Man Eaters

By Wolf4dead14

1.8K 84 12

The world knows all too well about the existence of Ghouls, humanoid creatures who feast on human flesh. But... More

Like Nothing Even Happened
First Encounter
A Familiar Face
So Much For A Low Profile


217 12 3
By Wolf4dead14

The rest of the shift went by smoothly. Nothing out of the ordinary and for that, I was relieved. After seeing Tsukiyama again, I was terrified about what would've happened. I'm still a little uneasy about that encounter. 

As soon as my shift ended, I left Anteiku and made my way back home, constantly looking behind me out of fear that Tsukiyama was stalking me. I had just arrived at home and made my way to the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab a can of soda. Opening it, I take a small sip and sit down on the sofa. I reached out to the remote and used the black tendrils to pick it up. A low chuckle leaves my lips as I turn on the TV. 

Mutasim: Not gonna lie, these tendrils are pretty sweet.

I begin to scroll through the channels on the TV mindlessly, searching for anything that seemed the slightest bit interesting. The screen constantly switches through different programs. Sports, news, dramas, everything. And nothing got my attention. Was I really that bored? I groan as I turn the TV off and lean back into the sofa. Suddenly, I feel a vibration in my pocket, making me frown. I reach in and pull out my phone, seeing a message from Touka. Opening it, I see her asking me about the revision session tomorrow. 

Touka: "Hey. Forgot to ask what time you're available tomorrow."

Mutasim: "Oh yeah. I'll be fine with whatever time. You decide, I'm not picky."

Touka: "K. Be here by 3pm?"

Mutasim: "Sounds good. 👍"

Touka: "See you then"

I turn off my phone and take another sip out of my soda can. I stand up and take a few steps towards my bedroom. Before I'm able to grab the door handle, I hear a knock on my apartment door. A frown came to my face. Who was knocking on my door at this time? 

???: Don't open that. 

A deep and mysterious voice spoke. I spin my head around, trying to find out where it came from. Whatever it was, I couldn't see it. As if the voice wasn't creepy enough. The knocks repeat themselves, getting louder. I take a deep breath and open the door. Upon opening the door, I'm shoved backwards as a group of people in suits wield guns and storm my apartment! They begin to turn the place upside down and scream and shout as they search the entire apartment. I open my mouth to question what the hell they're doing, but a few of the people hold me up at gunpoint, keeping me silent. 

I raise my hands in surrender, not wanting to get shot. After some time has passed, the people all return to the main room and keep their guns trained on me. One of the men are wearing a formal suit and holds a briefcase in their right hand. 

Man: Where is it? 

Mutasim: W-Where's what? 

Man: Don't play dumb. The black goo. We have eye witnesses stating they saw a black goo in this apartment. Now where is it? Where are you keeping it? 

Mutasim: I-I honestly don't know what you're talking about. What black goo? 

Man: Men? 

The soldiers around me all cock their guns, getting ready to fire at me! All of a sudden, black tendrils blast out of my body, knocking all of them away from me! 

Mutasim: Holy shit! 

The tendrils all retract inside of me and I don't waste a single moment before running out of the apartment. As I exit the room, I hear the man barking orders to the soldiers. I run down to the end of the hallway and storm down the stairs as fast as I can. I manage to go down a single floor before running into more soldiers. They all aim their rifles at me and begin to fire. As soon as they fired, I felt my body begin to move on its own. My right hand became enveloped in black tendrils and formed a giant circle shield, absorbing the bullets! I look down at my body to see it being enveloped entirely in the black goo before it forms some kind of suit. 

Mutasim: What is this?! 

???: Not what. Who.

That same deep voice spoke again. Hold on... Was this goo sentient?! 

???: Yes. 

With that said, my body moves towards the end of the hallway, still blocking all the bullets. The end of the hallway was a dead end with the exception of a window. But we were around 50 stories high! Unable to control my body, I leap out of the window and begin to plummet. I scream as I fall. Right before I hit the ground, tendrils shoot out of my left arm to another building, pulling me towards it! Once I reach the side of the building, my hands and legs stick onto it with the help of the tendrils. Heavy breaths leave my lips as I recover from the near death experience I just had. 

Mutasim: I hate heights. So much. 

???: Get used to it. 

Mutasim: What the hell are you? Some kind of parasite? 

???: Symbiote is the correct term. 

Mutasim: They're the same thing, aren't they? 

???: No. Far from it. No wonder you're flunking your tests. 

Mutasim: Who the hell are those guys? What do they want with you?

???: The CCG. Or better known as Ghoul Investigators. I'm sure you've heard of them. Their weapons consist of using quinques, kagunes from Ghouls who were killed. When they found me from a crashed meteorite, they believed I could be used as a weapon against the Ghouls. 

Mutasim: Which is why we were able to kill that Ghoul back on the train. 

???: And how we were able to escape from Tsukiyama's arena. I've been with you for a long time now. I refuse to let go of you. Of all the hosts I've had, you are my favourite. 

Mutasim: And why's that? 

???: Because you are the most natural. You're young, strong and there's room for potential. 

Mutasim: Well, I'm so glad you think that highly of me. 

I stand up on the side of the building and begin to run up the side of it before reaching the roof. To my dismay, a helicopter hovers off the edge of the roof with gatling guns pointed right at me! My eyes widen in fear. 

Mutasim: Oh shit. 

Instead of running away, my body moves towards the helicopter, charging it! The guns fire at me and I scream at the suit to stop, but it doesn't listen to me. I reach the other side of the roof and my arms stretch out to the helicopter. Giant tendrils blast out from my arms, grabbing the helicopter. I then begin to pull it down before finally smashing it on the roof. The helicopter explodes from the impact and I'm sent flying off. Another scream leaves my mouth as I fall. Once more, I use my tendrils to swing through the streets, attaching the tendrils to the buildings. After awhile, my fear of heights was cast aside and I began to cheer from feeling the breeze. 

