Masked Love

By awsmpants

23.2K 730 35

When the Mandalorian took it upon himself to save the child that was once his bounty, he had no clue what his... More

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Season 2
Long ago...


55 3 0
By awsmpants

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"What is this place?" Cassian asked. His voice echoed through the small pathway. I held a small light in front of me. The light illuminating only a few inches ahead. If I tried to see anything farther, I was met with pure darkness.

"It was an old passageway the Tusken's used. My father works with them the best he can. So, they allowed him to build our house around it." I replied. Many times, my father would lead us down here, showing us the pathway in case we ever needed to take it. I remembered how scared I used to be coming down here. The cave was humid, and the air was dry. The darkness was even worse. I learned to appreciate the cave as I got older. Using it for my escapes into the city.

"It's how I used to sneak out to Mos Eisley without my father knowing." I continued, "The exit connects right into the basement of the house."

"Smart man." Cassian added.

"He had to be. Wouldn't have survived the purge if he wasn't." I paused at the end of the path and raised the light up towards the top of the wall. Just above us a section of the wall was made with large slabs of pour stone. Each tiled perfectly in place. To anyone else it would look like a normal wall. "Right here." I spoke.

Cassian looked up and stared for a second. As if questioning if we were at the right spot. The entire cave looked the same the whole way through. He quickly knelt on one knee, and I placed a foot onto it before he helped lift me up slightly to reach the top of the wall. I pushed my hands against the slab of pour stone and felt the piece push out of place before moving it to the side. I tilted my head in every direction looking for any possibility that the Imperials had entered my home.

"Anything?" Cassian asked below me quietly.

"No, I think we're clear." I said and pushed myself up through the entrance.

I reached down and helped pull Cassian up and when we both settled back onto our feet we stood silently. Neither of us dared to move. Worried that any sound would alert the Imperials that we were here. My concern was how quiet it was. The house was never this silent. My heart pounded so loudly that it was almost the only sound we could hear.

Suddenly grains of sand began to fall from the ceiling above us as quick paced steps tapped lightly across the floor. Cassian gave me a quick look, but my feet moved without thinking. The steps were too light to be any stormtrooper. No heavy boot of an Inquisitor. My own feet stomped loudly up the steps. My hands pushed against the door that led into the training room.

I all saw was a flash of red and felt Cassian's hands grab onto my waist. He pulled me back quickly, his chest pushed against my back as his arms wrapped around me tightly. He pushed his back against the doorframe. Only giving us a small bit of cover. His chest heaved quickly as another blast was sent in our direction.

"You Imperial scum are dead!" I heard a feminine voice yell out.

A breath of relief escaped my lips, and my tensed stance loosened. Cassian was still on edge though. His grip not loosening one bit. "Mom?" I called out. My voice beginning to crack. I pulled Cassian's arms off me. Moving quicky out of the room.

In front of me my mother held a surprised look on her face. Her blaster held tightly in front of her. When her eyes locked onto mine, she let out a short breath. The blaster fell from her hands. We both rushed towards each other faster than Cassian could process what was happening. My arms wrapped around her tightly and my body began to relax. I didn't want to let go of her. It had been so long since I'd been able to see my family, and just to have a hug from my mother. The tears began to flow from the two of us and the world shut down for just a moment.

But then reality set in, and my mother sucked in a deep breath. I quickly pulled away and it was then I got a full look at her. There was a large cut on her cheek and her lip was slit open, bruises scattered up and down her arms. "Mom..." I managed to breathe out.

She could see the panicked look on my face and quickly placed a hand on my cheek. Her thumb stroked my cheek softly, and wiped the tears away.

"I'm okay Amara, but you can't be here. She was looking for you." She said.

"I'm not going anywhere. We're here to help." I said sternly.

My mothers' eyes shot over my shoulder, and it was there she caught sight of Cassian. I would've stopped her concern but my own grew. My eyes scanned across the room, and I realized how quiet the house still was. There was no other movement. No one else came in to greet us. My brows furrowed and my eyes locked back onto hers.

Panic set in my voice, "Where's Dad? Devron? Why aren't they here."

"Dane left a few days ago for work. I haven't been able to reach him..." Her voice trailed off and her eyes began to fill with tears once more. As her lip began to quiver, I felt all the air leave my lungs.

