Birthday Bullets

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Chapter 10:

Early morning, before the dawn, in an abandoned warehouse, on the edge of the busy city, a couple of villains were talking to Tantris Vapour. It was Shigaraki and couple of others. He was pacing slightly, in excitement and impatience.

Shigaraki: "Come on! Let me see him, I want to see my surprise!" He yelled, like a rude child, throwing a temper tantrum.

His colleague and long-term member, Kurogiri, placed him at ease, even if it was for aa short while. The other two, stayed back as back-up to their boss.

Kurogiri: "It's all as you planned sir. Why waste your time worrying, when he is stood right over there by Miss Vapoure's staff."

Shigaraki nodded in agreement, not saying a word. He knew Kurogiri had a good point, but went along with him. The large male specimen was brought before the two villains with Tantris Vapoure in-tow behind them smiling in glee.

He stood about six maybe seven foot tall; Wide broad shoulders under the large shirt he wore with bullet belts across his chest. What once was a messy hair on top of his head, had been cut to a military style buzzcut, with traces of honey-blond tones, still peeking through in the right light. A large cigar hung menacingly from the corner of his mouth, as grey and ash bellowed from his mouth each time, he would take a drag on the retched thing. To say he was not built like a tank, was an understatement, almost the same body type as, a certain hero, All Might.

Vapoure: "Gentlemen, here is Bullet Dust! His quirks, can literarily conjure up any weapon on his hands, and behind his elbows. Unlimited ammo for about... a few hours, before he over-heats and practically destroys everything within a twelve-block radius." Pronounced Vapoure, with a proud prowess of power.

Shigaraki cackled with joy. Before he could continue; someone's voice echoed across the empty building. It was Toga bouncing around, like maniac on acid.

Toga: "PLEASE, let me have a taste, Dabi! I bet it tastes Soo good. Oh please, please, please?!!" She pleaded, with her hands clasped in front of him, trying to look innocent.

Dabi lit one of his hands on fire and clenched his fist in frustration.

Dabi: "If you don't stop bouncing in my face, this flame is going to shut your mouth up permanently. Now, leave me alone will you! You're so annoying." Pulling up the collar of his coat, he turned his back on Toga and walked away.

Toga sulked and sat down on the wooden crate, and complained under her breath, not loud enough to hear out loud, but still just to herself.

Shigaraki walked around the bulk of a monster, studying him for quite a while, coming to a conclusion in his twisted mind. He had a plan to execute, and they might as well start tonight.

U.A, the students are all prepping for the day ahead. Class 1A were all up ahead of Louie Chewie, as they were all planning a surprise for her. Fumikage brought a tall black stained-glass vase with Louie's favourite flowers in, black roses, to the table. And placed a small gift and card beside it. This was only going to be the start of Louie's surprises today. He was a little nervous deep down, but with the encouragement from his best friends, Shoji, Sato and the rest of his classmates, he knew he should never doubt himself today.

Meanwhile in her room, an alarm sounded, awakening the sleeping beauty. She went through her routine like clockwork, but when she went to leave her room, after one final uniform check, a gasp left her lips. She looked different. Her hair had grown longer slightly past her behind, and turned completely black but with sparkly gold streaks. Her fairy powers had grown stronger, somehow, so had she awoken a new quirk? The one her father said she would inherit from his side of the family? Pheonix power. The power to heal and destroy, pending on what, no, how she could control it. Only time will tell.

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