the star | kim jonghyun

By jeonxah

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❝ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙞𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙞𝙩? ❞ ☾ - in the memory of kim jonghyun... More

the star | kim jonghyun
✩ | prologue
✩ | minho's birthday
✩ | moon
✩ | replay
✩ | y si fuera ella
✩ | snowflakes
✩ | juliette

✩ | romeo

8 2 0
By jeonxah


☄. *. ⋆ 25TH OF MAY 2009. ☄. *. ⋆

It felt like I was listening to "Replay" just yesterday.

Time does fly.

Taking small steps towards my house, Myeong and Eunji followed me close behind.

Given a biology project to work on together, we agreed on coming over to my house.

" Mom, we're here! " - I said while taking off my shoes in the hallway.

" Welcome girls! How was school today? " - mom welcomed us from the living room.

" Good, thanks for asking Mrs. Choi. " - Myeong replied as she softly smiled.

Mom met my friends awhile ago when picking me up from school. She used to give them a ride home too. Nowdays we take the bus and she also got a lot more busier with her job.

" Chaewol wow, your house is so pretty! " - Eunji said, looking around the living room in awe.

I smiled softly. " Thank you. "

" Are you hungry? Want something to eat? I made some sandwiches. " - mom asked.

I looked at Eunji and Myeong, once they shook their heads, I added that we were going to eat later after we finish the project.

We left the living room, walking upstairs towards my room.

" Chae, oh my God, is that Minho's room? " - Eunji squealed, pointing at the door next to mine.

I sighed.

There we go.

" Yes, it is. " - I replied, opening the door to my room, about to go in.

" Can we take a look inside? Please? " - Eunji asked.

I turned around, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.

" No? Why? "

" Pleaseeee~ " - she continued on begging, while pouting, giving me puppy eyes.

" She won't touch anything. " - Myeong supported her. " Promise. "

Ah, I regret suggesting my house for the project.

" Fine. But only take one look, then we should work. " - I said, coming towards Minho's door, I opened them widely, showing the interior to their eyes.

Eunji stared with mouth wide open at the sight of his room, taking every detail in with her eyes like a sponge.

" Wow, he's so cool. " - Myeong commented.

I rolled my eyes at their amazed reaction, pulling the door closed right in their faces.

" Show's over. Back to work now. " - I said, walking back inside my room as they followed with sulk expressions.

" You have a poster! " - Myeong screamed immediately, noticing a huge SHINee poster on my wall.

Forgot I own that.

" Ah, can't believe today is their one year anniversary! " - Eunji fangirled.

" Weren't they supposed to release a new album today? " - Myeong asked.

" Can we work? " - I asked, getting annoyed with all the SHINee talk.

" No way! You have an album too?! " - Eunji jumped, rusheing to my shelf, as she grabbed a hold of their album Taemin gave to me.

" Myeong look! It's signed! " - she added, showing the front page to Myeong, who giggled happily looking at the autographs.

" 'To Moon, from Jonghyun.' " - Myeong read out loud. " Moon? " - she questioned confused while looking back at me.

I blushed at the words, grabbing the album away from Eunji's hands, placing it back on the shelf.

" It's a nickname. Can we work now? " - I asked, wanting to change the topic immediately.

" Jonghyun calls you Moon? " - Eunji asked.
" Are you two dating? "

My eyes widened at her words, my stomach getting tied in anxious knots.

" Are you insane?! "

" Just asking. Isn't it a thing with lovers having nicknames for each other? How do you call him? " - Eunji continued on questioning, while Myeong, stayed pretty silent while the topic was me dating Jonghyun.

" I call him by his name, can we stop talking about this now? We have to work. " - I said, pulling the books out from my desk.

" Chaewol! Can you come down for a moment?! " - I heard my mother's voice from downstairs.

What's up with everyone today?
Can't we just work in peace?

I left out an annoyed sigh, opening the door of my room, shouting back. " What is it? "

" Minho's here! Come down for a moment! " - she replied.

