Ad Astra - The Alagore War

By PWOFalcon

23.9K 1.1K 1.3K

In 2048, the United States was moving toward a second frontier era, a second Manifest Destiny across the sola... More

AA V0 Prolog, Chapter 1
AA V0 Prolog, Chapter 2
AA V0 Prolog, Chapter 3
AA V0 Prolog, Chapter 4
AA V0 Prolog, Chapter 5
AA V0 Prolog, Chapter 6
AA V0 Prolog, Chapter 7
Author Notes
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 1
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 2
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 3
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 4
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 5
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 6
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 7
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 8
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 9
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 10
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 11
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 12
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 13
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 14
AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 15
Author Notes
AA Glossary
AA V2 Assiaya, Chapter 1
AA V2 Assiaya, Chapter 3
AA V2 Assiaya, Chapter 4
AA V2 Assiaya, Chapter 5
AA V2 Assiaya, Chapter 6
AA V2 Assiaya, Chapter 7

AA V2 Assiaya, Chapter 2

524 28 46
By PWOFalcon

"With the Victory at Indolass, US forces were able to secure the surrounding areas. The 1st Lance Brigade Combat Team has been deployed to Alagore to beef up security around the Bridge. Because the temple has a negative defense deficiency, the perimeter has been extended to better defensive positions.

New security protocols have been established around the Bridge, and an investigation is underway to discover how the enemy could easily bypass our defenses. However, there is a high chance that we will never fully understand how. Current theories are that there are hidden passageways that we have not yet discovered, security failed to follow basic protocols, or a type of technology we do not understand was used. The issue is that we do not know enough about Alagore to conclude.

I have ordered the Minutemen on a recon/reach-out mission to the nearby villages while we prepare to retake Salva. We need allies who understand the region and strategic depth for our defense around Indolass." – Colonel William Hacket to Space Command

March, 8th, 2048 (Military Calendar)

Hiplose Forest, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie

Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore


To Mathew Ryder's annoyance, he kept looking at the vehicle Blue Force Tracker, a digital map program that the United States used on Earth. The issue was that the program needed to be more complete and valuable. On Earth, he would be able to pull up all military data he instantly required; however, a fact that he and all the American expeditionary forces kept learning was this was not Earth as it had no data of this world. He had grown used to checking all these programs. He was frustrated that he couldn't stop, reminding him of his days as an NCO when having to micromanage every detail.

Suddenly, the captain felt the shaking of the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle as the armored vehicle slowly drove through the rough terrain. The landscape of the Nevali Region had proven to be a hassle as Comanche navigated these unpaved roads. It is very different than the open plains of the Middle East or Eastern Europe. While the JLTVs were designed for this terrain, that did not mean he enjoyed the slower speed and bouncing around.

"Do you think we will have any luck with the next village?" Ford asked.

"No idea," Ryder replied to his driver.

After repelling the Second Siege of Indolass - while it was the first siege the Americans had at the temple, out of respect to the Palintai who sacrificed themselves to open the Bridge for Fraeya, they decided to acknowledge the battle, the Americans and Salva Milita forces attacked and recaptured the City-State of Salva. Not wanting to lose the city for a 3rd time to the Aristocracy, the entire 5th Rangers battalion, and the Minutemen will permanently garrison the town.

While the Americans had maintained their beachhead on this alien world, it came at a high cost, but the beachhead was secured. Colonel William Hackett wanted to contact the local villages to seek an alliance to keep that situation. While friendly, simple villages and clans wouldn't boost military might, it would allow them to gain territorial depth and create a supply line of food, knowledge, and other resources to make Salva a functional base of operations to help reduce the supply burden with the Bridge.

The last part proved more challenging than expected. Comanche has contacted two villages so far, yet winning the hearts and minds of the local population has been fruitless.

"Comanche-Lead, this is Comanche-One."

Hearing Rommel King's voice over the radio, Ryder picked up the hand and replied, "This is Comanche-Lead. Situation?"

"We spotted smoke," King said. "I believe we are approaching another village."

"Roger," Ryder said, turning toward Fraeya, sitting in the back seat. "Can you get the welcome kit?"

"Yes, I can," Fraeya said. "Just like last time?"

