The Boundless Prophecy

Від Wallace_Jac

81 3 1

In the heart of a realm where mythical creatures and humans coexist, Wallace Jackovich, a mythical healer, fi... Більше

Chapter 1 (1.1 The Boundless World)
Chapter 1 (1.2 Guardian Hall of Emergencies)
Chapter 1 (1.3 The Tale of Odi)
Chapter 1 (1.4 Harmonica Hurricane Bar)
Chapter 1 (1.5 Naevys - The Legendary Elf Diva)
Chapter 1 (1.6(a) Jaglee - The Talent Scout & The Bar Owner)
Chapter 1 (1.6(b) Jaglee - The Talent Scout & The Bar Owner)
Chapter 1 (1.7 Council of Critical Matters)
Chapter 1 (1.8(a) Venretin - Revive the unsalvageable)
Chapter 1 (1.8(b) Venretin - Revive the unsalvageable)
Chapter 1 (1.9(a) Dark Slater Investigation)
Chapter 1 (1.9(b) Dark Slater Investigation)
Chapter 1 (1.9(c) Dark Slater Investigation)
Chapter 1 (1.10(a) Venretin? Not Venretin)
Chapter 1 (1.10(b) Venretin? Not Venretin)
Accident was fate misnamed
Chapter 2 (2.1(a) Angelwing Healing Centre)
Chapter 2 (2.1(b) Angelwing Healing Centre)
Chapter 2 (2.1(c) Angelwing Healing Centre)
Chapter 2 (2.2(a) Madam Monette)
Chapter 2 (2.2(b) Madam Monette)
Chapter 2 (2.3(a) Melting Pot & Moonlight)
Chapter 2 (2.3(b) Melting Pot & Moonlight)
Chapter 2 (2.4(a) The Deal)
Chapter 2 (2.4(b) The Deal)
Chapter 2 (2.4(c) The Deal)
Chapter 2 (2.5(a) Oceanic Woods)
Chapter 2 (2.5(b) Oceanic Woods)
Chapter 2 (2.5(c) Oceanic Woods)
Chapter 2 (2.5(d) Oceanic Woods)

Chapter 1 (1.10(c) Venretin? Not Venretin)

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Від Wallace_Jac

Wallace felt an urge to interrupt Trento, whose persistence was impeding the ongoing discussion. Just as he was about to interject, Trento let out a heavy sigh and unceremoniously placed the loupe on the table with a louder thud than intended.

"My friend, please handle the locator loupe with care. It's one of only three available in our sanatorium." Hoshiko's displeasure at the loud noise was evident. He picked up the loupe, inspecting it closely for any signs of damage.

Attempting to ignore the situation and Hoshiko's fruitless inspection, Wallace approached Hoshiko and gestured towards the tissues on the table. "May I?"

After one final scrutinizing glance at the loupe, Hoshiko reluctantly handed it over to Wallace.

Voss smirked, "Do you really recall all the theories you learned before?" Although his words sounded humorous, they held a kernel of truth. Once they immersed themselves in their respective fields, there was little time to focus on anything else, dedicating their efforts solely to mastering their domains.

Wallace responded with a casual shrug, settling into a seat and peering through the invaluable magnifying glass at the smudge of blood.

It didn't take him long to notice what Caren had observed earlier. Adjusting his position for better comfort, Wallace observed the brain tissues closely. The subtle movements he induced increased the tension in the cell walls, creating vibrations that made him fear the cells might rupture. He alternated his gaze from left to right, then back again.

He spotted the rod-like substances that Caren had mentioned, but the cell movements were sluggish.

The sluggish motions hinted that these cells were close to dying. The rod-shaped substances appeared to be generated by the body to prevent the cells from disintegrating. The real challenge lay in identifying the function of these substances. It seemed as if these rod-like structures were attacking the walls and aiding in their regeneration after rupturing.

Wallace concentrated on observing a single cell, one that exhibited the most resilience to tension, likely possessing the thickest wall. He'd discerned this strategy after a few initial minutes. As tension increased, the cell wall gradually thinned—an effect caused by the Death Slater organism. It seemed to induce cell disintegration by elevating the tension within the cell walls.

Understanding the cause within minutes was impossible. His focus now turned solely to the rod-like substances and a single cell.

Missing this opportunity would mean losing a chance he might not get again. The hushed discussions about the cells around him had blended into background noise.

The cell's wall now appeared stretched, as if it could rupture imminently.

At that precise moment, the rod-like substances moved with intent towards their target, almost as if they could sense the dying cells. The wall had thinned to the point where its outline was barely visible, and the rod-like structures adhered to it. The wall was almost imperceptible to the naked eye; the only indication of the cell's integrity was that its contents remained contained.

Recalling Hoshiko's earlier words about these substances generating new walls for dead and dying cells, Wallace found it perplexing. Once cells died, revival was impossible. Even the powerful medicine like Venretin wouldn't be able to bring them back to life.

