Yandere!Under verse x Reader

By CherryEclipse2648

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Yandere Under verse x Reader. Reader is from my au, Memorytale. Under verse does not belong to me, it belong... More

The Apple Brothers
Memories vs Destruction
Memories and Nightmares
Memories vs Creation
Yandere List
Memories and Dreams
The Mind Siblings
Strangers or Friends?
Timeline 1
Timeline 2
Timeline 3
Timeline 4
Taking care of the brothers
Calls and Ink
Therapy with Ink
What a weird Dream...

Waking Up

103 6 0
By CherryEclipse2648

A/n: around 250 years have passed and Dream is still a statue


Cold. That's all you know, cold. The outside world is blurry, but you think it's moving. You don't know. You can only watch from the mindscape, but even those lines are starting to blur together. You did practice with your magic, and found you can move from mindscape to mindscape, so you used that to do your job of protecting peoples memories. You aren't really sure what's going on in Dreamtale because it's quiet. There are no birds singing, and the flowers aren't blooming, it seems like it really was the end...wasn't it?

???, muffled: hey kid. Kid are you there?

Y/n perks up slightly, their eyes opening blearly in the mindscape...did that come from the outside? I think it did...come on Y/n, you have to try to wake up.

???, abit more clear: Kid! Wake up, will ya! You're scaring us!

Y/n tries to wake up, the mindscape they have been trapped in for 2 centuries and 5 decades, slowly fading to black.

???: Kid! I know you can do it! You're almost there! Just follow my voice!

Y/n squeezes their eyes shut, trying to imagine themselves waking up...and then they open their eyes. Y/n looks around blearily, the colors and sounds being too much for them. Y/n does register the fact that someone has touched them and is helping them sit up. Y/n's legs feel like jelly, having been asleep for far too long.

???, sighing in relief: There ya go kiddo...what're doing in an au like this? This is no place for you to be!

Y/n blinks, trying to register the words as they look at who spoke...seeing a skeleton with wings? How odd...

(i drew dis. And that is Memory!Sans, but we just call him Memory <3)

The skeleton seems to notice your confusion and bleariness, and smiles softly, handing Y/n a small candy apple. Y/n takes it an looks at the apple in confusion.

???, smiling: Eat it, it'll help you regain your strength. So, what's your name kiddo?

Y/n glances at him, before looking at the apple. They aren't sure if they should trust him, but she is hungry after all...so she took a bite and stars went into their eyes at the taste. Y/n starts to eat it like a ravenous wolf, and the skeleton panics slightly.

???: Hey! Slow down kiddo! I don't want you to choke!

Y/n coughs, having eaten too fast as the skeleton pats their back to help them.

???, sighing: Well, guess I should introduce myself. My name is Sans, and I come from Memorytale...but that'll get you confused with other sans you meet, so just call me Memory, okay kiddo?

Y/n nods and looks up at him, noting that he looks familiar somehow, but doesn't know why he looks familiar..also, the whole au thing confused them. Memory notices and chuckles softly, ruffling your head fur.

Memory: Don't worry Kiddo, I'll explain everything to you, okay?

Y/n nods, looking at him in curiosity and knowing they can trust him without knowing how they know they can trust him.

Memory: Well, as I said before, my name is Memory!Sans, and I come from the au, Memorytale. Au stands for Alternate Universe, like this one and Memorytale. We all come from the original universe, Undertale, but certain circumstances make us change...or in simple terms, an au happens because a change happens in the original, be it in the past or future.

Y/n nods slowly, rubbing their eyes tiredly, still wanting to sleep. Memory chuckles.

Memory: I know you want to sleep, Kiddo, but you can't at the moment. So, what's your name?

Y/n, yawning: I-i'm Y/n...it's nice to meet you Memory.

Memory, nodding: nice to meet you as well...now how about we get out of this au, and find you someplace to stay?

Y/n, now abit distressed: but my brothers! I gotta find my brothers!

Memory blinks slowly, taking in the information.

Memory: brothers?

Y/n, nodding: mhm! Their names are Dream and Nightmare!

Memory, slowly: Well, I recognize one of those names, but I don't know the other. Who is Dream?

Y/n: Dream is my younger brother! He's the guardian of positivity!

