
By myrrhchoco

14.6K 1.4K 310

************* Do you regret loving me ? **********†********* The only Regret I will ever have in my life is... More

Ch 1
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 8
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch -20


346 44 15
By myrrhchoco

Hoseok woke up feeling much better. He saw his phone ringing and picked it up immediately when he saw it was Mr Jeon.

"I agree "

"I will send you papers than -"

"But there is little bit Problem "

"What ? "

"The Gwangju plot which I have bought has some issues ."

"What issue ? The plot which was sold by previous owner apparently wasn't his own but his relative and he forged documents. "

"I don't care I want the plot "

"If you want it than come to company today. He is coming to negotiate let's hear his proposal " Mr Jeon said


"He will be here in 30 minutes "

"Okay "

And Hoseok ended the call .
He needed to leave right now .

He got up but clutched his waist ,"Guess not so better after all"
Limping he made his way through the closet he just grabbed his jeans and wore it but it was really aching down there. So he grabbed loose sweatpants stripping of his jeans.

He was caught off guard when he saw Taehyung coming out from Bathroom with Yeonjun after bathing him.

"Why did you get up ? Rest for while-"

"I have to go out take care of Yeonjun...uhm wait I haven't pumped out milk yet so  -"

Hoseok nearly fall down as his leg got struck in his pant due to his hastiness.

Thankfully Taehyung wrapped his arm around his waist pulling him closer.

"Calm down "

Hoseok pushed him away ,"I dont have time "

He wore his pants and was about to pick up Yeonjun from Taehyung's arm who turned away ,"Where are you going and Are you planning to take Yeonjun with you ?"

"I am going to Appa's company I have some work now hand me Yeonjun Taehyung. I am getting -"

"I am coming with you ."

"No you are not"

"Than you are not going"

"You -"

"Don't argue you are wasting time."

"Fine "


Taehyung drove them to company while Hoseok squirmed in seat feeling discomfort all over his body.

He feeded Yeonjun who soon felt asleep.

Taehyung and Hoseok enter company and they were greeted by Nia who is PA of Mr Jeon.

Nia suspiciously look at Yeonjun who was sleeping clinging to Hoseok.

"Nia " Hoseok said in suppressed voice and She snapped out of it and smiled at Hoseok ,"I am sorry it's just that baby is cute. Is he yours ?"

Hoseok didn't reply.

"Hoseok -"

"Excuse me could you mind your own fuckin business " Taehyung said and Nia bowed ,intimidated by glare of Taehyung.

Nia show them meeting room and Taehyung and Hoseok entered the room.

Jungkook was surprised to see Taehyung.

However Taehyung's eyes were struck on man that was looking at his wife with wanted glance.

Hoseok unknown to this simply bowed and sat on seat beside Mr Jeon

Beside him Taehyung seated .

"This is-"

"Kang Taemin " The man introduced forwarding his hand for hand shake

Even before Hoseok could shake his hand Taehyung beat him to it and shake his hand more like squeezed his hand roughly,"Nice to meet you I am Kim Taehyung and this is my husband Kim Hoseok "he said and Taemin just smiled ,"You have beautiful wife Mr Kim "

" I know, right " Taehyung .

Mr Jeon and Jungkook were looking at Him like he has grown horns .

Hoseok gave him judgemental look before shifting to Taemin.

"Let's get straight to the point MrKang I was informed you are claiming the land to be yours as you believe the documents were forged by your relative, Am I right ?"

Kang Taemin smirked ,"Yes , if you want land than pay me 450 million and land will be you-"

Suddenly door opened ,"Did I interrupted ? "

"Who the fuck are you and don't you have fuckin sense to knock-"

"Hyungshik you are right on  time" Hoseok said and he pushed away Taehyung's chair and said,"Sit beside me "

Hyungshik nodded and was about to sit by grabbing chair but Taehyung pushed away his chair ,"Sir beside me "

"Ani why ?" Hyungshik asked as he dragged his chair to place beside Hoseok and both keep pushing and pulling.

" That's enough!!!!"Jungkook yelled glaring at Taehyung. Taehyung gulped and scooted his seat away .

