The New Wind Of Creation [ Hi...

By NomadicLeader13

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This story tells the point of view of Shidou Hyoudou, the adoptive brother of Issei Hyoudou. Everything follo... More

Bio: The New Wind of Creation (Edited)
Chapter 1: The 'normal life' of the Hyoudou brothers
Chapter 2: The Occult Research Club
Chapter 3: Trouble with the Church
Chapter 4: Rescue Mission
Chapter 5: The Fall of my Brother's Ex-girlfriend
Chapter 6: Work as Devil
Chapter 8: A Fight for your Freedom
Chapter 9: Training Camp
Chapter 10: The Beginning Rating Game

Chapther 7: Getting a Familiar

735 22 8
By NomadicLeader13

(3dr Person POV)

* Middle of the Woods

Early in the morning, a bit distant from the city, Shidou was practicing his skills with his Primordial Wind Link in hands while being instructed by Ainchase.

At the time, he was trying to concentrate on focusing on a single point in his hand to create a kind of compact tornado, but for something so small with such power, Shidou was going through difficulties.

Shidou: ''I already imagined that I would not get it at first, but this is the eightieth-third try! I can feel my hand wanting to fall! Any idea why I'm not getting it?''

Ainchase: ''According to my analysis, the centrifugal force at such a small point requires a lot of concentration and a large amount of mana, also the flow of mana is still showing instability to remain constant. To succeed in creating this magic you have to keep the firmness in the direction of the winds at the point you want it to stay and prevent it from dispersing, otherwise, using an analogy, it will be like filling a bucket of water that is pierced, that is, it will not reach the desired capacity.''

Shidou: ''Well, there's the explanation... So I just have to stop the winds from leaking. Easier said than done.''

But before he could he felt a strange and familiar feeling, which made him stop immediately and look around in worry, only there was no one around.

Shidou: ''After all this trouble with the Church of the Fallen Angels, I'm starting to get paranoid. Well... Let's go.''

So Shidou went to try again. He held out his hand while his Sacred Gear swung from side to side and then began to gather as much wind magic in his palm, creating a miniature typhoon. The suction he created was making the leaves of the trees around him shake.

But soon, as Shidou was beginning to achieve what he ultimately wanted, the magic collapsed creating a vacuum burst and flinging the young devil backand eventually collided with a tree. Then he gets frustrated lying on the floor.

Shidou: ''Arrgh... I've been trying for almost a week, I knew it wouldn't be easy, but still... Why can I create dozens of swords and other things made of wind, but I can't make a BALL?''

Ainchase: ''Creation magic carries different concepts of Elemental magic. Even if in your case, creation magic is combined from Elemental magic.''

Shidou: ''Okay...''

Ainchase: ''Are you sure you would like to mimic a technique from one of the animes you watch? Honestly, I don't understand the reason or necessity for this.''

Shidou: ''Ain, let me explain... There are certain things that a man of culture always dreams of doing, and one of them is recreating one of the most iconic attacks of television and the internet.''

Soon, Shidou gets up again, but he was kind of curious.

Shidou: ''There's something I wanted to ask you Ain. Before my failed attempt, I felt a strange sensation in my head. It's not the first time I've felt it, do you have any idea what that would be?''

Ainchase: ''That is the skill called Omen.''

Shidou: ''And... what would that skill Omen be?''

Ainchase: ''The skill called Omen is a passive ability that gives the user the power to detect events considered harmful to the user or nearby individuals. Searching through his memories, a proper reference would be the Spider-man's spider-sense ability, but in a more abstract way.''

Shidou: ''In the end, it's a hard skill to use... I've used it before, haven't I?''

Ainchase: ''You used when Hyoudou Issei was going to be ambushed by priest Freed Sellzen.''Even before you wake the Primordial Wind Link, unconsciously you used it when Issei Hyoudou was tricked into going on a date with the fallen angel Raynare.''

Shidou: ''So... When I felt the Omen just now, he wanted...''

Ainchase: ''Warn that your attempt would result in something very unpleasant, be thrown by an opposite force and end up with some back injuries.''

Shidou: ''As soon as I finish my training for today, I will ask Asia to heal my scratches.''

He walked until he reached an open part of the forest and went to the final attempt of his training. Soon, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, visualizing him being successful in his creation.

Shidou: ''It's all or nothing!''

Once again, he concentrated all the magic in his hand and began to slowly create a sphere-shaped vortex. He continued to take a deep breath, even though it was tricky to do so as a large amount of wind was being sucked into his new magic. The rotations began to become uniform, the pressure was contained and was not showing any instability.

Still with his eyes closed, Shidou then began to hear an electric hum combined with the sound of a strong gale. As he opened his eyes and they got wide, he was fascinated and elated, to see that he had finally succeeded after much hard work.

The iconic technique of Naruto's universe.

Shidou/Ainchase: ''Wind Magic: Rasengan''

He then raised his arm to look better at his Rasengan, as he chuckled with pride and joy.

Shidou: ''Hey Ain. What are the odds of Issei drooling over a real-life Rasengan?''

Ainchase: ''According to my calculations, the probability of Hyoudou Issei did not get drooling to the wind magic called Rasengan is 0,00273%.''

Shidou: ''That's what I wanted to hear!''

However, happiness was short-lived when the sound the magic made became severe and his form unstable. Then she was rummaging as if she could not sustain herself, and finally was expanded. Shidou turned pale because he knew what was going to happen next.

Shidou: ''Oh no...''


An eruption of compressed air occurred at the site almost forming a tornado that was dispersing, releasing strong winds that knocked down some trees, lifting a lot of dirt and dust and creating a crater.

Shidou was violently thrown back and was hitting the trees on the way, landing on the ground while lifting a cloud of dust together. Finally having to mine 'fly', his hand was extremely injured, the front of the body was covered with scratches and the head was leaking some blood.

Shidou: ''Ain... What is the chance that... the Omen was... actually activated... by this blast of wind...?''

Ainchase: ''Comparing with the last explosion and the previous explosion, it is more likely that your assumption is correct.''

The young devil was slowly rising from the hole he landed in and walked limping back to where he was.

Shidou: ''But looking at the crater that formed... and also how I was when it exploded too... When it is finished... it will be a devastating power!''

The local where he trained became a crater as if a bomb had exploded but no sign of burning, plus several trees felled. Then he went towards his backpack that was behind a tree that was still standing, took his cell phone and saw it was time to return home.

Shidou: ''We've reached the end of the training, I have to go running home to Asia to heal me, and clean myself up to get to class on time.''

Then Shidou spread his wings and flew to the edge of the forest to reduce fatigue and no one saw him. As soon as he left the place, a strange figure watched from afar on a tree.

???: ''Hmm... Not yet, when you get stronger, you'll be all mine! Nyah~''


* Occult Research Club

While Rias was sitting at her desk, Shidou, Asia and Issei were finishing preparations to another night delivering flyers.

Asia: ''Okey-dokie, I'm all set!''

Shidou: ''Very well! I think we all set. We'll now deliver the flyers again.''

Rias: ''Hold on.''

