
By myrrhchoco

8.2K 1.1K 258

************* Do you regret loving me ? **********†********* The only Regret I will ever have in my life is... More

Ch 1
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 8
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch -20


245 33 2
By myrrhchoco



Small party was arranged.

Mrs Kim , Jeon's , Yoongi , Taehyung's and Jin friend and Hoseok and Namjoon's friend all were called along with their close business partners.

" Aigoo you little chipmunk why do you look so much like your dada huh??" Jimin asked in baby voice to Yeonjun who giggled loudly .

While Yoongi played with Na-eun.

Seungmin and Hyunjin hug little ducky and monkey. They were shocked when they came to know about Jin hyung being one who made Namjoon pregnant and Ofcourse Hoseok baby was totally unexpected


Jungkook smiled at his brother who bantly ignore him..

"Hoseok let Jungkook play with Yeonjun" Taehyung said .

Hoseok nodded smiling

Even before he could hand baby to him he pulled his hand back

"Can you wait for while It's time for feeding Yeonjun "

Jungkook nodded

Hoseok returned after 30 minutes .

"Where is Yeonjun??"

"Ahh Omma is playing with him " Hoseok said pointing towards Mrs Kim.

Soon they all gather together for cutting cake.

Taehyung brought Jungkook to cut cake as well even when later protested.

Hoseok didn't said anything.

"Hoseok let me carry Yeonjun " Taehyung said

Hoseok ignored him as carried him and

"Come on cut cake fast " Seungmin yelled in excitement.

Everyone started clapping when Namjoon and Hoseok cut cake .

The little babies forwarded their hand to eat cake but their mother pulled their hand back.

While everyone giggled.

Hoseok cut piece of cake and didn't fed Jungkook who was beside him but instead fed Yoongi.

Who smiled and fed him small piece as well.

Everyone clapped and sang song. Yeonjun wriggle in Hoseok's arm and Taehyung came to carry him but Hoseok handed baby to Yoongi.
Who bounced little bear making him giggle.

Soon party started .

" Ah Hoseok Namjoon come here for while "Bogum called and Both came their smiling

" This is Mrs Choi Min rae , I have talked about your Business layout to her and she is interested in your project "

Namseok gretted her and they had pleasent time Talking with her.

She was however disturb by her husband who came there with 3 year old kid in his arm .
Who was crying .

"What happen Binnie ??"

"Binnie wants to play but bby hit him."
Soo-bin clung to his mother who Patted his back while she looked at her husband for explaination.

" He wanted to play with little boy but he started crying when Soo-bin pinched his cheeks "

"You chimpanzee why did you pinched His cheeks huh??" She asked him hitting his bum lightly.

" Baby was so cute Omma like dolly . Binnie just wanted to play....but Binnie realize bby isn't dolly bby is Anabella."

"Soo-bin you ~~" Mrs Choi began to scold him while Soo-bin cried loudly.

"Let me carry him " Hoseok said and Soo-bin came into his arms ," Hey bub stop crying and you shouldn't pinch little kids cheeks they get hurt na "

Soo-bin sniffled and asked ,"Than what shall I do ??"

"You can kiss their cheeks instead or softly pat it " Hoseok said and Soo-bin nodded.

"Appa take me to baby " Soo-bin said with new determination and Hoseok handed Soo-bin to Mr Choi who took him to play with kids.

Namseok went back to talk about their business stuff when they hear Jin scream at top of his lungs.

"Ya stay away from my daughter "

Followed by Taehyung who screamed equally loudly

"Don't kiss my son's cheeks you are not allowed "

Other giggle at their immature behaviour except one you know who.

"Hey you can't kiss my son like this " Taehyung said as he rocked Yeonjun in his arm who was giggling.

"But why ?? Aunty said Baby should be kissed or gently patted "

"Which aunty said this ? And who ever did is crazy . Listen to me okay I am smart  and don't touch my son okay ?"
He asked to little Soo-bin who pouted and asked  but baby is cute so how should I play with him.

Taehyung greeted his teeth ," You don't have to play with my baby play with someone who is of your age now shoo."

Mr Choi wasn't at all offended by Taehyung's behavior he could understand Man was protective.

"Little Junnie gonna have hard time getting him boyfriend"Mr Choi mutter.

On other side

" Ya Na-eun hold your Appa's hand and not this shit " Jin said but little princess ignore her Appa's whine as she held finger of her prince charming.

" Ya you kid what's your name ??" Jin asked a boy around 7 years old.

" Yuki "

" Okay Yuki be good boy and pull back your hand away from my daughter"

Yuki smirk ,"why should I??"

Jin eyes widen ," ya who are you little-"

"Ah Jin how are you ??" Jin looked up to see Kenji , the Mafia Boss and close business part of Kim's.

" Ah I am good what about you??"

"Good ..however I would like if you won't bully my Little brat here " Kenji said pointing towards his son ,Yuki who was playing with Na-eun.

"This Is your son ??? When did you get son???" Jin asked and the urge to Run far away with his princess as he saw Yuki smiling at Na-eun was something else.

"That's not point Jin. You did not get to bully my son " Kenji said

Jin pouted,"But your son is bullying my daughter."

