BLIZZARD: The Little Wolf VOL...

By arimultifandomx

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Saera-Rose Stark is the daughter of the infamous Alana Baratheon and Robb Stark. Her entire life she's had bi... More

Chapter One (Saera)
Chapter Two (Alana)
Chapter Three (Saera)
Chapter Four (Robb)
Chapter Six (Alana)
Chapter Seven (Robb)
Chapter Eight (Saera)
Chapter Nine (Alana)
Chapter Ten (Robb)
Chapter Eleven (Saera)
Chapter Twelve (Alana)
Chapter Thirteen (Robb)
Chapter Fourteen (Alana) *TW*
Chapter Fifteen (Saera)

Chapter Five (Saera)

109 4 0
By arimultifandomx



One Month Later

Standing on the balcony outside my chambers was one of my favorite things to do. This was never supposed to be my room but when my parents married they automatically got the Lord's Chambers. This used to be my father's room when he was growing up and I must say it's the best room in the entire castle. From the balcony alone you can see the entire courtyard and the front gate for when anyone comes.

And the training yard is right before the balcony. If I throw something it'll hit a target- and I'm not talking about the training targets. My target? My brother Jacerys. He's doing some sword training right now and Gods... He's awful.

He's been at it all day. Grunting and grumbling. Messing up every move he's attempted. Uncle Jon gave up hours ago and called over Uncle Theon who actually just threw his hands into the air shouted "I'm done! It's impossible!" and tossed the practice sword onto the ground. Jacerys stood there with his arms at his sides and I realized he was vulnerable.

This morning I had snuck down into the kitchens and asked them for some eggs. They had no idea why the Princess would want raw eggs but they gave them to me anyways. I put them in my pockets and snuck them up into my room. Jace hasn't noticed me up here yet and one thing is for certain my aim is far better than his will ever be.

I reached into my pocket and felt around for the biggest egg. It filled the palm of my hand as I held it. Stroking my thumb gently over the shell as I grinned and watched my brother who had his back turned to me.


Exhaling a deep breath and keeping my eyes on his back I nodded to myself as I spoke aloud, "Just throw it. You got this Saera-Rose. You. Got. This." I wound up my arm and chucked the egg but before it could hit Jace's back a figure stepped in the way and my stomach fell to the floor.

No! No- No fucking way! I'm in the deepest of shit! I crouched down as I heard the egg shatter and smack. A loud grunt from down below followed by a very, very loud shout.

"What the fuck just hit me in the head?" My father's voice bellowed and I stayed crouched down. Knees to my chest as rocking as I bit my nails. Sitting up to even peek is not an option. If even my hair blows over the edge of this balcony I am dead as the bull my father killed from the pasture this morning for the arrival of my grandparents.

I heard my mother's voice next. "Robb! What is that-"

"It's a fucking egg!" He growled. "Did you do this? Did you throw this at me?"

My mother laughed in his face. A full fledge laugh. I could feel the heat radiating from his body. I know he's ready to snap. His face is probably red as the Lannister banners that hang in our dining hall. Mother scoffed with her laughter and said, "Robert Brandon-" Her favorite thing to do when she's unbelievably mad with him is call him by his full name. Which he hates more than he hates me. He prefers Robb, and yes- the added "B" is because his middle name is Brandon.

"Alana Joanna," He grit. Whenever she calls him Robert Brandon he retaliates instantly by calling her by her full name.

"On what planet would I throw an egg at you? If I wanted to throw something at you I wouldn't do it with your back turned. Plus, I don't think I could get your temple from down here. Someone had to have been on the roof?" She insisted it wasn't her and I hoped he wouldn't come up these stone steps and come to my room. He'd realize it's the perfect-

"Saera-Rose Fucking Stark!"


He knows.

I crawled to my chambers and stayed low to the ground until reaching my bed. I took the book off my nightstand and held onto it and then stood up as though I had been getting off my bed as I walked slowly toward the balcony again.

"Father?" I looked down. "Oh my Gods! What is that?"

"Get down here. Now." He growled.

And so I shamefully walked out of my room and down through the courtyard. Passing by my Uncle Jon who just shook his head at me.

Then he said softly. "You're in for it now."

"No shit." I scoffed.

Each footstep closer to my father was like walking through frigid water. My legs were numb and felt like they weighed a thousand pounds each. Dragging with each step. When my father turned to me he still had egg shells and yolk dripping from his hair and ear down onto his shoulders. I got him pretty good but it wasn't meant for him. It was meant for Jacerys.

"Explain." He grunted. His blue eyes turning dark as he narrowed his gaze at me.

I swallowed hard and couldn't stomach looking him in the eyes.

"Saera-Rose." My mother said as she reached into her cloak pocket and took out a handkerchief. Wiping my father's hair and face with a look of pure poison. "Why did you throw an egg at your father? At your king of all people!"

I grumbled making my explanation sound like one word. "Itwasn'tmeantforhim."

"Speak up." Father's angry tone caused me to shoot up. My spine stiff and eyes looking into his.