Shidou: ''Hm...? Can I help you with something?''

Rias: ''Not really. I think you'll be glad to know your flyer days are over.''

Issei: ''They are?''

Rias: ''Relax, it's not a punishment. You've both done great work, but normally the hassle of running aroud, handing out flyers is the job of a familiar.''

Issei: ''Hell yeah! So what, is this sorta like a promotion?''

Rias: Yeah, I guess you coud look at it that way, but first thing's first: we need to find you two familiars.

Shidou: ''Issei, if you ask what a familiar is, I'll give you a brotherly punch in your face for your knowledge being briefly about porn and sex.''

Issei was with her hand up and her mouth open to speak, but soon he covered his mouth and began to sweat cold.


For those who do not yet know, the familiar are creatures that help the devils in their work.

The entire ORC was assembled to introduce their families to the three 'newly promoted' rookies, and they began to show them off.

Rias raised his hand and made in a small cloud appear her familiar, what was a bat-shaped creature.

Rias: ''This is my familiar, guys... I believe you three have met each other?''

The little bat poofed feom a cloud in middle of the air and changes its form, what surprised Issei and Shidou for the reveal that was actually the flyer girl that Issei had found and that Shidou had bumped into.

Issei: ''Hot flyer girl's your familiar?''

Shidou: '' It's nice to see you again. Now that I stop to think, it makes sense since it was her flyers that summoned you to us.''

Rias's familiar waved at Shidou with a smile. The familiar poofed from a cloud again and returned to your bat form. Rias turned to Shidou.

Rias: ''To tell you the truth, we didn't know you were secretly accompanying Issei that day, so it was a surprise to find you dying next to your brother.''

Shidou: ''It can be said that I had felt a bad omen.''

Somehow, Shidou internally could feel Ainchase lifting his eyebrow with a face of 'is it serious that he made that joke?'

Upon Akeno's turn, she pointed to the ground and summoned her familiar, a small green imp.

Akeno: ''And I've got one too, of course.''

Issei: ''Whoa, is that an imp?''

So Shidou lay on the floor looking closer at the imp.

Shidou: ''Hey Issei. If you get closer to him, you can tell he's even cuter than he looks!''

Shidou held his finger to him. Soon, the imp held his finger and out of nowhere bit him, which made Shidou stand up.

Shidou: ''Bad imp! Bad imp!''

The imp jumped and hid behind Akeno's leg. And she seeing this gave a light chuckle.

Koneko was next, and she already had her familiar in her hands, a small white cat.

Koneko: ''This is Shiro.''

Shidou: ''Wait a minute... Is that a mini version of you? Will I find a mini version of myself or even a Chibi version of Ain?''

Ainchase: ''Searching through your memories, I found the definition of the word Chibi, and I didn't like being associated with this.''

Shidou: ''Anyway... This is the cutest kitten I've ever seen! Gimme me a 'nya'!''

Koneko: ''Nya.''

Shidou: ''Awww... Its too cute-- Wait a damn second.''

Kiba: ''Mine's badass.''

Issei: ''I don't care abot your tiny dancer.''

Soon, Issei stopped on the floor to receive a blow on top the head by Shidou's fist.

Shidou: ''Unlike this guy who only gives attention to those who wear skirt, his senpai here would like to meet your family, Kiba.''

Kiba: ''With pleasure, Shidou-senpai.''

Upon Kiba's turn, he summoned on his shoulder his familiar. A hawk with a scarf around his neck the same color as his tail.

Shidou: ''Now that is a familiar badass!''

Kiba: ''I'm glad we agree on that''

Kiba's familiar turns to Shidou, politely bows to him, and Shidou does the same and bows to the hawk.

Shidou: ''Badass and polite. I can't wait to have a familiar too.''

Issei: '' 'Badass and polite', come on...''

Rias: ''Don't be jealous, Issei, you'll get one... Familiars are a major part of being a devil; when you're in need, they're always there to back you up.''

Asia: ''That's great... only problem is, we have no idea how we're supposed to get one.''

Rias: ''That's the next step.''

Before she could explain, there was a knock on the door. Akeno then turned towards the sound of the knock.

Akeno: ''Yeah?''

Then the door opened and Rias turned also to see who had arrived. Entering the place, was Sona with a group of six girls and one guy too.

Sona: ''Sorry to interrupt.''

Issei: ''Whoa, what the heck is she doing here?!''

Asia: ''Issei... Who are these people?''

Issei: ''The one in the middle is Sona Shitori, the student body president... And the girl with the glasses right behind her is Tsubaki Shira. It looks like they brought the rest of the council with them.''

Rias: ''Hello, Sona, what can I do for you?''

Sona: ''Nothing, I just wanted to congratulate you on increasing the number of your servants.''

Issei and Asia's eyes widened.

Issei: ''Hold on, how does she know about that?''

Akeno: Her real name's Sona Sitri, and she's not just the student council president, she's the next head of the House of Sitri, a big devil family.

Issei: ''Are you saying there are other devils at our school?''

Shidou: ''Issei... Remember what I talked to you about the other day?''

Issei: ''Ehh... Stupidity has a limit?''

Shidou: ''Good boy.''

???: ''Rias, I'm hurt to find out you didn't tell your little boyfriend about us, but I suppose if you don't trust him with inside info, then he must not be worth much to you huh?''

Sona: ''It's considered bad form to get involved in the affairs of oher households, Saji... It's only natural that Rias held this back.''

The face of debauchery that boy next to Sona made, was gone by being indirectly scolded by her.

Shidou's Thought: (I see this guy thinks he's the best in the world. It was kind of nice to see Ms. Sona ruin his fun.)

Issei: ''You're the guy form 2-C who was just elected student council clerk, right...? I think I mighta voted fot this guy.''

Sona: ''Saji Genshiro... My pawn.''

Rias: ''This are my pawns Issei Hyoudou and Shidou Hyoudou... And my bishop Asia Argento.''

Issei: Whoa, so you're a pawn too, dude...? Then that totally means we're triplets!

Saji: ''Can it d-bag... You and your gaggle of sluttly-sluts don't don't deserve to be in the same as a group of distinguished devils like the Sitri's.

Issei: ''You take that back!''

Saji: ''Aww... He's mad... Not even gay prince charming over there or your bastard brother could protect you from me, I took up four pawn pieces, bro.''

Shidou's Thought: (He's just a newbie turned devil and let it go to his head... Doesn't he know he shouldn't tease someone without knowing who he's dealing with first?)

Sona: ''This two also took up four pieces... It's always better to check your facts before you make a complete fool of yourself.''

Then Saji was shocked and turned to Sona and Issei.

Saji: ''Wait... what... You're freaking kidding me, right...? How did this lame-ass, butt-munch manage that?''

Issei: ''Shut up!''

Shidou with his eyes closed started slowly clapping, capturing the attention of everyone. Soon he was walking towards Saji.

Shidou: ''Saji, right...? I'm Shidou Hyoudou, third year and your senpai. It's nice to meet you! I gotta say... You have balls and respect that! However...''

