His Enigma

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King Kongpob had declared hybrid Arthit Rojanapat his mate. There's only one problem Kongpob is an alpha and... Daha Fazla



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adi_tales tarafından

A/N; This is not my writing style. But story writes itself! So here I am, presenting to you the next chapter. 

warning: 1. It is 18++++++++ and it contains some explicit graphics that can be disturbing to some people. Remember they are Weretigers who do not exist. 

2. To those who are not weirded out: Don't try any of the following mentioned things in real life. Remember we are meagre humans. We don't have magical abilities. And we can die of infections and/or STDs. 

Having said that...

If you are still here....


Arthit slowly opened his eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains casting a warm glow over the room. As he shifted slightly on the bed, he became aware of Kongpob's presence beside him. There was a gentle touch on his skin, the soothing cool sensation seeping through the lotion had gently spread from his neck to base of his spine. When he glanced over, he saw Kongpob applying healing lotion to the wound on his arms which had instantly stopped stinging.

"Good morning," Arthit greeted, his voice still heavy with sleep.

Kongpob looked up, his expression a mix of relief and concern. "Good morning," he replied softly, his gaze lingering on Arthit's face for a moment before returning to his task. "You were very tired last night. Sleep some more if you want, its still early morning."

"I am well rested Kongpob, thank you" Arthit replied. Kongpob tensed, halted his ministration- not sure if it was welcomed by Arthit. But when Arthit simply rested his head back on his pillow and stayed still- on his stomach- Kongpob scooped more healing salve.

Arthit watched him silently for a while, taking in the way Kongpob's brow furrowed in concentration as he carefully tended to the wound. There was a tenderness in his touch that Arthit found both comforting and disconcerting, a reminder of the complicated feelings that lay between them.

As Kongpob finished applying the lotion, he set it aside and reached for the new antishifting collar that lay beside him. He put it on his lap but made no move to put it on Arthit.  Arthit's heart clenched at the sight of it, a stark reminder of the reality of their situation. He was relieved seeing Kongpob hesitating and delaying in putting it on him at the same time it made him anxious. No one likes being deprived of their beast-It made them weak- both on counts of strength and insights. 

Seeing Kongpob still not moving aftet ten or more minutes, Arthit took the matter in his own hands. He picked the collar up.

"This one has an inner protective lining!" Arthit remarked, trying to lighten the mood with a joke. "There are indeed perks of being the king's mate!"

"I am sorry" Kong mumbled.

Kongpob's pained expression didn't escape Arthit's notice, and he quickly realized that his attempt at humor had fallen flat. Sensing Kongpob's turmoil, he reached out to place a reassuring hand on his arm.

"I understand that you have duties as king," Arthit said gently, his voice soft with understanding. "And I'm glad that you're not letting your sentiments hinder your duties."

Kongpob looked at him, his eyes searching Arthit's face for a moment before a small, grateful smile tugged at the corners of his lips. 

"Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. " I swear, as soon as we have situation in our control, I will make it up to you for all the pain this collar and I have caused."

Arthit smiled back, his heart swelling with a mixture of emotions. Despite the complexities of their relationship, there was an undeniable bond between them, a connection that transcended their differences.

"Tomorrow never comes Kongpob! "Arthit smirked "Why wait when you can make it up to me, Today?"

Kongpob perked up, obviously interested "How can I make it up to you? Do you need anything?"

"Yeah! I need you to visit me like you did yesternight. May be we can have actual food together"

Kongpob couldn't help but pity Arthit. General must have been habitual of eating with people- his fellow soldiers, dignitaries and more. It must have been painful for him to eat alone. "Done"KOngpob replied "Anything else that I can do for you?"

"This collar makes my beast agitated. I need some activity to keep the lunacy and aggresiveness at par"Arthit replied. 

These anti shifting collars were made to contain their inner animal spirit which by restrictions imposed on shifting,  grew more and more aggressive and frustrated to shift. And prolonged collar wearing only made them to try to force shift which depleted their physical and core strength and frustrated their beasts further- driving them to lunacy and a painful death- by their own hands or execution.

