Until I Found You

By evrimalasyaa

4.1K 250 191

8 years after spending the night together at a party, fate brings Kivilcim and Ömer back together. Was it a o... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12

Part 11

358 23 24
By evrimalasyaa

Omer, who was getting ready for bed, heard the familiar notification chime on his phone. He picked it up to see the photo from Kivilcim, his heart warming at the sight of her and their sleeping children and Kivilcim's radiant smile in the selfie.

Unable to resist, he quickly typed out a message in response, his fingers dancing across the screen as he sent it off to Kivilcim.

As Kivilcim's phone buzzed with Omer's reply, she couldn't help but smile.

Omer: Who's that woman on the far left?

Before Kivilcim could reply "That's me, Omer." Omer's response came in swiftly,

I think I might be falling for her

Kivilcim's heart fluttered at Omer's sweet words, a warmth spreading through her as she read his message. Deciding to savor the moment, Kivilcim set her phone aside, choosing not to reply immediately. Instead, she turned off the lights and savored the stillness of the room, allowing herself to drift into a peaceful slumber against her pillow.

The next day

The next day, the sun rose lazily over the city, casting its warm glow over the bustling streets of Nisantasi. Amidst the sounds of honking, Omer and Kivilcim found themselves seated at a quaint cafe with their children as they ate their breakfast. 

Omer: Metehan didn't bother you last night, did he?

Kivilcim: No he's a very good kid. He's lucky to have a father like you. And actually, they all slept peacefully through the night. With soccer practice and staying up late, they were super tired. 

Omer: "Well, I'm glad they slept well. Metehan's been really excited about his soccer lately. Did he tell you about his dream of becoming the next Messi?"

Kivilcim laughed, shaking her head. "Oh yes, every chance he gets! He's got quite the determination, just like his father." Their conversation paused momentarily as they attended to their children, making sure they were happily occupied with their breakfast. 

After a moment, Omer leaned in closer to Kivilcim, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Speaking of dreams, have you thought any more about our conversation last night?"

Kivilcim furrowed her brows slightly, recalling their discussion about their plans for the future. "Yes, I have a little bit.

As Omer took a casual sip of his drink, a mischievous glint danced in his eyes, and he leaned forward, breaking the tranquil atmosphere with a playful challenge.

"Kivilcim, so when are you going to take me out on a date?" he quipped, a smirk playing on his lips. He takes a sip of his drink and sits back, looking at her seriously. 

Taken aback, Kivilcim raised an eyebrow, her own amusement evident in her response. "Excuse me? Aren't men supposed to sweep the woman they want to win over off their feet? You should be asking me out on a date."

Omer chuckled, leaning back in his chair with a playful grin. "Yes, and so I would. It isn't exactly my style to have a woman ask me out.... but you owe me a date after leaving early on our first date."

"First date? We never went on a date?" Kivilcim replied, a hint of confusion coloring her tone.

"Ouch, was my dinner that forgettable?" Omer teased, the corners of his mouth quirking up in a knowing smile.

"That was not a date, Omer Bey. The one where your assistant comes over and interrupts us every five minutes to discuss work doesn't quite qualify," Kivilcim interjected with annoyance. She looks to the side and then shifts her gaze to her lap, where she plays with her fingers.

Her jealousy was very evident. Omer grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Okay. So, how about we rectify that? A proper date this time, just you and me? We always have kids, school, or work."

Kivilcim's smile softened, her gaze warm as she nodded in agreement. 

Omer leaned forward slightly, his expression gentle yet curious. "By the way, Kivilcim, I can't help but ask. This Kayhan... Did he bother you last night?"

Kivilcim hesitated for a moment but liking his protectiveness,  her fingers stilling in her lap before she sighed softly. "It's nothing serious, just... typical stuff he does every time he comes back to Istanbul. He's just now a bit more persistent, trying to get back into my life, but I've made it clear it's not what I want."

Omer's brows furrowed in concern as he listened, sensing the weight of Kivilcim's words. "So there's no feelings between you two?"

Kivilcim sighed softly, her gaze distant for a moment before she met Omer's eyes with a resolute expression. "No, there aren't. That ship has sailed and sunk, Omer. I've moved on. Besides..." She paused, a shy smile playing on her lips. "I have a date with someone."

"Oh, really?" Omer's tone carried a mix of curiosity and amusement. "Do you like this person?"

Kivilcim thought for a second, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I don't know... Well, he's a little persistent. Says he's liked me since we first met, he's even a bit... creepy if I think about it"

Omer laughed. "Creepy? How so?"

"The man has been looking for me for 8 years."

Omer leaned back slightly, intrigued. "It seems he's... in love. At first sight."

