Divine Affinity

By SpiritualBahar

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Their bond was magical and their love was intense. Meanwhile, the music scene in Seattle was flourishing, eme... More



146 18 11
By SpiritualBahar

Eddie stood hidden behind the thick foliage that lined the sandy shore, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched Eiry from afar. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the beach, but Eddie's focus was solely on the scene unfolding before him.
Eiry stood by the water's edge, her golden hair swirling in the gentle breeze, as she chatted and laughed with another surfer – the same one Eddie had seen her with for the past three days since he had finally tracked her down in Hawaii. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, feeling a mix of curiosity and jealousy swirling inside him.

The weather was warm, the salty ocean breeze carrying the sound of laughter and the crashing of waves. The beach was dotted with palm trees swaying in the wind, their fronds rustling softly. Eddie watched as a seagull swooped low over the water, its cries blending with the sound of the surf. As he continued to observe Eiry, his eyes misted over with tears. Despite being just a few meters away, she felt so out of reach – a dream slipping through his fingers. His heart ached with the intensity of his longing, the ache of missing her almost unbearable. His fingers clenched into fists as he struggled with his emotions. He wanted nothing more than to stride over to her, to take her in his arms and never let go. But fear held him back, paralyzing him with its icy grip. He had failed her. He knew he had failed her tremendously. And so, he remained hidden in the shadows, watching as Eiry's laughter floated towards him on the breeze, a melody that tugged at his heartstrings.

The sun sank lower in the sky, casting long shadows on the sand, and Eddie knew that he had to find the courage to approach her before it was too late.
Taking a deep breath, he stepped out from his hiding place and walked slowly towards them, his heart in his throat.

Eddie had spent days watching Eiry from afar, hidden among the rocks that lined the shore. His heart ached with the memories of their love, the warmth of her touch, and the sound of her laughter. But fear had kept him rooted in place, a prisoner to his doubts and insecurities. As he drew closer, his heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and dread.
Eiry, lost in thought, was startled by a soft sound behind her. She saw Kelly watching over her shoulder, and then, her gaze shifted, and her breath caught in her throat as she locked eyes with Eddie. Time seemed to stand still as they gazed at each other, emotions swirling between them like a tumultuous sea. Love, longing, regret, and hope mingled in the air around them, creating an invisible bond that neither time nor distance could break. Eddie took a tentative step forward, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Eiry..." He said, his voice trembling with emotion.

"No!" Eiry suddenly started shaking her head and her voice was loud enough to send an echo through the beach. "No...No....No..." She stuttered.

"Hey..." Kelly tried to touch her, but she strayed.

"Don't touch her!" Eddie barked. "Eiry... love..."

"Love?" She repeated his words as if he was saying something offensive. "Stay away from me!"

"Eiry!" Eddie yelled as she started running away.

Eiry's heart pounded as she sprinted along the sandy beach, her feet leaving light imprints in the warm golden grains. The salty breeze whipped through her hair, echoing the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. She glanced back, catching a glimpse of Eddie's figure in the distance, his expression a mix of confusion and longing.
Conflicted feelings tugged at Eiry's heartstrings as she ran towards her secluded cabin, the place where she hoped to find solace and escape the turmoil brewing inside her. The memories of their time together flooded her mind, and the love that once bloomed between them. Yet, Eiry was determined she had to let go. Eddie's mistakes lingered like shadows in her mind, casting doubt on their future together. As much as she wanted to hold onto him, the pain of their fractured relationship weighed heavy on her spirit, urging her to break free.

Meanwhile, Eddie stood rooted to the spot, watching Eiry's retreating figure with a mix of regret and realization. His heart ached at the thought of losing her forever, the one person who had seen past his flaws and loved him unconditionally. Turning towards Kelly, the man who had been a constant presence by Eiry's side, Eddie's gaze bore into him, a silent inquiry passing between them. Kelly met his gaze with unwavering determination, a silent promise to protect Eiry from further harm. Eddie's eyes narrowed, a silent acknowledgment passing between them, understanding the depth of their unspoken connection to Eiry.

"Who the fuck are you?" Eddie asked him.

"What?" Kelly frowned. "Who the fuck are you?" Kelly rested his board on the sand. "I know who you are, but who the fuck do you think you are to speak to me like that?"

"So... you know she's my wife." Eddie defied him. His blue gaze almost murdering Kelly.

"Wife?" There, Kelly showed a true confusion look.

"You said you know who I am..." Eddie shrugged. "I'm her husband."

"You're the guy from Pearl Jam." Kelly shot. "I know nothing about Eiry being married."

Eddie's heart sank as the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Eiry had never mentioned her marital status to that stranger. The truth disarmed him, leaving him questioning if he did the right thing to go there looking for her. Clearly, she was trying to leave him behind.

