HSR: OneShot

By ChrisWolfblood

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Some of the ladies in HSR don't have that many fanfics and humble ol' little obsessed me decided to rectify t... More

Acheron - Who is she
Firefly - Hold On
Fu Xuan - Beautiful Mistakes
Hanya - Devil in disguise
Herta - Innocently Annoying
Natasha - Trouble
Topaz - Prada
Yukong - The Archer x Not Strong Enough

Acheron - Mad Love

705 11 90
By ChrisWolfblood

Request - @acheronswife_real

(Y/N) - I'll decide on the outfit so that it's easier for me. Plus, unless it is precise, I am writing the abilities I think fit to story.

3254 words.



Penacony was the most well known... Entertainment planet let's says... But of course it was not the only one.

Humans are known to go crazy under boredom, brain lacking stimulation and creating it itself.

And not only that but that doesn't matter in the long or short run.

What does is the neon lights of the rain city shining bright under the elemental flood being the only source of light to guide the people along.

Neon signs so bright it would hurt to look directly at them, blasting half garbled publicity that has been on loop for eras it seemed, sound distorted and drowned by the falling water.

The clicking off heels on pavement also barely heard under the ravaging strength of the pelting rain but a simple red umbrella was enough to keep the owner of it mostly protected from the elements, legs still splashed with the anger of the sky.

A woman ignored by most of the people making their way through the dark evening graced by this rain storm from hell. Not seen, passed over, even when she stood out with her colors.

Heh... She barely had any and not simply talking about her outfit being mostly white and purple with blacks and goldens... She didn't really care anyway, that's all she needed, but she did stand out against this sea of black and dark outfits.

She couldn't fully remember why she was here but she knew she needed to be, that was enough for her.
Not wanting to take out her phone and look through the hundreds of notes or pull out her sword to remember, not right now, just following where her legs were leading her.

"Hmm..." But like with after that dance with the memokeeper that was now a really distant memory, thinking a lot about a question did lead her to remembering the answer or the reason for the question itself, just like muttering the name annihilation gang let her remember them for a moment. "Oh... That's why." She muttered... Acheron hmming softly.

That's right, hired to try to stop a criminal... to try.

This criminal was supposed to be so elusive and yet known enough that people were ready to pay any amount to a mysterious galaxy ranger with not information about her available if she was able to just give them a hint of anything about them.

Acheron sighed... Was this the third? Fourth? Time she was hired for the same case in this month alone? Always coming back empty handed but that was not what mattered to her... It was just how to spend all this money since aeons did she get paid even for the barest info she could gather... She doesn't need this much.

Why couldn't it be that stelleron hunter? It would be easier... What's her name already? Lovecraft? Poe? It was some old timey author name... Even that would be easier... But no, she was stuck with always accepting these offers for this job... No matter her silent complaints tho, she would keep accepting these jobs each time. Time and time again.

With a sigh, folding the umbrella and abandoning it off to the side somewhere, she could always buy a new one, letting the rain instantly drench her, getting off the beaten paths of the tightly packed city, trough thin alleys and high underpasses, getting where the latest scene was.

A jeweler on the other side of the street she was now standing on, black and yellow tape strung up and windows broken in, the body of who was probably the owner hung out the broken window with the shards of the windows still in place piercing out of its body with three cop-like people working around the scene.

She didn't approach, eyes momentarily training on the untouched jewels... Or at least those that remained, knowing the criminal she was looking for was not the one to have taken them.

Who she is tracking is not really a criminal in the stealing sense... More like a murderer that can never be caught and all that is known about them it almost nothing: dressing in complete dark outfit that changes depending on the planet they pop up on, the only thing the same always it the whole head covering helmet in the shape of a wolf head and so that's why the IPC and the populous took up the title of Black Shuck to refer them, some old myth about a deadly dog at crossroads from amber eras ago or something.