With a smile, Shidou put his hands on Saji's shoulders, who began to get reluctant. Soon he lowered his head and began to stroke in a lower tone.

Shidou: ''I cannot tolerate such disrespect shown here and now. After all... You called my friends sluttly-sluts... My brother lame-ass and Butt-Munch, Kiba gay prince and also called me a bastard brother...''

Saji: ''What you--''


Shidou raised his head with fire in his eyes, raised his leg back as far as he could and from a kick at extreme speed directly hitting Saji's balls. It was so strong that the impact can be heard from outside the building.

Soon after, a very low grunt can be heard from Saji, who falls to the ground almost losing consciousness by the pain he felt.

Everyone looked surprised by Shidou committing such violence., except Rias and Sona who did not lose their composure. Then he calms down and turns to Sona.

Shidou: ''I'm really sorry about that, Ms. Sona, but I couldn't let someone insult the people I care about, walk away like nothing happened.''

He bowed to her apologizing and she just smiled as she looked at him.

Sona: ''There's no need to apologize. I'm the one who should apologize... He's young... I hope you'll forgive himhis youthful naiveté... Newbies don't always appreciate the finer points of civility... Do they?''

Sona looks at Saji who was slowly rising from the ground, but with a face that looked like a vampire had sucked all his blood, and did not stop shaking.

Saji: ''Ooooh... Riiiiigght.''

Soon, he walked to Asia and shook her hand.

Saji: ''My pleasure.''

Asia: ''No, the pleasure is all mine.''

Saji: ''Hey... You sure you're not an angel, cause I'm pretty sure you just fell down from Heaven?''

Issei jumped up and grabbed Saji's hand and squeezed it tight.

Issei: ''Saji, I just want you to know if you even think of putting the moves on Asia, I'll slice off you smashed nuts and feed them to you through a tube!''

Saji responde back with a hard grip in Issei's hand.

Saji: ''Oh, you think you've got that shit on lock-down, well...! You ain't only bull in this rodeo anymore, dick face!''

Rias: ''This is embarrassing.''

Sona: ''I know, isn't it?''

Saji: ''How's flyer duty treating you, Captain Whack-it? I don't do lame shit like that, cause I'm an actual member of the team! Getting' a familiar and everything, bitch.''

Issei: ''Guess what, fool? I just got promoted from flyers and I'm getting a familiar too, so suck it!''

Sona turned to Rias.

Sona: ''Oh...! Is that your plan, Rias?''

Rias: ''Yes... I was thinking of going next week, actually.''

Sona: ''Well, that's a bit of a problem for us as he only takes people once a month.''

Rias: In that case, why don't we have a friendly little contest to sort this whole thing out.

Sona: ''A contest?''

Rias: ''Whoever wins earns the right to make their request first.''

Sona: ''Surely you're not talking about a Rating Game.''

Shidou's Thought: (A what? Rating Game?)

Rias: ''Oh, no. We'd never get permission to do something like that.''

Sona: Yes, you're right. Besides, this isn't the time to call attention to yourself, now is it?

Rias: ''Don't go there.''

The way Rias responded ended up leaving the environment awkward, making even Akeno grasp, until she breaks the silence.

Rias: ''I know. We should settle this the goog ole' fashioned high school way: with sports!''


* Tennis Court

When the day came now, the day they set has come. Rias, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki decided to compete in a tennis match. The four girls were wearing striking and unique tennis uniforms.

???: ''Damn!''

Issei: ''Let's go, Rias...! Show these uptight losers who's boss!''

Saji: ''Come on, Sona...! Stick it to those jackwagons!''

Rias: ''Akeno... We're in it to win it.''

Akeno: ''Got it. No mercy.''

Rias: ''Everyone ready...? Good.

Sona: ''Heh... May the best devil win.''

Then the game started, and apparently everything was going normal. Except for the boys bursting with hormones on the court bars staring at their panties and their bouncin' breasts.

Issei: ''Oh man, tennis balls ain't the only things bouncin' today... This game freakin' rules!''

Motohama: ''I'd let her smack my tennis balls.''

Issei turned to the side and see Motohama and Matsuda, both using binoculars.

Issei: ''Why're you here?''

Matsuda: ''This is the bomb! I'm beefin' up my spank bank material, dawg, I'll be whackin' it for weeks offa this!''

Motohama: ''I wish I had a camera so I could preserve those jiggily jugglies for posterity!''

Issei: ''They're so athletic, canyou imagine the moves they could pull off in the sack?!''

Motohama: ''I'd like to see them play a little two on two on my junk!''

And with the power of deities, a mysterious wind lifted the skirts of Rias, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki showing their panties.

Perverted Trio: ''Camel toe!''

Kiba, Koneko and Shidou supervised the area and noticed the large crowd of spectators that was around the court.

Kiba: ''I don't think I've ever seen this many people at a tennis match before.''

Shidou: ''Well, it's not every day you can see the most popular girls #1, #2, #3 and #4 playing a match together. But deep down, I don't think that's the real reason.''

Girls: ''Give 'em hell, Sona!''

Boys: ''Whoa! Akeno, you are the tits!''

At the time, Shidou began to feel uncomfortable when he overheard the whispers and conversations the boys were having around him. Saying indecent and sexual things about Rias and the others and what they would want to do with them.

Shidou's Thought: (I can't imagine how they must feel being objectified and treated only as sexual material by the boys here. I wish I could do something...)

Koneko: ''Is it just me or is this getting a little out of control?''

Shidou: ''Only if they use magic in front of everyone here.''

Sona: ''Let's see how you like a magic attack, Sona Sitri-style?!''

Sona served a ball and induced her magic into it.

Shidou: ''Right Koneko, now this out of control.''

Rias: Oh really...? Let's see how you handle the Gremory counter strike!

The ball bounced and to Rias' surprise, the ball bounced away from her, giving the Sitri's a point.

???: ''One point... to Sitri.''

Issei: ''Aww, man!''

Saji proudly raised a flag over the fence.

Saji: ''Suck on that, Issei!''

Kiba: ''Hey, we did agree to no magic... Didn't we?''

Koneko: ''Yep, but that doesn't seem to be stopping them.''

???: ''Did you see the curve on that!''

Kiba: ''Well I guess we've pretty much kissed the rulebook goodbye, huh?''

Koneko: ''It's cool, Rias is about to lay the smack down.''

Shidou: ''But is it okay to use magic in front of the entire school?''

Rias: ''Look, Sitri... You ca cheat all you want to, but in the end it's not going to make a bit of difference in this game...! You want a magic show...? Well, I've got a few tricks!''

Sona: ''Do your worst Gremory...! You think I'm afraid of you? Bring it on!

And then, the four most popular girls in Kuoh played a game that made history.


In the middle of the night, inside the club building, the person discussed the next step. Koneko held two broken rackets.

Koneko: ''Too bad it was a draw. Since nobody won, they suggesting we all compete in a team match.''

Issei: ''Are you serious?''

Kiba: ''Serious as a heart attack, my friend, they're all out there right now, deciding what we should play.''

Shidou: ''After today's match, I'm afraid to know what sport they're going to turn into a battlefield.''