Mutasim: Alright, this is pretty cool! 

???: Any ideas where we should go for the night? 

Mutasim: No. Not one bit. Unless... Maybe Touka could hook us up with a temporary room for the night? 

???: You think we'll be allowed? 

Mutasim: Worth a try. Though I think the odds are low. It's risky if the Investigators come snooping around. 

???: Not like we have many other options. 

Nodding, I reach the train station and the suit retracts back into my body, replacing my attire with an all-black outfit. Black jeans, a shirt and a large trench coat with a hood which covered my body. 

???: Best to keep our head down. 

Mutasim: No shit. 

I step onto the first train and ride all the way to the 20th Ward. Once I reach my stop, I get off the train and immediately make my way to Anteiku, keeping my head low as I walk. Before I knew it, I reached the café. The door was unlocked still which left me a little confused considering I didn't see anyone. I take a deep breath as I lower my hood and ring the counter bell twice. 

Bursting from the backroom was a grumpy Touka with headphones on. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were a little crumpled as if she put them on in a rush. 

Touka: We're closed. What do you-

Her gaze meets mine and her eyes widen. 

Touka: Mutasim? What are you doing here at this time? 

Mutasim: It's a long story. But let me get the most troublesome thing out of the way first. Any chance you've got a spare room for me to stay in for the night? 

Touka: Why...? What's going on? 

Mutasim: Long story short, my apartment got broken into by Ghoul Investigators who held me at gunpoint, tried to kill me. I just need a place to lay low for awhile. I hate to ask this of you, believe me I do, but I just need to be somewhere quiet for one night. 

Touka: Mutasim, I... Look, I'd like to let you in, but it's not up to me. And why the hell are Ghoul Investigators attacking you? Are you a Ghoul?

Mutasim: No, I swear, I'm not. 

???: It's quite alright, Mr Lycan. 

Touka turns around and I look behind her to see an old man. I recognise him as Mr Yoshimura, the manager of Anteiku. He was a kind-hearted man. Though I didn't see him often. Made me wonder what he did with his spare time. 

Mr Yoshimura: You're safe here, Mr Lycan. And I'm terribly sorry to hear what happened. Would you like anything to drink?

Mutasim: I think some water will be fine. 

Touka: Now that I think about it... How did you escape? 

Mutasim: I... Uh... May have jumped out of a window. 

Mr Yoshimura: It certainly shows. Touka, why don't you fetch the medical kit? Mutasim, come into the backroom with me. 

I nod and follow them into the back. The backroom is pretty cosy. A bunch of sofas, a table, a TV and a bright coloured carpet. I sit down on one of the sofas while Mr Yoshimura sits next to me. Touka hands him a small box. He opens it and begins to gently pull out some glass shards out of my arm which I hadn't even noticed got stabbed into me. 

Mr Yoshimura: It must have been nasty for you. 

Mutasim: That's putting it mildly, sir. I hope I'm not being too much trouble.

Mr Yoshimura: Not at all. You were scared and alone. Were you followed? 

Mutasim: No sir. I doubt they could keep up with me. 

Mr Yoshimura: Good. What will you do tomorrow? 

Mutasim: I'm not sure. I'm a little worried about going back into the public. 

Mr Yoshimura: Understandable. 

He pulls out a deeper shard of glass making me wince slightly. 

Touka: I guess that's what it must be like for Ghouls to remain in hiding. 

I nod slowly. 

Mutasim: Yeah. I guess that's what the rest of my life is gonna be like in Tokyo. 

Mr Yoshimura: Now, now. I'm sure it won't remain like this forever. Eventually, the CCG will drop their investigations. There's no conclusive evidence you're a Ghoul, am I right? 

Mutasim: If there somehow is evidence, I'd like to see it. 

Touka: So where is he staying? 

Mr Yoshimura: I think it's best if he stays in a room close to someone he's familiar with. Touka, there is a spare room next to Ayato's, yes? 

Touka: Yeah. 

Mr Yoshimura: That's where Mutasim can stay. Are you alright with that Mutasim?

Mutasim: Yes sir. 

Mr Yoshimura: Good. 

He pulls out the final shard and begins to bandage my arm. 

Mr Yoshimura: I recommend sleeping on your left. Try to avoid putting pressure on your right arm. 

Mutasim: Thank you sir. If there's anything I can do to repay you, please let me know. 

Mr Yoshimura: Just be safe and relax. You need it after what happened tonight. Touka, show Mutasim to his room. 

I roll my right shoulder back as I stand up. Touka sighs and nods for me to follow her. 

Touka: This way. 

She wastes no time walking up some stairs. I let out a low sigh and follow her. Once we reached the top of the stairs, we begin walking down a hallway before stopping in front of a door close to the end of the hall. 

Touka: This is your room. My room's the one after Ayato. My name is labelled on it in case you forget. 

I nod and take a look at Ayato's door, seeing they shared Touka's last name. 

Mutasim: Ayato has your last name? Is he a sibling? 

Touka: My younger brother. 

Mutasim: I... Never knew you had a younger brother. Is he okay? 

Touka: He's... studying abroad. 

Mutasim: I see. You must miss him a lot. 

Touka: I do. But that's not important. For now, get some sleep. We'll talk more tomorrow. 

I nod and enter my room. It was pretty bland and empty, though I guess that was to be expected considering this was a spare room. Thankfully, the bed was neatly made with clean pillows and blanket. I wasted no time jumping on the bed and lying down, sighing in relief. 

Mutasim: Well... At least we're safe for the night. 

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