
By Roseisfullofthorns

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Excerpt; He saw some benefits in her. Young, beautiful, fair with smooth skin and a desirable body. He brushe... More

00 | Preface
01 | Innocence
02 | Death
03 | Pushed to the wall
04 | Client G
05 | Too easy
06 | Sunny
07 | A miracle
08 | Slipped out
09 | Light
10 | Healthy lifestyle
11 | Antsy
13 | Revelation
14 | Friends
15| Enemies
16 | YHWH

12 | At crossroads

7 4 0
By Roseisfullofthorns

‭‭Hebrews 12:22 KJV‬‬
but ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,

FAITH FOUNDATION PRIVATE hospital stood tall before them with its glittering sign board and beautiful workers running about the entrance. In front of the little girl it was a gigantic building ready to swallow her up. Her mother had come here once and never came out. She was afraid to step in when her father spoke to her.

"It's better to rip the band-aid off once. No matter what your fears are, there's no way to run from them." That was the kind of man he was. Strong, courageous, wise, and straight to the point. He always knew what to say.

Her heart beat wildly in her chest. She wanted to back out from this. Just go back home and retire, after all she knew the outcome of the meeting. But then she would remember her father's voice that day telling her to rip the band-aid off and face her fears. Faith Foundation private hospital had been glamorous from the outside and awe inspiring from within all those years ago but now it held her future. Now she couldn't appreciate its beauty because she'd come to be a part of them. She became exposed to deaths, cruel people, and lost hope in the eyes of many. This was her means of livelihood on the line.

It was time to face her fears. "God help me. I don't know what to pray for but I ask for one thing. Let your will be done there. Give me the strength."

She pushed the doubled door open. Inside the room were five members from the board of directors, Doctor Ahmed and a man she didn't recognize. They sat around the oval table in the center of the conference room, all dressed in finely tailored suits and for the only woman present, a unique Ankara skirt with blue blouse which matched its print.

"Have a seat." The man she didn't know pointed to the swivel chair at the opposite end of the table, directly facing him. This position made all the eyes of the people sitting around him to settle solely on her.

"Good morning." She greeted.

"Let's skip the pleasantries. You committed a very serious crime, Miss Ugwu. One that I can't simply let slide for the sake of the hospital my father toiled hard to build." The man she didn't know turned out to be the owner's eldest son. A man in his late twenties with a reputation of being heartless. If his mind was set on something he never stopped until he had it. "I trust the judgment of the five people around me, hand picked by my father to cater to the affairs of the hospital. And doctor Ahmed here has worked for many years, hence I trust his words. There's no need to retell the story. Are you going to deny your actions?"

She pressed the seat handle to reign in her anxiety. This man was scary. She didn't say anything. It seemed a decision had already been made, her output wasn't needed. She did the last thing she never imagined doing. Pleading.

"Please give me a chance. You know I'd never do anything out of line if I didn't have good intentions. They were going to let that man die. I had to step up, he had no one to contact. Technically I didn't... I didn't-"

"What? You didn't do anything wrong? Are you trying to defend yourself? You clearly went against our decision." The woman's words sliced through her. "That man was a criminal."

"Assumptions! Mere assumptions! I even paid for everything with my money. What did you lose in this? He would've died in your care anyway."

"You went against the instructions and protocol of this facility. Kidnapping a patient you had no relations with."

She looked horrified. "I didn't kidnap him."

"You will keep silent when I'm speaking, miss Ugwu or else I will lose all sense of formality with you. I can have the police here now to take you away. You committed a grave crime. I can have you locked up for good."

That shut her up.

"Because of... certain promises my father made. He is a man of his word. I will not be handing you over to the police. Consider that my final grace towards you. But as of now you're stripped from your position. You're to clear your locker out within the next thirty minutes or security will throw you out."

"Please," she fell on her knees. "I need this job. Don't fire me. Your father promised-"

"That was ages ago!"

"Please. I don't have anyone, I'll work extra shifts, anything, I'll do it but please don't fire me." Her tears ran freely.

"Get up. You look pathetic." Said the ruthless man. "I'll extend your time to one hour so you can say goodbye to your colleagues. A notice should be posted on the hospital website and all platforms immediately," he said to the five board members acting as witnesses. "This should serve as an example to everyone."

He planned to humiliate her.


She closed her eyes as the tears flowed. He'd never see her the same again. It added to her pain. Once again she's threatened to lose it all in life. Her words of plea had no impact on them. Slowly she got up. Doctor Ahmed tried to approach her, he looked worried as if he didn't expect things to escalate but Naomi was already storming out. She used the back of her hand to wipe her face.