"Arthit you know I can't let you run free on our territory or give you weapons for practice" Kongpob replied apologetic

"I know" Arthit chirped "That is why I want a wrestling practice with you. Hand to hand comabat will be a good way for my beast to discharge extra energy and frustration. Who knows he will feel collar is worth it, if we could land a punch on your handsome face?"

Kongpob chuckled " Keep dreaming..I have learnt from the best trainer"

"Which happens to be me" Arthit retorted.

"My trainer did not think I am handsome. He used to call me an ugly toad" Kongpob chuckled remembering. His beast used to get so ruffled to be called a frog.

"Not an ugly toad...he called you the frog prince. Who for your kind information- was a classicaly handsome man" Arthit defended himself.

"I am glad for the explaination General...but I stand by my point. No one likes to be called a frog .. especially from someone they look up to..."

"Your whole batch were frogs...saving energy during training and overactive at night to make chaos and pranks. And you were leader of them and a prince - So 'The Frog Prince" Arthit argued.

"And you have invited me to sleep on your pillow and suddenly find me handsome..Its quite fitting kind princess" Kong  teased back

"I have always thought you are a handsome male specimen"

"What?"Kongpob's eyes were wide. Hearing his own words, Arthit;s eyes were wide with surprise too. 

"Really?" Kongpob asked." With all that cursing and punishing, I would have never guessed."

"Yeah..well. I did what was necessary to keep your lot alive and train you well. Now, you do what you need to keep your kingdom happy, healthy and safe."

"And my mate too" Kongpob said. "My duty to my Kingdom comes first as a king but my priority as a man are you, Arthit- my mate."

"You don't have to" Arthit said. "Our mating is not real, Kongpob. While I admire you and respect you and find you handsome and man worth having by my side- I may never love you like you deserve. I may never love you at all. Don't ruin your life on a probability, Kongpob."

"You can never take out that trainer and guide in you huh?" Kong joked, then his expressions turned serious "This mating may not have happened in circumstance I or you would have ever dreamt even in nightmares but for me it is as real as sun in day sky and moon in night. I understand you do not see it as I do Arthit and honestly you don't have to look at it with my lense. But I would appreciate if you would stop forcing your thoughts on me too. I am an adult and I have decided to take you as my mate with my heart and soul, If someday in near future when everything is set to right- you will want to leave this bond- I will not force you to stay. It would be unfair to you."

"Are you mad? " Arthit's eyes flared brilliant shade of gold "What about you? You can die, you can go lunatic or loose your beast if the mating is broken on my side only. Have you thought of that?"

"I have. I know all the risk Arthit. I have thought all the possibilities before taking this step. And I assure you I may fall sick for a prolonged period but I won't be turning mad or dying because I have already prepared myself for your departure some day. Love for me is a one sided thing. Loving you is my decision. You have no obligations towards me.  You don't have to love me back and if you do like me that will be your decision.  People who do not understand this die of heartbreak. Even if you leave- neither my love will be incomplete nor my heart will break- because happiness of my heart lies in your happiness and if it does not lie beside me then I will want you to go and chase wherever or whoever it is.  "

"Your words do not make sense . You are mad Kongpob" Arthit's eyes flashed yellow due to irritation and frustation he was feeling. How does Kongpob expects him to not feel responsible?

"Its good that you already think I have gone mad. " Kong joked" You can leave without guilt when time comes."

"You don't fucking care if I leave? What kind of love is this? For a second you really had me fooled . Had me thinking I am special for you.."

" You are not an object for me to control, Arthit. I would prefer you away and thriving than near me and dying a little every day " Kongpob clutched the shifting collar so tight , his knuckles turned white " This collar on you is barb around my heart"

"Oh...High words of a noble prince! He doesn't care if his love goes away wherever or to fucking whoever! Don't you expect this from me, KOngpob. I am not that kind of lover. I will fucking find you in deepest pits of hell and kill you myself if you ever do that. 

