Yandere!Under verse x Reader

By CherryEclipse2648

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Yandere Under verse x Reader. Reader is from my au, Memorytale. Under verse does not belong to me, it belong... More

The Apple Brothers
Waking Up
Memories and Nightmares
Memories vs Creation
Yandere List
Memories and Dreams
The Mind Siblings
Strangers or Friends?
Timeline 1
Timeline 2
Timeline 3
Timeline 4
Taking care of the brothers
Calls and Ink
Therapy with Ink
What a weird Dream...
Yandere List
The Beginning
The First Villager and Memories
The Apple Incident
Nightmare's New Home

Memories vs Destruction

161 6 0
By CherryEclipse2648

A/n: I can't write fight scenes that well, so bare with me here qwq

Y/n and the glitchy skeleton stared at each other, eyes narrowed to see who would make the first move. Error seemed to get impatient, and went first, sending strings and gaster blasters at you. You dodged and made an ice wall, the ice shattering from the strings and the blasters. You then control the ice and slice the strings, sending the ice shards at Error. Error then uses a blaster to defend, laughing.

Error: Why do anomalies like you keep fighting? You can't win!

Y/n, determined: But I can try! Why are you trying to kill me?

Error, laughing: Kid, it's my job. Destroying worthless anomalies like you! Getting rid of the clutter and any wastes of space!...like you!

He sends red bones at you and you get your scythe out again, slicing the bones in half. Despite preferring to be a pacifist, you will fight when need be, and now is that time. Y/n narrows their eyes and slams their scythe into the ground, sending ice spikes at him. Error summons a blaster and blasts them away, teleporting away, and then behind you.

Error, laughing and in a creepy voice: Behind you~

Y/n turned around but it was too late, they were already caught in Error's strings. Error laughs and pulls out your soul, intent on keeping it as a prize. Error's eyes then widen when he looks at your soul, finding it strange.

(What your soul looks like, and yes, I drew dis)

Error: W-what is wrong with your soul, you anomaly?

Y/n: There is nothing wrong with my soul! And i'm not an anomaly!

Error, rolling his eyes: Sure you aren't...but souls are only supposed to be one color, not multiple colors!

Y/n doesn't really have a rebuttal for that, and they narrow their eyes, feeling the strong squeeze at them. Y/n then makes an ice spike, breaking the strings on them and fly up, flapping their wings and causing a dust and snow storm to happen. Error narrows his eyes, the strings on your soul freezing and breaking, causing your soul to go back into their chest.

Error, growling: grr....damn anomaly....Come out! You can't hide from me! One way or another, I will destroy you!

Y/n, internally and sweatdropping: Geez...no wonder Memory told me to look our and not talk to Error...but let's see if I can calm him down...

Y/n flaps their wings, causing the storm to go wider, and then releases their peaceful aura, confusing Error about why he doesn't want to fight anymore.

Error, shooketh: W-what...what did you do to me you damn anomaly?!

Y/n, landing: calmed you down so we could talk...the storm won't hurt any of us, it's just a safety measure.

Error growls and clenches his fists. He wants to attack, but the aura is making him calm, and he does not like it. He doesn't like his emotions being messed with, but does internally admit that it could be worse. His fears could be used against him after all..

Error, growling: Fine. What the fuck do you want to talk about?

Y/n: why were you trying to kill me.

Error, bonebrow twitching: I already told you why! You're an anomaly and you need to be destroyed! People like you are the reason the multiverse is so cluttered, and it makes my job harder!

Y/n, lowering their scythe:...people like me?

Error, exasperated: Yes! People like you! There isn't any other version of you, so you must be destroyed!

Y.n lowers their scythe completely, de-summoning it. Error looks confused, and then covers his eyes when Y/n flaps their wings. The storm disappears and Error uncovers his eyes, looking more confused. Y/n isn't sure what to think, their aura disappearing back into their body as Error takes this opportunity to get rid of this anomaly. Y/n gets tied up in strings and doesn't fight back this time.

Error, raising a bone brow: Finally give up?

Y/n doesn't respond, unsure of what to think. They had figured that there was only one of them in the multiverse, but actually hearing it from someone who has destroyed au's before, kinda hurt. Error shrugs, not really minding, but finding it abit odd that you aren't fighting back. The strings around you tighten, causing you to squirm in discomfort.

Error, chuckling: What's wrong? Upset that there is only one of you? Face it kiddo, there is only one of you, and once I get rid of you, there will be no more anomalies of you...so just stay STILL!!

The strings tighten around Y.n, causing them to scream...loudly and causing their powers to activate in self defense. Memories hit Error like a freight train, causing his eyelights to disappear and for him to drop you. Y/n pants, their wings curled around themselves as Error looks shaken.

Error: W-what...what are you?!

Y/n:...I-i'm Y/n...the original guardian of memories.

Error tenses, having not expected this...but he now knows that he can't kill y/n, or he risks upsetting the balance. Error sighs, still trying to comprehend what he saw as he crosses his arms, looking away.

Error: I'm Error, the destroyer of au's...

Y/n: I-I know who you are...Memory has told me about you.

Error, raising a bone brow: You know that anomaly?

Y/n, nodding: h-he told me to not talk to you and Ink, and never go to Underlust.

Error, nodding: Underlust I can understand, same with myself...but Ink?

Y/n shrugs and stands up, their tail lashing as their wings stabilize their balance.

Y/n: I dunno...But i've met Ink before, and he seems nice?

Error, rolling his eyes: Sure he is...that dam squid...

Y/n, blinking: Squid?

Error seems to be getting impatient with all of these questions, but is also internally curious about why his will to fight went away when he saw Y/n in pain, and then got hit with memories...

Error: When that squid gets excited, he throws up ink. So he's a squid.