She'd leave immediately and spare everyone the story of her humiliation. Ezra deserved better anyways.

Wind blew her wig haphazardly, threatening to take her away too. A sign of incoming rain. She inhaled the smell of wet sand that came with this weather, clutching her bag filled with the few items in her locker. How long had she been standing by the roadside? Just standing immobile as people passed by without a care, life continued in a flurry all around while hers threatened to end.

'God put me out of my misery' She thought to herself. A battle waged in her mind. One between good and evil, right and wrong, light and darkness. It seemed to take a toll on her. She was no longer that girl who drowned herself away in the world to hide her sorrows. She fought desperately not to be pulled into that direction. The situation she found herself in made her want to crumble. It was her faith in God keeping her together.

What do you do when you're at a crossroads? Sir Evans' words rang through her mind. When you come to the end of yourself that is where God wants to work from. Remember your identity in Christ, Look into your heart and you will see Him. All provisions are already being made for you by the ministering of Angels in your company.

"I am in the company of an innumerable number of Angels. I will not worry. I will not fail. I can't fail." She declared with finality, ending the battle in her mind.

Just then her phone rang. It showed an unknown number but she picked up anyway.


"Am I speaking with Nurse Naomi?"

"Yes," she replied, hesitantly. "Who am I speaking with?"

"Oh," the woman's voice was laced with happiness. "It's Abiola speaking. I couldn't remember where I saved your number but I'm lucky to have found it now. It's been a while, how are you doing?"

Her eyes took in the dark clouds settling it. A great contrast to the sun that had shone brightly earlier in the day. She wanted to be honest with this woman because of her genuine concern for her well-being. "I... could be better honestly. I just lost my job now."

"I'm so sorry to hear that." Abiola sympathized with her. "Don't take it to heart my dear. When one door closes another door is quick to open. All will be well now."

"How?" She asked in a weak voice. She just felt like crying all over again. "I'm sorry," she sniffed, trying to expel the tears. "I'm a bit overwhelmed."

"Actually... I was calling because I had an opening for a home nurse. My daughter is really struggling and I feel you can help her as a nurse and confidant too during this trying period for her. I admire your strength."

Naomi wanted to leap for joy. "Really?"

"Yes. But we shouldn't discuss this over the phone. I am at home now, I took leave from work to look after my daughter. I'm sending you my address. Please come visit now so we can talk out the details, and honestly you need a shoulder during this period."

An Angel. That was who Abiola was. One sent to show her a way.

"Thank you." She said with so much gratitude.

"It's my pleasure. We shall meet soon." Then the call ended.

God came through.

Naomi turned back to look at the hospital where it all began. The source of her sorrows and happiness. She thought about Joana and Patricia, but most importantly Ezra. She wanted to let him know what happened but he was busy with a patient. Would he believe the lies that were going to be spun on the website about her? She was quite fond of him, he had come to have a place in her heart. She liked him very much but not everything works out as one would want. And now, their paths are separating. Maybe one day she would be able to afford to love, or like without anything getting in the way.

For now she would focus on taking care of her sister, Lucius and herself. To make her life better.

She hailed a Keke to take her to the address. They drove through the hectic traffic of mid-day, hawkers rushed to sell what remaining goods they had left before the rain started while some were already packing up to leave. She watched through the open space as they passed by plazas, eateries and small kiosks mounted along the road until the road became an expanse of land. Finally the driver stopped in front of a big gate.

"We don reach, madam." As Naomi got out she couldn't help but be captivated by the estate before her. Standing outside alone took her breath away. This is what having money can look like. She paid the driver his exuberant price, wincing at the amount left in her purse. Hundred naira only.

"Hello?" She gulped, nervously. Standing beside the security post made her scared that they would chase her away. Abiola had told her what to do when she got there.

An old man of about forty years poked his head through the window. "State your business," he took out the chewing stick in his mouth and spat out the dirt from it. Weren't these people supposed to be refined?

"I'm here to see Mrs Abiola Bolagun. I'm her nurse."

He eyed her. "I'm sure that big madam was well when I last saw her. Anyways, lemme call her to confirm. Wait there." He went in to make the call through the landline telephone. She heard his voice talking inside.