"That is correct." Ryder leaned back onto the passenger side of the JLTV and looked out the vehicle's top at the winged woman. "Natilite, can you confirm we are approaching a village?"

Natilite leaned over the top of the vehicle. "I can confirm. That is a village smokestack."

"Gracias," Ryder said. He started leaning back into the JLTV but stopped himself, leaning back toward the Templar. "How are you holding up Natilite?"

"I am doing well," Natilite said. "I will say that the metal is uncomfortable to ride on."

Ryder chuckled. "I will see if I can saddle it next time." After leaning back into the vehicle, he heard Ford comment about driving with a person on the roof.

"We are breaking so many safety Rags, I don't even know where to begin."

"No choice," Ryder said. "Her wings make it impossible to fit inside without major alterations with crew and space. Besides, I get the impression she does not want to be in a box after how we found her in Salva."

"I can understand that. I cannot imagine that kind of hell."

"You never operated in Latin America against the Cartels."

As the convoy approached, Ryder looked out and studied the surrounding forest. Tiny ridges and rock formations scattered everywhere, breaking the flow of the valley. Most of the foliage looked like what he had seen on Earth. There were many types of trees, including pine and leaf trees. Green and brown leaves, on the other hand, showed the changing of the seasons.

Other types of trees are different. One had large pines; however, they were glowing. Another glowed with it. Fraeya stated that these trees had a low mana volume, giving them an unnatural look.

After the three-vehicle convoy drove over a small creek, they stopped at the entrance of a wooden wall. While Comanche disembarked from their vehicles, the Valkyrie slid off the roof and landed in front of the gate.

The captain exited the passenger door and soaked the surrounding area. Like Salva and Indolass, there were ridges and hills. Patches of trees were scattered all around; however, cleared-out sections were used as farms. Staring toward the village, he saw two towers with guards looking at the Americans.

The small farm patches have tall tan stocks that look like corn but are brown. Seven people were farming the crops. Five were Kitsunes, but one was a Lat, and the other was a Farian, both male. Outside of the dirt from farming on the Kitsine clothing, they looked well-fed and taken care of, while the other two were in rags and ill-fed.

Ryder did not need to be told what he saw. Those two were slaves of these villages, which they probably bought or captured when traveling. Regardless, this might be an issue in the future.

Seeing the large wood gate open of the large village, Ryder turned to Fraeya, who was struggling to hold a large brown box. Before he could order Benjamin Ford, however, he watched the Sergeant appear by the elf girl and take the box from her.

Smirking from the site, Ryder turned to Sergeant First Class Gregory Barrett and ordered him and the Twins to guard the vehicles. At the same time, the rest of Comanche entered the village.

Ryder then watched Natilite speak with one of the village authority figures. He couldn't understand what they were saying as they waited for permission to activate the translation amulet. Fraeya informed us that because anyone could know within the device range, it was considered rude to use it without permission.

Seeing Natilite wave him over, Ryder approached with Rommel King and Benjamin Ford. When the three arrived, the captain extended his hand out of habit. The kitsune male stared at him with confusion and turned to the Templar. She demonstrated their greeting tradition by placing both hands on her shoulder and bow.

Seeing his mistake, the captain placed his hands on his shoulders and bowed. The male said something, and Fraeya activated the amulet.

"Thank you for welcoming us into your village," Natilite said.

Noticing that everyone could understand, Ryder stood up and stared at the Kitsune male. "Permission to see your Elder? We bring gifts and offerings."

"Templar Natilite states that you are honorable warriors from another world," the Kitsune said. "My name is Gragrush. I am the Protector of this village. If you bring harm, I will kill you all."

"Well, straight to the point. I like that. I am Ryder, Captain of this unit. I am here to represent the Altaerrie."

"I shall grant it only because of the good graces of a Templar," Gragrush said.

Seeing the Protector turn toward the villager warriors, Ryder took note. Unlike the Militia or the Verliance Aristocracy, who wore strong armor, the Aristocracy had complex, powerful weapons. These people looked like they were wearing leather as protection, holding spears, crossbows, swords, and energy staffs, just like the other two villages.

The group walked through the security gate and crossed a small bridge over a large ditch. On the other side, they saw the secondary dock with similar guards with primitive weapons.

