Imprinted On A Vampire || Car...

By WindSpirittt

498 26 10

When a Werewolf, local to the Native American tribe in Forks Washinton, imprints on a centuries years old, le... More

s u m m a r y
I. Imprinted
II. Mates With A Werewolf
III. Traitor
IV. Blood Runs Thicker Than Water
V. But Both Feel The Same When Your Eyes Are Closed
VII. The Ballgame
VIII. The Choice
IX. Challenges

VI. Nomads

37 2 1
By WindSpirittt

AS RAINE HOWLED AT THE MOON she felt at home. Just another home feeling that she can count under her belt. Her family is her main feeling of being at home...

But what does that mean now is the question?

She has yet to figure it out.

She knew the tribe would always be family no matter what... But she can't help but feel that the Cullens were there for her in her darkest times while her family turned their backs just because she didn't follow tradition.

To hell with tradition...

That's when she perked up her head, it was a vampire, she wasn't sure where but she could smell them.

Raine growls, this is no Cullen, she thought to herself.

She ran in the direction.

A nomad possibly? The Cullens have been teaching her a lot about Vampire lore.

That's when she sees two teenagers walking through the woods talking amongst themselves... Why are they out here this late? She wonders. Both smell human... But the vampire scent wasn't gone.

Raine looks around when she spots a red-haired vampire crawling up a tree like a spider... She got into the animal defense position.

The teenagers went in the other direction and turned away from them, Raine looked back up only to see the vampire now on the ground with a swift quiet jump.

Just as the red vampire started at the kids Raine pounced on her!

But this vampire had reflexes as she backflips out of her way!

They stare off at each other as Raine growls at her...

Raine charges forward as she charges towards the wolf as well!

They fought for a good minute before Raine had the red-haired vampire devil on her back and her large claws held her down as she was ready to end this nomad's life when-

A blonde guy shoved her so hard that she hit a tree breaking a few bones in her body!

The two vampires stood up and turned to her as she shifted back to her human form.

"A werewolf," the man says with a smirk.

The redhead looked at her with a tilted head.

When someone whistled, "this is not our fight," said a man that Raine didn't see, "come on."

The three of them left in a flash... But Raine just held her ribs, "fuck... At least the pack can't make fun of me for this. But hey, I almost got you, red," she says to pretty much no one, "almost got you."


When Rosalie who was out of the house for a moment notices her.

Her eyes widened as she ran over in a flash, "are you okay?! What- Who-"

"Rose, Rose," Raine reigned her best friend in knowing full well of Rosalie's trauma, "I'm okay... Just broken ribs..."


"I ran into the vampires who have been killing people, they're in town," Raine explains.

"And they left you alive?" Rosalie asked confused as she helped her inside.

Alice ran downstairs with Jasper as she went straight to Raine, "Raine! I saw what happened! I was-"

"It's okay, I'm okay," Raine told her.

Jasper glanced at her arm holding her side, "you're sure you're fine?"

"Just broken ribs," Rosalie gave her a look, "you know not that important right?" She sarcastically says.

"It's a couple of broken ribs," Raine rolls her eyes, "I have accelerated healing."


"Raine, what happened to you?!" Esme rushes over seeing her state.

"Esme, I'm okay," she winces when trying to move forward.

"She's lying, it's obvious," Rosalie spoke for her.

"Raine?" Carlisle walks into the house in a hurry, he speeds over once he sees her, "Alice called me."

"Of course, she did," Raine sighs with a smile, finding it hard to be mad at Alice, "I'm okay, it was the nomads."

"We should postpone the ball game this week to next week or something," Rosalie crossed her arms.

"Wait," Raine looks between everyone, "what ballgame?"

"It's a family thing we do," Jasper says.

"Which you are now," Alice beams at her, "so-"

"No ballgame," Rosalie tried to suggest.

Emmett jumps down, "what are we talking about no ballgame for?"

"Where-" Raine looks above and at him, "where did you just come from?"

Carlisle holds her as he says, "I'm going to patch Raine up in the office," he told them, "come on, love."


Raine gave Esme a look who just smiles at her piping down.


"So not even my blood attracts you?" Raine asked as he stitched up a cut from the tree in her back. God, her back is scarred completely now, "because I could tell Jasper was a little struggling even with my... Wolf stench," she grins.