I am not saint like you.. If I ever love you...I will want you all- not in parts or pieces. I want all of you for myself. There will be no running away..no escape. If you were to die , I will die with you..But there will not be any living apart. No going away... You need to scale the fucking mountains or swim through oceans or leave this fucking world...you will be doing that with me.. Another person means their death and yours too. Get that drilled in your mind."

"Don't give me false hope Arthit!"

"I am not. I am just warning you of what kind of person I am. And what will it look like to be loved by me. Come close only if you can handle me. Don't sit on that high horse and throw me crumbs of affection Alpha Kongpob. When I am out of that fucking collar and a free citizen like you- you will see what I mean..."

"I am here only my love.."Kongpob looked in to Arthit's eyes "it is you who has created the distance and I am waiting for you to cross it."

"I said don't. Don't do that do gooder act. I am sick of it, it plays with my brain- gets stuck in it.  You are a good person Kongpob.  I don't want harm to you - not by words or action. I won't be ever lying to you or harm you or your people unless you or your people betray me first- I vow on my honor as an alpha, I will never be the instigator.. But at the same time..I will not tolerate any betrayal or disloyalty - Physical, mental or spiritual.  "

"I will never."

"Good for you. Because I don't share Kongpob- not my food , not my clothes, not my space and I will never share my man...I abhor sharing. And If we are sharing a bed then you are not allowed to-"

"We are not lions...we don't share our mates" Kong replied. 

"But, I am a lion" Arthit replied, irked and irrationally wanting to provoke Kongpob. Kongpob's declaration had unsettled something deep inside him. He wanted to see Kong as disoriented as he fely. " You were just yapping all about letting me have what I want- What if I would want another-"

Kongpob smirked "Would you really, my Tigon? After all this passionate speech. After you being irked and enraged just thinking possibility of it- Do you want me to belive you could ever share me or yourself? I know you will not. You are more like us Tigers in this regard. Wad was right. You are not a liger but a Tigon."

"Don't appreciate other male -"

"He is my brother by blood, Arthit.." Kong replied amused, seeing Arthit's eyes flashing like crazy. Arethit must be trying to control his emotions and actions but his beast was far too much in control right now and agitated enought to net let the reigns go in Arthit's hand. 

"Do not fucking care who he is. No other male or female- alpha or beta or omega.  Get that in your head. If I am in your bed, then it must be only me...I will fucking kill you if you-"

"I told you-We tigers do not share, Arthit. You are this frustrated because you are more a tiger in this regard than a lion. Now calm down..."Kongpob closed the distance between them, petting Arthit's shoulder.

"There are always omega concubines, Princeling. By your fancy royal rules they are not counted as straying from mate or monogamy..."

"It has been long that I have left that title General mine, I am King now. King of Tigerstealth and by this brand on your back- I am your King too. Just like by this brand on me-" Kongpob showed him his wrist where his mating mark lay " You are my alpha.  Concubines may work in some feline relationships Luna mine, but Not for me and you.."Kongpob assured .

 It has always been you. Kongpob wanted to say. He has always spent his rut bound in shackles to prevent himself from either seeking out Arthit or taking random omega in haze of rut. His only ever mate was and always will be Arthit although the hybrid perhaps will never recognise him as his soulmate. No one knows if hybrid beasts worked same way the pure blooded beasts did.

" It better not" Arthit growled, pulling Kongpob in his arms, he buried his nose in Kongpob's nape, rubbing tip of his nose against Kongpob's scent gland. "I don't like sharing. Mine" Arthit's voice has changed a tad bit. He licked Kongpob's neck- then gave him a puniship nip. Making Kongpob shudder and go still. Arthit suckled the place he had nipped , making red bloom under Kongpob's skin and the satisfaction pool in Arthit's gut. He liked how he could make Kong forget about the world with just one touch- in one swipe of his togue- Kongpob was putty in his hand. 

He liked that power over Kongpob- mouthing the skin on Kongpob's nape, Arthit smirked as a wicked idea flashed in his brain-without a warning bit hard- enough to break the skin and puncture Kongpob's scent gland- Making the room explode with alpha pheromones- First Kongpob's and then the scent changed. Kongpob's scent now held subtle hints of Arthit's pine wood musk. 

