First impressions

By LouieChewi666

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My first MHA x Reader Fanfiction, constructive criticism welcome, please be kind. thank you. This ongoing, so... More

First Impressions
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Qualify or Fail
Part 7: Memories to Music Madness
Chapter 8: A Little Love
CHAPTER 9: Tears and Reunions
Quick notes
Birthday Bullets
Chapter 11: Blades and Bloodshed
Chapter 12: Unbreakable
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Eri, The Lost Princess
Chapter 15: Music To Sooth the Aching Sole
Bonus Chapter: Smash or Pass Game
Chapter 17: Christmas Part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Comedy of Laundry Errors
Character Update Part 23
Nabu Island Part 2

Mineta Drama, Chapter 22

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By LouieChewi666

 Rated Slightly Mature due to Bad Language, and Triggers of Bullying. PLEASE USE CAUTION!! THANK YOU

A/N: As this is in an AU universe, I thought I would make a little side story, if Mineta was a Class 1A's Bully, instead of Bakugo. I know it wouldn't make much sense, but what if in this story he is a little bit taller, about the similar height as Louie, by a couple of inches, and had a lot of influence of hacking skills to get information on other students. But here's the kicker, none of his class knew he was a hacker! I'm sorry there is going to be some triggers in this small story part, Bullying, and Swearing, But I promise it will be worth read at the end. Thank you for reading this story so far, please continue😊

It starts with any other normal day of Louie going to school, that was until she had just gotten drenched by an open bottle of water being thrown over her by Mineta. Hurrying to the girl's bathroom, she'd dried herself off using her fire quirk in a small capacity. She couldn't help but wonder why he had started to pick on her? It started with the sly photos of her being sent to her; Then it was the quick pinches on her behind and grabs of her breasts. She'd had enough! But what could she do? Making her way to her classroom, the usual ensued of registration, then straight to the gym for quirk training.

It had started to rain heavily outside, the pitter patter of the heavy droplets hammering on the gym roof, causing Mr Cementos to talk louder to gain the attention of the class to order.

Time Skip to end of class............

Cementos: "Great work today class 1A. Keep up with the training, and do not loose focus on what we have learned today. Now, please go and get changed as it will be lunchtime in Ten minutes. Class Dismissed!" He declared, with a slightly pleased smile.

In the girls' changing room, they chatted happily about their progress to each other, except for Louie, choosing to remain quiet and reserved as she changed rather quickly and left for her classroom, to collect her lunchbox.

In the guys changing room, all of the guys had noticed a rather nasty change to their class man, Mineta. His behaviour was worse than Bakugo. Bakugo was beginning to look even more pissed off than usual, at the shortest guy in the room. Still in his hero costume, he stormed up to the perverted pipsqueak, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and snarled at him, angrily.

Bakugo: "Alright you little Shit! What the fuck is wrong with you annoying the girls more than usual?! And don't think I didn't notice you throwing that water bottle at Louie earlier today, on the way in to school."

Mineta was not fazed by the insults, and scoffed at his remark.

Mineta: "Please~ I don't have to answer to you. They were all little accidents, what's the big deal?"

After finished getting changed, Fumikage was beside Bakugo, along with a few others, backing them up. Also, feeling concern for the other girls in their class, especially, Louie.

Fumikage: "I agree with Bakugo. What the heck is going on with you? And how dare you treat Louie and the others that way!" He spoke with a stern yet tinged with controlled anger in his tone.

Dark Shadow, humming in approval, but remaining as calm as instructed by Fumikage. By now they all had gone quiet, and stared disapprovingly at Mineta.

Mineta: "WHAT?! Oh, I see how it is... You all think I'm up to something don't ya? Well Assholes, I'm the innocent one in all of this. Maybe you should all ask that 'Precious Louie' She's the one going around bullying me! Think on that." Mineta pretended to sound hurt, and stormed out of the guy's locker room, turning his hurt face into one of a smugness, when he was enough distance away.

The guys looked somewhat perplexed at what he just said. Why would Louie want to bully Mineta? It made no sense.

They continued to talk all the way to their classroom, to hear loud and pleading voices coming from inside.

Louie: "Please Mineta, just stop hurting me!" She cried out desperately, trying to get out the classroom, tears running down her face.

Mineta: "You're the bully! You need to be stopped, and I'm the one who's going to stop you." Sneering sinisterly smiling at her.