Her eyes moved around, looking for a sign, something that would make a familiar feeling come through since, after all, she tends to forget thing which is why, rather than memories, she's accustomed to using emotions to capture what she normally wouldn't otherwise.

And she did.

It was faint, no one would really know unless they were Acheron, she was somewhat taught to look for it, how she remembered too always surprised her... It was not even feelings that made her do it tho they helped, it was outright knowing she needed... Seems like even THEY couldn't get everything out of her, she does still have a bit of color after all... Even aeons can't rip some things from humans if they truly hold into it with all of their strength.

It was like the slight glitching of the brick surface nearby... Only slightly since it didn't actually look like glitching but that was the closest to what she could describe it as at first glance. It was like the edges of reality were blurring, like the brick was... Not brick... It was not something different, it was bricks that were not, something that was and wasn't.

And it was almost a taunt left for her, a taunt to follow.

Following this trail, it was one mark the would fizzle out, but it being visible meant the closeness of the owner of it.

And she had some experience to be able to pinpoint the owner just by the shape and looks of these marks, by muscle memory able to filter out the info what such a blotch could give, it was like this: placing the mark and moving a meter to the right would result in a shift of its form but each time the same movements were repeated, always making the mark and moving a meter to the right would result in the same exact shift.

And so she lead herself to the roof of a dilapidated liquor store... How thematic... Wasn't it in a similar place they first met?

Holding the sword's hilt tho not pulling the scabbard off, she never did, hand over the hilt being flexed and ready to swing.

What sounded like the cracking of a glass sheet, understand it how you will, came behind her, making her bend her back to the side with a spin to the side, the heel of a boot passing at a hair from her cheek's high bone, feeling the rubber of it ghost over her skin.

Swinging the sword up and hitting ribs, sending the body flying hard into the roof exit of the building, the concrete cracking and breaking with a huge blast of dust into the air.

"Gah... Dammit... I thought I had you this time." The hiss of a distorted voice came as the cloud was quickly dissipated with help of the rain, the body pulling itself out of the slight rubble.

This time it was a black biker-punk-thingy-type of outfit: thick studded boots, slim-fit pants that seemed to lack pockets, a jacket that was really short with spikes on the shoulders and collar, exposing the slim midriff that was lacking anything to cover it, the sleeve bunched up at the elbows with half gloves that only covered the thumb to pointer fingers with spike band around the wrists... And of course the wolf head helmet.

"You'll never succeed." She shook her head, putting her sword away, hanging it in place instead of cutting down the criminal, still stepping closer, crossing the distance.

No one knew anything about this person... No one that wasn't Acheron at least.

Out of everything, she had clung to these memories like a rabid dog, no aeon should, would, could be able to rip them from her, it was what color she had left.

"I will get you one of these days." Reaching up for the helmet, actually removing it and watching it fade into that is-isn't hole of power as the head was shook out like a dog would, touching the revealed hair for a moment.

Purple eyes staring into (E/C) eyes lacking any pupils with a smile between cocky and loving visible on the gentle face.

Yes, these memories she wouldn't let herself forget... It all started one that planet damned by the stelleron: Pteruges-V.

A planet where humans lacked the feeling of fear, would give into their desires to fill the void left by the missing emotion and would become devils.

She had only visited once but such was the start of a story that shouldn't have been.

Her strong arms reaching out... But not to apprehend or retrain, no... To pass under the other woman's arms and meet up again, hands over each other and pressed on the other's back while her head rested on the upper chest.

The other looped her arms around her in a rougher type of hug, chin resting on top of Acheron's head.

Devil? Acheron didn't think so.

Murderer? She had her reasons.

Why could no one get close to even finding out who the Black Shuck was? Not only because of the criminal's own abilities but also because the gleam of a red blade and a hint of white hair would make sure of it if the criminal's own efforts fell a bit short.

"It has been a while." She said, content to remain like this for a while, it was so few and far between.