 As Arthit had buried his nose in Kongpob's nape and rubbed against his scent gland, a surge of intense arousal coursed through Kongpob's body. The sensation of Arthit's warm breath and the touch of his lips against his skin sent shivers down Kongpob's spine, igniting a primal instinct deep within him. Scenting was an intimate act- more than that was mixing the scents by puncturing scent gland-it lasted long- created deep bonds. 

With each lick and bite, Arthit marked Kongpob as his own, leaving behind a trail of his pine wood musk mixed with Kongpob's own scent of fresh ground coffee beans and first rain. The combination of their pheromones filled the room, creating an intoxicating aroma that enveloped them both in a haze of desire. 

Kongpob's heart raced as he felt the sharp sting of Arthit's bite, followed by a rush of pleasure that spread through his body like wildfire. The sensation of Arthit claiming him as his mate awakened a primal longing within Kongpob, a need to pleasure his mate. A need to have him in every way possible- to be his in every way possible.

As their scents mingled and their bodies pressed together, Kongpob felt a deep sense of connection with Arthit, a bond that transcended words or actions. In that moment, he knew with absolute certainty that Arthit was his soulmate, his perfect match- the other half of his soul that moon goddess has bestowed upon him. Even if Arthit was not recognising the connection. His beast was.

Taking in sharp scent of Kongpob's arousal and feeling the proof poking against his abdomen, Arthit groaned in satisfaction- pulling his teeth out of the scent gland- he lapped at the blood trickling out of puncture wound- the tangy taste bursted on his tongue- making his own member hard and wanting. 

Kongpob grumbled - as Arthit pulled his teeth out, instantly feeling the loss. "I am here" Arthit assured, pulling Kong tight and With a low growl of satisfaction, Kongpob leaned into Arthit's touch, his body trembling with desire as he surrendered himself fully to the alpha's embrace. Hidden in Arthit's arms- his face buried in Arthit's chest- Kong nibbled at the alpha's collarbones- repeating Arthit's motions - a broad lick of his tongue, followed by light nipping of his teeth and finally a bite- making the red bloom under Arthit's skin like a flower. 

By fisting his finger's in Kongpob's hairs, Arthit pressed his lips aginst the other collarbone- urging Kong to give him another mark- which Kong dutifully obliged and Arthit rewarded him with a kiss that stole his breath- literally.  In that moment, nothing else mattered except the undeniable bond between them. These were the beautiful moments he stole from destiny. 

Seeing Kongpob responding to his touch with such open vulnerability and trust, Arthit felt a surge of desire wash over him, overpowering his senses and clouding his judgment. In that moment, all he could think about was the overwhelming need to possess Kongpob completely, to lose himself in the depths of their passion.

Driven by an insatiable hunger, Arthit's control slipped away, his rational thoughts drowned out by the primal instincts that surged through him. He bit Kongpob's lower lip and drank the low moan of surprise by Kongpob . Kongpob's fingers were in his hairs- clutching , pulling and fisting through it as Arthit played with kongpob's mouth - licking, nipping, sucking. his tongue slipped inside- running along roof of Kongpob's mouth claiming his territory. He did not want to leave any part of Kongpob unmarked by him- devoid of his mark- teeth, scent, saliva. "and semen" Kongpob provided. And the bare thread of Sanity that Arthit had forcefully held- SNAPPED.

Placing both his hands under Kongpob's toned buttocks. he lifted the male and carried him to his bed. Throwing Kongpob on the bed- Arthit crawled over him. Kongpob's amber eyes stared back at him- he liked that shade of Kongpob's eyes were deepening- from amber to rich golden brown- telling him that Kongpob was affected deeply. That Arthit was doing this right by their beasts - claiming his rightful place, his man.

 Arthit took Kongpob's hand in his own and caressed his fingers. " I like your hands. " Arthit mumbled " I like how your fingers  fit around my cock"

KOngpob's golden brown eyes stared back at him- before slipping down their bodies - under Arthit's trousers. 