Are you kidding me right now?

" Did she say Minho? " - Eunji was already on her feet, rushing outside my room with Myeong clinging onto her arm.

This can't be happening right now.

I walked downstairs to the living room, seeing Minho sitting on the couch next to mom proudly.

Eunji almost screamed behind me once she saw him.

" What do you want? " - I questioned Minho, crossing hands over my chest.

" Rude much? We haven't seen each other in awhile and not even a hug from my sister? " - Minho said, narrowing his eyes at me.

I rolled my eyes, walking towards him to give him a slight hug.

" Now what do you want? " - I repeated myself.

" Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends first? " - he questioned waving at Eunji and Myeong who were basically losing their minds over him now.

" Minho, this is Eunji and Myeong. Myeong, Eunji, this is my brother Minho - as you may know. " - I said sarcastically.

" Hi Minho! " - Eunji happily said, waving at him.

Can I bury myself alive now?

" Now tell me. " - I looked back at Minho.

" Came to give you this. " - Minho said, pulling out an album from his bag. " It's released today. "

Myeong squealed behind me. " Knew it! "

My eyes fell down at the album. I took it in my hands, admiring the cover.

' Romeo '

Did they really named the album 'Romeo' ?

" Isn't this much like 'Noona you're so pretty' concept, no? " - I asked, pointing at the white background and their crazy outfits.

" Ah don't say it like that! It's different! " - Minho protested. " I brought you another poster too! "

" What am I? A storage room? " - I asked.

" Taemin said to give it to you. Didn't he give you the first one? " - Minho asked, pulling a rolled up poster from his bag.

" Taemin gave it to you? " - Eunji asked in awe.

" Kind of. " - I replied, looking once again at the album in my hands, opening the front page - I saw the autographs again.

' To my princess <3 Key '

' I hope you like it! Onew '

' I'm still better than you ;) Minho '

How sweet.

' For pretty girl, from Taemin <3 '

' Enjoy the album, Juliette <3 Jonghyun '

My hands immediately closed the album upon reading the last message.

The heat on my cheeks pretty visible.
I gulped looking at Minho who handed me the poster.

" Is the album signed again? " - Eunji questioned.

I ignored her question, opening the rolled poster instead to look at it.

" Ahh, so cute! " - my mom smiled, looking at their group picture where all five of them hugged each other, smiling cutely at the camera.

They all truly looked so happy next to each other.

" Minho you look so good! " - Eunji squealed, admiring the picture.

" Thank you. " - Minho smiled at her and that was enough to make Eunji almost freak out in the middle of my living room.

" Well I should leave now. " - he added standing up from the couch.

" You won't stay for lunch? " - my mom added.

" I can't. I have to work. I only came here to give these to Chae. Jonghyun hyung is waiting for me outside in the car anyway. "

Who is- Who-

" Jonghyun is outside?! " - Myeong questioned, her face stunned.

" Now he's inside. " - a voice from the hallway spoke, entering the living room.

" Oh you have to be kidding me... " - I whispered to myself, looking up at Jonghyun entering the living room.

" Jonghyun... Oh my God... " - Myeong stared at him like she saw Jesus in front of her.

" Why didn't you wait outside? " - Minho questioned.

" I got bored. " - Jonghyun replied, smiling softly before bowing at my mom.

" It's nice seeing you again Jonghyun, you grew up! " - My mom complimented.

" Ah it's nothing. It's not even noticeable. Thank you. "

Can he leave, like right now?

" Hi Moon. Hi Moon's friends. " - He spoke, smiling at us.

" Hi! I'm Myeong! " - Myeong came in front of him smiling widely.

" Oh you're the one who wrote me a birthday letter? " - He questioned.

She nodded happily. " Yes! That's me! I'm so glad you got it! "

" Can you leave already? " - I whispered to Minho.

He looked at me. " You hate us that much hm? "

" No, we have to work on a project and you're distracting us. " - I said, looking back at Myeong and Jonghyun talking.