Then Rias and Akeno arrived into the Occult Research Club.

Rias: ''We've chosen dodge ball as the game to play. We meet the Sitri's tomorrow night in the gym... So... Let's win this.''

ORC: ''Right!''

Asia: ''Thanks for playing for us, guys.''

Issei: ''Yeah, for real.''

Shidou: ''We're very lucky to have you as friends.''


(Rias POV)

It's already late at night, I was at my desk wearing my favorite pink nightgown with my reading glasses finishing reading some school documents about the club, to finish this, I go straight to bed.

After the game I had with Sona, I'm a little exhausted. Even more so after receiving those perverted looks about pampering the entire match. I can't stand the thought of being treated like a piece of meat for cavemen. But... because of my situation... maybe that's inevitable.

I was discouraged and sad to remember my arranged marriage and the bastard I'm staying with. Then suddenly I heard several knocks at the entrance door.

Rias: ''Who will it be at this hour?''

I took one of the lit candles and following the way to the entrance. it is not common to receive visits at this time of night. When I got to the front of the door, I didn't hear anything else, so I started to find it a little suspicious.

Rias: ''ls there anyone there?''

There was only silence mixed with the noises of the trees in the wind. So I unlocked the door and opened it, but when I went to see who had knocked, there was no one around.

I thought it was some kind of childish prank, but as soon as I lowered my head and looked at the floor, someone had left something here.

Rias: ''A basket? I wonder who brought it?''

I looked around once again to make sure there was no one around, but there wasn't. I picked up the basket from the floor and went back in, locking the door.

Opening the basket, I saw a batch of brownies well assembled inside the basket, it caught me surprised, after all who could have made this gesture. Soon, I noticed a kind of note more next to her, I picked up and started reading.

Note: 'Not all boys are gross perverts. Please enjoy! (smiley face)'

I smile genuinely for the gesture so cute. What that note says is true, there are decent men out there, just know how to look. And this gift with this note, I think that's what I needed.

I put the note on the side of the basket and took one of the brownies. When I ate it, I could feel all the worry go away. He really has a gift for making sweets.

Rias's Thought: (Shidou... Thank you.)


* Kuoh Academy Gymnasium

Finally came the night of the match between Gremory's and Sitri's. At the time, the ORC were stretching and warming up before the match began.

Rias: ''They outnumber us by a person so we've asked the extras to be referee.

Issei: ''I'm like the worst at sports; I don't even know if I remember how to play.''

Shidou: ''Seriously? Dude... Its dodgeball. The explanation is in the name!''

Rias: ''Oh... You'll be fine, just grab a ball, aim it at the Sitri team, and hit 'em right in the face!''

Shidou: ''That's the spirit of dodgeball!''

Kiba: ''Asia picked it up in no time; I'm sure you can do it too!''

Shidou: ''But if you can't, you're more than free to use Issei as a shield.''

Issei: ''Bro...?!''

Meanwhile, Asia was stretching with Akeno's help.

Asia: ''My legs are on fire!''

Akeno: ''Stretch it a little bit farther; come on, you can do it.''

Asia: ''I'll... Try...''

While Issei was doing stretches with Koneko pushing him from behind, he stood watching the two, and his shameless brain began to fantasize the Asia and Akeno naked in his head.

She immediately captured his thoughts and as a lesson, she applied a huge force to his back, making every spine creak making loud noises and Issei screamed in agony.

Issei: ''AAAAGHHHH!!!''

Shidou: ''I think Issei will need to use a cane... or a wheelchair.''

Issei: ''Shut the fuck up!''

After the stretches, Issei had given his companions headbands he had written in red 'Occult Research Club' in Kanji on them.

Rias: ''Team headbands?''

Kiba: ''Nice.''

Akeno: ''Yeah, we're gonna look totally badass.''

Issei: ''Thanks, I stayed up all night making em.''

Shidou: ''Oh. So that's what you were doing yesterday.''

Rias: ''You didn't sleep?''

Issei: ''I just wanted to make something cool as a way of saying thank you for everything you guys are doing for us... I'm lucky to have friends as awesome as you... Plus, I suck at sports, so this way I'll remember not to throw the ball at my own team.''

Rias was staring at the headband with a genuine smile on her face. Meanwhile, Shidou was trying to hold back the crying.

Issei: ''What's wrong? Are they lame? Maybe I should've gone with t-shirts instead.''

Rias: ''Oh, no, I think they're perfect, Issei... It was nice of you to do that.''

Soon Shidou began to shed tears and quickly gave Issei a strong hug.

Shidou:''Issei is so huge heart! I LOVE YOU MY BABY BROTHER!!''

Issei: ''T-Thank you, Shidou... You can let me go now!''

Shidou: ''Sure, baby bro...''

Koneko: ''You're a pervert, but you're sweet.''

Rias: ''Let's put these on, go out there, and do our best to kick some Sitri butt!''

ORC: ''Yeah!''

Taking everyone by surprise, the gym doors open and is shown the Household of Sona Sitri in them gym clothes.

Sona: ''Ready to rock and roll?!''

(Mini Timeskip)

The whistle is played announcing the start of the dodgeball game, and the mood inside the gym is almost like that of a battlefild.

So Tsubasa Yura, the girl with blue hair and Sona's Rook, struck first and easily took out Koneko by tearing her shirt. Then, Momo Hanakai, the one with white hair and Sona's Bishop, I was acting as a referee and raised the red flag.

Momo: ''That's a point.''

Issei: ''Aw, right in the tit.''

Shidou: ''Hold on second! Koneko had dodged the ball! You're telling me that even the clothes count as part of the body?!''

Momo: ''That's exactly what I'm telling you.''

Shidou: ''Fine! Show me in the rule book where to hit the clothes but not the body gives point!''

Koneko: ''You don't have to do this. I need a drink anyway.''

Koneko walked off the court carelessly, however, Shidou was not satisfied.

Tsubaki: ''Ready or not here I come!''

Tsubaki threw a spike, but Rias caught it. The impact patiently shatters the clothes.

Sona: ''Well, catching Tsubaki's spike head-on is pretty impressive.''

Rias: ''Don't forget Sona, I'm a Gremory, that's just how we roll!''

Rias throws the ball, embedding it with her destruction magic. Tomoe Meguri, the one with reddish brown hair and Sona's Knight tried to catch the ball, but fails. Which caused her clothes and underwear to be incinerated. In resume, she was hit by the ball, she was taken out of the game.

By having a nearly naked girl on the spot, it totally captured Issei's attention, which made Reya Kusaku, the one with braided hair and Sona's Bishop too, throw the ball behind him and he didn't notice.

Akeno: ''Behind you!''

Luckily, Akeno, took a leap opening space and caught the ball before hitting him.

Akeno: ''Got it! You need to keep your head in the game, sweetie!''

Issei: ''Whoa... I just saw your bra!''

Shidou: ''Stop staring their bodies and focus on the game, airhead!''

Shidou's Thought: (Now, I was the idiot. In this total chaos, there are no rules. There is only the law of the forest; the survival of the strongest!)