Memory: well waddya know...there is a guardian of positivity...but if those two are your brothers, doesn't that mean that you're also a guardian?

Memory asks that last question with a raised brow as Y/n nods, their wings flapping in distress.

Y/n: Y-yeah! I'm the guardian of memories!

Memory, now confused: but I thought I was the guardian of memories...well, we can have two guardians I guess...but if you are a guardian, the best thing for you to do right now is learn how to use your powers physically...I know you've been using them mentally, that's how I was able to find you.

Y/n nods, looking at the skeleton with teary eyes and a puppy dog look that they had mastered from Dream. Memory sighs and runs a hand over his face.

Memory, sighing: alright, I'll help you look for 'em, but I'm also helping ya with yer powers kiddo...but you might not like what you see when you see Nightmare again, and I don't know where Dream is, but we can search for him, okay?

Y/n nods, completely fine with this. Memory stands up and extends his hand towards Y/n. Y/n takes his hand with no hesitation, determined to find their brothers.

Memory, sighing: I hate work, but I do gotta help ya...Besides, Yagi(Toriel) will be able to help you as well, same with the kids.

Y/n nods and Memory makes a portal out of ice, similar to the ones Y/n can do, but also noticeably different. Memory walks through it, with Y/n following. The two appear in Memorytale, in a plaza. Y/n looks around, and lets out a breath they didn't know they were holding. This place, Memorytale, feels like home. It feels like they came home after years..

(A/n: multiple timeskip warning)

~~timeskip of 10 years~~

A/n: Y/n is 18 now physically, but 276 in total, counting the years they were asleep and didn't age.

So, as it turns out, Y/n is the original guardian of memories, but their disappearance, aka them falling asleep for 250 years, caused Memory to become the new guardian of memories. You two didn't really mind this, and actually got along pretty well. You also did get along well with Memory's adopted kids, Hope and Willow, with them becoming your siblings and Memory being your adopted father. At the current moment, you are in a forest, walking with Memory.

Memory: Kiddo, you've done well with your powers. You learned quicker than I ever did! That's pretty cool of you, if you ask me.

Y/n, snickering: If Paz(Pazuru= Papyrus) heard you now, he's be screaming his skull of like a goat!

Memory laughs and nods, stretching his wings.

Memory: Ain't that the truth...now then Kiddo, how about a race with your wings to see if you've gotten faster than me, alright?

Y/n nods with determination in their eyes, their wings flapping excitedly.

Y/n: I always am, papa! Where's the finish line?

Memory chuckles, abit sadly but he covers it up. He points his wing in a direction.

Memory: The finish race is at the plaza infront of the Dremurr castle. Ready?

Y/n, nodding: As I'll ever be!

Memory, eyes narrowed: Then let's go!

Memory opens his wings and shoots off like a bullet in the air, with you close behind. Memory dives down and flies through the forest, and you follow him, abit curious and determined to not lose this race. Y/n flaps their wings harder, slowly gaining speed and catching up to Memory. Memory notices and sends some ice bones at you. You are startled, but dodge all of them, getting out your scythe and cutting all of them in half as you catch up more, now at his leg. Memory looks at you and chuckles.

Memory: You'll have to be faster than that if you want to beat me, kiddo!

Memory then flaps his wings again, zooming away. Y/n blinks in surprise and follows, trying to catch up to him, but Memory is too fast and reaches the finish line 5 minutes before Y/n does. Y/n reaches the plaza and lands, panting. Memory looks amused.

Y/n: I-I didn't know you were that fast!

Memory: I'm allowed to have my secrets kiddo...but now I know what to help ya with next.

Y/n, tilting their head: helping me with what?

Memory, chuckling: you'll find out.

~~mini timeskip of 100 years~~

A/n: Y/n is now 118 years old, but 376 in actuality bc of the sleep


Memory has taught you a lot of things, and so did the others. Bellum(Undyne) taught you how to be determined and think on the fly(pun intended) and how to act quickly in battle. Chishiki(Alphys) taught you how to use electronics and how to hack into them. Yagi(Toriel) taught you how to heal with your magic, and how to spare others while checking their soul. Rex(Asgore) taught you how to be a leader when all seemed hopeless and how to fight in case one of your limbs cannot be used. Ko(Asriel) taught you how to enjoy life while it lasts, and to enjoy the moment.