Y/n, blinking: Huh...I guess that makes sense?

Error, rolling his eyes: It does...now if I can't kill you, I might as well annoy you. Expect some visits from me, anomaly.

Y/n, blinking: uh, okay?

Error then makes a glitchy portal to the anti-void and walks through it, closing the portal. Y/n is confused about what the fuck just happened.

(multi-timeskip warning)

~~a year later~~

It's been a year since you've last seen Error, and based on that interaction, you needed to be stronger...so you've been training yourself, pushing yourself past your limits to get stronger and to last longer in a fight, the lessons from your friends ringing in your mind. At the current moment, y/n is sitting by a pond, having made a flute from ice, and is currently playing a song on it.

(Video belongs to Moksha Kumar on youtube)

Y/n's ears twitch, hearing the bushes rustle, but they keep playing...unfortunately for you, strings wrap around your wrist, stopping you from playing.

Error: Nice sound, anomaly...but you should be paying better attention. You didn't even hear my portal open.

Y/n sighs and melts their flute back into water, putting it into the pond as they look at Error.

Y/n: I'm assuming this is one of those visits to annoy me?

Error, nodding: Correct. Now come on. I don't got all day. We'll be annoying the squid.

Y/n sighs and nods, getting up: fine, let's go.

Error, blinking: I...didn't expect you to agree so quickly, anomaly.

Y/n, shrugging: I got nothing better to do.

Error nods and makes a glitchy portal, and then gives you an expectant look. Y/n just sighs and follows him, wondering why their life got so confusing after they left Memorytale.

~~mini timeskip of a few hours~~

So, you and Error pranked Ink hiding some of his paints, and then Error returned you back to your home, even though you could have just teleported. You are trying to rest, but feel someone's eyes on you, so you can't. You open your eyes and see Ink there, staring at you with emotionless eyes. Y/n looks startled and Ink doesn't even blink, just staring directly into your soul.

Ink: ....why were you with Error?

Y/n:...he asked if I wanted to annoy you, and I agreed.

Y/n internally adds 'not like I had a choice' and Ink somehow seems to pick up on this. Ink tilts his head, still staring at you.

Ink: He tried to destroy you, didn't he?

Y/n blinks in surprise at how he guessed that so easily, but Ink just takes this as confirmation, frowning.

Ink: he shouldn't destroy someone as beautiful as you...

Y/n, startled: I-...what???

Ink just smiles and kisses Y/n's forehead, causing them to blink in surprise...and then he dissapears into an ink puddle.

Y/n, confused:...what even is my life??

~~mini timeskip- 50 years~~

A/n: Y/n is 21 physically, but 427 in actuality bc sleep.


Over the past 50 years, Error and Ink's visits seem to frequent often, with Ink visiting every other week or day and Error visiting at least once a month or twice a month. He used to visit every year, but by the 5th year, he started to visit twice in a year, and then 4 months, and then 2 months...and now, it's every month either once or twice, depending on how he feels. And he seems to only be comfortable with you touching him, with you having slowly helped him with his fear of touch. He doesn't like others touching him, but it fine with you, even if he won't admit it, the tsundere~...At the current moment, you are in the living room, trying to read a book, but your thoughts always wander to your brothers, hoping their alright, but they also mix with self-doubt.

(thoughts will be italics)

Y/n: I could have saved them...I could have helped them...why didn't I?...I was too weak to...but i'm stronger now, right? I-I should be able to protect them...b-but what if I can't? I-I couldn't save them before, so what difference does it make now....? I want to help, I truly do, but I don't know how....I'm the guardian of memories. I protect everyone's memories, helping them remember the good times when they are down, or the bad times when they get too arrogant...I help restore memories that were locked, or lock memories that were too traumatic...I don't get it...what am I doing wrong? Why couldn't I protect them?

Y/n doesn't notice it consciously, but the room gets colder and darker as some tears roll down their face. Y/n's wing wrap around them as they drop the book, no longer able to concentrate on it as they listen to their thoughts.

Y/n: Does Nightmare even want to see me...? He's changed according to Memory...spreading chaos and negativity, and I try to spread peace and hope, helping others remember that good times will come...but my job sometimes forces me to remind people of the bad times, and causing them some slight depression that could spiral...I don't like that part of my job, but I know it's necessary, and I can't disrupt the balance...but what about Dream? Where is he? I-I can't feel his memories, does that mean he's dead? Does that mean Nightmare killed him? Why would Nightmare kill Dream? They're brothers!...b-but he put me to sleep for a 120 years, s-so maybe he did...but maybe there's a chance Dream is still alive, maybe just frozen in time, like I was...

The room now gets colder thanks to the thoughts Y/n is thinking, causing the being in the shadows to blink. Some ice grows at Y/n's feet, slowly incasing them in ice as it slowly travels up Y/n's body. Y/n doesn't even notice, and a bit of their aura comes out abit.

Y/n: Maybe the villagers and the nightmares about them were right...maybe I am a failure...I can't even protect myself and have to rely on others...I'm weak...i'm useless...i'm a failure...but I can try my best, even if people don't like me...I-I have to do my job anyway, whether they like it or not...I-I just hope that my friends don't notice that I'm like this...

A hand goes on Y/n's shoulders, causing them to snap out of their trance like state and punch whoever it was that put their hand on their shoulder, in the nose....well, nasal ridge in this case.

Nightmare: Agh! Fucking hell! What is wrong with you?!

Y/n blinks in surprise, looking at the now adult Nightmare...who is still covered in goop, who looks at them in annoyance...what will happen now? Did Nightmare come because he sensed negativity, or did he want to check up on Y/n? If he wanted to do the latter, why didn't he check up on them sooner? I guess we will find out, won't we?

Word Count: 2213

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