"No..." Arthit grabbed Kongpob's hand- inches shy from his hard penis "I want to mark you ..."

"You can.." KOngpob replied, his thumb caressing palm of the hand Arthit had trapped him with.

"All over..." Arthit declared, waiting for Kongpob's reaction- fully sure Kong will balk.

"All over.."Kongpob replied " wherever you want."

Arthit was surprised with the trust shining in Kongpob's eyes. With gentle yet deliberate movements, he traced the contours of Kongpob's skin, his fingertips leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. Each touch carried a silent promise, a declaration of ownership that transcended words. Grabbing Kongpob's right hand , he kissed the mate mark on Kongpob's wrist before teasing tip of Kongpob's long shapely fingers, gently nibbling on them with his teeth.  Arthit pressed his lips against the smooth skin of Kongpob's hand, kissing  each of his knuckles- licking between webbing of Kongpob's fingers- making him squirm uncontrollably. Bulges in their pants bumped against each other by Kongpob's squirming, making jolts of pleasure shoot to their spine. "Too much.." Kong pleaded, overwhelmed.

Arthit smirked wickedly "This is just the start princeling. And you will not come until I am done with you.."

"Unfair" Kong panted.

"I can always stop" Arthit warned, with a bite to flesh of Kongpob's thumb " Should I stop priceling"

"No..."Kong managed to groan out between squirming and feeling overwhelmed as Arthit had already started with his other hand- nipping the tips of his fingers and licking maddening swipes through the sensitives fleshy webbing (space between two fingers" in his fingers. Arthit moved to the wrist and ascended to the inner flesh of his elbow- making Kongpob's hips buck and rub against bulge in Arthit's pant. Maddened by sensory overwhelm on both fronts, Kong growled " I will make you pay" but he made no move to put his hands or lips on Arthit's body knowing Arthit needs to feel in control of the situation right now.

As if sensing his hesitation, Arthit guided Kongpob's hands to his body. Kong instantly punished him by tweaking his nipple. Arthit retorted by biting Kongpob's nipple and then sucking on it like it was some kind of delicacy. Kongpob's toes curled, he clenched his teeth as tiny sparks of pleasure pooled in his abdomen by kitten licks of Arthit's tongue on his bruised nipples. Kongpob knows there must be another love bite in bloom and it pained oh so sweetly as Arthit kept lapping over the bruised flesh.

Moving with purposeful intent, Arthit continued to mark Kongpob's body, his lips and teeth leaving behind a trail of faint bruises and love bites. Not a single inch of Kongpob body should be unmarked by his lips- that was his mission. 

"Turn" He ordered Kongpob- making him lay on his stomach - whole of Kongpob's broad back was now his canvas- beckoning him to plant the rosy blooms he had filled Kongpob's chest with. Arthit  admired the toned muscles of Kongpob's back rippling anxiously- Kong trying to predict his next move. But he did not rush to marking - shifting partially- he placed one of his clawed finger on dip of Kongpob's spinal cord and traced the line down  to his tailbone- just above the cleft of Kongpob's buttocks. Kongpob fisted the sheets, his own claws sinking in to the sheets as Arthit claws wreaked a sweet torture over his back - creating a maddening rythm of soft and hard strokes that made his abdomen clench and his already rigid cock- turgid.

 Arthit doubled his attack- his lips skimming over Kongpob's lower back- leaving a trail of small faint pink blooms in its wake. Kongpob's claws sinked deeper in to the mattress, he bit his lips hearing Arthit's throaty chuckle " How am I doing Princeling..up to your standards?" Arthit whispered against his ears before biting the earlobe- tugging it with his teeth . 

Kongpob was slowly slipping from reality of this world- in to the little globe Arthit had created for him- drenched in his scent, adorned  with his passion- filled with his wild desires leaving no room for doubt.

Arthit was everywhere- licking shell of his sensitive ears and chuckling as Kong pleaded him to stop and in next breath begged him for more. his hands descened down Kongpob's broad, ripped back to his narrow, delectable waist and played with the waistaband of his trouser while teasing the slope of his thighs.