"She took Devron." She cried.

My heart shattered to pieces as she wrapped her arms back around me. She held me tight, and I could feel the pain she felt. The pain of failing to protect her child. She wouldn't let go, and I knew it was because she was afraid, she would lose me too. My hands wrapped tightly to the rough cloth that created her clothing. The tears had dried from my eyes, and the blood drained from my face. There was only one thought crossing my mind as my mother's cries rang through my ears.

I wanted to break, but I couldn't. Because this was all my fault.

We sat my mother down in the kitchen and brought her some water. Cassian stood by the door as I sat in front of her. Bandaging the injuries I could. Trying to do what I could to repair what I broke. I wiped the dried blood off her cheek before pulling back. Watching as her hands shook as she grabbed the glass and took a sip of water.

"I don't understand why this happened." My mother said quietly as she stared down at the glass.

I took a deep breath. I wasn't sure what I could say. For the past year she believed I was living a whole other life. Abandoning our home for something they didn't believe in. I turned towards Cassian wondering what I could say. He gave me a simple nod letting me know it was okay.

"I didn't leave for the academy." I said quietly and turned back to my mother. "I was recruited by the Rebel Alliance." I quickly grabbed her hand and held onto it tightly. The guilt rushed over me as the tears began to well in my eyes once more.

"This is all my fault Mom. We ran into her on a mission, and I thought we managed to rid ourselves of her. I got comfortable and thought we were fine. But then we left for this mission, and we found-"

"Amara." Cassian said sternly. I closed my mouth quickly and my eyes shot up towards Cassian. He didn't look mad or angry at me though. Instead, he gave me a sorrowful look as he shook his head slowly. Reminding me that I said enough. Anymore would just put my family in even more danger.

"This is my fault mom. But I'll fix it. I'll get Devron back." I said softly.

"How though?" She asked. I could tell even she was apprehensive about what could be done.

"I don't know yet, but we'll think of something."

Cassian let out a sigh and pulled away from the wall. He was in way over his head. We both were. We diverted from our mission. Calling this in for back up would take too much time and there was a chance we wouldn't get the approval for it. I watched as Cassian paced back and forth trying to think of the best course of action. Then he suddenly paused, and I could see the gears begin to turn.

His eyes darted towards the window and stared for a few seconds. Silence filled the room as his brows furrowed.

"There's one thing I don't understand." He said, "We got in easy. Both through Mos Eisley and here. If she knew you were coming, then why isn't this house guarded?"

He was right. It was easy. If I was her main target, then why not wait where I would be easily caught. Maybe not put her own self in danger but ensure I was captured with no hesitation. I turned to my mother and our eyes locked. In those short seconds all I could see was fear and worry. The same thought crossing her mind that was going through mine. With that thought a tear slid down her face.

"She doesn't need to." I said quietly.

No, she doesn't. Because she knows me now. She knows my history. She knows exactly what my weakness is. She knew how to use it to get me to her without putting up a fight. A fight my mother or Cassian had no way of helping me with.

I shot up from my chair and moved quickly out of the room. My mother placed her head into the palms of her hands and continued to cry. Cassian's head shot back and forth between us, unsure of what nonverbal epiphany my mother and I came to.

I didn't say anything to him and kept my focus on what I needed. If we waited any longer to argue a plan, then it would be too late. And I knew he had a chance to talk me out of it if I gave him the time to.

I made my way back towards the basement and stopped in front of the desk that sat in the corner of the room. Cassian rushed into the room behind me as I bent down and began picking the floorboards up.

"Amara, wait!" Cassian called out.

I ignored him and took the last floorboard up, reaching down into the hole my father dug out and grabbing a wooden box hidden within it. I stared at the symbol engraved on the top of the box. Part of it was the emblem of the Jedi Order, but it was mixed with a symbol of something else. A figure of some sort that I never got to ask my father about. I couldn't help but wonder if I ever was going to get the chance now.

I took a deep breath and opened the lid, revealing inside an item wrapped in an old cloth. When I pulled it out Cassian had finally made it into the basement. "Amara what's-" Cassian stopped mid-sentence when I unwrapped the cloth. Hidden under it was my father's lightsaber. The hilt sat mostly black with only a few hints of silver that built the intricate details.