"It took years and years of practice," Carlisle explains himself, "but there has been a time in my long life when I would have merely thought about it."

"Just thought?" Raine asked, "you know this is a super weird conversation now I that I can hear myself..."

He chuckles, "we're not humans. This is pretty natural."

"Mhm, I guess you're correct," she looks at him, "so?"

"I don't relish the thought of hurting anyone or anything, I never have, I hated what I became when I turned," Carlisle sighs as he explains, "it was just... How I was raised. So no, I wouldn't ever feed on you."

Raine nods, "well..." She smiles, "that's a relief."

Carlisle hands her the shirt she took off as she put it back on carefully, "so do you think the ball game is a good idea?" Raine asked.

Carlisle smiles, "I do, Bella needs to learn our lifestyle, see that we're not like others of our kind. Plus you haven't seen our ballgames yet."

"Just see, Doctor Cullen?" Raine asked tilting her head, "you think I'm not joining in as well?"

Carlisle smirks as he touches her face, "sure you can keep up?"

"Oh you're going to pay for that one," Raine told him as she stood up brushing her lips against his but then she turned away.

Carlisle chuckles lightly.

Raine turns to look at him, "let the payment begin."

"I have exceptional self control, love," Carlisle smiles at her, "do you think you can wait me out longer?"

"I could try."

"Goodnight Carlisle," Raine smiles at him before turning back around and leaving.

She walks out as Emmett stands up, "how are you doing?"

"Emmett-" Raine shook her head, "you scared me!"

"Ha, well, Rose wanted me to see if your okay, she had to go into town," Emmett explains.

Raine nods, "well I'm okay, it's healing already," she walks which he joins her.

"So you and Carlisle?" Emmett teases.

Raine gave him a weird look, "come on, Emmett, you all know of me and Carlisle. Why are you attempting to tease me right now?"

"Because of how embarrassed you get," Emmett punches her shoulder before speeding off.

Raine looks at him rolling her eyes, "Imma get you back for that one... Jerk..."

RAINE SAT ON THE COUCH THE NEXT MORNING STRUMMING HER GUITAR. As everyone did their own thing... She shifted a bit as the pain in her side is still there.

That's when she gets a call.

She looks at her phone to see it was from Sue.

She immediately puts the guitar to the side as she stood up, tripping over her own feet as Jasper and Emmett glance at her, she just ignores them going outside.

Raine called Sue instead of texting.

When she answered she smiles, "Sue?"

"Hey, Raine," Sue said sounding happy but sad.

Raine runs a hand through her curly locks, "I... I miss you guys so goddamn much."

"I know it must be hard for you without family," Sue told her making Raine pause, "I know how much of a family person you were."

"I am still," Raine defends, "and I'm not without family."

"What are you talking about?" Sue asked confused.

Raine hesitates as she looks over at the window watching Carlisle, Esme, and Alice all cook her up a special breakfast for her because she's hurt and they insisted. "The Cullens, Sue, they are good to me."

Sue went quiet, "you... You really believe that, don't you?"

"I do."

"And it's not just because of Carlisle?"

"It's not, at first it was, but I've gotten to know the rest of them," Raine smiles, "Alice is one of my closest friends along with Esme," she begins to ramble about them, "Emmett and Rosalie are both like my best friends now. I hardly even miss Sam anymore."

"The kids want to see you," Sue told her suddenly, "Leah and Seth have been bothering me about it and I feel its best for everyone if you see them soon. Hopefully today?"

Raine nods, "yeah... Yeah, of course," she smiles, "I miss them so much."

Although she can't ignore the pain in her chest from that.

A rush of happiness goes through her.

She knew where it came from, she mentally notes to thank Jasper later, she just agrees to a meeting place and time that day to see them.

Raine enters the house as she shook her head.

"Hey, Jasper," Raine spoke up.

The southern vampire looked up at her, "yeah?"

"Thanks," she told him.

He nods at her.

"Everything okay?" Carlisle asked.

"Family drama, the usual," Raine smiles as she walks over to the kitchen, to him, "I guess I've gotten too used to all your acceptance. My family has their superstitions, there's no changing the way they think, or at least... I can't."

"They'll come around," Carlisle smiles at her, wishing he could wrap his arms around her, but they had a bet going and he didn't intend to lose, "they're family."

Esme nods, "I agree, they just don't understand."

"Yet," Alice smiles.