Meanwhile, Ruruku Nimura, the smallest one and Sona's pawn, throws the ball inducing her magic and went towards Shidou. Then seeing this, he gave a confident smile and began to play serious.

Shidou/Ainchase: ''Activation Cycle: Physical Mode''

At the same time, a magic circle appeared beneath him and two magical rings revolved around him, Shidou stretched out his arms to stop the ball, and successfully stopped effortless.

Shidou: ''My turn!''

Planning to get the payback, he threw the ball at Nimura and thanks to the Activation Cycle: Physical Mode, the ball almost looked like a comet so fast it was. There was no way she could deflect or react, when the ball hit her, she was thrown to the wall and ended up fainting.

Asia: ''That's a little harsh, Shidou-senpai!''

Shidou: ''This is no longer a game, this is survival!''

And as time went on, the game became more and more dangerous and the plays became more and more violent as they continued.

Sona: ''Let's see how you handle this!''

One of the fireballs managed to break one of the windows. Asia seeing this was terrified.

Asia: ''I had no idea that dodge ball was so terrifying!''

Issei: ''Shidou has right. This isn't dodgeball anymore, it's like a fight to the death!''

Saji: ''Want me to go ahead and take out that sissy ass pawn?!''

Sona: ''No, I got it! Here comes the pain!''

Issei: ''Shit!''

Sona covered with magic and threw the ball at Issei, making it act like a homing missile.

Issei: ''Oh, whoa! What the hell's up with this thing?''

Rias: ''Issei! Look out!''

~ Fatality ~

The ball hit Issei's balls right into. He put his hands on the breaking eggs and he lay on the floor.

Issei: ''My... Frank and Beans... I think they're squished.''

Shidou: ''We need a break here!''

(Mini Timeskip)

The two teams agreed to take a break from the game, and while they were rebuilding the Gymnasium parts that had been destroyed or reduced to nothing. Asia being worried approached Issei who was still feeling indescribable pain.

Asia: ''I can use my twilight healing to make you better, but first you have to show me where it hurts, Issei.''

Issei: ''Oh no... I'm fine, thanks!''

Asia: ''You're in pain, I think it'd be best if I took a quick look--''

Issei: ''Uh, I don't want you using your weird other worldly twilight thingie on my junk... My twig and berries are off limits!''

Asia: ''If it'll make you more comfortable... I can just do it over the pants.''

In the end, Issei agreed and Asia was using her Twilight Healing on Issei's balls.

Asia: ''Tell me, how does that feel?''

Issei: ''Tingly.''

Koneko: ''You better not be getting a chub right now.''

Issei: ''It's got a mind of its own.''

Shidou: ''Don't worry, I know he won't. Nothing in the world is capable of leaving our woods inert than having our balls crushed. It's the worst pain a man can suffer.''

Rias: ''Take good care of him, Asia, we've got a game to finish!''

Asia: ''Will do.''

Rias: ''Come on, you guys, let's win this one for Issei!''

Akeno: ''Yeah...! For his man-bits!''

Kiba: For his one-eyed snake!

Koneko: ''For his sack.''

Shidou's Thought: (For the masculinity of my little brother, I will use 'THAT' here and now!)

Asia: ''Does that feel good...?''

Issei: ''Oh boy... Thank you for the support everybody.''

Then the break ended and the game continued. On one side was Sona, Tsubaki and Saji; in the other side was Rias, Akeno and Shidou. The possession of the ball was with Shidou.

Saji: ''Bring it!''

Shidou/Ainchase: ''Activation Cycle: Magical Mode''

Shidou: ''You have shown no mercy to my family... so I will not show you mercy!''

He extended his arm that was holding the ball and made his magic circle appear. He concentrated all the magic around the ball and began to create a sphere-shaped vortex around it. Everyone there began to hear a eletric hum combined with the sound of a tornado. The winds inside the gymnasium began to dance and be sucked into Shidou's hand.

Everyone's eyes were wide-eyed with what was in front of them. Issei and Saji were drooling to see it in front of them.

Everyone's Thought: (But this is a...)

Shidou/Ainchase: ''Wind Magic: Rasengan''

Issei: ''Holy Moly! Dude, you created a Rasengan?!''

Shidou: ''Saji... You said 'bring it', so prepare yourself!''

Saji: ''Wait! Hold on!''

Shidou throw the rasengan ball straight towards Saji. Thanks to the centrifugal force that the ball was exerting, its speed was greater than expected. He desperately tried to jump to the side in the hope of dodge, but fate had other plans for him. As the magic was not fully ready, before making contact, the sphere shape became unstable and oscillating, in the end, the rasengan exploded.

A explosion of compressed air occurred at the site forming a tornado inside the place that soon fell apart, breaking part of the roof. When the magic was completely undone, most were unharmed because they were not in the danger zone. Sona and Tsubaki by a miracle were not injured. Everyone looked shocked, while Shidou was standing in the same place.

Issei: ''What the fuck dude?!''

Kiba: ''I had a déjà vu seeing that.''

Koneko: ''Me too.''

Tsubasa: ''Has anyone seen Saji?''

Shidou: ''He's right over there!''

Shidou pointed in front of him, and everyone looked where he pointed. At the time, Saji was practically naked inside a crater in the wall with his face all detonated and the ball stuck in his balls.

Sona: ''This isn't over yet!''

Then the whistle was blown and Sona gasped.

Momo: 'Game over!''

As time ran out and Rias, Akeno and Shidou are the majority, the Gremory house in the end was the winner of the dodgeball game. Issei and Asia stood up and cheering together meanwhile holding hands.

Issei and Asia: ''All right...! We did it...! We won!''

After the defeat, Sona's Peerage walked away, with Tsubasa holding Saji inside a giant bag, because he's still naked.

Rias: ''A deal's a deal, Sona... Since we beat you, we get first pick of the familiars.''

Sona: ''As much as I hate to lose, I have to admit: tht was still a whole lotta fun. Although, if this had been a Rating Game, and not just us fooling around, there's no way you could've beat me.''

Rias: ''You really think so...? Well, I guess we won't know for sure until we actually play the Game... But it'll be a while 'til we have to worry about that.''

Sona: ''Don't be so sure, Rias, you never know what's coming up.''

So Sona says goodbye and leaves.

Issei: ''Huh...? What's a Rating Game?''

Shidou: ''No idea.''


* Occult Research Club

ORC: ''Victory!''

With everyone from the club reunited and in their regular uniforms, they started their post-game celebration. Drinks were prepared by Akeno, them all hold their drinks and stood in the middle of the room. All of them cheered by conquer the victory in today's game.

Rias: ''I want you know, I'm thankful to each and everyone of you for going out there and doing what needed to be done to bea those devils... I hope you guys feel very proud.''

Issei: ''Hell, all I did was get knocked in the love spuds.''

Kiba: ''Sure, you got nailed in the nads, but you also made these headbands... They're pretty rad, man.''

Akeno: ''Totes.''

Shidou: ''You're ace.''

Asia: ''Yeah...! They really brought our team together!''