Rolled poster still in my hand. I squeezed it in my fist, wanting badly to punch someone with it in the face.

" Well Chaewol can make sure we hang around often. Right Moon? " - Jonghyun asked, looking at me.

Absolutely not.

" Don't you have to work? " - I questioned.

" Right. We should leave now. " - Minho said, grabbing his bag from the couch.

" Nice meeting you. " - Jonghyun waved at Eunji and Myeong. " See you around Moon! " - He added, winking quickly before leaving out the door with Minho.

Can't believe this happened.

After they left it was hard to put Eunji and Myeong to work on a project now when they are all lovey-dovey about meeting their biases in one day.

We somehow managed to get through half of the project before Myeong's mom came to pick them up as we agreed to finish the other half tomorrow at the library.

Ain't no way I'm inviting them at my house ever again.

First time shall be their last.

Once I was alone in my room, I glanced at the desk where I hid both album and poster under some pile of books so Myeong and Eunji wouldn't bother me about it.

Luckily they were so amazed by meeting them that they forgot I received an album.

Standing up from my bed, I grabbed the poster looking at the slight damage I did to it while squeezing it in my first.

Myeong's smile and Jonghyun's smirk replaying in my head with their happy talk.

Was I jealous?


No, I wasn't.


I wasn't.

I opened the poster, getting on top of my chair to stick it on the wall next to the first one.

Backing away, I admired them both.

Nothing really changed in a year.

Maybe Minho's hair looks better on him now?

Grabbing the album, I looked at it.

Should I play it now?

I took the CD out, placed it into my CD player on the shelf, closely listening as the first song started playing.

Deciding I should probably clean the mess we left behind while doing the project before getting ready for bed.

I was placing books away on the shelf as the second song started playing.

" Song for my Juliette! "

I looked at the player wide eyed, taking quick steps towards it to read the words saying
' Track Number 2 : Juliette '

I blinked twice, listening to the song that somehow seemed familiar.

Is this the one Jonghyun wrote last month?

I grabbed the album again, reading through the tracklist.

' Juliette '

It's there.

That's the song.

" Romeo and Juliet. " - he said. " What if it's the song about her? Juliet? "

" Anything is better than Zi-zi-zak. " - I giggled.

My cheeks heated up again remembering his words. His autograph shining in front of my eyes.

' Enjoy the album, Juliette <3 Jonghyun '

I threw myself on the bed, face down in my pillow - I screamed out in it.

He can't not be doing this to me right now.

I rolled onto my back, staring at the ceiling as the song played itself in the background.

Placing both palms on my cheeks, I felt the heat radiating from them.

Why am I feeling like this?

The song isn't even about me.

But he wrote it while I was there.

He even called me Juliette.

And that's the song.

But that's stupid to even think of.

I caught myself suddenly breaking into a happy giggle, standing up to press the replay button on the player.

Once the beginning of the Juliette repeated again I squealed happily, jumping around my room, serotonin flowing in my veins.

I sat down on my chair by the desk, grabbing a sticky note and a pen.

' Thank you Romeo <3
- Moon to Jonghyun '

Opening the album, I sticked the note next to his picture, staring at his smile for a moment.

Even if the song wasn't about me, I feel like the happiest girl alive now.

Clicking on the replay button, never letting the next song start, still stuck on the second one.

" Yeah,
Song for my Juliette! Uh!

The moonlight, as if it'll spill, is definitely dark,
Including the almost exploding torchlight.
I need to learn how to shine like she does,
If I look at her, I'll be blinded.

Please give me a chance,
When you look at me with those eyes,
I want to hold you in my arms,
But to me, you're like a playful fox.

Juliette, I'll give you my soul!
Juliette, please accept me!
Juliette, sweetly, a little more sweeter,
Whisper my serenade! "

I think I'll have to replay ' Juliette ' more than ' Replay ' itself.

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