The Devil Doesn't Bargain (Ma...

By mm1997m

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Welcome to the sequel for Me and the Devil. This book will take place immediately after the final chapter in... More

Chapter ONE - Three Days
Chapter TWO - No
Chapter THREE - Gravestones
Chapter FOUR - Spoilsport
Chapter FIVE - Second Acceptance
Chapter SIX - Never Have I
Chapter SEVEN - The Offer
Chapter EIGHT - Gravy
Chapter NINE - Chamomile
Chapter TEN - Feel Good
Chapter ELEVEN - Flames and Figures
Chapter TWELVE - Quad Squad
Chapter THIRTEEN - Go Again
Chapter FOURTEEN - Nothing Dear
Chapter FIFTEEN - Not the Only Ones
Chapter SIXTEEN - Show Me Your Pain
Chapter SEVENTEEN - Family Life
Chapter EIGHTEEN - Ten Years
Chapter NINETEEN - Away from Pitying Eyes
Chapter TWENTY - Explicable Silence
Chapter TWENTY ONE - Perigee
Chapter TWENTY TWO - The TTCWUM list
Chapter TWENTY THREE - Time and Teapots
Chapter TWENTY FOUR - Brahms
Chapter TWENTY FIVE - Direct Experience
Chapter TWENTY SIX - Hairy
Chapter TWENTY SEVEN - Blame or Thank
Chapter TWENTY EIGHT - Freezing Heat
Chapter TWENTY NINE - Vexatious
Chapter THIRTY - Hangovers and Bananas
Chapter THIRTY ONE - Liquid Luc-an
Chapter THIRTY TWO - Kiss me, Pull me, Drown me
Chapter THIRTY THREE - Threads and Ribbons
Chapter THIRTY FOUR - I'm Home
Chapter THIRTY FIVE - Never Forgive
Chapter THIRTY SIX - Guilt, Blood and Promises
Chapter THIRTY SEVEN - Just Perfect
Chapter THIRTY EIGHT - Savoring
Chapter FORTY - Trust

Chapter THIRTY NINE - The Goblin

994 28 28
By mm1997m

Dew drops surrendered to thick sun beams as daytime trickled by. Our little waterfall cove had been abandoned in favor of exploring the forest, much to Ominis' dismay. Our boots crunched against crumbling bark and decaying leaves from the prior autumn, each step wafting pine under our noses. 

Though the scarlet light of Ominis' wand caressed most of the branches that hung too low in our path, he was unable to accurately avoid them all and I had linked my arm with his, hanging back as the twins galloped wildly just ahead. Sebastian had been hesitant to leave my side, his warmth lingering but Anne's insistent pleading and a gentle nod of my head spurred him onward. They poked at odd growths with long sticks and skipped stones down cliffs. Especially round rocks were reserved for volleying back and forth until inevitably, one of them lost grip and it tumbled to the forest floor where it was then kicked back and forth until forgotten. Pinecones and small stones lined their pockets and peculiarly special treasures were tucked into the baskets Ominis and I had naturally ended up carrying in lieu of their boisterous adventure. 

My nose tingled and my throat felt stiff as I watched them. The sudden realization barreled through me over just how much of this the two had missed out on for two years. The thought lodged itself in my gut, heavy and profuse.

A particularly large, billowing tree with hearty limbs and thick roots captured their attention and with little more than a quick glance at each other, our Sallows sprinted to it, two clumsy footfalls at a time. Their hoots and hollers echoed back to us and Ominis' fingers tapped subconsciously against my arm, tutting and fidgeting anxiously.

"What now?"

"They're scaling a tree as we speak."

Ominis huffed. "I should rather hope they are using the utmost caution."

As it were, the two were most definitely not using the utmost caution and had in turn begun to race each other to the top.

A smaller branch snapped on cue and Ominis flinched, though after no sounds followed of bodies crashing back to the ground, he straightened himself again.

"Please distract me Atley dear, I do not think I can handle much more of this worrying."

"Oh erm. Yes- I-" Fumbling words lodged in my throat, as usual, all coherent thought tumbled out the back of my brain somewhere when asked something simple."-Anne and Sebastian have been writing to each other again?"


I ignored the little demon voice as it chastised me for my stupidity. My mind was just lingering to the idea of them.

Ominis' shoulders relaxed into the question, his lip twitching once before answering. "Suppose they have for a bit now. Honestly I'm surprised you hadn't noticed sooner, it seems a regular nightly occurrence again. Though, I cannot say I'm particularly fond of Anne's stubborn insistence that the letter be written before any other activities." He frowned.

