UA's Vigilante Protectors

By Jelliclegirl19

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A group of young vigilantes grew up together in an orphanage that was owned by two sisters. Even though they... More

A Day Of Fun
A Tragic Death
The Funeral And The Trial
The Ultimate Decision
Getting Everything Set Up And A Proper Scolding For A "Hero"
Killing The League Of Assasins
Getting Rid Of Fake Cops And Judge
News Report And Well-Deserved Praise
4 Years Later
The Sludge Incident Part 1
The Sludge Incident Part 2
Punishment For Fakes And An Expression Of Gratitude
A Love Confession
Another Mission And A Surprising Phone Call
Getting Assinged A Job As Guards
List Of UA Students
Aftermath Of Rescue
Meeting With The UA Staff
Meeting The Big Three, Mei And Varian
Meeting Other UA Students
Finding Out Their Secret
Dinner At The Midoriya's
Making Breakfast For Students And Staff
First Day Of Guarding Duties
Hanging Out With The UA Students
Being Asked To Train Students
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 2
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 3
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 4
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 5
Aftermath Of Training Session
Don't Have Too Much Stress
A Wonderful Hangout
The Day Off Part 1
The Day Off Part 2
The Day Off Part 3
The Day Off Part 4
The Day Off Part 5
Getting A New Mission
Arriving At Overhaul's Secret Base
Eri And Kota's Story
Defeating Overhaul Part 1
Defeating Overhaul Part 2
Aftermath Of Mission
Killing Muscular
Making It Back To UA
Eri And Kota Meet The Students
Shopping For Eri And Kota's Rooms
Working On Eri And Kota's Rooms And A Heartwarming Choice
Adopting Eri And Kota
A Family Outing
Visiting Alania's Grave And Admitting Something Heartwarming
Encountering Three Fake Heroes Again
Parents Day Part 1
Parents Day Part 2
Preparing To Put An Asshole In His Place
The Vengeful Protectors Vs All Might
Aftermath Of Fight
Capturing Three L.O.V Members And A Shocking Reveal
All Might Is A Traitor
Exposing Assmight Part 1
Exposing Assmight Part 2
Aftermath Of Exposing Assmight
A Much Needed Trip
Arriving At The Vengeful Protectors's Hometown
Introducing UA To Imelda And The Orphans
Hanging Out With Imelda And Orphans
Learning About All Might's Whereabouts
Preparing The Fight With All Might
Meeting Up For The Battle
The Final Battle Part 1
The Final Battle Part 2
Death of Assmight
Aftermath Of Assmight's Death

UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 1

281 8 17
By Jelliclegirl19

As they all were in the fake city that is used as a training ground the  UA students and The Vengeful Protectors got to their positions they all grinned at each other from across each other as they all got into their fighting positions.

"Ok are all of you ready?" asked Nezu.

"We're ready ratgod are you ready kids?" The Vengeful Protectors answered in unison.

"Oh yeah we're ready." answered the UA students.

"All right then let the training session commence!!!!!!!" Nezu exclaimed.

The Vengeful Protectors smirked, brought out some smoke bombs and threw them to the ground. Half of the room got covered in smoke which made the UA students not be able to see where they were as they coughed and The Vengeful Protectors started to make a clean getaway.

The five anthro cats used their quirks blow the smoke away as they saw The Vengeful Protectors escape.

"There they go!!!!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed the five anthro cats as they pointed to where they were going.

"Good work guys." Izumi said as she patted their shoulders.

"Thanks Izumi." said the five anthro cats.

"Come on let's get this fight started." Monoma said.

The rest of the UA students nodded in agreement.

"Come on Star." said Asha as her and the others started to run and Star floated next to her.

The UA students started looking for The Vengeful Protectors around the fake city. They knew how very well-skilled they were so they all knew that they had to be very careful.

"Remember guys they're really good at stealth so they could be anywhere." Izumi said.

"Yeah but where's the question?" asked Shinso as he put his fingers underneath his chin.

"Hey Mei could you use your quirk and Varian could you get out the telescope you made last week?" Steven asked.

"Yeah that way we can at least have a hint of where they are?" asked Emily.

"Good idea." Mei and Varian said in unison.

Mei used her zoom quirk and Varian brought out his telescope to look around the area. A couple minutes later they zoomed towards on top of a building.

"Hey there they are!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Mei and Varian as they pointed up to it.

They all looked up to see them kneeling down on top of the building smirking down on them.

"I must say clever idea to use her quirk and his telescope to find our location and you two  have really good senses to find us right away." Fumikage said.

"Yeah and good idea to have you five to use your quirks to move the smoke away." said Shoto.

"Now let's see if you can catch up." Ochako said as her and the rest of The Vengeful Protectors got up.

Then they started to hop on to random buildings. The UA students smirked, jumped up and fallowed them. Then Tsuburabba, Katie, Victoria, Mistoffelees, Jemima, Pouncival and Steven jumped in front of them. Tsuburabba breathed his solid air creating a platform, the five anthro cats created force fields and Steven used quirk to create a huge diamond-like shield and while they weren't look Asha created rope out of mini stars and pulled them a bit closer to the rest of the group and she let them go.

"Solid air, well looks you guys can't escape." Tsubarraba said with a smirk as him, the five anthro cats and Steven went a bit closer to The Vengeful Protectors.

The Vengeful Protectors gave them impressed grins.

"Not bad." said Katsuki.

"Yeah really clever." Tenya said.

"Thank you." said Tsuburabba, the five anthro cats and Steven with small nods.

"Be prepared for the various elements coming your way along with other magical feats." said Victoria as her and the other five anthro cats powered up.

"I don't know if I should bundle up or not." Ejiro said with a smirk.

"That's the mystery." said Mistoffelees.

"Ready to see what more we can do?" Setsuna asked with a smirk.

"Oh we are princess.'" answered The Vengeful Protectors.

Then the two different groups charged towards each other. As The Vengeful Protectors fought the UA students they were very impressed. Not only did the ones with quirks knew how to use them for combat and how they were gonna use them while fighting and the quirkless students have really good fighting skills but they had really good coordination, great tactics and amazing teamwork. They also the determination and ambition that they saw in their eyes and cause of it and them bringing it to their fighting they knew exactly what to do and how to come up with the  clever plans that they came up with earlier. It was only early in the training session and they were already impressed. They could see why the staff (minus All Might) said that these were the best students that they had this year.

A couple minutes later The Vengeful Protectors as well as Dark Shadow grabbed Monoma, Gabo, Dario and Safi by the ankles, threw them off the building and a rope popped out of nowhere and caught them which made them hang upside down.

"Neito Monoma, Gabo, Dario and Safi are out." announced Nezu.

"Uhhhhhhh how?" Sunny and Zipp asked.

"Oh by the way be careful." said Hanta.

"While we were running we set up some booby traps while you weren't looking." Denki said.

This made the rest of the UA students look at each wide-eyed. Ok this was gonna be a bit harder then they thought.

"Anyway......" said The Vengeful Protectors.

Then they jumped up, punched the shields/platform which made them shatter to a million pieces and escape.

The UA students looked down at where Monoma, Gabo, Dario and Safi stilled tied up in the ropes as if thinking of untying them.

"Guys forget about us just keep going." Monoma, Gabo, Dario and Safi said in unison as they looked up at them smiling.

The rest of the UA students nodded and then chased after The Vengeful Protectors.

This was only the beginning of the training session.

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