Mineta slapped her face, the shock on her face as she pushed him away from her as she left the classroom. Passing the guys, as she ran down the corridor to who knows.

On the third-floor corridor, Nejeri, Mirio and Tamiki were all about to head to lunch, when they could hear a faint sobbing sound coming from one of the pillars. There, sat Louie Chewie in tears, hugging her knees, feeling lost and alone. Nejeri approached carefully, and crouched down in front of her, and talked softly to her.

Nejeri: "Hello, Are you okay?"

Louie looked up in embarrassment, but shook her head from side to side to answer her superior student.

Mirio also came over and sat next to her, smiled happily at her.

Mirio: "Do you want to get lunch with us? I'm sorry, my name is Mirio what's your name?" He kindly extended his hand to her, to help her up.

Louie excepted the help from the upper students and bowed to them, she replied rather shyly, which was out of character for her, to them.

Louie: "Please forgive my state. My name is Louie Chewie, Class 1A, pleased to meet you all."

Mirio: "Wait ...... Did you say Louie Chewie of Class 1A? That's Midoriya's class. That's amazing!" He declared as sounded surprise at her name.

Nejeri cut him off, before he could ask any more questions.

Nejeri: "If you don't mind me asking, why were you upset just now?" She asked, placing her left hand on Louie's right shoulder.

Louie: "It's nothing for you to worry about, really. I'm just having one those bad days. Thank you for cheering me up though." She dusted herself off, and bowed again at them, making her take her leave.

Louie ate her lunch in the corridor that led up to the roof, as she saw it was still raining outside. When she returned to her classroom, she did not expect Mineta to be the only one there before the rest of her class. This was a disaster! She entered cautiously, and avoided any confrontation with him. That is until he launched himself at her, and started to beat her up.

Mineta: "This is where we left off. No one can hear you as they are all at lunch, and guess what? I have disabled your quirk, surprised?" He menacingly declared as he used his ball quirk to hold her in place.

He poured some orange juice over her head, and it fell down her face, the smell nauseated her, causing her to spit the revolting drink out of her mouth. She kept battling him, but just in time she heard some of the class on their way back. It was Kirishima, Todoroki, Iida, Momo and Uraraka. They stopped briefly nearby to hear Louie beg and plead with Mineta to get help, but he just sat there glaring at her. So, in this situation, the only option was to yell for help, and hope that they would help her.

Louie: "Help me! Please Mineta, I need to go to Recovery Girl now, or you'll kill me! I'm not joking, you crazy pervert, let me go!"

Iida and Kirishima stopped their conversation, and hastened their pace to the class room to see Louie passed out, and Mineta sitting smug in front of her, confessing everything.

Mineta: "How does it feel to be powerless, and no one to help you for rejecting me, for all those helpful things I did. The photos, the gropes and gentle touches to make you mine, how dare you turn away from me. Still, you chose that freak ass bird and multi arm muscle man, with a freakin mask over his mouth! You're the bully rejecting me, so now you have to pay. Oh, let's not forget the reason why you are not at school, you're with LOV aren't you? Giving them all kinds of information."

Louie groggily brought herself wearily to some form of consciousness, to reply to his ranting confession.

Louie: "That's not fucking true, and you know it. I know about your hacking skills in junior school, to get better grades each year. Bribing some of the teachers to keep your dirty little secret, in exchange, for not letting on about you taking photos in the locker rooms and up their skirts here at UA.... Why are you so intent on ...... *Wheeze cough cough* trying to kill me?"

Mineta: "Kill you? No, not kill you, just merely put you in your place to be arrested for working with LOV, and my brother wanted to meet you and ask you out on a date. Is that so hard? Dump Birdbrain and Muscles, and date my brother or myself? Or, better yet just confess." He proudly announced, staring into her dark brown eyes, which cowered in fear.

Louie was about to retort back, when her friends came over, noticing her discomfort they sprung into action helping her get Todoroki to freeze the balls off of her. Momo, grabbed some water and began to wipe off the juice from her friend's face, to clear her of anymore discomfort. That's when it took a downturn, Louie passed out completely. Iida, being the fastest, volunteered to take her to recovery girl. As class representative, he felt it was his job to help bring some authority to the class, leaving Todoroki and Kirishima to keep guard of Mineta until the rest of the class arrived, and Uraraka to send for Mr Aizawa as fast as she could belaying the details of what happened.

Recovery girl had just finished having her lunch when she saw the class rep bring Louie over to her med bay bed.

