The Menace Enters The Storm

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*WWE Evolution 2018*

I'm backstage to support one of my best friends on the planet Liv Morgan in her match tonight. I'm sitting in Catering with her and the rest of the squad when somebody comes up to the empty seat.

???: Is this seat taken?

Me: No go ahead.

She sits down before I strike up a conversation.

Me: Toni Storm right?

???: Yep that's me.

Me: I knew it. I been keepin an eye on you, you're kicking ass.

Toni: Awe thank you. You're pretty good yourself.

Me: I'm okay I guess.

Toni smiled at me.

Toni: No I been watching you for a long time, you're really good.

I smiled at her.

Me: Thanks Toni.

Liv then pipes up.

Liv: Hey J, we gotta go get ready. We'll see you soon.

Me: Alright see ya GiGi.

They leave which leaves me and Toni alone to talk.

Me: You got Rhea tonight don't you?

Toni: Yeah I do.

Me: Man she's tough. You got it though. It'll a banger though for sure.

Toni smiled at me.

Toni: Awe thanks J.

We talked for a while as the squad worked. They lost but they still looked great. When Liv came back through the courtain, I hugged her before picking her up and spinning her around.

Me: Yall did so good! I'm so proud of you!

Liv: Thanks Jack. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

We all hung out for a while until Toni's match. She's so good man. When she came back after the match, I hugged her which she returned. We sat and talked until the end of the show. As we walked out to the parking lot, Toni got my attention.

Toni: J!

I turn around as she walked up.

Me: What's up T?

Toni: Do you maybe want to maybe exchange numbers and keep in touch? If not I totally understand.

I smiled at her.

Me: I'd love too T.

We exchanged numbers before going our separate ways. When I got back to the hotel, I chilled in bed before my phone went off. I checked and saw it was a message from Toni.

*Toni And I's Conversation*

Toni❤: Hey JJ.

Me: What's up T.

Toni❤: I was just texting you to see what you're up too.

Me: Nothing really just watching tv. How about you?

Toni❤: Same. Hey do you maybe wanna come hang out in my room?

Me: Sure, What's your room number?

Toni❤: Room 815.

Me: Really? Wow you're right next door. I'll be there in a flash.

*End Of Our Conversation*

I got up and went to her door before knocking on it. She quickly answered.

Toni: J! Come in! Come in!

Me: Thanks T.

We walk in and sit down before having a conversation.

Toni: So what kind of music do you like?

Me: I like everything but I prefer Rock over everything.

Toni: Really? Me too! Who's your favorite band?

Me: Well I grew up around the boys in Alice In Chains so them. Especially the Layne stuff. I actually sing for them.

Toni: I knew I recognized you from somewhere. So did you ever meet Layne?

Me: Yeah, like I said I grew up around them. I knew Layne until I was 7 and I was basically his shadow when I was around him.

Toni: Awe that's really sweet.

Me: Yeah I miss him alot.

I kind of got quiet and Toni picked up on it and changed the subject.

Toni: So J, how long have you and Liv been together?

Me: What? We aren't dating, we're just really close.

Toni kind of smiled.

Toni: Oh ok.

Me: What about you? Do you have a Boyfriend?

Toni looked down before answering.

Toni: No, not anymore. You know Tyler Bate?

Me: Yeah I do.

Toni: Well we were together but after I guess we just wanted different things, we kind of drifted apart before he found someone else.

I can tell Toni was still struggling with it and she was getting upset so I tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

Me: Wow I knew he was a wacky bastard but I didn't know he was stupid.

Toni kind of smiled.

Toni: There's always someone better I guess.

Me: Better then you? No, not possible.

Toni: I'm not that great...

Me: You're a beautiful blonde aussie that likes rock music. No you're not great, you're amazing, you're perfect.

Toni blushed and looked down to try to hide it.

Toni: Stop.

Me: I mean it.

Toni: You're so sweet.

We talked and hung out for a little while before I went back to my room and went to sleep. Toni's a good one, I really hope we become good friends.

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