Hooking his thumb in Kongpob's trousers, he placed the other hand under Kongpob's abdomen " Lift up" Arthit instructed. AS Kong lifted his rear-With one hand Arthit guided Kong's both knee to tuck under him. Kong was in too much haze to feel ashamed or vulnerable- he held the position as Arthit wanted- on his hands and knees- legs open wide- providing easy access to every part of his body Arthit wanted to touch. Arthit was behind him- wrapped over his body- in the classing mounting position. Arthit wrapped his hand around Kongpob- his fingers wandering over Kongpob's torso- caressing his throat and mapping his muscled chest.

His beast did not even feel insulted by this mounting position Arthit had put him in, instead he bucked his hips- bumping against Arthit's clothed cock nestled in the cleft of his buttock.

 Arthit's wandering hand descended to Kongpob's abdomen- to join his first hand circling Kongpob's navel and massaging his abdomen -"I hate your yards long string. One of these days, I won't be this patient, If you did not give up on this wretched thing, I will tie you with them." Arthit grumbled, untying Kongpob's trousers and pulling Kongpob's trousers down his ass such that it would scrape against Kongpob's hard, aching length- making Kong shudder with pleasure as the tip of his length gleamed with pre-cum. 

"What do we have here?" Arthit teased, swiping his thumb over swollen mushroom head "Did you like that so much Kongpob?" Arthit smirked evilly, giving another swipe of his thumb to collect another bead of cum oozing Kongpob's glans. 

Arthit rubbed his cum coated thumb over Kongpob's buttock  and massaged the flesh, intentionally keeping Kongpob's butt lifted, his dick hanging and jerking with each breeze of cool air from Arthit's mouth. Arthit watched in fascination as Kongpob's balls tightened with each blow of cool air on them. He did not even need to toucht to make Kongpob squirm.

Arthit bent  a little more and held Kongpob's dick, tugging it hard and blowing over it- Kongpob's ass clenched beautifully- making his balls look big and his pucker shrinking some more.

"too much...Arthit. need to cum" Kong groaned "Can't take more"

"But you said same thing just a while ago princeling!" Arthit said massaging Kongpob's balls and blowing over them- he was fascinated was understatement. He wanted to do this all night long.

 Will he be able to make Kong come with no touch? May be some other time. Needing to touch Kongpob seemed like a fundamental need to his inner beast at this point. needing to mark was primal and there was still whole expanse of beautiful mounds left to be explored.

Arthit caressed Kongpob's ass, making it jiggle with light swats- pinching it to make red bloom. Again swiping cum from Kongpob's leaking dick- he rubbed on Kongpob's ass and licked it- he did not feel disgusted at all- instead the faint musky smell and slight bitter tang aroused him.

"Do you know how divine you taste? I can't get enough princeling" Arthit nibbled on the taut flesh at the base of Kong's buttocks. 

Wanting to devour, Arthit sank his teeth in supple flesh- not enough to break the skin but haard enough to leave his teeth marks. his lips moved to the other buttock marking it similarly while he kept massaging its twin mound and pinching in between. Unsatiated and overcome by wild  desire- he spat at the crack of Kongpob's buttock- watched as it grizzled down to Kongpob's hole- KOngpob squeezed as the cool liquid dripped over his entrance. With his thumb- he massaged his saliva in - with patient circular motion-just breaching the tight ring of muscles enoug to rub his mark in but not actually breaching it or causing Kongpob pain- definitely making his point.

Even though Kongpob was not an omega and he may never enter it - even Kongpob's hole belonged to him till he will grace his bed. Arthit's fingers slid down, massaging rest of the liquid in the narrow passage of perinum just shy of Kongpob's balls.

Kong could not take the torture anymore.                                                                                          "Arthit....alpha mine ..need to come...please" Kong  panted, he was gently rocking his hips, his hard as a rod legth dangled enticingly- leaking precum on the pristine sheets. Kong kept bucking his hips, seeking non existent friction, while pleading Arthit for release- still on his hands and knees - presented to Arthit like a delicious bufftet he definitely wanted to devour

Alpha mine.

