By cuchishop

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a 18 year old in highschool has extreme issues. she finally decided to talk to someone and let all of this we... More



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By cuchishop

te'marie louis

"i'm leaving with colby. you don't have to take me home"navi said while walking up to me. i simply nodded while attending back to ms parker.

she was a clingy mess. she would not let me go anywhere without her. "come here" she said while pulling me close. i didn't even try to fight it.

she knows who i am. i guess the liquor taking over. she wouldn't flirt with me like this. im pretty sure she would be scared to lose her job.

"you drove here?" i asked her. she shook her head no while hugging my torso. i nodded. i could just take her home. "i'll take you home. come on" i pulled her.

she didn't even move. she wanted me to carry her so i did so. i placed her in the front seat while i went into the driver side. "are you hungry?" i asked. she nodded so fast.

"what do you wanna eat?" i asked.

she took a while to come out with an answer. i didn't start the car until she did. i also buckled her seat belt for her.

"waffle house" she blurted. i nodded my head while driving there. she sat quietly. "can i sit with you?" she asked while unbuckling her seat belt. i pushed her back in the seat.

she sighed and sat back. once we got to waffle house she opened her own door and walked in by herself. she definitely has an attitude but i don't know what for. she's mad drunk.

i walked in quickly behind her and took her hand. we were given a seat by the waiter. she was trying to sit next to me but i stopped her.

"no, sit across from me" i ordered her. she whined and made her way over there. i was looking through the menu trying to find something to drink and eat.

she was quiet and i wanted to make conversation even though she could barely hold any. "what are you ordering?" i asked while putting the menu down. she didn't even pick hers up.

she was just looking at me with pleading eyes. i know she wanted to sit by me but i didn't want her to do anything she was going to regret.

"come sit by me. hands to yourself though" i sternly said. she nodded her head and smiled while making her way over to me. i laughed at her childlike smile.

"im so drunk" she finally spoke. her voice was very soft and quiet.

"i know. you can just smell the alcohol on you" i agreed.

"so you think i stink?" she asked while looking at me. i laughed at her. she didn't laugh back. she looked upset.

"no i don't think you stink" i reassured her.

"i don't think i should go home. she'll probably be there. i don't wanna deal with her" she sighed. im guessing "her" is her girlfriend?

"isn't she your girlfriend?" i genuinely asked. she shook her head no.

"she cheated too much. i finally got fed up with her" she whispered. it sounded like she sobered up a little bit.

i nodded my head at her. "im sorry for acting like this tonight. it was extremely inappropriate. i don't wanna lose my job over this. i don't have to be your therapist anymore just please don't-" she rambled.

"it's okay. i won't tell anyone" i rubbed her back. "these people taking too long lets go". i grabbed her hand and led her out the door.

we got in the car and sat in silence. it wasn't an awkward silence. i could tell she was thinking of something so i let her do that.

i drove around waiting for ms parker to tell me her address. i had a nice time with her even if i wasn't supposed to be with her. it was funny and amusing.

"i don't want to go home" she blurted out. i nodded my head. i didn't know where to take her besides my house.

"well you could come to my house" i suggested. she looked at me like i was crazy.

"when your mom is there? i told you i didn't want to lose my job te'marie" she said sternly. i laughed at her.

"just call me marie. im sure she's not home. she's probably doing an overnight" i smiled. she just huffed and puffed.


"where am i supposed to sleep? and i need some clothes please" she asked quietly while whispering.

"no one is here besides us" i said loudly. she slapped my arm.

"lower your voice marie!" she slapped my arm again. i held her arm and pushed her on my bed. she was about to get up and hit me again before she took a breathe. "just give me some damn clothes so i can shower".

i laughed and handed her some sweats with a tank top. "don't take too long in the bathroom. i gotta shower to you know" i smiled.

she ignored me and attended to her shower. i sat on my bench in front of my bed. i was now thinking of my father. i don't hate my father even though i should.

i haven't seen him in so long. usually when he leaves like that, he just comes back to the house. he forgets everything he's done ever done and try's to apologize with money.

i'll take the money each time but i never forgot nor forgiven him. i can't find it in me to forgive a cruel man and his cruel ways.

"marie. i asked if you had some lotion" she said again while looking at me in concern. "are you okay? you look a little sad".

"im good. it's up there on my dresser" i pointed. she nodded and walked to go get it. i watched her while she did. she didn't have a bra or underwear on. you could tell.

"stop staring!" she whispered yelled at me.

"you right, i have to go shower now" i said while laughing at her and entering the bathroom. i turned the water on and got undressed.

slowly entering the shower and grabbing my shower glove. i poured soap into my hand and began scrubbing.

i heard a knock on my door. "marie!" ms parker was on the other side of the door calling for me. her voice sounded a little muffled.

"come in!"

"where do i lay down?" she looked in the shower staring at me with bold eyes. she quickly looked to the floor. i laughed at her.

"just lay down on the bed. we're both girls. it should be fine" i smiled. she nodded her head and left the bathroom.


a bar

sup guys

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