Kivilcim responded with a silent smile. "but I think he's sweet. He's different from anyone I've dated before, in a good way."

Omer leaned back slightly, intrigued. "Different how?"

"He's... attentive, I suppose," Kivilcim explained, her gaze thoughtful. "He listens, really listens, you know?"

Omer nodded, absorbing her words with interest. "Well, I hope he knows how lucky he is to have a date with you," Omer said with a grin.

Kivilcim excused herself to go to the restroom. All the flirting was something she wasn't used to. Her skin felt hot and she became red. What am I doing? What is happening? She wondered silently to herself. She took a hand towel from the restroom and soaked it in cold water, placing it on her neck to cool down.

As Omer pulled up in front of Kivilcim's workplace, he glanced at himself in the rearview mirror, adjusting his tie nervously. This was their first official date, and he wanted everything to be perfect. As Kivilcim stepped out of the building, Omer's breath caught in his throat at the sight of her. She looked stunning in a simple yet elegant dress, her hair cascading in soft waves around her shoulders.

"Good Evening," Kivilcim greeted with a warm smile as she approached the car.

"Hi," Omer replied, his heart skipping a beat at her beauty. He opened the door for her, offering his hand to help her in.

As Kivilcim settled into the passenger seat, she couldn't help but notice a familiar figure from a distance. Kayhan had just picked up Cimen from school and was going to spend a day with her. She quickly looked away, hoping he hadn't noticed her.

Omer, sensing Kivilcim's discomfort, followed her gaze and spotted Kayhan lingering nearby. His jaw tightened slightly, a surge of protectiveness washing over him. But he maintained his composure, offering Kivilcim a reassuring smile.

"Ready?" he asked, his voice gentle yet determined.

Kivilcim nodded, forcing a smile despite the unease gnawing at her. "Yes, let's go."

As Omer pulled away from the curb, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Glancing in the rearview mirror, he caught sight of Kayhan's figure disappearing into the distance. Jealousy stirred within him, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the evening ahead with Kivilcim.

Meanwhile, Kayhan watched the car drive off, a tumult of emotions churning within him. Seeing Kivilcim with another man ignited a fierce jealousy within him, reminding him of what he had lost. Clenching his fists, he vowed to keep a close eye on them. 

Kayhan's hand trembled slightly as he pulled out his phone, dialing a familiar number with a mixture of hesitation and determination. After a few rings, the call connected.

"Hello?" came the voice on the other end.

"It's me," Kayhan said tersely, his voice laced with urgency. "I need you to do something for me."

Once the call ended, Kayhan pocketed his phone and briskly made his way to his car, his mind consumed with thoughts of Kivilcim and the man she was with. "Ah Kivilcim. You ruined our life and now you're holding hands happily with another man. I will show what happiness looks like."

As Kayhan arrived at the restaurant, he parked his car discreetly nearby and slipped out, his eyes fixed on the entrance where Kivilcim and Omer had disappeared inside. He stood at a distance, hidden in the shadows, watching the couple with a mixture of resentment and longing.

Through the window, Kayhan could see Kivilcim's radiant smile and Omer's attentive gestures, and a surge of jealousy twisted in his gut. Anger simmered beneath the surface as he observed them, his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

"I won't let you be happy without me, Kivilcim," he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with bitterness.

Kayhan's gaze remained fixed on the couple, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge and reclaiming what he believed was rightfully his. With a determined glint in his eyes, he vowed to make Kivilcim regret leaving him, no matter the cost.

As Kivilcim and Omer continued their leisurely stroll through the city streets, their conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared anecdotes.

What they didn't know was that Kayhan remained behind them, trailing behind with a growing sense of bitterness. His mind raced with thoughts of how to disrupt their evening, to remind Kivilcim of the pain she had caused him even know he is the one repeatedly caused her pain.

Suddenly, a loud commotion erupted from a nearby alleyway, startling Kivilcim and Omer. They turned to see a group of rowdy individuals causing trouble, their voices raised in anger.

Instinctively, Omer stepped forward to protect Kivilcim, his gaze scanning the scene for any signs of danger. When the kids disappeared in the other side of the alley, he turned back to Kivilcim. With one hand on the wall and the other behind the small of her back, their faces hovered just inches apart. With each inhale, they felt the heat of the other's breath, sending shivers down their spines. Kivilcim shifted her gaze towards his lips. She couldn't take her eyes off them. In a moment thick with anticipation, Kivilcim closed the remaining distance between them, bridging the gap with measured determination. Her lips were soft and tasted sweet. The soft touch of their lips eventually deepened into a passionate embrace, their tongues dancing, their bodies pressing closer together as if trying to merge into one. With each passing second, the intensity of their connection grew, fueled by a long-buried desire that had finally been unleashed. As she cupped both of  his cheeks, his hands travelled down to her ass, pulling her into him.