Iida: "Louie Chewie has had an allergic reaction to the juice spilled on her. Help her please." He spoke bluntly but politely as possible.

Recovery Girl: "Thank you Iida, you go back to your classroom, I'll take it from here." Replied calmly, getting straight to work.

It was a few hours later, just before the bell was about to ring for the end of the school day, Louie had two visitors. It was Fumikage and Shoji. Fumikage had been worried sick all day; not being able to focus on his work; he barely ate his lunch, giving it to Dark Shadow and Shoji. Shoji, kept calm, but didn't want to affect him academically, but tried to think rashly instead. When they came back to class to see Mineta tied up, gagged and taped to his chair, unable to move; Iida filled him and Shoji in on the details discreetly, and told them what they heard. As soon as they heard this information, Mr Aizawa told them Louie was resting, and recovering well. The two young men blamed themselves for not noticing these past few weeks of her attitude and body language. Being one person who once had some confidence to be herself after the loss of her father, to none at all now. They managed to go and get her favourite flowers to cheer her up, Red Roses. Knocking politely on the door, they entered quietly as not to disturb the sleeping angel that lay on the bed. Turning to Recovery girl, Shoji gently lifted her into his arms, and shielded her from the bright lights, while Fumikage had a brief word with Recovery girl.

Fumikage: "Mr Aizawa has informed us of the details, is there any medicine Louie will need to take Recovery Girl?" His question, short, polite and to the point.

Recovery Girl gave them the medicine, and told them to make sure takes it every three hours, to counteract the allergic reaction. They said thank you carrying a very knocked out to sleep Louie in Shoji's arms, and Fumikage still carrying the roses they bought her and two school bags.

It was one week later, and Louie was feeling a lot better than she thought. She walked into her school classroom and got a shock, Bakugo and her two lovers Shoji and Fumikage waiting for her?

Bakugo: "Oi Extra..." He said in his usual tense voice.

Louie: "Yes? Bakugo Dynamite?" She replied, with a teasing tone. "Hello, Fumi, My Shadow king, and Octo-God Shoji. Good morning." She smiled lovingly at them both, pleased at her nicknames for them.

They greeted her with a brief hug, before her attention went back to Bakugo.

Bakugo: "I wanna ask you something? A few of the guys found these in Mineta's locker, photos and such. Was he telling the truth? Or was it all a set up by him? I wanna know so I can blast his ass to next century." It took every once of him to remain this calm, and not shout at Louie.

He had respect for her, and secretly dared to call her a friend. He admired how much ass kicking she did in between school work, homework assignments, training, her agency and still have time to hang out with everyone in their class. On top of all that she was training not to become the number one hero, only to be one the best heroes she could be for herself and to honour her father's memory. She didn't care where she would rank in the future, only to make a positive difference, by being hope for some of the people she will save in the future.

Louie: "It was Mineta. He planned everything from the framing to the attack. All I can say is, it's in the hands of the school now, but he is not allowed to be partnered, speak or sit next to me for the rest of the school year. And, I think Mr Aizawa is about to give him his punishment. I think we'd better take our seats, don't you?" she smiled, finally feeling relieved.

They escorted her inside making sure Mineta caused no trouble for her, and took their seats. Mr Aizawa took the registration, and got Mineta to stand up from his seat, and made his announcement.

Mr Aizawa: "I have it on authority that I should expel you for your actions Mineta. However, I am deeply disappointed in you, and found suitable punishments. You will clean every one of Class 1A's dorm bathrooms with your toothbrush; You will wear a pair of bright yellow pair of cleaning gloves and empty every single bin in the dorm building. After that, you will proceed to do fifty laps around the sports field, and have multiply apology letters to write by hand to apologise to every single girl and young woman you have pictures of in your locker and bedroom. Delete all photos of all the girls, and have to be a model student for the next few weeks until your next training exercise. And lastly, you have to formally apologise to Louie Chewie in front of the whole school, in tomorrow's assembly, to prove you were the one in charge of all the disgusting actions you have caused. IS THAT CLEAR?" His hair standing on end, at the end of his announcement, making his points known and forcefully clear.

Mineta looked directly at his teacher, and answered clearly.

Mineta: "Yes Sir."

Justice was served, and Mineta paid the costquite dearly. Louie was finally able to breath a sigh of relief, and returndoing what she loved most, being with her friends, loved ones and training tobecome the best hero she can be. 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will try to post more of the chapters soon.😊 Thank you for reading this far. 

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