The Protector signaled the guards to open the gate. It slowly opened, dragged by what looked like an ox with scales and a longer neck. The horns were closer to being like an antler.

Inside the village, the Comanche saw dozens of wooden huts and buildings. The ground was made from dirt and then concrete. The village was designed as a natural circle leading to the center plaza. Clothes were hanging everywhere, and straw and grass buckets filled with crops, fish, and berries. Kids ran around while the adults did whatever daily tasks a tribal society conducted.

"It is almost as if we are stepping back in time," Ford commented. He then noticed some females washing themselves and children by the river.

Rommel King pushed the Sergeant on the back. "Be respectful, everyone. Keep your hands to yourself, and do not stare at the topless woman."

To Mathew Ryder's surprise, he was shocked to see such a primitive society in this world, and yet he did not know why he thought that. He had traveled much of the Earth while in the Army. He had seen the same sharp differences between the developed and undeveloped worlds. The urban and the deep rural areas around the globe. It was only two hundred and fifty years ago when much of the world was hunter-gatherer with a few industrial regions, so it shouldn't have baffled him. Still, seeing it with his own eyes made the historical context into reality.

He wondered if he was caught off guard at the vast difference. Seeing how advanced the city walls at Salva were and the type of technology the great powers this world utilized, he assumed it would be more equal.

Ryder leaned toward Natilie and asked, "How come the past few villages are different than Salva? Is this normal?"

"Yes," Natilite replied. "Is there no great divide between wealth and technology in your world?"

"There is. I am just shocked.... I don't know why I am that shocked. It is just weird seeing all that Magitech and now, a step in the past."

Fraeya eased into the conversation. "Sorry to eavesdrop. I am not an engineer, but this is common. It requires a lot of money and energy to construct such things. This type of technology is out of reach for most tribal societies."

"That makes sense," Forest said. "Cities have always wanted to keep the wealth away from rural areas while demanding food. Then, they can use that power to keep them loyal."

"Not now, Forest," King said.

"What?" Forest said. "This farm boy is just stating the truth."

"It is impressive, though," Gonzales said. "You have these villages at this stage next to major economic centers. I am shocked that the civilized world had not swept through these lands. There seems to be some coexistence between them."

"You could say that," Natilite said. "Salva was a City-State, not part of a greater empire until the Aristocracy annexed the region. Before that, it was only part of a confederacy of other City-States."

"What was this confederacy?" Ryder asked.

"The Daru'uie Confederacy," Natilite replied. "The House of Balan, a Lat House installed by Hispana centuries ago, was the central family that led this confederacy. I do not know the details, but when the Verliance Aristocracy came here, they took the capital city overnight."

"House of Balan?" Ryder asked. "I cannot imagine ruling over a country one day and all of it is gone the next. It is a job I never would want."

"Are those common in this world?" King asked. "City-States, I mean."

"Yes," Natilite said. "Are they not on yours?"

"Not at all," King replied. "There are only four or five on Earth in total?"

"Interesting," Natilie said. "Still, villages like these usually align to the nearest town or City-States. Suppose those two are not a feasible option. In that case, they might loosely join the overruling power of the lands, like Hispana or the Aristocracy. They are left alone as long as they tribute their crops and soldiers when needed."

As the Comanche walked through the village, they saw most of the population being kitsune; however, there were other races. Nekos and Farians were around doing most of them, and a single orc was forging.

While Ryder was still learning about the racial hierarchy of this world, he could tell some species were masculine and feminine. The Neko looked like a humanoid version of a cat on Earth, being something Altaerrie girls would cosplay or their casual clothing with head cat ears headsets.

The farians and nekos were cleaning and taking care of the villagers. Just like the two outside, they seemed to be treated poorly, being slaves of this world. The Orc was not equal to the Kitsine with the type of clothing and chain around its neck. However, something seemed different. He appeared well-fed and more respected, but he was left alone to do his tasks. The Orc hands a villager a tool, and to Ryder's confusion, the villager pays the blacksmith. The captain knew the Orc had to be a slave; however, he seemed to be different than the others, making him wonder if there was a different system in this world.

Once at the center of the village, Ryder saw a big wooden building. He could quickly tell it was the elder house based on the decorations. There were trophies along the walls, including beast and monster skulls, jewelry, specially designed weapons from rival tribes, and the many wives who were caretaking the house.