A miraculous sight unfolded before him, much akin to what others had observed and described. The once-invisible cell wall became visible again. Then, an intriguing revelation emerged: within the cells, particularly the energy-generating black dots, an intense movement occurred when the rod-like substance adhered to the wall. It appeared as though they were interacting, with the substance compelling the energy generator to produce the disintegrating wall.

Gradually, the wall returned to its original thickness.

Deep in his observations, Wallace must have lost track of time, only to be brought back by a tap on his shoulder. It was Hoshiko, exhibiting impatience and scepticism in his expression. Unperturbed by the tap, Wallace persisted, on the verge of a significant discovery.

With the formation of the new wall, the rod-like substance detached and faded away. The same cell, now under tension from the Death Slater organism, ruptured almost instantly as there was no longer any substance to salvage it. The cell's contents spilled into the surroundings, vanishing within moments.

As Wallace looked up, he stared at the wall ahead, attempting to comprehend the significance of what he had witnessed. The entire sequence replayed in his mind, almost as if the wall itself was revealing the process before him.

"What did you see?" Hoshiko's curiosity battled with his annoyance at being ignored.

"I believe what you saw may only be a part of it," Wallace responded, choosing his words carefully to avoid ruffling Hoshiko's feathers. He could sense the sourness in Hoshiko's expression, a clear sign of his displeasure.

Sighing, Wallace stood up and turned to face them, ready to explain his observations from the last ten minutes. He stressed that the cell hadn't died since the wall remained intact, highlighting the containment of the cell's contents. As he elaborated, Caren nodded in understanding.

Initially doubtful, Hoshiko now considered Wallace's description. He maintained a composed expression, hiding any hint of inward astonishment he might have felt at Wallace's astute observation.

Trento wore a sly smile. "I apologize for underestimating you. Seems like you're not just skilled in surgery but have the potential for greatness in both the Vitalia and Aetherblade Departments," he remarked, gesturing quickly between the two sides.

Wallace grinned boyishly at Caren. "Looks like we've got more than one observant person here."

Caren simply shrugged in response.

Another thought struck Wallace. He had presumed the rod-like substances to be a reaction triggered by Venretin, but what exactly were they?

Caren quickly picked up on his line of thought. "What are those rod-like substances? They appear to direct the cell's energy generator to form a new wall. It's crucial to understand their therapeutic profile. Are they Venretin or something generated by the body?"

Voss turned to Hoshiko, seeking insight. "Do you have any idea what those things were?"

Hoshiko was almost irked by the question. His silence earlier had indicated he had no clue about those substances. Voss's inquiry reinforced his cluelessness.

Rubbing his jaw, Wallace appeared to be contemplating the next step. He seemed to have a thought but hesitated to voice it. His eyes flitted between the brain tissues on the table and the cupboard. He exchanged a knowing glance with Caren, sensing she might comprehend what he was thinking.

"I think we have only one way to find out," Wallace finally voiced his realization, seeing no other viable option.

The hesitation in Caren's eyes affirmed that she understood his idea. Avoiding eye contact with her, Wallace turned to address the group with a neutral expression. "The rod-like substance appears to be crucial in treating these patients. Without enough of it, the cell walls continue to break down. If this substance is something the body can produce, there might still be hope for the remaining two werewolves."

He made a hand gesture to emphasize the urgency of the situation concerning the remaining patients, drawing their attention.

They all watched him expectantly, except Caren, who seemed lost in thought. Her distant gaze indicated she was pondering something.

"We need to pour some Venretin on the specimen to verify," Wallace declared, pausing after the statement.

The perplexed looks on their faces added to his discomfort, causing his hands to grow cold and clammy.

"You can't do that," an unexpected voice interjected from just outside the examination room. It was Benito, her arms crossed in a stern manner. Everyone turned their attention to her, falling silent at the warning in her icy tone.

Wallace noted the gravity of Benito's statement. Venretin was a rare commodity, scarce enough that its use required the explicit approval of Sage Lachlan Rigg, the highest authority. The existing supply was limited, barely enough to last the day. Using even a drop of Venretin was deemed a critical decision that could potentially save lives elsewhere.

"The use of Venretin must be approved by Sage Lachlan Rigg. The supply that we have now is only enough to last for today. No more, no less," Benito asserted firmly, shutting down any potential debate.

Caren's calm voice chimed in unexpectedly, her own words surprising her. "That statement is probably not true now."

Benito shot Caren a sharp look, demanding an explanation. The experienced nurses held considerable sway in decision-making within the sanatorium, and Benito was not one to be easily challenged.

Meanwhile, Laurana, engrossed in her own patient assessments, sensed the escalating tension in the examination room but chose to focus on her tasks, steering clear of the brewing conflict.

"The werewolves, Ronan has just passed away, his share of Venretin can be used to examine the brain tissues," Caren pointed out logically. Her reasoning was sound; given Ronan's recent passing, the Venretin allocated for his treatment was now available for use in investigating the brain tissues.