Hyungshik smiled sitting beside Hoseok ,"Damn you are beautiful as well " he complimented Jungkook who scowled at him

"Anyways So let's get started I was told by my Hoseok -"

Taehyung kicked Hyungshik leg who cleared his throat and said ,"uhm my client Hosoek who Claims the land his father is transferring is apparantly sold to Mr Jeon by forging of document. However as per law My Client would be incurring the property in good faith and hence he is not liable to pay you anything. While adhere to future proceedings , of this matter even if you go in court would be of Same faith . So either you back off or waste your time fighting in court "

Hyungshik said and Taemin clenched his fist

"Is this some kind of bull-"

"Mr Kang Taemin what you are doing is bullshit. After almost 1 year you are suddenly realising that your uncle fucked you up ?And that too all of sudden ? Do you think I am stupid ? You better stop with whatever shit you are trying before I -"

Knock was heard and Namjoon entered the room smiling,"Sorry I was late "

Namjoon took seat beside Hoseok. And Taemin like lust ful dog he was gazing at Namjoon .

However the office door open with bang and entered

Any guess??

Kim Seokjin

"Ya where did you run of too huh ? I told you to wait yet you -"

Seokjin shut his mouth when he saw Mr Jeon's glare and sat beside Taehyung.

"What the heck are you doing here ?" Jungkook asked Namjoon who smiled and said ,"You will know soon "

"So where was I -ah yes so stop being asshole and let Mr Jeon transfer the property "

Taemin laughed at Hoseok words.

"What's there to laugh about? Did he crack joke ? Or do you find everything literal and sensible thing to be funny?"Namjoon asked making Taemin shut up .

"You get out from my office right now you have no -"

"I am owner of Jeon Corporation as well Jungkook "Hoseok said and turned to Taemin ," let's not waste time and get this over with "

Hyungshik passed document to Taemin ,"Here sign this . It's declaration that you are drawing every right from property "

"What the fuck do you both think of yourself? Do you really think I would be doin-"

"5 minutes Mr Kang sign it " Hoseok said.

And They hear Knock on door and Seojoon entered ,"I hope I am not late "

"Nope "

Seojoon put forward document that were prepared by Hyungshik regarding Plot + shares that were to be transferred by Mr Jeon.

"Here problem solve Mr Jeon sign this and we are done . "Hoseok said .

Taemin threw the paper at Hosek's face in anger .

However before it could hit him Namjoon stopped it .

Taehyung punched Taemin hard ,"You fucki motherfucker how dare you hit him

Taemin clenched his fist and before he could punch Taehyung Seokjin kicked him and let's say he got beaten good by Kim brother's.

"Fuckin sign it already " Jin said and Taemin signed papers ,"You will pay for this "

Taehyung laughed darkly ,"Do you know Kim's ? No one messes with us and I would love to see you crush ,so if you dare bring it on . "

"Taehyung what are you doing let him go " Jungkook said 

"Jungkook didn't you see-" 

"I fuckin saw everything Kim Taehyung so stop holding Mr Kang as hostage seriously on whose side are you??Do you even realize how  the fuck you are acting as if ---as if you love him ~~Taehyung~~Tell ~~me am I still yours?? Do you love me or not~~??"

Jungkook yelled and Yeonjun started crying loudly , He grabbed Hoseok's shirt pulling it and Jungkook eyes darken when he saw hickey .

He moved towards Hoseok who was patting Yeonjun trying to make him stop crying ~~

He hissed when Jungkook touched his neck," What the-"


"How dare you Hoseok??How dare you sleep with Taehyung?? You fuckin sl~~"

"Why can't I Jeon jungkook? I am legally married to him, Kim Hoseok rings a bell?? And secondly you are other man here whoring around with my husban-"


Yeonjun was crying loudly feeling scared and Hoseok anger disappeared in thin air as he rocked his little one's body. 

Mr Jeon raised his hand to slap Hoseok but Namjoon caught it. 

"What the heck are you doing?? Why don't you ask your beloved Son-in-law anything huh??It takes two to tango and It's not Hoseok who is riding two boats it's Taehyung ." Namjoon said pushing his hand away 

"Next time don't even think of raising your hand Mr Jeon Jungkook and Mr Jeon I will charge case of domestic violence and get you behind bars" Hyungshik said," We are done with deal, Sign the damn papers. We are leaving " 

He said and Namjoon supported Hoseok as he was trembling . He has tried acting strong for so long yet he was pushed back to his old self. He hated it . 