"You can pass." He emerged with a long full scalp notebook. "Write your name here, signature here and time of arrival." She did just that, indicating her time of arrival to be twelve eleven pm. The gate opened automatically when the security guard pressed a big black button. Before her were articulate buildings with architecture she'd only seen in movies, green lawns that were trimmed perfectly, all lined up on both sides in a row. Some of the houses had expensive cars parked outside. Everywhere was neat and quiet. She wished for this kind of life for herself.

Mrs Abiola's house number was 3042. Looking at the numerous houses it would take ages to find it. So, she gave her a call and the woman was kind enough to have her driver come pick her up at the entrance. Only greetings were exchanged between her and the driver because she wasn't familiar with these people and preferred to keep some of her guard up.

Mrs Abiola's house was different from the rest. It almost resembled a mansion with how high the pillars were, the huge swimming pool she could see at the side and an expanse of land with cars lined up. "Who is this woman?" she muttered to herself.

The said woman walked out dressed in a simple attire of black sweatpants and a big top that said NYC in the front. "Naomi!" With a huge smile the woman embraced her as if she was her long lost child. "I'm so happy you're here. In my house. Come, come." She paused to thank the driver for bringing her safely then led them into her beautiful home. Words couldn't describe how magnificent the interior was.

Pristine. Glowing chandeliers. Long curtains. Red carpets and expensive rugs. Vases that looked like it came fresh from an auction.

"Your home is... it's beautiful." She circled around to take in everything.

"Thank you. Come, have a seat. Mabel!" She called out. A young lady quickly stepped in dressed in a uniform of black trousers and green top tucked in neatly. Mrs Abiola smiled at her. "Please fetch some snacks and juices for us. I hope you don't mind finishing the dish I was preparing since I have to attend to a guest now. I want Nana to have lunch soon." The lady nodded. "Also, please have Margaret help Nana down so she can meet her new Nurse."

"Okay ma." The lady smiled at Naomi. "Welcome. It's nice having you. I'll be right back with those snacks."

"Lovely." Abiola's attention now rested on Naomi.

"I just want to start by thanking you-"

"Naomi, there's really no need for that. I'm the one who should be going out of my way to thank you," Abiola took her hands in hers, "My daughter is my life. I...I have to admit I wasn't being the best mother to her these past years so I need help to get her through this. Imagine her going behind my back to get an abortion. If not for you..."

"I only did what I had to do. Anyone would have done the same."

Mabel returned with a tray of chilled hollandia yogurt, accompanied by small chops like chin chin, mini doughnuts, and pie. She left after Abiola thanked her. It pleased Naomi to see that Abiola treated her workers well, unlike the bad stories she'd heard about how rich people mistreat their employees.

"So about the details of your job. My husband and I discussed this yesterday evening. When I'm not around I'd like for you to take care of her. If there's any drugs or kind of treatment she needs as a pregnant... girl. Your knowledge on this surpasses mine. Routine check ups on her health, how the baby's doing and such. We will still be taking her for a monthly examination with a gynecologist at the hospital but just to be on the safer side."

She nodded. "Sure. I'm well equipped for that."

"Mommy." A soft feminine voice said as an older woman trailed behind her. Nana walked up to her mother. She had a little bump on her tummy already, her cheeks looked bloated and there was a notable vulnerability in her tone when she spoke. Seeing the mother embrace daughter showed how much Nana looked to her mother for guidance to get her through this. It also reminded Naomi of her own mother. "I know you!" Nana said. "You're the lady from the hospital. What are you doing here?" Her question came out of curiosity.

"Naomi is going to be your Nurse from now till the baby comes out." Hearing about the baby made Nana scared. Naomi noticed that.

"There's no need to be scared, Nana. You're going to get through this with as much ease as possible. That child in your womb is a gift, no matter what circumstance it's born in. You have everyone's support."

Nana broke down into sobs, telling her mother how sorry she was to be a disappointment to her. Abiola reassured her daughter that she doesn't hold it against her and that she loved her dearly. Naomi felt like she was intruding on an intimate moment. Aside from the physical aspects of pregnancy Nana struggled with her mental health.

Naomi didn't ask how she got impregnated. It didn't feel like the right time.

They talked about everything, her salary, the days she would be required to come in. Naomi was still required to submit a CV and certain documents to credit her position as a nurse. This was something Abiola's husband demanded. Abiola didn't ask about her family background which relieved her.

Eventually Mabel came to announce that lunch was ready.

"Stay till evening, please. I want you to get accustomed to the house and also introduce you to my husband."

Naomi didn't hesitate to agree.

You know where to find me ♪
Where the rest don't see what I see♪
In the depths of all the mystery ♪

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