"Look..." Kelly started speaking, seeing how unstable Eddie suddenly looked. "I know nothing about you two. It's none of my business. But it seems to me, you must have fucked up big time. I've never seen her react so badly to someone or something."

"So, you've been spending a lot of time together..." Eddie whispered, and Kelly raised his hands in the hair.

"Hold your horses. We're friends."

"Friends..." He whispered, watching the beach side to where she had run away. There was an agglomerate of beach cabins he could spot. "She lives there?" He pointed wit this index finger.

"I'm not gonna say anything." Kelly said.

"Right... fuck you." Eddie grunted as he started walking in the same direction Eiry disappeared.

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk to you!" Kelly yelled.

"No shit?" Eddie responded giving him the middle finger.

Eddie's heart pounded in sync with the crashing waves as he sprinted along the sandy beach, his eyes fixed on the beach cabins ahead. His mind raced with worry as he remembered the moment he saw Eiry disappear into one of those cabins.
As he reached the cluster of cabins, panic gripped him, and he frantically scanned each one, unsure of which held Eiry inside. The cabins stood in silent rows, their windows dark, giving no indication of who might be inside. Plus, they were much further from one another than what it looked from afar. Eddie's breath came in short gasps, his chest tight with fear.

"Eiry!" He cried out, his voice tinged with desperation. "Eiry, where are you?"

His yells echoed off the wooden walls of the cabins, lost in the vast expanse of the beach. Eddie's hands clenched into fists. His eyes wild with worry as he tried to control the rising tide of panic that threatened to overwhelm him.

"I'll keep yelling your name until you come out, Eiry!" He shouted, his voice growing hoarse. "I'll knock on every door until I find you!"

Tears welled up in his eyes as he pounded on the nearest cabin's door, the sound reverberating through the empty hallway inside.

"Eiry, please, come out!" He pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.

His heart rate skyrocketed. Each beat a drumming reminder of the fear that gripped him. With trembling hands, he moved from cabin to cabin, his shouts growing louder and more desperate with each passing moment.


His head spinning as he scanned each one of the porches to see if someone was opening a door. He spun on his heels time and time again, yelling her name. His throat was becoming sore. Tears ran down his cheeks.

"EIRY!" He yelled again and he punched hard a wooden door.

As Eiry sat on the hallway, her back pressed against the door, tears streaming down her cheeks, she could hear Eddie's frantic knocks from the other side. Each knock felt like a stab to her heart - a painful reminder of the turmoil their relationship had become. Her feelings were a tangled mess of hurt, betrayal, and confusion. Anxiety gripped her chest, making it hard to breathe as she grappled with the decision of whether to open the door to face him or continue to shut him out. Despite the emptiness of the cabins on the beach, the echoes of yells reverberated outside, causing a deep sense of shame to wash over her. She couldn't bear the thought of anyone hearing his screams and pleas. Yet, amidst the chaos of her emotions, a sliver of love still lingered in her heart. But she knew deep down that love alone could not mend the broken pieces of their relationship. She knew she couldn't simply forgive him and move on as before. With a heavy heart and a trembling hand, Eiry finally mustered the courage to stand up and face the door.

"Eiry!" He punched the door again and she jumped back. It was as if he knew he was finally knocking on the right door. "Eir..." He gasped and rested his forehead against the door. He felt tired, defeated. "I can feel you..." He told her sounding quieter.

She hesitated, her hand hovering over the doorknob, battling between the desire to let him in and the need to protect herself from more pain.

"Let me just talk to you." He begged. "Please..."

Eiry's trembling hand finally mustered the courage to turn the doorknob, revealing Eddie standing on the other side. Their eyes locked in a moment frozen in time, disbelief and longing mingling in the air between them. The past eight weeks seemed to vanish as they stood face to face, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the room.
Eiry's heart raced as she struggled to find her voice, her gaze flickering between Eddie's eyes and the floor. Eddie, too, was at a loss for words, his throat tight with emotions he couldn't name. The love they once shared surged between them, a force so powerful it left them both breathless. As the silence stretched on, a single tear traced a path down Eiry's cheek, mirroring the turmoil in her heart. Eddie's hand reached out, hesitating in the air and Eiry pulled away in that exact moment, avoiding his touch.

"How did you find me?" She finally gathered the strength to speak.

"It was our plan B..." Eddie whispered trying to control his emotions.

"Is there something missing in the divorce?" Eiry gained control of her emotions once again. "I think I signed everything."

"Let me in." Eddie asked as she was still blocking the entrance. "Let's talk..." Eiry shook her head. "Please, Eiry..." His hand tried to reach hers, but she pulled away.

"Don't touch me." She shot.

"Ok..." Eddie raised his hands in the hair and nodded. "But let me in. Let me talk to you. Just hear me out..."