"It sure has darling." A chuckle came, voice clearly female without the mask to distort it. "Have you missed little ol' (Y/N)? I am flattered. Truly" She said.

It was on Pteruges-V she first ran into this fearless woman, already a horrid person back then. Blood already staining her hand by her actions.

She could have cut her down, just like how her, at the time, mission demanded, but she didn't.

She had listened, intrigued by feelings enough to lower her sword long enough.

(Y/N), much like that old-author named stelleron hunter, was looking for something, something Acheron had judged a good enough reason to let this wanted devil go.

As much of a murderer she was, as much of a bounty on her head that she got, it was all out of love.

It took  her a while to understand but (Y/N) had so much love to give.

"What did he do?" She asked her criminal... Yes, her criminal, no one else's, no one could get this close and live, either (Y/N) or Acheron herself would make sure of that.

"Underground trafficking of children."

"Mmm... I told you to not make such a scene after last time."

"Sorry darling but I couldn't help it, he deserve it."

Yes, love.

Tho (Y/N) had two ways of showing the love she looked for.

One was reserved for the darling galaxy ranger, the most mainstream version of love anyone could feel. It was a good love but not the other type.

And one was reserved to the rest of humanity.

She loved so much, so much that she'd promise those that couldn't would feel it through death.

The IPC tagged her as a murderer but each death rid the worlds of rapists, kidnappers, traffickers, dealers... The worlds were just not ready to accept that those people were the same as teachers, politicians, parents, cops... The dark truth these people hid would die with them out of love (Y/N) had for the people they had hurt when alive.

If the law couldn't love enough to protect people from these true devils then someone that only wanted love would be the greater devil and free the worlds of them through her own means.

Finally breaking from the hug but still standing close.

Pulling a little rolled up list from her pocket, Acheron held it over, (Y/N) plucking it from between her fingers and put it in her jacket's pockets.

There was more then one reason Acheron always took this assignment despite it being a slight burden at the end of the day, not only to see her, not only to be sure she was the one doing these missions... But also because of this.

That little list having names, planets, of the next up victims of the Black Shuck.

"Oh how lovely darling, you always know how to make my day."

"It is night."

"Haha! You know what I mean."

Love, the great driver of the universe.

And a devil from the aeon forsaken planet with no fear would uphold it.

"But because you were messy it means you'll need to go in hiding a bit as they will beef up controls and security." Acheron's hand resting on (Y/N) shoulder.

"Such a shame, it seems I'll need to stay with you a bit longer darling."

"How I hate it." She smiled a little as the other had a huge grin.

"FREEZE!!" The moment interrupted by the squad of cops rolling up through the door of the roof exit... The same she saw at the jeweler's. "Criminal scum!"

"Have you heard a patrol car roll up?" (Y/N) casually asked, not looking at the men but at her ranger.

"No, I think they might have followed me, I might not have been that discreet either."

"Hmm. I don't think they have reinforcement either." (Y/N) said. 

"I said freeze!!"

A sigh from the slightly taller criminal.

"Darling?" Tilting her head down like a puppy.

"Fine, you know I can't let you be caught." It was adorable how the moment someone was not her target, (Y/N) would always ask her for permission if the ranger was around. She crossed her arms on her chest, not envying these cops, probably IPC workers, for their soon to be fate.

"Ah I love you." For now only pressing a light kiss on her cheek, something that once again got a smile from the ranger. "Lovely people, you heard her! I can dispose of you!"

"St--" In a flash of those muddled realities, (Y/N) had slipped through and appeared behind them, hand slashing out, palming the back of the nearest cop's head yanking backwards but by the time he fell down, a hand shaped reality hole was on the back of his skull and the brain was flowing out of it in a gooey state, glitching in the way the bricks did tho the effect was already fading.

The next got side kicked in the throat before the same boot's tip slammed down into the ribs of the last one.

Pulling a knife out of the hole in reality to swing down into the temple of the rib-kicked dude, crouching over him, twisting the blade.