Taehyung wanted to follow them out but Jungkook stopped him.


"Taehyung do you love me or not ??"Jungkook asked and Taehyung didn't answer he just stood there dumbly.

"Jungkook I -"

Jungkook pushed Taehyung away screaming as he pulled his hair ," I knew it I fuckin knew it .....he snatched...away ...from mee..."

Jungkook fall down on his knees crying hard and Taehyung pulled him in hug ,"I am sorry Jungkook I ~I ~I am so sorry for hurting you . ."

Jungkook pushed away Taehyung harshly and ran away from there.

Taehyung chased behind him but was stopped by Mr Jeon.



Namjoon and Hoseok were partying cause after all they did managed to get capital requirement for their business.

Namjoon and Hoseok were dancing like crazy on Gangnam style.

Babies were observing their Mama's cutely.

Even though both were tired they keep dancing. The happiness they felt as they took first baby step of their goal.

They weren't useless....not slut....not whore....not ...sugar babies...

Both besties got exhausted and fall on bed . Breathing heavily.

"Ahh It feels so good " Namjoon said as he brushed his Hair behind.

"It does " Hoseok said with small smile.

Both slept cuddling eachother.

In cot,  Na-eunnie held Yeonjun's little hand as she slept hugging .


Taehyung didn't come home last night and Hoseok was attending his classes while watching over Yeonjun.

He head Yeonjun cry and he immediately rushed to him.

"Aww my bubba what happen? Why you crying??"Hoseok asked Yeonjun who stopped scrunching his face and nuzzle himself against his mother's chest.

Hoseok cooed at him ,"Yeonie wanted Mama huh "He said pecking his cheeks . As he sat infornt of his laptop.

"Mr Jung Hosoek will you please concentrate . "

"I am sorry sir " Hoseok apologize and professor again started teaching them .

None of students were paying attention to class they busy admiring little Yeonjun..who was sleeping in his Mama 's arm.

Suddenly Baby start crying loudly and Professor snapped at Hoseok yelling at him to get out and shut the little brat.

"Excuse me Sir how dare you call my son brat-"

"Well from what I have heard I shall call him son of fuckin slut ? shouldn't I ? This son of yours is blood of dirty man as well. "

"What the fuck did you said ? " Taehyung dark voice called out and Professor was stunned to See Taehyung there, bending down his hand on Hoseok's shoulder and Professor gulped as he could feel Youngers gaze shredding him to pieces .


"Ani who the heck are you to call my son and my wife like that ?Fuckin apologize right now you mother fucker ."

"I ~I~am~~sorry~I ~~"

Taehyung shut down laptop in anger turning his face to Hoseok who was silently crying holding Yeonjun in his arms.

He didn't said anything and just picked up Yeonjun in his arms or atleast tried to cause Hoseok didn't allowed him.

He let him be ..he was exhausted and wasn't in mood for any fight.

His life has changed unexpectedly so much in just one damn year that he couldn't grasp situation.

One moment he was partying , enjoying with his friend and his lover Jungkook and then In next moment he was given responsibility by his father to work in his father hood and Marriage everything makes him feel trapped .

Somewhere between all this he felt himself slipping loose.
His heart wasn't his anymore.
It won't listen to him ...the fact that he knew he was being selfish by not letting Hosek and Jungkook him mhe don't know anymore who he was....he was never like this... Taehyung he knew know his future...knew what he wanted ...but this Taehyung was just lost.

What was happening to him ?Why was his fate written such? Why can't he have simple happy ending?

His feelings for Hoseok and Jungkook both were just so different....He fell for Jungkook from the very first moment he saw... Jungkook just seem so right beside him...He had cherish Jungkook more than anything...but..things changed....when Hoseok came....He knew he was the one who approached the younger....but...he couldn't started as mere... fascination to look for younger...and help him....changed into something so utterly immoral....the love he felt Jungkook was the one where he wanted other to be happy the one where he had done anything to let him be happy...he would even leave him and let him go if he fall out of love with him ...but that wasn't case with ..Little ducky .....the thought of him leaving makes his skin even think that His little ducky would love another man...or even gets touched by him makes him want to burn alive the person.....he wants to claim Hoseok so no one could get him...If Hoseok ever told him he was leaving...that Taehyung was sure...he would have chained Hoseok down and would have penetrated his mind ,soul and body...till all he could think was about him.

