Bad Days

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Toni and I have been getting really close. We talk everyday either on FaceTime or through Text. She tried again with Juice which unfortunately didn't work out and it sucks because she's been having a really hard time with it and I hate to see her hurting. I talked about how we talk pretty much everyday well now we talk from the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep.

When we get to see eachother in person, she's right by my side. She doesn't walk at all when im around. I either give her a piggyback ride or she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist with her face in my chest or in the side of my neck. We worked a progress show with my buddy Alex. He saw us doing that and when he asked about it, I just said, "She's my Koala bro." After I called her my Koala, it stuck. That's just her name now, I very rarely call her T and I never call her Toni. I woke up and quickly got in the shower before getting dressed.

 I woke up and quickly got in the shower before getting dressed

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