfather."  Rhaella said, Viserys used to call her his little fireball when she was younger.

"Vaegon, come son." Viserys said and Vaegon walked closer and kept looking down, fid the last few years Vaegon had time to reflect on how he failed his children and how he scared his wife the previous year, he had been sober ever since. "Don't leave me my son, please don't go Vaegon, I wish to see you. Help me up." He said and Rhaenyra and Rhaella helped the king get comfortable while Viserys was grunting in pain, Viserys was able to see his son clearly. "It's been so long." Viserys said with sadness, almost as if hw was about to cry.

"The Sea Snake has taken a grave wound in battle in the Stepstones." Vaegon said, trying to avoid seeing his father in pain, he blamed himself for his father's condition, he realized that these last twenty years spent hating his father, he could've made up for everything or at least tried to, instead he chose to ruin his father's mental state or add on to his already fractured mind.

"When? We won that war years ago you killed the Crabfeeder." Viserys said.

"No, the Triarchy is resurgent, the fighting is anew, there's a pet...there's a petition to decide upon the succession of Driftmark, and their heir to the Driftwood Throne." Vaegon said with sadness in his voice.

"Petitions...Taeron and Otto...they see to that business now." The king said.

"No, father listen to me, you are to affirm your position for Jacaerys to be Corlys Velaryons successor." Vaegon firmly said.

"Where's Daemon? Viserys asked.

I'm here brother." Daemon had entered the room, he arrived after Rhaenyra and Vaegon.

"Daemon, has something happened to Lord Corlys?" Viserys asked.

"Father there's someone we wish for you to meet." Rhaenyra said, and her handmaiden handed Laenor to Rhaenyra.

"Who is that?" The king asked.

"Father, this is Laenor. Rhaellas son, and Rhaella is with child." Rhaenyra said.

"Laenor I'm a great grandfather again?" He asked.

"Yes grandfather." Rhaella said and she carefully took his hand and put it on her swollen belly.

"My fireball is with child." He said happily as he felt the babe kick and Rhaella and Rhaenyra happily chuckled, both women had tears forming in their eyes. As Viserys was grunting in pain, Laenor started crying. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I'm...I'm sorry...I'm sor... please hand me...hand my tea, hand my tea please."

Vaegon saw a cup on Viserys' bedside. "This?"

"Yes, yes." Viserys said and Vaegon gave his father the cup to drink the tea and when Viserys gave the cup back to Vaegon, he smelt it, maybe it was suspicion or just paranoia, but he wanted to know what was in this tea, and when he sniffed it he could tell that it was mixed with milk of the poppy

A little while later Daemon stayed at Viserys' side while Rhaenyra and Vaegon spoke away from the kings bed, Rhaella had left to see Vaela and Heleana.

"He looks like a different person. I believe we should also consult Maester Gerardys." Rhaenyra said and the doors opened, and Taeron and Alicent walked through them.

"Brother, sister." Taeron greeted.

"Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Vaegon." Alicent greeted.

"It's been so long since we were granted the joy of your presence." Taeron happily said.

"Indeed, brother." Rhaenyra said with anger in her voice.

"Though not long enough to not a greeting upon our arrival." Vaegon pointed out and got a glare from Taeron.

"I'm sure our brother had pressing business, my love. What could either of us know of ruling a kingdom?" Rhaenyra asked, trying to take a dig at her brother.

"Yes well, as always I had to take up the responsibility, and I fought hard trying to clean up the messes that the both of you have made, and yet you still fight me at every turn, a time where I would need my family, they betrayed me, lied to me and forced me to find allies, when I needed my family, you both lied and deceived me on many occasions, used my home on Dragonstone to marry." Taeron looked at Rhaenyra. "Spat on my mothers memory. I stopped needing the both of you a long time ago." Taeron didn't want to start things this way, but he could see his siblings were angry at him.

"My husband serves as a steward of the kings will and wisdom." Alicent said.

"How exactly is that wisdom expressed hm, in blinks and wheezes? Vaegon asked. I'd be surprised if he could remember his own name, or if either of you could." He snapped snapped.

"King Viserys' condition has worsened since you saw him last." Alicent said and Vaegon scoffed. "It subjects him to considerable pain, in the advice of the maest-" Alicent was cut off by Rhaenyra.

"Ah, the maesters, of course. It is they who keep him addled on milk of the poppy while my brother warms his throne." Rhaenyra said.

Taeron scoffed. "Warms his throne? Listen to yourself, you make it seem as if I've stolen something. It's mine by right and I had to step forward, for I am father heir, his first born, and the realm needed a king, even if I wanted to give the responsibility to Vaegon or even to you, the realm will destroy itself within a week."

"We do not give him more than necessary, if either of you could see him without his medication, he's almost blind with suffering." Alicent came to the defense of her husband since his siblings made it seem as if Taeron wanted to poison the king.

"Oh Alicent. I have no doubt that it was am act of the purest mercy, but tell me what the fuck is that?" Vaegon pointed at a chain that had the emblem or the seven on it.

"Your father, the king needed all the help that he could get, maesters and prayer. The emblems of the Seven serve only to guide us on an uncertain path to remind us of a higher authority." Alicent explained.

"And on the morrow, which authority will sit in judgement on my son's claim on his own inheritance?" Rhaenyra asked.

"That would be mine, and the Hands." Taeron answered.

"Ah." Vaegon spat.

"But be assured, the father is just, and commands me and my husband to forget the accusations you have hurled in this room today." Alicent said.

"I thought you never believed in gods." Vaegon said.

"Oh, I believe in them, I just don't like them very much." Taeron smirked and him and Alicent left the room. Vaegon and Rhaenyra were left I'm a state of shock their brother had become even more powerful and will play a great role in judging whether Jace gets Driftmark or not and from what they've seen so far, Taeron has displayed, Vaegon and Rhaenyra have realized that this will not be easy to fight against him.

Hi guys, here's another chapter of Dragons Fury

What did you think of Rhaella still not telling Duncan about little Laenor?

What did you think of Aegon and Vaela naming their son Aemon?

What did you think of Aegon keeping the Old Valyria model clean?

What did you think of Taeron being unbiased?

What did you think of Taeron seeing his siblings?

I'm open to suggestions for this story

Please comment and vote

Thanks guys

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