After a tense moment, Eiry hesitantly stepped back, allowing Eddie to enter. As he crossed the threshold, she closed the door behind him, the latch clicking into place. Inside, the dim light cast eerie shadows on the walls, adding to the sense of unease.
Eddy glanced around, taking in the décor. It was all so them. A perfect place he would love to be in too.

"You didn't forget to sign anything." He then told her. Eiry kept her gaze averted, her hands fidgeting nervously.

"Then, why are you here?"

"To mend things." He whispered. Then, he sat on the couch as if feeling his legs failing him. "I know I fucked up." Eiry frowned.

"You fucked up?" She repeated his words. "You fucked up?" Her tone raising. "You blew it all. You ruined it all. You ruined everything."

"But we love each other!" He got up and stepped closer, but Eiry stepped back. It was clear to him that she did not want any proximity. "We love each other, right?"

"We do?" She blinked rapidly as tears were menacing to fall. "I don't know!" Eiry shrugged.

"You know I love you..." He insisted. "I love you!"

Suddenly, an urge to yell at him washed over her. She had him right in front of her where all her imaginary words could now come out freely and he could listen to her. All her lonely conversations in front of the mirror every morning, could now come to life.

"How can you say that when you left alone in the hospital for four weeks?" She paused to gulp. "I needed you!" She tapped on her chest. "I needed you, Edward!" Edward... she never called him that way. Never. Not even once Eiry called him by his full name. It hurt.

"I needed you so much. I lost the baby we planned. We...." She pointed from him to her. "I stayed there hoping you'd change your mind every day. I wasn't alone, but I didn't have the only person that mattered in that moment. YOU!" She yelled feeling all her stress come out. "I needed you and you were nowhere to be found. There's no excuse, no excuse at all to leave at a moment like that! I've forgiven you so many times. I was always so understanding, but you need to sort your shit out. I finally see that. You have stuff within you that forbids you to be there when it's most needed. Running away, abandoning is not a solution. It wasn't a possibility this time."

"Eiry... I..." He tried to speak but she halted him.

"On top of that, after four weeks you call me to tell me your lawyer is visiting me the next morning with the divorce papers. You did all that behind my back, without even trying to hear me out. Nothing... you have what you wanted!"

"I came back to Seattle that night!" He cried. "I came back to tell you not to do anything!"

"Too late!" She spun around and then looked at him. "Too late... you did all that too late."

"We're still married." Eddie said. "I never delivered the papers in a court. I want... I don't know..." He shrugged. "I love you! I know saying I am so sorry isn't enough. I know what I did was wrong, but give me a chance..."

"What?" Eiry frowned confused. "No..."

"We belong together." He whispered, but to his dismay he saw Eiry shaking her head.

"No... I belong here and you belong in Seattle."

"I know you might not be ready to forgive me," Eddie continued, his voice breaking with emotion. "But I can't bear to live with the knowledge that I've lost you because of my own foolishness."

Eiry's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her hands clenched into fists by her sides. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she knew she had to say.

"I've forgiven you so many times before." Eiry said quietly, her voice tinged with a sadness that cut through the air like a knife. "But this time... this time, I can't. I can't keep letting you hurt me and expect everything to be okay just because you say you're sorry."

"Please, Eiry..." He begged.

"You should have delivered the papers already."

"Don't say that..."

"It's over." She tried to sound firm. "You need to take care of your shit. Not for me, it's too late for me, but in the future. You'll fall in love again. You'll find someone and I will too. You need not to hurt her."

Eddie bowed his head, a single tear escaping his eye and falling onto the floor between them. The sound of it hitting the ground echoed in the silence of the room, a reminder of the irreparable damage that had been done. Their eyes met, an unspoken understanding passing between them. Eddie knew that he had lost something precious, something that could never be regained. And Eiry knew that she had to let go, for her own sake, even if it meant walking away from the person she loved the most.

"Please, leave..." She finally asked him.

"Eiry..." He whispered tentatively.

"This time, I can't forgive you."

With a heavy heart, Eddie turned away from Eiry, his footsteps echoing in the empty room as she walked out the door, leaving behind a shattered piece of his heart and a broken man who realized the true extent of his actions.

"We belong together!" He yelled from the outside.

Eiry kneeled on the wooden floor, head down, shoulders shook as she started sobbing. Her heart crackling in tiny pieces, dust maybe.

"We belong together, Eiry!" He kept yelling.

"No..." She whispered all alone.

After yelling incessantly for a few minutes, he was finally done. The truth was out there, and he gave up. As he turned away from the cabin, tears welled up in Eddie's eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white with the effort of holding back the sorrow threatening to consume him. How could something so beautiful turn so heartbreaking? He disappeared into the distance, a dog howled in the distance, a mournful cry that echoed Eddie's own shattered spirit.


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