My mouth quirked, disbelief of his forwardness coating my lips. "Ominis!"

He paused a moment, brows turned inward before loosening. He sniffed. "Oh darling, Sebastian has ruined you yet hasn't he? I only mean to say she prefers to write before either of us can even begin our studying. Anything further is... well it's never expected and I would never hold her in obligation to me rather than her family-" He flustered. "-I only wish to catch her up on her studies... something this group seems rather fond of ignoring altogether as of late."

I could feel my cheeks blushing and felt guiltily grateful that he couldn't see it. "I'm terribly sorry Ominis. I didn't mean to presume-"

"Of course not sweetheart." He tapped my arm. "In regards to the letters though, as I said, I have my occasional irritations, but I cannot be more appreciative of the good they are doing him. Her. Both of them. Truly." He paused a moment, chewing on his bottom lip. "Suppose I am also a bit jealous."

"Jealous?" I turned my head to get a better look at him. His moles dark against his bright, pale skin, his hair tousled in the breeze - he looked peaceful. It was my turn for jealously then, guilt following closely behind.

Ominis shook his head and tilted his nose in my direction. "We all deserve a little healing don't you agree?" 

The silence sat between us, pawing at our ankles.

Another squeeze at my arm. "My offer still stands you know. Should I have any possibility to make life easier for you, I would surely-"

"No." Perhaps Sebastian hadn't told them everything, or maybe he just didn't realize exactly how useless I really was. "I can't Ominis."

The bite of my words shredded the chill of the air.

"I didn't mean to-"

"I know." I bit my tongue for cutting him off again. "I'm sorry Ominis. I just- I just want one day where I don't have to think about... anything."

He nodded, nose turning back to the baskets at our feet.

I worried the air would turn awkwardly stale and fumbled for a way to heal the cut. Ominis spoke first.

"Not even about a fresh mug of Butterbeer?" He held perfectly still until I let out a little laugh, his smile pushing at his cheeks.

"I suppose Butterbeer can be the exception."

"And lemon drops?"

I smiled. "Lemon drops too."


The promise of sweet treats and a cozy corner of the Three Broomsticks was, thankfully, enough to entice the twins back down from the tree and return them to our sides relatively unscathed. 

Sebastian's hand, rough and newly kissed with blisters, slid into mine and held tight the entire trek out of the forest and into Hogsmeade. His hips tapped mine with each step, a suffocating sort of nearness as if perhaps to make up for the moments he'd spent apart. I kissed his cheek in reassurance and our eyes met, a thousand flickering concerns trapped within the brown of his. I had to look away.

The happy hum of the pub and the sweet, sticky smell of Butterbeer warmed our noses as we stepped through the large doorway into the Three Boomsticks. The first few moments here never failed to overwhelm me before quickly fading back into a comfort, the ambience settling over my chest. The heavy, wheel-like chandelier danced above us in candlelight, the crackling flames of the far fireplace popped and sizzled, a few patrons laughed dizzyingly loud from one of the upper levels while a haggard couple sat in silence only a few paces away. No one stood at the bar aside from a rather lonely looking wizard on one of the stools who gazed longingly into the bottom of his cup and so we decided it would be best to find a place to sit before tracking down whoever might be working. 

We made our way to the back of the pub and the gentle call of the fireplace. The portraits seemed to whisper happily as we passed, a gossip among pigments and canvas. 

Claiming the corner nearest the fireplace, the four of us tucked our bodies into the worn wood of the chairs and slid the baskets beneath our feet, nestling them where they wouldn't get kicked.

"Ah! There she is!" Anne nearly bolted from her chair, spotting Sirona at a far table speaking to a rather short wizard with large ears - or a goblin rather. The witch's face brightened, noticing Anne and held up a single finger in our direction, letting us know she would be along in a moment.

Sebastian let out a large breath beside me. 

I nudged his shoulder to ask what was on his mind but the gentle bustling of fabric and the click click of boots across the floor interrupted.

"Oh dear girl it is so good to see you." Sirona tugged Anne into a tight hug, nestling her head against her shoulder and brushing the hair at the back of her head. The embrace parted and the older witch glanced over towards the door. "My my is it already that time? I could swear the minutes go by faster every day."

Ominis grumbled.

Anne kicked gently at the floor but kept her grin bright.

Sirona's smile fell almost instantly and she crossed her arms. "The lot of you haven't come after school hours have you?"

"Nothing gets by you!" Sebastian smirked. "Too smart for us."