The word tugged at Arthit's soul- making him feel all kinds of euphoric- soft like clouds-the world melted in to his heart and seeped in to the cracks.

"Patience my princeling" Arthit cooed, positioning himself behind Kongpob- his front glued to Kongpob's back. Arthit knelt on the bed, both his knees between KOngpob's spread legs, Placing one of his hands on Kongpob's abdomen, he pulled the alpha to sitting position such that the Tiger King straddled Arthit with his legs on either side of Arthit's legs, his back against Arthit's torso and his cock standing proud- left to Arthit's mercy. Arthit ran a teasing finger, teasing the bulging nerve running on underside oF kOngpob's cock .

 Kongpob arched his back, pushing more in to Arthit, with his hands he reached back to caress Arthit's face.

"See this glow on your face princeling" Arthit whispered, his thumb playing with Kongpob's lips. Kongpob instantly closed his lip, sucking Arthit's finger in  "has anyone ever made you forget yourself and act like a beast in rut." Arthit asked, revelling in Kongpob's blissed out face reflecting in the mirror infront of his bed. 

Kongpob opened his eyes , his gaze fell on Arthit's glowing golden orbs,his hand possesively holding Kongpob's member. He was mesmerised, stuck on this picture of bliss.

 " Has anyone ever brought you to the brink of lust madness like this?"  Arthit asked, Kong met his gaze through mirror and shook his head in denial. His heart bloomed seeing a slow approving smirk spreading on Arthit's lips "no one but me" Arthit mumbled mouthing Kongpob's scent gland and slowly stroking his member enclosed in his fist, his other hand flicked Kongpob's nipple- sometimes gently, other time hard.

"Look at yourself Kongpob." Arthit instructed and Kongpob's gaze fell on his own naked body- filled with various shades and shapes of blooms- he was as Arthit promised- throughly marked and drenched in Arthit's scent.

"Did you like my work of Art" Arthit asked licking behind the shell of Kongpob's ears, twirling his thumb over swollen tip of Kongpob's cock.

Kongpob nodded and Arthit grinned at him through the mirror- half beast, half man. "That's like my alpha, Kongpob" Arthit praised, rewarding him with faster strokes. His hands moved faster and faster and so did Kongpob's hip- meeting each and every thrust of Arthit's fist. Kongpob bit his lip to drown out those needy moans from slipping out.

"Let me listen to your pleasure princeling" Arthit whispered against his ears, upping the ante by several notches - His fist moved ligheneing fast while his thumb on Kongpob's nipples pinched the nub. "Cum " Arthit ordered before sinking his teeth again in Kongpob's scent gland on his neck. 

White light bursted through Kongpob's vision as Arthit's teeth sunk in his scent gland, tipping him over the edge as his body found release , coating Arthit's hand and the sheet beneat them with ropes of thick, white release. Every thing else faded for Kongpob, only thing remained was the brilliant golden bond pulsing like a living thing between them and Arthit's strong arms catching his slumped body secure against his chest.

"I have got you princeling" Arthit assured, holding his trembling body close, keeping him warm and safe.  

After few breaths, Kongpob opened his eyes and looked at himself- he looked strange- sated. Happy even. His own beast was on surface, making his eyes rimmed golden brown.

Kongpob snuggled more in to Arthit- sudden weight on his bulge made Arthit squirm "Easy princeling, else you will crush something vital" Arthit joked.

Kongpob turned his head to Arthit "You have not.."

Arthit shook his head "Was too engrossed looking at you falling apart Princeling"

"I am King now"

"I know...I feel close to  princeling in ways I can never with King Kongpob" Arthit replied. 

Kongpob smiled at Arthit's teasing tone. Perhaps callling him prince made Arthit feel free. Like he had equal control of situation as he had as his trainer. 

"Mark me " Kongpob said.

"I have " Arthit replied " Look properly at yourself Princeling. There is not a single inch left that my lips, teeth and fingers has not touched.