The three wives were dressed more decoratively compared to the ones outside, showing their status within this society. It was clear the clothing was handmade, not bought from a city. Each woman had their color, one being red, green, and the other teal. Each had silver necklaces and decorative jewels in their hair.

Ryder stopped before the village edger and performed the same welcoming jester and introductions. He placed one hand behind his back while the other held out, his palm facing up, slightly bowing.

The Elder called himself Roaton, and while he showed a positive impression of the American arrival, Ryder could tell it was a mask. The Elder placed his hand on the captain's palm, ending the formal greeting.

"Nice to meet you," Ryder said. "I am an officer of the United States Army from the world you refer to Altaerrie. I am here to offer gifts and propose peaceful cooperation."

When the team captain gave the signal, Ford sat the large box on the ground before opening it.

"My people created this gift, giving examples of what we could offer," Ryder said.

Fraeya then explained what was in the box: medical supplies, food, basic handheld radios, and other tools and equipment that could benefit low–tech people.

"Thank you for these gifts," Roaton said. "We cannot offer much; however, we provide some of the valley's proudest crops. We also have the purest silver from the local mine."

Two females, both Kitsunes, approached. Ryder could tell they were slaves from the collars on their necks, but again, they seemed to be different compared to the labor slaves outside. To add to his confusion about how slavery worked in this world, both servants were kitsunes and not like the ones outside. While he did not support the institution, why enslave your own kind when you have alternative options?

The two displayed some of the village's crops and silver decorations. One crop looked like a jury-blurred orange, while the other looked closer to corn. The silver was shaped like an animal, designed to impress outsiders with its craftsmanship.

"We appreciate the gifts," Ryder said.

"Indeed," Roaton said. "Please come inside, and we can discuss why you are here."

"I'm happy to," Ryder said. "But first, my medic-." He glanced over to Natilite after hearing fake clearing her throat. He realized his mistake, using the wrong terms. "My healer wishes to aid any sick folk you may have."

"A healer?" Roaton said. "Very well. Someone will take them there as we have so many hurt workers."

Ryder ordered Marcos Gonzales to provide medical assistance to the villagers and Kurt Forest for protection. Once the two walked in, he informed Ford and Higgins to remain outside. At the same time, he, Rommel King, Fraeya Holiadon, and Natilite entered the elder house.

Inside was a long table in the middle with two fireplaces at the ends. Unlike the electric-crystal lights at Salva, there were candles everywhere, which provided light.

Kneeling at the table, Ryder saw the servants place drinks and meals on it. This sight caused him discomfort, as he had never experienced being served by a slave before. He tried to hide his opinion, as he did not want to offend - reminding himself that this was not his world and was not the time to go on a moral crusade.

"Now that we are settled," Roaton said. "Where do you hail from? You said another world called Altaerrie?"

"We are from the United States," Ryder replied confusedly.

Natilite leaned in, quickly interjecting. "However, we have allied with the City-State of Salva. That is where we hail from?"

"Does that mean you have allied with Lord Braern Gilmenor?"

"No," Ryder said. "Sadly, he fell in battle against the Verliance Aristocracy during the last siege. However, he intended to ally with my people in this war."

"I see," Roaton said. "Who leads the city then?"

Ryder glanced toward his XO and saw the same reaction of concern. The truth was that there was no leader. The Militia was leaderless, and the Americans were still establishing themselves. He feared that stating an American commander was in total charge now might send the wrong message; however, he saw no other option. Turning back to the Elder, he said, "Colonel William Hackett is the current commanding officer of the city."

"I see," Roaton said. He took a bite from his meal, intently doing this to delay his response. "You are telling me that an outsider controls the city?"

"That is not exactly what I mean," Ryder said. "Because of the loss of the formal leader, Salva is currently rebuilding and reorganizing. While we currently have a leadership role, it is a partnership. We are allies with a common enemy."

"Are you attempting to recruit us for war?"

"We are not coming here to recruit your sons for war; however, any aid will always be useful. This is what my people are offering. We will guarantee your security and assist in representing trade disputes. We also offer the market of Salva and access to our technology. In return, we wish for food, any military aid, but most importantly, aligning to our side."