Sirona wagged a towel at him. "Your flattery won't work on me boy. Best keep that to yourself." She sighed and crossed her arms once more. "Though I can't say I didn't enjoy the rare jaunt from classes during my time at Hogwarts..." her eyes trailed across each of us and hovered over Ominis and I. "...just don't make it a habit."

Sebastian's grin grew and he leaned back in his chair, rocking precariously on the back legs and tucking his hands behind his head.

"And should anyone come asking, I hope you know I won't pretend not to have seen you." She tapped the back of his chair with the toe of her boot, nearly tumbling the poor boy backwards with a flail of limbs and a pale face. She caught him at the last moment and pushed him upright, lowering her voice pointedly at a puffing Sebastian. "Mind the furniture young man."

"We promise Sirona." Anne managed between a laugh. "It's just a special occasion today." Her eyes purposefully avoided mine. 

"Is that so?" 

I braced for the question that didn't come.

"Suppose that means you'll need a round of Butterbeer on the house then, doesn't it?" She winked and stepped off back towards the bar.

Sebastian, who had caught his breath again, squeezed my knee. "What did we do to deserve such special treatment? Not that I'm complaining."

"You did nothing I'm sure." Ominis breathed.

A few moments of bickering later, Sirona returned with four mugs balanced perfectly atop a tray, foam trickling down the side of each. Carefully, she placed each in front of us, finishing with the final mug for Anne which had been topped with an extra zigzag of something that looked particularly sticky. 

"Extra butterscotch, as usual." Sirona leaned on the last word and Anne's eyes glittered in thanks and what I assumed to be a special sort of grateful for avoiding the talk of her return or absence altogether.

"Thank you, so very much." Ominis nodded his thanks.

Sebastian hummed his and took a big sip, foam coating his upper lip and pressing to the tip of his nose.

"Yes, thank you Sirona." I smiled and pulled my mug closer.

"How has Hogwarts been treating you? I trust the year has lived up to your expectations?" Sirona pulled a fresh cloth from her apron and slid it across the table to Sebastian before returning her attention to me. 

"Oh it's lovely." I smiled, running my thumb along the edge of my mug and collecting the bit of foam that lingered there. I swallowed the bits of the year that had been anything but what I'd hoped. "And I've met the most brilliant people."

Anne grinned at me from over the edge of her mug, a bit of foam and butterscotch on her lips too.

"Professor Fig was in here the other day. Sounds like you've turned out to be quite the brilliant witch yourself." She tapped my shoulder. "How is he by the way? Really?"

"He's well. A bit... lonely I think. He talks a lot about Miriam but, I think he's doing well."

Sirona nodded as if what I'd said had even made a hint of sense. "Quite the quirky wizard he is. I always do love when he visits though and I wish him the best. How about your other professors? Weasley? Sharp? Black?"

"Do not get me started on Black." Sebastian grumbled.

Sirona's smile grew. "As humble as ever then I presume." She tightened her apron. "Heard he was in Gladrags not long ago. Working up quite the fuss over needing new pairs of shoes."

Sebastian perked up. "Was he now?"

 A squeak of a chair against the floor pulled her attention back to her other patrons.

"I'll leave you lovelies to it then." She pointed to Anne and then to Sebastian. "Do keep him in line though will you."

"Hey!" Sebastian pouted, a new mustache of foam freshly coating his lips.

Anne reached across the table and pat his sticky hand. "Don't worry Sebastian. She's only teasing. Besides, we all know that's an impossible request."

Sebastian pulled his hand back and flicked a bit of the Butterbeer foam at his sister, smirking. He wiped his fingers against the cloth and dropped his palm back into place over my thigh, the warmth seeping through to my skin.

"I'm terribly sorry to interrupt." A frail, low voice called from just over Sebastian's shoulder. He turned quickly and his body stiffened.

The goblin from the far table was now worrying his hands in front of us, watching me carefully. 

"I didn't mean to listen in, but- did you say you knew a Miriam."

I searched his eyes, a hesitant bit of something clinging to my gut. "Miriam Fig? I- I know her husband."

The goblin nodded, never pulling his eyes from mine. "And you're the one Rookwood was looking for all those days ago? And Ranrok?"

Sebstian's hand on my thigh tightened.

I nodded hesitantly. "That was me."

The goblin took this moment to glance around at Sebastian, Ominis and Anne. His beady dark eyes swept over them so simply I wasn't sure he really saw them at all. When they finally returned to mine I watched something thick and guarded waver slightly.

"Could I have a word with you... in private?"

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