As they reluctantly pulled away, their breaths ragged and hearts pounding, they found themselves locked in a silent exchange of longing gazes. In that fleeting moment, they both knew that something irrevocable had shifted between them, something that would change the course of their lives forever. Kivilcim now knew her feelings towards him were locked. No more games of tug of war. 

Kivilcim broke the silence, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I didn't expect this," she admitted, her gaze searching Omer's for some sort of clarity.

Omer reached out, his fingers gently tracing the curve of her cheek and resting on the corner of her lips. "Neither did I," he confessed, his voice tinged with a mixture of vulnerability and longing. "But I'm glad it happened."

They were already longing to kiss each other again, but before Omer could react, Kayhan emerged from the shadows, his face contorted with rage.

"Kivilcim!" he shouted, his voice getting louder by the second. "You can't just walk away from me!"

Kivilcim's heart skipped a beat as she recognized Kayhan's voice, her blood running cold with fear. She turned to face him, her eyes wide with shock.

"Kayhan, what are you doing here? Where is Cimen? Are you following us?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

"She's being watched." Kayhan ignored her other question, his gaze fixed on Omer with a burning intensity. "Who do you think you are?" he demanded, his tone dripping with hostility.

Omer rolled his eyes and pointed his hands towards him, "He still asks this question? I've already told you who I am" 

Kayhan's eyes narrowed, his fists clenched at his sides. He was boiling with fury as he took a menacing step forward, his jaw clenched with tension. "You think you can just waltz in here and take what's mine?" he growled, his voice dripping with venom.

Omer stood his ground, his expression unwavering. "I'm not here to take anything from you, Kayhan. Kivilcim is her own person, free to make her own choices."

Kivilcim watched the confrontation unfold, her heart pounding with apprehension. She knew Kayhan's temper all too well, and she feared what might happen if the situation escalated further.

"Enough, both of you!" she interjected, her voice trembling with emotion. 

But Kayhan's anger continued to simmer, his gaze locked on Omer with unbridled hostility. "You may think you're some kind of hero, but you don't know the first thing about her," he spat, his words laced with bitterness. Omer was ready to punch the made if he made a slight move.

A couple walked past them. "What's going on here, take this somewhere else!"

Sensing the escalating tension, Kivilcim stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on Kayhan's arm. "Kayhan, please," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "Let's not do this here."

Kayhan's gaze softened momentarily at the touch of her hand, but the anger in his eyes remained palpable. "Fine," he muttered, reluctantly taking a step back.

"This isn't over," Kayhan declared, his voice low and menacing. "Not by a long shot."

With those ominous words, Kayhan turned on his heel and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Kivilcim and Omer standing in the aftermath of their encounter.

"Are you alright?" Omer asked softly, his voice filled with concern as he reached out to gently touch Kivilcim's arm. "I'll be fine," she replied,

As they stood in the dimly lit street, Kivilcim hesitated for a moment before gathering her courage to speak.

"Omer," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I... I don't want to go home just yet. Could you take me to your place?"

Omer's eyebrows lifted in surprise at her request, but he quickly composed himself, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Are you sure?" he asked gently, wanting to ensure that Kivilcim felt comfortable with her decision.

Kivilcim nodded, a hint of determination shining in her eyes. "Yes, I'm sure. I just... I want to be with you."

Omer's heart skipped a beat at her words, his own desire mirroring hers. Without another word, he opened the passenger door of his car and gestured for her to get in.

As they stepped into Omer's house, the air was thick with tension. Kivilcim's heart pounded in her chest as she followed Omer further into his home, her senses heightened by the intimacy of the moment.

Without a word, Omer turned to face her, his gaze burning with intensity. "Do you want anything to drink?" And in that moment, Kivilcim knew that she couldn't hold back any longer. With a sudden surge of boldness backed by a build up of emotion and tension, she closed the distance between them in a single stride, her lips crashing against his in a hungry kiss.

Omer responded with equal fervor, his arms wrapping tightly around her as he pulled her close. The heat of their passion enveloped them, igniting a fire that blazed with a fierce intensity.

Lost in the heat of the moment, they stumbled towards the nearest surface, their hands roaming eagerly over each other's bodies. He picked her up and placed her on the table, never leaving her lips. As he took his suit jacket off, he felt her unbuttoning his top impatiently. 

Just seconds later, some of their clothes were discarded in a flurry of movement as they gave in to the overwhelming urge to be able to touch each other's skin. With only her undergarments on and Omer dressed in his pants, he lifts her off the table. She wraps her arms around his neck kissing him passionately. With her legs wrapped tightly around his legs, he carefully walks up the stairs so as not to drop her.