Hoseok was his dark obsession, his need....and Taehyung ..

What was he supposed to do ? He can't let Jungkook go as well.
Not until later says .
He will hold onto his hand.

Cause Taehyung love him .
He just needs to hold onto Jungkook and Everything will be fine.
Jungkook won't let him go
Jungkook will stay by his side

Jungkook is all that matters. Jungk-

Sound of loud cryings broke his revivre and he ran to see Yeonjun crying loudly .
He immediately picked him up in his arms and bounced him.

Yeonjun snuggled close to his Dada his chubby little hands clutched Taehyung's shirt.

Taehyung kissed his forehead as he hummed tune making Yeonjun fall asleep.

He look around for Hoseok and couldn't find him.


Hoseok returned after talking to Sana.

He ignored Taehyung who was rocking Yeonjun and continued his study.

"Hoseok -"


"We need to talk "


"We can't work out like this we -"

"There is no we here Mr Kim . Here is the deal I am offering you and if anyone breaks the clause then whatever the circumstances are in future will have custody of Yeonjun.

"Have you gone crazy ? Who do you think of yourself? How can you decide Yeonjun's faith on some shit like this?'

"I am his mother and I know what's right for him Mr Kim . And it's better if he stays with one than suffer with both. So here is the deal -

1)We will co-parent so decision regarding Yeonjun's life be us and not soley one's .

2) we will keep our person fueds and partners away from Yeonjun

3) Yeonjun's expenses will be provided by both of us

And Hoseok continued about 6 more clause after which he finally stopped and Last one is for us

"We would mind our own business. I don't want you near me Mr Kim. Don't even think of touching me like you did. You can fuck anyone you want just keep them away from me and My son. And lastly if you plan to get married in future to Jungkook than custody shall be mine."

"Fine since you like to play like this than let's play..but let me change a thing little bit.
We would allow Yeonjun to choose who he decides to stay with when times come."

"No , that's -"

"That's not bullshit "

"It is Kim you -"

"Manipulative? No I am being sincere here. Since you are so driven on deciding future of our child like this than at least give him choice Hoseok.

Atleast let the child have liberty to choose person who he wants to stay with since his parents aren't even talking liberty for treating his life as one and are making fuckin deal out of it -'

"You can preach whatever you want Kim  but I am not wrong. I just want my baby to have best no more. Even if it means to make his life a deal."

"This is best Hoseok?You are making his life joke do you even understand how it -"

"Ours is biggest joke Kim Taehyung. So what if his becomes one. Atleast we can laugh together at sad excuse of fuckin life "

"Have you fuckin lost it what shit are you bla-"

"A slut as mother and Cheater as his father that's what we will be for him Kim Taehyung. The truth that doesn't change a thing cause you and people out there won't change. No matter what I do or what you do we cannot change things.
The truth is that I am slut for sleeping with you and you are cheater cause despite being married you are dating Jungkook . World won't let go of slut word and you won't ever let go of Jungkook dignity and your love both are our shackle for Yeonjun something we can't brush it off so just try to make it pain less .

For Yeonjun let's just give our best till we can..."

Taehyung stared at him with blank face yet his eyes speak volume . The inner turmoil he felt listening to Hoseok's world made him feel bitterness of the ugly truth...the truth that their life was going to be nothing but just burden carrying guilt and regret of the action of one damn night.

The night that they loath with depth of their heart......night that came as cyclone in life...the one that was by no means thinking of leaving..

Taehyung stared at Hoseok and simply nodded ,his eyes devoid of any emotions.

Between Regret and grief there lied hope for future. Future that goes by name Of Yeonjun.


In darkness
Light ain't companion
It's enemy.


Hope you will like this one .

And Sorry for not updating the book as I promised.
Actually I am down with cold and fever🤡.
And Here I thought after exam I would be having time of life...god granted wish by making me
Have time with doctor, he is life as well as he saves your life , ig.

Me 🐸

Anyways, thank you for support 😊

And don't forget to vote and comment❤️

And story gonna have leap from next chapter.

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