Kongpob looked at himself. There indeed was not a single inch left on him untouched by Arthit. Arthit had no hesitation, nor did he find any part of his body dirty as he had licked broad swipes against every possible sensitive strip of his skin that would make Kong squirm and hump like a lust maddened animal. 

Kongpob stood up to his full height and turned his back to the mirror, his back was equally adorned with bruises in various shades of red and pink. His ass was sporting faint twin marks of Arthit's teeth. 

"I liked these the most" Arthit told him, admiring his artwork with his eyes, making Kong feel warm all over. 

Eyes bright amber, Kongpob turned to Arthit "Mark me, alpha" Seeing confusion in Arthit's eyes, Kong strode back to the bed and sat infront of Arthit " Mark me with your essence " He kneeled on the bed on his hands and knees- his marked buttocks presented to Arthit.

When Arthit made no moves, Kong whispered in their mindlink " I am waiting, alpha"

"Are you sure" Arthit asked, voice suddenly unsure. It was one thing, marking Kong with saliva that can be washed away with proper bath and teeth marks that can be hidden away by clothes. Marking with his semen will not provide Kong any way out- bath or perfume will not wash them away completely, it will still linger for several hours if not for whole day.

"Mark me" Kong urged. 

" You cannot wash it away"

"Don't intend to, alpha mine"Kong replied. 

"Mark me, so world will know whom do I belong."

Arthit liked that idea. Undoing his trouser, he stroked and tugged his member as Kongpob watched hungrily through the mirror. 

The deepening lust in Kongpob's eyes and the way he licked his lips seeing the bead of precum shining on Arthit's cock- drove Arthit mad, pushed him to the brink. Arthit felt his balls tightening and he placed one hand at Kongpob's hip while he positioned himself behind Kong. 

Kong arched his back and stood still as ropes and ropes of Arthit's cum landed on his ass and thighs. some even landed straight at his entrance- making him clench his cheeks as the warm surge hit it. Kong shuddered as Arthit rubbed his semi hard member against Kongpob's crack, then his thumb joined, massaging it in his entrance. Kongpob took deep breaths to relax his muscles. "Does not hurt" he assured Arthit. Arthit nodded but he did not continue- his cum coated fingers moved to Kongpob's scent gland on his neck. 

Growling lowly- Arthit massaged his essence in to each pheromone gland of Kongpob that would absorb and contains his scent. The spaces between Kongpob's fingers, spaces between his toes, on and around  his anus and finally his hands moved to Kongpob's semi awake member. With deliberate care, he massaged his essence over Kongpob's length, tugging it a little to make it hard. Pulling back the folds hiding the head of the cock, Arthit massaged his cum directly on to it and watched in wonder as it seeped in. 

"Mine" Arthit growled, thumbing KOngpob's pucker. "Mine" he spooned Kongpob in sitting position, Arthit's residual cum sticking them together while Arthit kept his head buried in Kongpob's neck- calming himself down with Kongpob's scent.

After Arthit was sufficiently calmed and grounded- they bathed . Arthit still refusing to let Kongpob away from his eyes. 

They had a simple breakfast together. As Kongpob was about to leave, promising Arthit to have their lunch together, Arthit reminded him of anti shifting collar. With a heavy heart, Kong took the collar and opened it , placing it against Arthit's throat he paused. "If you feel intense urge to shift- tell any of your guards to fetch me. I will be remove your collar and stay with you. "

Arthit looked at Kong cofused "It is not my first stint in this collar, KOngpob. Military trains with this. I have had my fair share of punishments"

"It is different this time around Arthit!"KOng said, confused as to why Arthit would not recognise his symptoms.

"What is different?"

Kongpob looked at Arthit as if figuring something out "When  did you have your last rut?" Kong asked.

"Don't know, Why?"

"You have all the symptoms that you are close to your rut, Arthit" Kong replied.


A/N: As a precaution, I am creating backup of my stories on Inkitt. You can find me under user name adi_tales .

Okumaya devam et

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