Acknowledging the validity of Caren's suggestion, Wallace nodded in agreement, relieved that an alternative had been proposed.

However, Benito's disapproval was evident as she scowled at Caren, attempting to assert her authority. But Caren remained unruffled, standing her ground calmly.

"Even so, the dean will decide what to do with the remaining Venretin, not you," Benito retorted sharply, her initial confidence waning but her pride preventing her from conceding to Caren's point.

Wallace, feeling compelled to intervene, interrupted firmly, surprising even himself with the sternness in his voice. "Enough." He maintained composure despite his surprise at his own assertiveness. "I am the team leader, appointed by the dean himself. I will take full responsibility for every decision-making in this investigation. The use of Venretin is deemed necessary in this case for us to find a solution. I have decided to use it, and I will explain this to the dean personally."

His gaze locked with Benito's as he spoke firmly, noticing her subtle flinch before she walked away, choosing not to engage further.

Trento, observing the dispute, raised his eyebrows and remarked, "I'm not against the idea of using Venretin, but it's certainly a bold decision. There may be considerable explaining to do when the dean returns," he added, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "But I want to emphasize that I'm not against it, just to clarify."

"If there are no further objections, then I will go ahead with this plan," Wallace announced firmly, meeting the gaze of each team member before exiting the examination room and heading to the cupboard.

He retrieved the flask containing Venretin, noticing its weight and realizing the scarcity of the solution left. Handling it with care, Wallace understood Benito's concerns. The meager amount of Venretin he was about to use could extend the patients' lives by perhaps only half a day, a stark contrast to the importance of the potential discoveries they might make.

As he carefully poured the Venretin into a smaller mug, Wallace's outward motions were precise, masking the inner hesitation he felt. Benito, still upset by Wallace's dismissal of her earlier protest, chose to focus on her report, possibly recording the amount of Venretin he was using.

Meanwhile, Laurana, avoiding the tense atmosphere, remained focused on her patients, checking on them more frequently than necessary to ensure their well-being.

Wallace meticulously closed the flask and returned it to the cupboard before returning to the counter and picking up the small mug containing the golden-hued solution, observing it thoughtfully.

He had no idea what would happen if he drank it himself; the absurdity of the thought made him chuckle inwardly, imagining Benito's furious reaction if she ever found out about such a notion.

Slowly and deliberately, Wallace made his way back to the examination room, cradling the mug as though it held the most precious treasure in existence.

With urgency in his mind, he muttered silently, the brain tissues on the examination table were deteriorating rapidly, prompting him to hasten the process of pouring the Venretin onto the sample. As he approached, the others stepped aside in unison, clearing a path as if they were making way for a dignitary carrying a piping-hot soup.

Without further examination, Wallace poured the tiny amount of Venretin onto the brain tissue. The hue of the blood smear indicated the presence of living brain tissue, a reassuring sign based on his experience.

Trento audibly gasped as the solution trickled onto the specimen.

As the Venretin mixed with the blood, its original golden colour merged with the red, transforming into an unexpected colourlessness. Wallace grabbed the loupe, inspecting the changes intently.

To his surprise, there were no rod-like substances visible. The delicate cells continued to break down, resembling numerous bubbles bursting simultaneously. A fluid flowed among the cells, slick and elusive, devoid of any interaction with the cells themselves. Wallace swiftly deduced that the rod-like substances they had previously seen were not Venretin after all.

He confirmed his observations after an additional minute of careful scrutiny.

Hoshiko rubbed his jaw thoughtfully, trying to decipher the implications of the experiment's results. "So, are we looking for something that can replicate Venretin's effect on the cells? And how do we determine the identity of these rod-like substances?"

Caren seemed as though she had anticipated this outcome while patiently waiting for Wallace to conclude the experiment. "I believe someone might be familiar with these rod-like substances. Despite this outcome, it's beneficial as we now understand the impact of Venretin on the Death Slater organism and its therapeutic potential."

"Someone familiar?" Trento's confusion was evident, his tone softening as he acknowledged Caren's astuteness. He realized he struggled to keep up with her line of thinking, though too proud to admit it.

Wallace fixed a focused gaze on Caren, impressed by her comprehension of the situation and his actions.

Caren paused briefly before continuing. "Perhaps someone from Angelwing could provide answers. Within their ranks, there are chemists specializing in various domains, some with significant expertise in morphon study. They might offer insights into the nature of these substances."

Wallace's eyes gleamed with excitement as he snapped his fingers to show his agreement. With swift movements, he approached the counter and retrieved a quill and paper.

Carefully spreading the paper on the examination table, a grin stretched across his face as he began sketching the intricate details he had observed under the locator loupe. Holding the loupe in his left hand, he intermittently glanced at the specimen while diligently capturing its features on the paper. His focus was sharp, determined to complete the drawing as a visual reference to present to the chemists at the Angelwing Healing Centre.

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