She Fits The Shoe

By Socialparasite21

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When Toni Storm meets a fellow Wrestler they had no idea that not only would they become bestfriends but she... More

The Menace Enters The Storm
Bad Days
Professional & Personal Problems
Time Apart Or Is It?
Your Decision
Elitist Decision
Come To Jesus Meeting
Build Up


148 6 0
By Socialparasite21

I'm in the catering hanging out with the Outcasts. The girls are talking and I'm just sitting there. I have repressed even more where to now I'm pretty much mute. I really only talk to Toni and I still don't say very much at all. I stay to myself majority of the time, the only reason I'm here right now is because it's what Toni wants and I never tell Toni no. I'm sat right beside Toni and I have my hoodie and shades on which has become the norm for me. I have my head on Toni's shoulder and she has her hand inside my hoodie, resting on my face as her fingers scratch my beard.

Ruby: Hey J?

Me: Hmm?

Ruby: What are you doing tonight?

Me: Squash.

Saraya then joined in the conversation.

Saraya: Are you excited? They seem to building you up.

I just shrugged.

Saraya: Well how are you feeling? Are you feeling any better?

Me: I guess...

Saraya: Is there any particular reason why?

I just pointed at Toni. Toni smiled before leaning her head down and pressing her lips to the top of my head.

Toni: You're the best.

I kind of smiled before I wrapped my arms around her waist.

Me: Nah, you are.

I stayed laid on Toni's shoulder the entire time I hung out there. I couldn't tell you really what Ruby and Saraya said but everytime I heard Toni's voice, I'd feel a little better and I'd kind of smile. Eventually a stagehand came and got me so I'd go work. Toni and I got up simultaneously before we hugged. When we hugged, we hugged very tightly and I leaned my head down and had my face in her hair. It seemed like it lasted forever but eventually we pulled away and I couldn't help my smile when I laid my eyes on her gorgeous face.

Toni: Good luck Teddy. I love you so much.

Me: Thank you Koala. I love you too.

I left to go do my match and the girls watched on in catering. While they watched, they had a conversation.

Ruby: So Toni, what's your secret?

Toni: My secret?

Ruby: Yeah, with J. What's your secret?

Toni: I don't have one?

Ruby let a little chuckle escape her lips

Ruby: Come on T, you have to do something.

Toni: I don't do anything.

Ruby: Be honest with us, okay T?

Toni: Okay?

Ruby: Do you like J?

Toni: Well yeah I like him. He's my best friend.

Saraya smiled before she joined in the conversation.

Saraya: We know that Toni. We mean do you like him in another way.

Toni smiled and lightly blushed and both Saraya and Ruby took notice.

Ruby: I KNEW IT...

Saraya then finished Ruby's thought.

Saraya: ...YOU DO!

Toni: Okay fine, you're right I like Jack in THAT way.

Saraya: Then tell him.

Toni's eyes went wide at the mention of expressing her feelings.

Toni: Oh no I couldn't! It would ruin what we have.

Saraya: Why would it ruin what you have?

Toni: Because he doesn't feel the same.

Saraya: Toni, J loves you.

Toni: He loves me like a best friend.

Ruby: No he LOVES you.

Toni: How do you know that?

Saraya: Well from what I see, he never tells you no. You're the only person that can really get him to talk and you're definitely the only one that can get him to somewhat smile. What do you see Rue?

Ruby: The ONLY times anyone has seen him talk or smile like actually smile is when you're involved. From what I've heard from Mox and Darby is that he doesn't really talk anymore but he'll still talk to Toni. T, you're the reason we still know the old J is still in there.

Toni: That doesn't mean he's physically attracted to me.

Ruby: T, he is VERY attracted to you. Ive caught him looking at you before.

Toni smacked the table.

Toni: Stop lying!

Ruby laughed at Toni's reaction.

Ruby: I'm not lying. I've caught him looking at you a lot when he thinks you're not paying attention, ESPECIALLY your butt.

Toni: Really?

Ruby: Yeah. J LOVES your butt, he'll always take little sneak peaks when you're not payin attention especially when you wear black pants.

Toni: Okay this is a lot of information to take in. What do you think I should do?

Saraya: I say maybe flirt with him and see how he reacts to it.

Ruby: He'll eat it up, I guarantee it. You may bring him all the way back.

I just finished my match and came through the courtain and grabbed my hoodie and sunglasses. I put my shades on and held my hoodie in my hand. I walked back in to catering. I walked up to our table and Toni stood up to greet me. She had a smile on her face while nibbling her bottom lip.

Toni: Jack! You're back!

I kinda smirked.

Me: Hey Koala.

She wrapped me in a huge hug.

Me: Koala I'm all sweaty.

Toni pulled back and looked me up and down while biting her bottom lip.

Toni: That doesn't matter you still look good~

I smiled down at her.

Me: Thanks Koala. I'm gonna go shower, I'll be back in a little while.

Toni looked up at me and her smile was replaced with her sticking her bottom lip out with big puppy dog eyes.

Toni: Awe~ Without me~

Me: I'll be right back Koala then I'm all yours.

Toni shot me a very different smile, almost a flirtatious like smile.

Toni: Oh you've always been MY Teddy~

Me: gotta go. I'll see y'all in a few.

I spun around on my heels before taking off to take a shower. As I walked down to the locker room, I kept thinking about Toni and how she's been acting. She's always been kind of flirty but that was really different. This seemed almost serious as opposed to the normal joke flirting. No, theres no way she's actually serious. My mind is just messing with me but I was able to push it out of my head to go shower.

I got out of the shower and started to get dressed. I walked out of the locker room before I met up with the girls at our rent a car. I went to put my head on Toni's shoulder but she stopped me.

Toni: Wait a second Jack.

Me: Okay?

Toni then took her seatbelt off before turning her body and resting her back against the car door. She swung her legs onto the car seat. We looked over at me and patted her chest lightly.

Toni: Lay your head here Teddy.

Me: Okay Koala...

I took my seatbelt off before adjusting and laying down in between Toni's legs and my head face down in Toni's chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist before her hand found it's way inside my hoodie and in my hair on the back of my head as her fingernails started to scratch my scalp. I then let myself melt in her and a long sigh escape my lips. I soon fell asleep and stayed out until we got to the hotel. Apparently so did Toni because Saraya turned and found us cuddled up, sleeping.

Saraya: Hey you...oh my god, Rue look.

Ruby turned around and saw us cuddling. Both Ruby and Saraya smiled at us.

Saraya: Do you think they'll end up together?

Ruby: Definitely they love each other way too much to not get together.

Saraya then turned her attention to us.

Saraya: Hey you two, we're here.

Toni stirred a little which caused me to cling to her a little tighter and groan.

Me: No...

Toni: We're here Teddy. Come on you're rooming with me tonight. Remember you said you were all mine tonight?

Me: I still am...

I got up before Toni and I got out of the car. I grabbed our bags before we walked inside. After a short elevator ride, we walked to her room before she unlocked her door and pretty much shoved me inside. She shut the door and turned around facing me with a smile on her face and using her body to shield the door.

Toni: Finally you're all mine~

I kinda smirked before I started to strip down. I had shorts with my hoodie and shades still on. I was sitting up before I had my knees tucked in to my chest with my arms around them and my head resting against the wall as I was lost in thought.

Toni walked up and kinda touched me but I didn't move. We didn't do much or any talking before Toni walked in front the bed. She had a look of sadness and concern on her face as we made eye contact.

Toni: We have to talk.

*A/N: What does the timeless one have on her mind? Find out next time in "She Fits The Shoe"!

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