She barely felt the gust of wind under the rain but she saw the red flash, looking up to the left as Acheron clicked the sword back into the scabbard.

"Make sure you kill those with guns before moving on." She calmly said, watching the headless body drop the gun previously aimed at the criminal. "Or at least break their neck when you kick them there."

"Ah sorry, I underestimated their toughness, can you forgive me?" (Y/N) asked, passing a hand over her hair even if it didn't change anything since the rain just drenched all.

"It's not like I will remember to be mad."

"Liar." (Y/N) stood with a chuckle, looping an arm around her, pulling her against her. "When it comes to me you can't forget."

"No aeon could make me." She agreed. "You are my color."

"Lovely." much expected, giving her a kiss on the lips.

"Now now." Acheron pushed her back, finger pressing into her criminal's cheek to push her back. 

"Why are you so cruel? It has been months since I saw you, messaging is not the same darling." A kicked puppy pout.

"As much as I am for it... I've been in the rain long enough, there are dead authority members at our feet and I don't want to be another cliche... Let's get out of here first."

"Oh your wish is my command my darling." Grabbing her hand still on her face, kissing the back of her knuckles with a look in those (E/C) eyes the ranger loved so much. "Lead the way."


Despite what lead to this point, what happened before this moment more precisely... It almost felt normal a lazy evening between a normal couple.

The lover of the universe and the galaxy ranger in the latter's rented hotel room for this somewhat doomed to failed mission.

The criminal with a bounty nearing the stelleron hunters' amount sitting on the couch in borrowed shorts and T-shirt that was almost too small for comfort as it was not made for her body type, the light of a not watched TV show filling the dark room. A hand resting on the back of said couch, the other tracing lazy circles on soft skin near the knee of the other woman sitting next to her in an almost exact match to her outfit if it was not for the color changing to it as both their outfits were drenched completely.

(Y/N)'s darling having her head casually on her shoulder as she watched the show carelessly, just needing to watch something as her arm lazily looped around the one touching her leg, like a loosely held plush would be held, knees touching.

There was much time before security would drop off and (Y/N) would once again vanish, for her next target to bite the dust, so tonight nothing was rushed, they'd have time for whatever later.

(Y/N) had long stopped watching the show, watching the ranger with a soft smile, admiring the lines of her face, the curve of her nose, the arch of her brow, everything was perfect.

Unlike the most well known person from Pteruges-V, Kafka from the stelleron hunters, (Y/N) motives were nothing short of just. While that woman wanted to know the feeling of fear to fill the hole carved into every inhabitant of that planet because of the lack of such feeling, (Y/N) had filled in the hole with love.

Dangerous love but love still.

And she was not letting go.

"Hmm?" Acheron looked up, feeling the kiss pressed on top of her head in her hair.

In this lighting the criminal was even more lovely, this light elevating all little details to her, this almost sickly black and white light with just a touch of color.

"I love you darling."

"Sappy." She said, not really the one to say those three words but (Y/N) didn't require them since both knew this was true.

A mad, mad love.

One between a criminal and a ranger.

One of taboo and hiding.

But neither cared for such was their life and nothing would make them change it.

And those eyes... Those damned eyes... Daring her in...

Reaching up, touching (Y/N) cheek, fingers ghostly light against her skin.


"You are stupidly irresistible."


"Mhm, you are hard to look at without doing anything."

"Oh darling... Show me~"

"I might."


"That all I have, they are like average height." Acheron gave a bored shrug, giving the info the barely found it to the one to have hired her.

"Thank you for your help, greatly appreciated."

She didn't answer, grabbing the credits with a sigh, so much for so little.

She didn't exactly remember why she accepted such a job but she knew she'll keeps accepting them.

That's the easiest way of finding her criminal for their next meeting.


Yes requestor, there is a hint of an innuendo in there... just in case if you one day request a smut for these two, so I can reuse this oneshot's established story.

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