Ophelia(orignal character) taught you how to make toys and how to make voodoo dolls out them because that's a useful skill.Gothel(orignal character) taught you how to better use your peaceful aura against your enemies to knock them out or to stop the fight. Blank(Gaster) taught you how to delete memories and how to hide in plain sight from others sight using memories. Pazuru taught you how to make excellent puzzles that are actually challenging and how to make puns accidentally(he blames Memory for that one). Fama(Mettaton) taught you to be fabulous while battling, some dancing skills, how to sing, and how to distract ones opponent with your powers. Toge(Flowey. Yes you saw both of them) taught you how to brutally kill your enemies without any hesitation!...and how to act, because that's important.

Agni(Grillby) taught you how to cook with the ingredients you have. The dogs taught you how to use your other senes to your advantage, so you now know what to do if you ever get blinded...and then we have the human souls. Crour(Chara) taught you how to the Creepy Face(™) and how to use your own RESET powers. Jihi(Frisk) taught you how to be kind and merciful to everyone...despite them having gone on the genocide route multiple times. Alex(integrity) taught you how to incorporate dance moves into your own fighting style to make your moves unpredictable, while also looking graceful.

Wendy(Patience) taught you to be patient(what a shocker), and how to heal more efficiently in certain area, like the chest, legs, head, and arms. Saturn(Justice) taught you how to use an actual gun and a magic gun, teaching them how to see someones soul to see if they are innocent or not, like a special kind of vision. Catherine(Bravery) taught you hand to hand combat, despite only having one arm. They also taught you how to read your opponents movements in battle.

Agnus(Perseverance) taught you how to read bc you didn't know how to read that well. They also taught you how to store memories in the mindscape, like one giant library. Venus(kindess) taught you how to be kind and heal people with food via magic. They also taught you some good skills and tips for helping people. Hope taught you to never give up hope, no matter how bleak things seem...and how unique peoples souls can be because they aren't stuck as just one color, but they can be multiple colors with various different designs, but still in that heart shape we all know and love. Willow taught you how to know if someone is being bullied or abused and what to do in that situation, and how to handle it. And then there's Memory...

Memory taught you everything he knows, ranging from summoning gaster blasters(your's look more like goat skulls) to how to permanently delete someone's memories. He also taught you how to open portals, taking you to various different au's so you can get the feel from the au's and see how everyone's memories differ...but now, it is time for you to leave and go your own route, protecting those who cannot defend themselves and those who do not know what to do.

Now let us go back to the story, shall we?

Memory, smiling sadly: It's been a fun ride Kiddo, but now it's time for you to leave. Do you remember who to look out for?

Y/n, nodding: Be careful of Ink, Error, Nightmare if I find him, Dream if I find him, and never, EVER go to Underlust.

(dis adult you, and what you'll look like throughout the rest of the story, unless stated)

Memory, nodding: Good, I've taught you well.

Bellum shoves Memory out of the way, causing him to squawk in outrage.

Bellum: Move outta the way Sans! It's my turn to say goodbye to them!

Bellum then pulls you into a noogie, causing you to shout in surprise.

Bellum, nooging you: See ya Punk! Don't forget about us, okay! You better come and visit us, or I'm gonna come out there and find you myself!

Y/n, sighing and nodding: Yes Undyne.

Bellum, laughing: Good! We'll see you around punk!

Bellum lets go of Y/n, and Yagi steps up, hugging them.

Yagi: I wish you well my child. I hope you remain safe and sound out there...

Y/n, hugging back: I'll be fine goat mom! Promise!

Yagi nods and steps back.

Yagi: I know, but I am still concerned about you my child. Come back whenever you would like. You always have a home with us here.

Y/n nods teary eyed as everyone says goodbye to them. Y/n makes an ice portal and hops through it, landing in a plains field and closing the portal behind them. Y/n then hears the bushes rustling next to them, getting their scythe out and ready in case they need to defend themselves...and out of the bushes comes a skeleton wearing brown clothes, a giant paintbrush, and an ink split in his cheek...

Word Count: 2463

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