Sokeefe Oneshots

By annabethswifttv

8.9K 177 397

[COMPLETE] sokeefe oneshots!! these are just lil short stories filled with sokeefe 🥰love🥰 All characters ar... More

sleepover part 1
sleepover part 2
bookworms part 1
bookworms part 2
no excuses
that time
sokeefe vs fitzphie
sokeefe vs fitzphie part 2
sokeefe vs fitzphie part 3
i really do
i'm yours
make it stop
'Love Story (Taylor's Version)' AU
coffee shop


351 6 17
By annabethswifttv

~ h u m a n   a u ~

~ s o p h i e s   p o v ~

Sophie!!!!" Biana squealed. I groaned. This was NOT going to end well. "There's a party today and YOU ARE COMING NO MATTER WHAT!"

"Bi, seriously?!" I question. She always goes to parties and I never come. But today, she's insisting that I come. 

"Yes, seriously." She said, her face frowning. But it turned back into a big fat sappy grin as she said, "Tam is my date!"

"I don't even have a date!" I hiss, dragging a hand down my face. 

"Keefe's coming!" She responded, mocking annoyance.

Biana keeps shipping me and Keefe even though I know that there are no feeling there (A/N the obliviousness kills me though). "Please Biana. For the millionth time, I don't like him that way!" I hissed.

Biana just shook her head, not giving up. "I don't like him that way!" I say again. "We're friends!"

"Trust me. I know this from experience. The first step to a crush is denial." (A/N I also know this from experience my friend (gurl) and my other friend (boi) like each other 4 sure but keep denying it lol) 

"Bi, come on." I say, exhausted. "Please let me stay in our dorm."

"No!" She says, walking into the giant bathroom. And I know that there is no way that I can argue now. So I groan and get up. "Thank you!" she calls from the bathroom. I groan again.

 ~ s k i p    t o    t h e    p a r t y    b e c a u s e    i m    a    l a z y    p e r s o n ~

I sit outside of the large party room on the balcony, staring out at the midnight sea (A/N lol Tay reference! "The Last Great American Dynasty" from folklore). I hear a noise of creaking wood and turn around, only to find Keefe.

"Hey Foster," he says, walking up to me. He looks drunk, but then again, he always does.

"Keefe," I say, turning back around to face the sea again, the wind blowing my hair in my face. He reaches up to tuck a stand of my hair behind my ear. A chill travels down my spine even thought it's not really cold outside. 

"May I ask what you are doing here?" he whispers, crouching down next to me. I turn my head so that I'm facing him.

"Biana dragged me along."

"Ah, so the makeup queen made you come?" Keefe asked, smirking.

"Yup." I groan.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks me quietly. He seems nervous, but Keefe is never nervous.

"Anything," I say, looking back at the deep blue waves crashing to the shore.

"May I have this dance?"

"What?" I ask, shocked and confused. I whip my head around.

"May I have this dance?" he asks again, now standing up and holding out his hand.

"I- uh... sure," I say, accepting his offer and grabbing his hand. He leads me inside to the dance floor, and almost like it was planned, a slow song started playing. The lights slowed down as the people in the crowd started making pairs and swaying to the music.

Awwwww, now that's cuteeeeee

should i do another part? part 2?

lol im so bored rn idk y

hope u enjoyed!!!

sophieswiftie → out

word count: 547

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