When he gets into the room, he slowly lowers her onto the ground.

"Are you sure you want to do this right now?"

"I am very sure."

With no further questions asked he locks the door and he slowly backs her onto the bed until the back of her legs reach the bed and she lays down. He takes his pants off, freeing his hardness from the piece of fabric restricting him. He then hovers over her body, gently leaning into a kiss while grabbing her breasts. Slowly, he leaves a trail of kisses down her body until he reaches her breast and begins to suck them. She begins to moan as she grabs a handful of his hair. As he gives the other breast the same attention, he begins to squeeze her thighs and explores her body with his hands. "You're so beautiful, you're driving me crazy." With a grin, he runs his hands down her body until he reaches the center of her body. As he pulls her underwear to the side, he starts to caress her womanhood. He inserts one finger, followed by a second when he feels her pulsate around him. While movings his fingers in and out of her, he begins to lap his tongue against her clitoris.


He begins to smile against her when he gets the reaction he wants. When she begins to writhe against him violently, he allows her to recover and takes off her underwear.

She begins to cover her eyes with the back of her elbow and the other covering her breasts as she giggled trying to catch her breath. Omer couldn't help but smile, his heart swelling with affection for the woman now in his arms.

As Kivilcim's laughter subsided into contented sighs, Omer gently reached out, his fingers lightly grazing her arm as he guided it away from her eyes. With a tender touch, he cupped her cheek, his eyes locking onto hers with a fierce intensity.

"You don't have to hide from me," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity. "I want to see you, all of you. For the longest time"

Kivilcim met his gaze, her eyes shining with a mixture of vulnerability and trust. With a shy smile, she allowed her arm to fall to her side, exposing herself completely to him.

In that moment, Omer felt a surge of love and adoration for the woman before him. Without hesitation, he lifted her waist and pulled her closer against him, their bodies fitting together perfectly as if they were made for each other. She could feel his hardness against her womanhood. Still extremely sensitive, she began to moan as he grabbed himself and glided over her warmth. She was so wet. 

"Omerrr.... Please"

As Omer felt Kivilcim's warmth enveloping him, Kivilcim's moans also echoed in the room. With trembling hands, he trailed kisses down her neck, her skin igniting beneath his touch. Each caress, each stroke sent shivers down her spine, her body arching towards him in desperate craving.

In a haze of desire, he waited for her to to tell him it was okay to continue. When she nodded, Omer guided himself to her entrance. With a slow, deliberate thrust, he entered her, a wave of ecstasy crashing over them both as they became one. He stayed in the position for a couple seconds, allowing her to accept his length.

In the dim light of the room, their lovemaking was filled with pleasure and desire, each movement driving them to the edge. Eventually, their bodies became a tangle of limbs and desire, moving together in a tango of longing and need. 

Hours passed as Kivilcim and Omer explored the depths of their desire. With each touch, each kiss, they discovered new ways to connect, to express the love and longing that had simmered beneath the surface for so long.

As the night wore on, they found themselves wrapped in each other's arms, their bodies entwined in a tender embrace. The silence between them was filled with the soft, steady.

They lay there together, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking, content in the knowledge what just happened just seconds ago. And as they drifted off to sleep, a sense of peace washed over them, binding them together in a love that was as fierce as it was undeniable.

In the morning, after they both showered, they both had breakfast. Kivilcim left a little earlier to get home before her mom would ask her any questions. Omer put on his suit and grabbed his laptop case. Before he could leave the house, he reached into his pocket and realized he forgot to take her earring with him. The one he would take every where. As he was about to go into his room, he paused mid-step when he heard the doorbell rang. Maybe Kivilcim forgot something. 

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Omer opened the door, his expression guarded. "Kayhan?"

Kayhan offered a casual smile. "Hey, Omer. Hope I'm not catching you at a bad time."

Omer's grip tightened imperceptibly on the doorknob, his jaw clenched as he fought to keep his composure. "What are you doing here? What do you want?"

Kayhan's gaze flickering briefly past Omer into the dimly lit foyer. "I, uh, just wanted to talk. Can I come in?"

Omer hesitated, trying to understand Kayhan's sudden appearance. After a tense moment, he stepped aside, allowing Kayhan to enter with a wary glance.

As Kayhan crossed the threshold into their home, Omer couldn't shake the feeling that his presence was an omen of trouble to come. But for now, all he could do was brace himself for whatever conversation lay ahead.

If this chapter feels rushed, I am sorry. I've been stuck with this story and am just trying to move it along! Hope you enjoyed

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