The Elder whispered to the village Protector before returning to the conversation.

"Your people seem nice; however, your efforts are fruitless. We already know about the other villages rejecting you and your recent defeats against the Verliance Aristocracy."

"Correction," King said. "We did not lose. We held and won. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"True," Roaton said. "I meant no disrespect, but my meaning was, why should I gamble my village's future for people from another world? You say you can guarantee our security; however, that is the offer of every power who wishes to extend their influence."

Ryder wanted to express a sign of frustration but held his frame. This has been the same issue with the other villages. While there were hiccups with the Salva Militia, and those were related to emotional stress after losing their city twice within a week, these people have a more practical reason: the lack of credibility.

"The difference is that you can work closely with us," Ryder said. "We have already proven we can stop and defeat the other powers. More importantly, we are not here to force our religion on you. Religious freedom and expression are essential to my people, unlike Unity."

Roaton took a long sip from his tea before speaking. "What you say does sound interesting, and if it were only me, I would consider it. However, the issue that hangs above us remains. You are a power from another world that knows nothing of ours. Whatever little victories you have claimed is insufficient to prove you will outlast the enemy. We might be a simple village, but we are not unaware of the greater world. I know who the Unity are. I know who the Aristocracy is. More importantly, I do not know who you are."

"Is it because they are Lats?" Fraeya asked.

"Not at all," Roaton said. "I prefer dealing with the Lats over the others. We supported the House of Balan in these lands before Kallem's annexation. Anyone who can mix business and war is a species I wish to side with."

"As I said," Roaton continued. "All I see are people with strange equipment asking for help from a village to go up against the most powerful empire Alagore has ever seen. You have no nobles, leaders, or any form of sponsorship. You only have a Templar – which many have defected to the Unity, an elf girl, and a leaderless militia. Would you accept that offer, Captain Ryder of Altaerrie?"

Feeling nothing but frustration, Ryder knew the answer, which was no. He couldn't say that as it would ruin any chance to find a diplomatic solution; however, the Elder was smart enough to already.

"I would not throw away a potentially prosperous relationship without allowing earning it," Ryder said. "There must be something you need that we can solve?"

The Elder was about to speak; however, the village's Protector whispered into his ear. Whatever was said changed the Elder's domineering of the village leader.

"I do believe there is an opportunity," Roaton said. "A few days ago, soldiers from Toriffa appeared and took many of my people—eight young men and women for the war effort. Maybe we could continue negotiations if you find and bring them back."

Ryder was not a fan of the proposal. Attacking a third party they knew nothing about was not ideal. For all he knew, this was a rivalry, and this Elder was taking advantage of their lack of knowledge. "Can you give us a moment?"

Seeing the Elder nod in approval, the four stood up and headed to the other end of the room.

"What do you think?" Ryder asked.

"You already know what I think," King said.

"Say it anyway."

"We should say no," King said. "We don't know who these Toriffa are. Our position is very weak, and we shouldn't stick our neck out without more information. We don't even know if they are telling the truth. It could be a trap."

"How can you say that?" Fraeya asked. "That is why these villages do not want to align with us."

"I say that because that is my job," King said. "I already know Matt wants to take the offer; otherwise, he would have rejected it. As his XO, I must give him the opposing opinion."

Fraeya looked at the XO confusedly. "So, you are intentionally misleading?"

"No, Fraeya," Ryder said. "He is saying what needs to be said so we can be as informed as possible. None of it is personal."

"Is this another military thing?"

"Yes." Ryder turned to the Templar. "Natilite, what do you know about Toriffa?"

"Not much," Natilite said as she crossed her arms. "I do know they were once ruled by the Dwarves centuries ago but are now controlled by the J'avais. They are one of the wealthiest states within the region and, more importantly, a close ally of the Verliance Aristocracy. They are key to Kallem's grip over these people. If you are enemies of the Aristocracy, they are your enemy, and soon enough, you will face them in battle."

"Interesting," Ryder said. "I think we should take the offer. If anything, treat it as a recon mission on them. We should take them seriously if they are the Aristocracy allies."

"If that is your decision, then I have your back," King said.

After making his decision, Ryder approached the Elder. "Tell us where to find these Toriffa, and we will go from there."

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