Even Koneko nodded with a light smile. Issei was very moved by the words of his friends who turned to Kiba and held his hands. But the words he used left Kiba creeped out..

Issei: ''Thanks, bro... I don't wanna sound gay or anything, but if you were a hot chick, I'd totally make out with you right now!''

Kiba: ''Okay...?''

Rias: ''I hate to break up the celebration, but I think it's time we go get these three a couple of familiars.''

Then the celebration came to an end, everyone gathered to go get their family members. Akeno then invoked the magic circle below them all.

Asia: ''Wait, you mean we're getting them right now?''

Rias: Full moon tonight, this is our best shot to see him

Issei: ''See who?''

Rias: ''The Familiar Master.''

So thet were covered by the light of the circle and were teleported to the familiar forest.

* Familiar Forest

After they teleported to the forest, Rias and her peerage faced a dark and gloomy forest with the sky painted red.

Issei: ''Uh, where are we?''

Akeno: Dud, a magical forest where all the familiars live.

Shidou: ''Just out of curiosity, you thought we were going to a supernatural pet shop?''

Issei: ''... No! No...''

Kiba: ''Don't be scared; this is where we came to get ours too.''

Koneko simply nodded. Meanwhile, Asia and Issei were trembling with fear.

Issei: ''Oh, I'm cool...! I mean, desides the fact that I just pissed myself.''

Asia: ''Yeah... It's really freaky.''

Shidou: ''It looks like a horror movie set, but I kind of liked it.''

???: ''Who wants me?!''

Issei and Asia flinched on fear and looked up. They saw a middle-aged man wearing a cap backwards, wearing a white tank top shirt with a yellow backpack and he was grinning widely.

Issei: ''Hey! Who's there?!''

???: ''The master of the familiar, aka 'The Towji'!''

Issei: ''That's the guy?''

Asia: ''Oh, wow.''

Shidou: ''You can say that again.''

Towji: ''If you're goal is to find familiars galore, you've come at the right time, that's for sure! The full moon is out to help you decide, and I'll be the one to act as your guide.''

Akeno: ''If you can't tell, The Towji's way obsessed with making things rhyme.''

Issei: ''Uh-huh.''

Towji: ''Now, how can I help you? Tell me all your wants and desires... A strong one? A fast one, one that likes to set fires?''

Issei: Yeah... Cool... Do you have any hot familiars with big tit-o's...? Who really like nerdy white guys?!

Shidou's Thought: (Issei... You think this is a forest to get family or a dating app?!)

Shidou was disappointed with Issei. The Towji was not impressed, and he waved his finger disapproving.

Towji: ''This is why amateurs always annoy... If you're seeking something more than a toy, utilize your other head, my boy. To find the familiar who will be the best fit, look for best personality, don't look for best tit.''

Asia: ''Makes sense, but I'd like one that's really cute and fun to be around.''

Asia's cuteness hit him hard and he was happy with her, also it was also a decent request.

Towji: ''Fun...? Done and done!''

Asia: ''Oh! Thank you so much!''

Issei: ''Hey, no fair, dude!''

Shidou: ''Hey... How about something that's fast and loyal?''

The Towji was also happy with Shidou's request.

Towji: ''Looking a familiar loyal and fast? We have a few that you should put to the test. You'll find your joy here my boy, I bet. That's a choice you'll never regret!''

Shidou: ''Thank you, The Towji!''

Without anyone noticing his presence, a small figure appears behind the group in its shadows. The creature has an appearance of having a body of a humanoid dark-gray cloud with eyes glowing orange and yellow. This creature stared at Shidou kind of curious.

When Shidou felt something strange behind him, he began to turn back, at the same instant, that dark being quickly returned into the shadows and Shidou ended up seeing nothing.

Shidou's Thought: (Strange... I thought there was something back here.)

(Mini Timeskip)

After a while walking, the group arrives in front of a small lake.

Towji: ''This lake is awesome, righteous and right, at the bottom, you'll find magical sprites.''

Issei: ''Yeah...! Sprites are sexy...! We just hit the familiar jackpot! She'll emerge from the water wearing nothing but a soaking wet see-through dress with hair long enough to die me up. Then she'll pull me below and we'll make sweet, sweet, soggy love.''

Issei was immersed in the wettest dreams his brain could create, making an ugly and perverted face looking at the lake. Koneko was looking at Issei with disgust.

Kiba: ''Whoa! Check out the lake!''

Toji: ''Here we go... Looks like a sprite is about to show.''

A light was shining down on the lake's surface. Making it glimmer beautiul. But breaking all the expectations that Issei had about her, undive proved to be a being of many defined muscles and with a very masculine look of gym and rock and roll.

All were taken by surprise, except Issei that was flashgasted.

Towji: ''Take a look. That's off the hook!''

Issei: ''But clearly not off the 'roids! What is it, a competitive body builder?!''

Towji: ''Undine are rare water sprites with mega watt power... A familiar like that would make your enemies cower.''

Issei: ''Screw that...! He looks like he could pick me up and break me in half!''

Towji: ''Not he... Sorry, but this he's a she.''

Issei: ''A she...? I think I just threw up in my mouth.''

By destroying her expectations of having a sexy relative, Issei fell to the ground in disillusionment.

Upon Issei not accepting Undine, Towji turned to Shidou.

Towji: ''What about you my guy, want to get close and give it a try?''

Shidou: ''She's really strong and intimidating, I have no doubt. But unfortunately, it's not the qualities I'm looking for, plus our elements aren't compatible with eath other. I would like to meet with other options.''

Towji: ''Fair and Square.''

(Mini Timeskip)

They continued their walks in search of potential familiars.

Asia: ''That sprite back there, she had really kind eyes... Even though she's tough on the outside, I could tell she has a good heart.''

Issei: ''Oh yeah... And pecs the size of my head.''

Towji: ''Oh my... Look, high!''

The group of devils did as he told and looked up, then spotted a small purple-colored dragon on top of a tree branch.

Issei: ''Okay. What is that?''

Asia: ''Aw...! It's really cute!''

Towji: ''Cute but dangerous, too... When they get angry, they have thepower to shoot a lightning that's blue.''

Kiba: ''Hey, that type of dragon is pretty rare, isn't it?''

Rias: ''I think this is the first time I've ever seen one.''

Towji: '' Do it now, if you want this one claimed... Once these dragons grow up, they can no longer be tamed.''

Akeno: ''Issei, sice you possess the power of the Red Dragon Emperor, that sprite might turn outto be a pretty good fit.''

Issei: ''Yeah, that makes sense... Right...! Dragon...! I choose y--!''

Asia: ''Aaaaahh!''

Then everyone could heard Asia scream. A weird green slime appeared covering her. So more slime fell from the trees. Shidou and Issei saw more slime fall into Rias and Akeno.

Rias: ''Oh my!''

Rias gasped while Slime covered his body. Akeno, on the other hand, laughed a little while the same thing happened.

Kiba: ''Its green slime!''

Kiba drew his sword, but his eyes were covered, leaving him without sight. Meanwhile, that green snot began to melt the girls' clothes.

Akeno: ''It's burning my clothes! How naughty! I'm so slimy and wet.''