"It wasn't meant for you." I confessed.

"Bitch!" Jacerys shouted at me. "You were going to throw a fucking egg at me?"

"Jacerys Robert!" My mother walked over to him and slapped him. She fucking slapped him with the back of her hand. His cheek getting cut by the giant wedding ring she had on. Father purchased her a new one when Greyson was born and this one is the biggest yet.

Stifling my laughter I looked at my father as I pressed my lips into a thin line. He cleared his throat and his nose twitched. He wanted to laugh. He wanted to laugh so badly but that was until Jacerys screamed, "I'm bleeding! Mother- I'm fucking bleeding!"

Before he could scream at me for throwing the egg he raced toward Jacerys and grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him off the ground. A solid foot off the ground- because Jace's feet were dangling. Father brought him to his eye level and I'd never seen fear stricken so quickly into my brother.

I was frozen.

"If you ever curse at my wife again, so help me Jacerys... Heir or not I will bury you alive with only a grass straw to breathe through. Do you fucking understand me?" Jacerys nodded frantically and my father lowered him back down to his feet. Releasing his shirt and pointing for him to go fuck off. Literally. "Fuck off, Jace." He muttered as he turned back to me.

I stood like a soldier. Waiting for my father to do the same to me but he didn't. He exhaled and shook his head.

"Never again, Saera-Rose." His tone was low. "I will not tolerate jokes that end up causing harm to your mother."

She's the one who struck Jace. So what he mouthed off? She didn't have to slap him the way she did. Her temper has been so short since riders came yesterday to say that my grandparents will be arriving sometime today.

There has to be something else going on that I don't know about.

Aside from the fact my father officially signed his new will and sent it off to the Citadel and every Northern Lord under his rule. Jacerys will be king after my father but I don't think I'd want to accept a king who is actually throwing up behind a barrel because of how scared he is of my father. A man who's never even been to war like my grandfather Robert.

Or even his own father.

"Yes, Your Grace." I muttered softly.


"I'm sorry you were hit as collateral damage, Your Grace." I apologized but part of me wasn't sorry. It's kind of funny that the egg smashed against my father's thick skull. "I promise I won't do it again." Lies. I'll just make sure he's on a hunt or in a meeting next time I throw something at Jacerys.

His face softened and he pointed to the balcony. "You do remember that used to be my chambers until I married your mother, right? I know every trick. I even used to get drunk at your age and piss off of my balcony. Sometimes I'd fill my chamber pot with piss and when Theon would irritate me... Well... I'm sure you know what I'm getting at. In the winter? Snowballs. I loved making snowballs and chucking them at people's heads. Don't get ideas now-" He chuckled.

I was taken back for a moment. Is he... trying to bond with me?

A simple nod. "I won't get any ideas... I'm sorry again."

I'm not.

"You are forgiven..." He said calmly before reaching a shaking hand to my shoulder. "You have a good arm, Saera. Good aim too."

I smiled at him and nodded. "Practice makes perfect."

Another chuckle. "Perhaps you should teach a thing or two to Jacerys... Seems to me like he needs some help with his skill."

"May I speak freely?"

"You can always speak freely to me." No I can't. "Go on, Saera."

"How am I meant to help Jacerys with a skill he doesn't possess?"

Father's hand slapped over his mouth and his face turned a dark shade of red as laughter erupted from his entire body. I'd only ever heard him laugh like this with my uncles Jon and Theon. Sometimes my mother but hardly ever from her.

"You have me there," He spoke through laughter. "Gods, Saera... You are me."

My body went limp and I felt bile burn the back of my throat. I shook my head slightly and looked down. I am not him. I'll never be him. Being my father would be the biggest mistake of my life.

"May I be excused?" He gave me a curt nod and I took off quickly. 


"Saera! Saera guess what!" Isobel was wiping her hands on her apron that was covered in flour as she came running from the back of the kitchens when I walked through the great hall. Her long hair was braided back but still had fly aways all around the frame of her face. A little bit of flour on her nose.

I used my sleeve to wipe it off and shook my head at her.

"Thanks," She smiled. "Did you hear the news?"

"My grandparents will be here any moment now." I muttered. "Is that the news?"

She shook her head. "No! Daenerys Targaryen is coming to visit! All the way from Essos!"

My jaw dropped. "No she's not."

A happy nod from Isobel. "Desirae is coming too! Aren't you excited to see her? It's been years, hasn't it?"

Desirae Targaryen Naharis is my best friend. She's the Princess of pretty much everything across the Narrow Sea. Her mother is a legend. A true legend- who also happens to be my mother's best friend in this entire world. My mother met Daenerys years ago when she came to Westeros on my grandfather's invitation. Daenerys was terrified it was a death sentence but rather, Robert Baratheon simply wanted a trade deal with her.

He knew that there was better fruits across the sea and he wanted to invest in new flavors of wines. A peace treaty was set in stone and he kicked himself in the ass for having Gendry already marry Roslin Frey. He loves my Uncle Gendry's wife but he would have loved to see a Baratheon wed a Targaryen and put them in rule together.