"I love that decision," Alice pops her head out from where she's changing in the bathroom.

"Thank you," Raine put on her boots as she looks over at Rosalie, "you okay, Rose?"

"Just worried about the Bella thing is all," Rosalie says.

Raine laughs, "Bella isn't so bad, Rose, she's just... Different."

"I'll take your word for it," Rosalie nods.

Alice walks out as she asked, "so you and Carlisle have a bet about physical intimacy?"

"Pretty much," Raine shrugs.

Rosalie and Alice both laugh making her ask, "what?"

"You're challenging the best vampire we've ever met with self control abilities," Rosalie grins, "you're going to lose."

"Well, werewolves are stubborn so," Raine smirks.

RAINE WALKS INTO THE SWAN RESIDENCE where they were meeting. Bella was out with Edward and Charlie was happy to host.

"Hey Charlie," Raine hugs him as she walks in.

"No Carlisle, huh?" Charlie looks over her shoulder.

"No, no, not this time, he had work," Raine smiles at him, "are they here yet?"

He smiles just as Seth runs over saying, "Raine!"

Seth runs into her arms as she hugs him tightly, "Seth, oh my god, I missed you... I missed you- I'm so sorry-"

Seth shook his head, "nothing to apologize about," he smiles, "I think it's cool you strayed from the rules," he told her enthusiastically, "do I get to meet your new boyfriend?"


"She's hogging the doctor all to herself," Leah smirks walking over.

Raine looks at her with a smile, "hey kiddo."

Leah hugs her as she smiles, "hey..."

"Where's Sue?" Raine asked.

Leah looks at Seth as Seth looked over at Charlie.

"She couldn't make it."

Raine turns to see Harry standing there, looking like his same old self, she freezes for a minute.

"I gave them a ride," Harry explains, he then nods at Charlie.

Charlie nods back, "I'm gonna go for a beer run."

He leaves.

Leah took Raine's hand and pulled her into the living room.

They all sat down even Harry...

Seth and Leah both explain everything that's been going on in their lives.

"Raine?" Harry asked, "could you talk with me for a minute?"

"Um," Raine looked at Seth and Leah before nodding, "sure..."

They leave the house to talk as Raine crosses her arms, "is this an apology?"


"Oh, gee, that's exactly what I wanted to hear," Raine rolls her eyes.

"Don't give me that attitude, I raised you remember," Harry scolds her.

Raine looks down, "what did you want to talk about?"

"Sue wants us to fix things, every one of us," Harry explains.

"Oh, this'll be good, is Sam next? I'd love to see him grovel," she smirks.

"Raine, please," he tries, "I want to fix this. You are family. You will always be a Quilete."

"You're correct I will always be one of you, I never forgot that," she shook her head as she touches the necklace Carlisle gave her, "but because of your council meeting exile, I have a new family to think of. Even if we did rekindle everything, I'm not sure I'd move back."

"What have they done to you?" Harry asked confused, "I thought this was a mere imprint. Why is this suddenly becoming more?"

"Probably because I was exiled from the only family and tribe I had left," Raine growls, "and my brother, who promised his home would always be mine... Agreed to the exile."

Harry smiles, "you've always been one to hold a grudge."

"Well, I am who I am," Raine smiles sarcastically as she goes back inside.

Seth had a board game out that the three of them would play as they all sat around and started it.

Leah then starts to question her relationship with Carlisle, "so... What is Carlisle Cullen like?"

Raine looks at her with a grin, "are we doing this talk right now?"

"Yup, so spill it," Leah nudges her, "we always talked about Sam and he's your-" Raine glanced down, "...Was your best friend."

Raine looks away as she nods, "yeah we were... But you'll love my new best friends."

"You have new best friends?" Seth asked.

Raine smiles, "yup, wanna see a picture?"

"Are they cold ones too?" Leah asked with a joking voice, she didn't believe the legends that happened to be true.

"Well yes, yes they are," Raine winks at her.

She shows a selfie of her with Rosalie and Emmett to Seth and Leah.

"She's pretty," Seth whispers.

"They look like ghosts," Leah comments, "look at their complexion."

"Don't be complex-phobic," Raine jokes.

The three of them laugh.

Harry watched with worry for his kids... He never thought the songbird wolf Raine would be a bad influence... AT LEAST JACOB WON'T BE.

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