"No..." Cassian pleaded softly. My grip tightened around the hilt as Cassian's voice tightened around my heart.

"She doesn't need guards because she knows I'm coming." I said quietly as I packed the box back into the floor.

"Amara-" Cassian tried to interject.

"She took Devron knowing I'd come and find him. She knew exactly what would force me there."

"Stop." Cassian's voice grew louder.

"I need you to take my mom back to the ship. Wait for me there. If I'm not back by sundown then take her back to Yavin. They'll get in contact with my dad there. They'll figure out what to do and-"

Cassian rushed toward me, and his hand wrapped around my arm. He pulled me up from my distraction, spinning me around to face him. "Enough, Amara!" He said angrily, but his face showed a different emotion. I could see the worry in his eyes as they searched my face. Every thought of how this could go wrong was written not only on my face but his as well. "Amara, stop. Stop for just a second and let's come up with a plan."

"This is the plan Cassian." My voice rose as I pulled my arm out of his grip. "I told you, if she didn't die on Paveth she wouldn't stop coming. This is the proof!"

Cassian pulled back and looked away. He let out a scoff and shook his head. Clearly ready to argue on the matter some more. Trying to find any way to stop me. My mother stood at the doorway watching us. Her hand clutching tightly to her shirt by her chest.

"Cassian..." I called out to him.

Cassian ignored me and turned to my mother, "You can't be okay with this!"

My mother sucked in a breath and her eyes fluttered closed. I watched as she contemplated her own argument, but she knew as well. When her eyes opened, she didn't hold any sadness and instead I got the same motherly stern stare I would get as a child.

"Your training?" She asked as she walked up to me.

"Every day still." I answered confidentially.

She took a deep breath and nodded her head in agreement. Her lips thinned into a small smile as she reached her hand out and placed it on my cheek. "Okay." She said softly.

Cassian let out a breathy chuckle and turned away as he placed his hands on his hips. I grabbed my mother's hand and held onto it tightly. Allowing myself to just have one little moment before moving on to Cassian.

"Go and pack up some stuff. We'll meet you out front." I said quietly.

My mother gave me a thin smile as she squeezed my hand. As she walked away, she placed a hand on Cassian's shoulder. Comforting him for a second before walking out. Cassian and I stood quietly as I listened to my mother's footsteps slowly disappear.

Cassian still refused to look at me. Keeping his sight on the wall, practically burning a hole into it.

"Cas..." I called out to him, my voice quiet and soft. "I have to do this, but I can't do it if I'm worrying about you. You cannot interfere. This is uncharted territory for you. Something way beyond what you can handle. And if something happened to you, I..."

My words fell short as my heart pounded so hard in my chest my ears began to ring. I knew if something happened, if another person was hurt because of me, I wouldn't be able to control myself. That anger that was already beginning to burn within me would boil over. Especially when it came to Cassian. Those rules, that line in the sand, was slowly becoming blurred every second I was with him. Small pieces of my heart slowly had been slowly taken by Cassian, regardless of how hard I fought.

Cassian turned right as the tears began to well in my eyes. His stern and angry face softened quickly. Our eyes locked and as I looked at him. I couldn't stop the tear from rolling down my cheek.

"I couldn't...I can't..." I tried to speak but the words kept falling short. My mind stopping my heart from speaking the truth.

Cassian's gaze stayed locked onto mine for a while, as if he was able to read just what I was feeling by studying me. Then within seconds he closed the gap between us. His hands grabbed my face and pulled me towards him before pressing his lips onto mine.

His lips moved slowly against mine and my heart began to flutter even faster than before. He didn't have to say anything now. Neither of us did. This was more than enough for us to understand what both of us wanted. Even though it felt as if now it was too late.

Cassian pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine and I was able to catch my breath. My eyes stayed closed, focusing on the touch of his skin against mine as his fingers grazed my cheek. Our breaths intermixing along with our despair. I wanted to cry. This wasn't fair.

"Take care of them. Please whatever happens." I said through a cry. Cassian sucked in a breath before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. My head rested on his chest, and I could hear his heart breaking along with mine.

"I will. I promise." Cassian said as he rested his lips onto the top of my head.

I allowed a few minutes to pass as we stayed just like that. A moment frozen in time before we had to return to reality. A moment just for me to keep as long as I could.

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