I was a baby when all this happened so I don't remember any of it but I guess Daenerys had already wed Daario Naharis, Desirae's father and pretty much King of Everything Across the Narrow Sea.

The day my mother had met Daenerys they forged a friendship that could never be broken. Jacerys and Desirae were born just weeks apart. And thankfully because I'm only two years older than Jace and Des, I actually was able to have a friendship with Des.

They visit every few years. Last time they came to Winterfell I was 14 and Desirae was 12. We got in trouble by my father for laughing to loud in the middle of the night while we shared my chambers.

Mother had just had Greyson and the castle was full of visitors. But out of all those who came to visit... Desirae and I were by far the loudest I will admit to that.

A smile tugged on my face and I couldn't control the pure joy in my heart. I did feel a little left out at times because even Isobel is closer in age to Des and Jace. No one wanted to have babies within the first year after the death Lord Eddard Stark. Except my parents because my father was so adamant about having a son he didn't care that his father hadn't even been cold yet.

"Who told you of their arrival?" I asked with a slight feeling that maybe Jace put Isobel up to pranking me for revenge from earlier. Isobel likes Jace and Jace likes Isobel. It's no secret. But now that he's officially the heir to the north, he can't marry a kitchen girl. A bastard kitchen girl of all things.

She leaned close. "Your father received a raven from Daario Naharis and read it with my father..." Her words so soft as she spoke of her father. A secret that isn't much of a secret. "And my father told my mother that we had to make sure the cattle and sheep are locked in the barns because they're coming on dragons."

"No way!" I felt myself ready to dance from excitement. "Please tell me Jace didn't put you up to this."

She tilted her head to the side and scoffed. "Saera, why would I lie about seeing Desirae? Maybe we can have one big sleepover! Your mother hasn't had a baby so it's not like we'd awaken the baby with our laughter like you two did before." Her eyebrow raises at me. My father was very vocal when he yelled at Desirae and I. Even Daario gave us a talking to.

"I'll have to ask my mother." And I know she'll make me direct my question to my father. Who I know will say no.

"Please! Oh please, Saera!" Isobel begged me and I wanted to run and die in a hole. The last thing I wanted to do was ask my father's permission to have a slumber party with Desirae and Isobel. A princess and kitchen bastard.

The sound of the horns from our gates echoed in the great hall. I turned to look out the window and the gates had been opening wide. My mother opened the door with Greyson in her arms and waved her hand at me.

"Saera-Rose! By the Gods- Old and new! Get out in the courtyard now!" Her eyes were dark and face was pale aside from the rosy cheeks that flushed to a shade of green.

I quickly waved goodbye to Isobel as followed my mother.

"You stink of vomit." I grumbled at her.

She shot me a glare. "You'd vomit too if your father was coming on short notice like this. Especially when he never just drops by for no reason."

"Is it true that the Targaryens are coming?" I whispered so my father couldn't hear as we took our places. Mother next to father on his right and Jacerys on his left. She kept Greyson in her arms the entire time. On her right hip.

A simple nod. "As if I didn't have enough to worry about right now."

"Can Isobel stay in my room for a night or two when Des is here?" I asked quickly as the royal carriage pulled through the gates.

"Ask your father." Was the only reply I got.

Fuck off.

The carriage came to a stop and a large knight went to open the door. I remembered him. He's The Hound, Sandor Clegane. He held my grandmother's hand as she walked down the steps. Her long blonde hair blowing in the cool breeze and her smile was gorgeous. It's been two years since I'd seen my grandparents and it amazes me how my mother is the perfect combination of Cersei and Robert.

Unfortunately like I'm the perfect combination of my parents.

Grandmother Cersei took a step to the side and waited for my grandfather to emerge from the carriage. He did without hesitation. I expected to see the same tall and brawny man that was here two years ago. He was loud and big in every way possible.

Not this man who just had help from Sandor Clegane as he walked out of the carriage. He was using a cane and his hair was sprinkled with much grey. His eyes were sunken in and I tried to convince myself it's just from his journey here. He's tired.

He has to be just tired.

Tears slid down my mother's face as now my grandmother held one of his arms and Sandor Clegane the other. He looked at my mother and they helped him all the way over to her.

A silent moment while they stared at each other with so much love. I wished I could have moments like that with my father but I know that I never will.

"Daddy..." Mother's voice was cracking like thin ice in the spring.

"Don't cry, Princess." He muttered as his voice broke too. "I'm dying and I want to be in the crypt next to my best friend. Can you do that for me, Princess?"

He still calls her his princess... My heart felt like it was being ripped out in front of me. My mother broke into a full-on sob, Greyson sliding from her arms and my father within the blink of an eye had taken Greyson and tossed him to Jacerys and then was holding my mother upright as she sobbed louder than the time she threw the mother's wreath into the fire.

Robert Baratheon came here to die and spend eternity buried next to his best friend. 

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