Chapter 13

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A/N: A little fluff needed, and some cute moments ahead. They may be some tears at points also. I hope you enjoy, thank you for reading this far. Please continue.

It was a few days later. Louie had been in hospital over the weekend; It was a Monday lunchtime. The nurses took her vitals and she was finally allowed to get the news she wanted to hear; she was going home tomorrow morning. Knowing this news, she gave Tokoyami a call. He answered down a secluded corridor. Glancing at the caller ID, he answered quickly.

Fumikage: "Louie? Hello..." He asked happily, smiling to himself.

Louie: "Hello~ My handsome King of Shadows. I thought I would give you a call..." Louie replied, as she found a quiet moment to herself in the phone call area.

This piqued his interest.

Fumikage: "Oh? And what is my Queen up to? You'd better be resting instead of chasing those doctors." He teased, jokingly chuckling at the image of his beloved going red at his joke.

Louie sensed his teasing tone, and was indeed blushing. She groaned and sighed inwardly at him. Despite that, she wanted to share the good news.

Louie: "Fumikage, I'll be home tomorrow! I get to come home to you and Dark Shadow." Louie leaned on her crutches; sat down on one of the seats, and waited for their response.

Fumikage looked at Dark Shadow to make sure he had heard the news correctly. It was the news they wanted to hear all day! Louie was coming home.

Fumikage: "That's great news Louie!" He exclaimed, before making his voice a bit quieter, he continued. "Dark Shadow and I have really missed your company. My soul didn't feel complete without you beside me. Do you know what time you'll be home to UA?"

Fumikage was struggling to keep Dark Shadow's enthusiasm in check, until he calmed his demeanour, by leaning up against a column, and taking deep breaths.

Louie scrunched her nose up, thinking out loud.

Louie: "Tomorrow morning, but I will be missing Miss Midnight Sensei's class first thing, as Principle Nezu would like a report of what happened. I should be back by our Mr Aizawa's class...... I'm sorry, you've had to listen to me babbling on and on. I've missed you two a lot. Dark Shadow's purring and your wonderful hugs and cuddles." Louie admitted, honestly with a loving sigh.

Fumikage looked at his watch, and took a quick moment to check no one was around his presence.

Fumikage: "I've also missed your tender kisses and hugs too. Dark Shadow has also......... They are like the night sky gently hugging the stars, afraid to let go for a fear of falling out of the sky. The delicate touch, that surrounds them all is the embrace you have onto me......... My Louie, I love you."

Louie felt she could swoon, at the sound of his voice, deep seductive and bold? When did he gain so much confidence with her?

Louie: "Fumi, you melted my heart with your beautiful soulful words again. My Shadow King Fumikage, I love you too. I better let you go get your lunch, but could you please do one little favour?" Louie replied, trying to gain some composure over his loving words to her.

Fumikage: "Yes, Of course My Queen......?"

Louie: "Please say hello to the class for me, and can we continue this talk later on?"

Fumikage: "I will My Love, Goodbye my Angel, until later..."

Louie: "Thank you. Mmmwha! Love you, Bye bye~"

They clicked off, and Fumikage went to lunch, humming happily to himself, looking forward to their call later on.

It was later that afternoon; Louie was released from hospital. Hopper decided to surprise her and pick her up in the new DRK car. They had made a few stops to the food market; A meeting with the pro-heroes and handing in her report from the incident; before finally arriving at the Class 1A dorm building. Hopper was holding the door open for her in silence, she watched her sister in arms expression as they got ready to prepare the food for evening meal.

They worked in silence, not looking at each other during their tasks, only communicating when they needed to. Hopper, saw Louie was getting nervous and panicky.

Louie: "OW!" She yelped, clutching her open palm.

It was an accident, Hopper stepped in and grabbed a first aid kit, tending to her wound. Gently coaching her to speak to her, Louie finally opened up.

Louie: "... Mei-Rose, ...... Hopper......"

Mei- Rose 'Hopper': "Come on Cap, you can tell me...." Hopper glanced at the clock, to make note for the food.

Louie let out a shaky breath, she was holding.

Louie: "You know the doctor and nurse that talked to me about my mum? And the ones who were also taking care of Tia Melody 'Ghost' and Sasha Calico 'Koi'? They spoke to me privately before I left."

Mei- Rose nodded, listening carefully to her. Louie continued, leaning up against one of the cabinets, folding her arms defensibly.

Louie: "Ghost and Koi didn't make it. . . . . .. Their injuries took a bad turn this morning, and......... they tried to save them with their quirks and the medicine............... They're gone. ... . ..... ... .. .. . . I Couldn't save them! Damn!!......... I'm not worthy of being Captain" Louie spoke breaking at the end, tears falling down.

Hopper pulled her into a tight hug, as Louie sobbed into her shoulder.

Louie: "If I'd tried harder............ Mum wouldn't be hurt....... Or if I took their place? Or if I just died instead of them?......."

Hopper: "Stop. Right. There!" She Sternly said, deliberately staring into Louie's eyes, Catching her attention. "Our Sisters-In-Arms Died in battle. They died protecting the civilians, who were injured. They were protecting the weak, and defending those who needed it. They were fighting by our side, to save each other. Don't you dare question your rank either!............. You worked your arse off for that position. Did you know, that Ghost, Koi, Kat-Skratch, Fauna and myself chose you to lead our squad, for a bloody reason!"

Louie's eyes widened, pushing herself off of Hopper in shame.

Louie: "I....... I...... I'm no hero. I'm still learning, I've failed in saving people. My squad...... Do you know how that feels Hopper?" Louie's hands turned into fists at her sides, as the tears still fell.

Louie: "Worthless! Now tell me Hopper, how do I not feel like crap? Or how to get through this?"

Hopper told her honestly.

Hopper: "Together." As her own tears fell.

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