Rias: ''No!''

Asia: ''Oh... My skirt!''

Koneko's Thought: (It's so grody... Vomit town.)

Shidou: ''Girls! Hang in ther-''

Shidou was about to launch a current of air that would send all that Smile fly away, however, a large piece of slime fell on Shidou, covering his entire head. Covering his nose and mouth, he couldn't breathe, so he started to panic while he was trying to take that away from him.

Kiba made every effort to get it out of your eyes, but without success. Issei, in other hand, has hypnotized by the vision of Rias, Akeno, Koneko and Asia's clothes burned away slowly. Even his nose was bleending.

Issei: Damn! Dude... This is the best thing that has ever happened!

Koneko punched Issei in the face and threw him to the floor, but still had the perverted smile.

Koneko: ''Suck on that, perv-pants.''

Issei: ''It's not my fault you guys got slimed outta your skivvies by goo!''

Slime continued to disintegrate the girls' clothes to the point of reaching their underwear. Akeno could not stop moaning.

Rias: ''My hands are tied, I can't use my magic like this!''

Akeno: ''Me neither, how arewe gonna get out of this mess?''

Issei: ''I'll save you... but... First I have to save this image to the spank bank later.''

Kiba kept swinging his sword from side to side in desperation, Shidou caballed sideways as he made his strength to get the goo out of his head before he asphyxiated. The Towji appeared with Slime covered his eyes, but his nose bleeding.

Towji: ''Eating off clothes is the random power of this weird slime... Fun for a while, but in the ende, a complete and utter waste of time.''

Issei: ''Hey...! That's really the only thing it does...?! I found mine...! I want the slime to be my familiar right now!''

At the last moment, Shidou had one last thought before fainting. He summoned his Primordial Wind Link and with his free hand aimed at his own face and let out a gust of wind, blowing the slime away and leaving his head free.

Shidou breathed deeply, replenishing all oxygen in his body. Soon, he turned to the staff to find out how the situation was and came across a hentai scene in real life. he got extremely flushed seeing his female colleagues naked, however, after nearly dying to that thing, he was pissed too.

Shidou: ''T-Today this amoeba ceases to exist!''

He unleashed his magical power around him, using the wind currents he created, was able to run at great speed without having to alter his physical attribute.

Shidou/Ainchase: ''Wind Creation Magic: Swords of the Storm''

Instead of creating dozens of swords, he created only one that grabbed hands and went towards the girls who were trapped... and moaning. The wind sword hit the slimes in the arms of Rias and Akeno, along with the wind chains that it created by being swung, loosened the slimes and threw them up.

With Rias free, she began blasting the slimes she saw on the way with her magic. Akeno began to attack the surrounding slimes with his rays. Shidou then reached Koneko's side and his winds freed her from the slimes by predestining her.

Issei: "Noooooooooo!!!"

Issei began to scream in horror and denial. Shidou went quickly to Koneko and Kiba then manage to release them in two blows. So everyone join in the exterminating the green slime.

Akeno: ''Sorry, slime... We coulda have some fun.''

Soon, Shidou went over to The Towji's side and gently blasted the slime out of his face, blasting it to pieces and letting Towji see it again.

Towji: "Thanks pal!"

Shidou: ''You're welcome.''

Now only lacked Asia be cleaned of the Slime trapped in her body, all went towards her, but desperate Issei hugged her serving as a shield.

Rias: ''Just back away Issei... The only thing to do with a monster like that is burn it!''

Issei: ''No, dont! I won't have to undress every single girl I met with my eyes anymore if I have Slimerato by my side!''

Shidou: ''You named this thing?! Man, you're making it harder than it had to be! Get out of the way!''

Issei: ''I beg you all, he and I are destined to be together forever! Give Slimetaro a second chance!''


Asia's Thought: (I can't believe Issei's actually hugging me! It's perfect!)

Issei: ''Yucky slime! We were meant to be!''

Kiba: ''Seriouly too into this stuff.''

Towji: ''I've never seen a devil come to the forest for one of its biggest pests... I don't think this one knows there's more to life than breasts!''

Rias looked at Issei with sadness and disappointment.

Rias: ''He's usually such a good boy... But I guess in the end, the pervert inside of him finally took over.''

Shidou:''I won't let you go down that road! I'll count to 3 and before that happens you'll deliver that booger to death otherwise I'll do the same but with you in front!''

Issei: ''Please...! I'll do anything...! I do your chores for a month! I promise to wake up early to train with you every day! I will never steal your sweets again!''

Shidou: ''1... 2...''

Suddenly, Issei and the slime were electrocuted by blue lightning, killing it off the slime that covered Asia, and scorched Issei and made him fall to the ground.

Issei: ''That sucked.''

Everyone looked up and saw the sprite dragon flying over them in circles.

Rias: ''Aw, the sprite dragon used his blue lightning.''

Issei saw the deceased Slime charred on the floor and kneels in sorrow.

Issei: ''Yucky slime, no...! This is your fault!''

Receiving instant karma, Issei receives another burst of blue lightning. Asia comes closer to him out of concern.

Asia: ''Are you all right?!''

Taking her by surprise and making her grasp, the sprite dragon ended up landing on her shoulder as if it was something natural for him.

Koneko: ''That was dope.''

Shidou: ''I already like this little dragon.''

Towji: ''Sprite dragons don't attack unless they believe their loved ones are in trouble... Which, in the familiar world means that dragon and lovely lady should be together on the double!''

Kiba: ''You mean Asia and that thing are bonded now?''

Asia: He's so cute!

The sprite dragon jumped into her arms and Asia embraced him happily.

Rias and the others went deeper into the forest to change into a new pair of clothes. Shidou firmly grabbed Issei's head so he wouldn't try to do anything, so soon the four arrive again.

Everyone went to a more open space for Asia to make her pact with the dragon. A green magic circle surrounded the dratione while Rias guided Asia.

Asia: ''In the name of Asia Argento and devils everywhere. I command you to accept this pact to be my familiar forever.''

So the pact was successfully signed.

Akeno: ''Well... Looks to me like you got a friend...! I think you two will be very happy together!''

Asia: ''Hey! That tickles... Raissei... Stop it.''

Issei: ''Rassei?''

Asia: ''For some reason that popped in my head... I love him! And every time I hold him, I'll think of you.''

Issei: ''That's a really sweet thing to say, Asia... I'm glad to meet you Mister Rassei.''

Issei tried to reach out to form amizado with the Sprite dragon, but ended up being electrocuted once againand fell in the ground.

Towji: ''Oh, something you shoul know about these creatures. They hate other males-- that's just one of their features.''

Rias: ''What a naughty boy Rassei is.''

Shidou:'' It's totally Issei if it was a dragon.''

Then the perv started to cry desperately.

Issei: ''Oh, yucky slime...! Why did you have to leave me? I wanted your gazonga exposing powers to be mine forever!''

Suddenly, taking everyone by surprise, the ground began to shake a little.

Akeno: ''Hm? An earthquake?''

Rias: ''But it is impossible to have seismic activity in this place! What could it be?''

The quake was gradually increasing

Towji: ''Oh, this is no good... We're about to become food!''

Shidou: ''What?!''

The quake stopped and a great creature emerged from a jump from the ground before them.

The creature then rose from the ground showing to be about four meters high. A giant lizard with large orange scales covering its body and thorns on the sides and its tail, as well as claws capable of cutting steel as paper.

Asia: ''What is this scary thing? I'm scared!''

All Peerage put themselves in battle position, Towji was incredulous with what appeared.

Towji: ''The Desert Digger is a lethal predator of indestructible skin... Its sharp claws are perfectly able to pierce us like a knife and a halloween pumpkin!''

Issei: ''What is a desert thing doing in a forest?!''

Shidou: ''We don't have much to do if we don't defeat this lizard!''

That Desert Digger release a sharp, loud roar, stirring everyone in front of him. Rassei was terrified and grabbed onto Asia who did the same.

Rias, Akeno, and Shidou were ready to cast their spells on that thing, but suddenly, something leaps from Shidou's shadow and captures everyone's attention as it landed on the ground making a dramatic landing pose.

???: 'Shadoooow...'

Kiba: ''What is that creature in the form of smoke?''

Shidou: ''Wait... Earlier when I feel something... Was him?''

The lizard released another roar for that dark being, but he remained unshaken. Leaving for the attack, the desert digger made a big jump in the air and towards us, preparing his claws to cross all at once.

However, that little black being, would not allow it. From his hands he invoked shadow hands that as they went towards the lizard they grew. In the end, grabbing him in the air and without difficulty threw him hard to the ground.

Everyone was wide-eyed with such a demonstration of power in such a small being.

Rias: ''That's amazing. You're being able to outrun a creature eight times its size.''

Towji: ''The legendary Shadow Walker is the extremely rare being of power and intelligence... win fights and travel through the shadows without any turbulence!''

Meanwhile, The Desert Digger f[was constantly trying to hit the Shadow Walker, but his speed and ability to hide in the shadows was too much to keep up with. Soon, he appears giving a hook to the lizard's chin making him fall backwards.

When everyone watched in awe of the fight, Shadow Walker did something incredible. He was suddenly enveloped in a golden aura, showing the colors of his body, then putting his foot more to the side, started a sequence of seven punches in the air, but for some reason, the punches made seven stars appear in the skin of the Digger. Then he jumped into the air and went all in one kick towards him.

The moment he hit him, he disappeared, leaving everyone watching confused, until out of nowhere he reappears on the other side of that great lizard and stopping a few meters from him. Then the digger is covered by a large purple explosion and in the end he fell unconscious.

Issei: ''What a badass!''

Akeno: ''Indeed was.''

Koneko: ''He saved us, after all.''

Shidou was walking towards the Shadow Walker and what caught everyone off guard. The small, obscure family member looked at Shidou approaching and went to meet him.

Shidou: ''You faced that thing to protect us. Thank you very much.''

The two stared at each other for a few seconds without saying anything, then at the same time smiled at each other, as if this was meant to happen. Then he turns to Rias.

Shidou: ''Hey Rias... I found my familiar.''

Shadow Walker: 'Shadoooow...'

The Shadow Walker nodded with a smile while looking at the staff.

Towji: ''This was awesome, his power is absolutely fearsome.''

Akeno: ''Our cutie found an exceptional partner.''

Koneko: ''I'm proud of you, Shidou-senpai.''

Kiba: ''Congratulations on finding a perfect familiar for you!''

Asia: ''He is also very cute...!'

Issei: ''Even Shidou has a badass familiar... Oh, yucky slime...!''

Rias's Thought: (You never cease to amaze me'...)

Without wasting any more time, Shidou imitated the steps that Asia had made a few minutes ago and began to make her familiar pact. The green magic circle appeared beneath Shadou Walker, who closed his eyes to connect with his new master.

Shidou: ''In the name of Shidou Hyoudou and devils everywhere. I command you to accept this pact to be my familiar forever.''

So the pact was successfully concluded,

Shidou: ''Everyone... Let's give a big welcome to Kuro.''


The two faced each other once again and without restraining happiness, Shidou smiled with his eyes closed to Kuro. And the happiness was reciprocal.


* Occult Research Club

Amidst the sunset, all of Rias' Peerage was gathered back at the Occult Research Club.

Rias: ''They say sprite dragons only give themselves to the most worthy and pure-hearted of masters... And normally, they would never choose to serve a devil.''

Akeno: ''Asia used to be a holy sister, so who knows, maybe that had some sway over the little guy?''

Issei: ''Hey! Bad Dragon! That chest isn't yours to nuzzle in, bud!''

Once again, Rassei electrocuted Issei who fell to the ground as a result. Shidou and Koneko were casually eating snacks together watching and admiring Issei getting screwed once again as entertainment.

Asia: ''Now, Rassei, you have to be nice to Uncle Issei, okay?''

Soon after that, Rassei come back to nuzzle again in Asia.

Asia: ''All right then, sweet boy, it's time to say goodnight.''

Through the magic circle, Rassei said good-bye while magically disappeared.

Koneko: ''Hey Shidou-senpai. Where's Kuro?''

Shidou: ''He's right here.''

He pointed down and Koneko looked where he pointed, then out of the shadow slowly Kuro looked at them with a neutral expression, but then gave a smile. Shidou couldn't take it and headpetting Kuro who liked it. Meanwhile Koneko, silently wished Shidou would do the same to her.

Shidou: ''Very well partner, after saving us, you deserve a nice rest. Until next time!''

Kuro waved goodbye with a smile as he disappeared with a magic circle.

Issei: ''I know I should be happy for Asia and Shidou, but now that they have a leg up on me... I guess I'm kida jealous! You know what, though, soon I'll get a kick ass familiar of my own, and I'll be right back on top again, bitches!''

Shidou: ''But did you get a better relative than Kuro? Sorry to ruin your dreams but that's impossible!''

Issei: ''Come on... dude.''

Kiba: ''I can't wait, man... Well... See you tomorrow, everyone.''

Shidou: ''Have a good night!'

Issei: ''Good night guys!''

Asia: ''Night!''

And then Issei, Kiba, Shidou, Asia and Koneko all left the room for their homes at night

Rias: ''Issei's got a long way to go.''

Akeno: ''He's a newbie, give him time.''

Rias: ''You're right. That he is.''

Rias looks behind his desk and sees the club headband Issei made for everyone, then closes his eyes and gives a sincere smile.

To be Continue...


Curiosities of High School Dxd: The New Creator Spirit :

Shadow Waker

They are hidden supernatural beings and extremely rare to be seen for their abilities to move through shadows, agility and camouflage in dark environments. His physical strength is extremely high in coparation to his size. They are considered great warriors with great IQ, only reveal themselves to those they consider trustworthy, as well as being able to feel the intentions of those who are close.

Familiar Duties

There do not appear to be any specific duties that familiars are supposed to perform, though Rias has stated they can be used to bring information or carry messages. Mostly, they have been shown performing janitorial work and odd jobs for their masters.


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