"That's not bullying Jin , you know I can show you what real bullying means " Kenji said smiling.

Miyoko , Kenji's wife came there and roll her eyes at her husband antics ,"You two are worst than babies "

"What ?" Jin asked but Miyoko ignored him when to play with Na-eun.


Hoseok was bathing Yeonjun when Taehyung came inside room.

" Why did you do that ??"

"Do what ???"

"Why did you feed cake first to Yoongi ??"

"He was one who helped me to reach hospital or else I and Yeonjun would have died "

" You ~"

"Are you enrage because I fed cake to Yoongi or by fact I didn't feed it to Jungkook??" Hoseok asked as he picked up Yeonjun and wrapped him in towel .

Taehyung followed him to bed as Hoseok keep baby on bed and dried him.

" You don't ~"

"Kim look over him and apply this cream while I take out his clothes"

Taehyung applied baby cream and moisture to Yeonjun who giggled at Taehyung.

Taehyung rubbed his little tummy making him throw his hands and leg in air.

" Aahahha did my little bear had fun huh??" He asked tickling his feet making Yeonjun laugh hard .

Week pass by

Namseok exams were there but they were little skeptical to leave kids alone but Sana assured them they would be fine.

When they went college ofcourse many people pointed towards them and called them names.

Ugly,Fat,Prostitute,Bitch,Slut,Whore ...

But Namseok ignored them.

Hoseok wrote paper fast and submitted it

He was waiting for Namjoon in canteen .
As they were in different classes .

Hoseok gasped in pain when he felt someone slam his face on the table.

" WTF" he yelled .

And He suddenly found himself being dragged somewhere. He cried when his ass met with ground and he found himself being surrounded by group of boys and girls.

"Little slut is back isn't it ? Where did you disappeared too huh??" Leader of group asked as he cupped his cheeks harshly.

Hoseok raised his hand to slap him but someone capture his hand and soon pairs of hands wrapped them around his legs .

He was slapped harshly by man

"Fuckin disgusting slut people like you are insects in society " he screamed his and hit Hoseok

Other girls started hitting him to calling him names and being jealous bitch for ruining his brother's relationship.

Suddenly someone smacked egg on him and from then on they kept hitting him with egg , tomatoes and someone even start hitting him with shoes.

Hoseok cried and screamed at them in pain to stop , his body was weak after giving birth and it was paining like hell.

Hoseok let out ear splintering scream when they kicked him in stomach hard.

"don't hit me .....there...."he cried sobbing but they didn't listen and keep hitting him.

Hoseok cried in pain and kept yelling at them to stop trying to wrap his hand around his tummy to protect himself.

Someone dumped garbage on him while some started pulling his clothes.

Hoseok tried fighting them but they laugh at his poor attempts

" Let's just fuck him " One of boy said and they were about to tear away his pants when one of girl screamed

"Shit he is bleeding "

They kicked him hard and ran away from there.

Hoseok whimper in pain..his head was feeling dizzy ...his body was in so much pain....he felt like he was thrown under the bus...his lungs find it difficult to breathe.

Hoseok closed his eyes as blood soaked down his lower body.

Will pain ever be over??


Yeonjun kept crying loudly no matter how much Sana or Taehyung tried consoling him he won't stop crying

" Why is he crying so much is he hungry ??" Jin asked to Taehyung who was bouncing Yeonjun.

Taehyung shifted baby in his hold ,"I don't think so hyung I already fed him milk that Hoseok has pumped , his diaper is not soiled as well yet he is crying so hard "

" Should we go to doctor??"

" How many times shall I say baby always cry "

"But Omma he is crying for hour now and he never cried for so long " Taehyung said patting his back.

Even Sana was worried.

"Let's go -"
She was cut short when Her phone rang. She picked up to see it was Namjoon.

"What ??" she screamed as phone slipped off her grasp. Tears rushed down her eyes

" What happen Omma ??" Jin asked

"Hoseok is hospitalize "


"What do you mean you don't know what happen ??" Taehyung yelled at Namjoon .

" Taehyung don't scream " Jin said as he pushed Taehyung away and pulled Namjoon in hug who cried in his embrace.

"I ~"

Out of no where he was punched by furious Yoongi

"It's all your fault!!!! It's because of you and that Damn Jungkook that Hoseok got bullied again....tell me...would you both be be happy if he dies? "

Taehyung pushed away Yoongi ," what the fuck is wrong with you ??"

Yoongi laughed and slapped Taehyung," Nothing is wrong with me Kim fucking Taehyung but everything is wrong with one is blaming you for sleeping with him but everyone is pointing fingers at Hoseok.....why?? Yoongi screamed.....
They fuckin beat him petal.....I have ....always ... protected him him for years.....but just because of you
.... everything is ruined....why the fuck did you approach him Kim??....why do you have to talk with him....we were fine without you.... meddling....look where it landed us.... everything is fucking mess.... yes he was drunk.....but what about you?? weren't drunk ...or were you too?...and if you were than why did you not take blame as well"

Yoongi screamed loudly as tears spilled down his tears. He fell down on his knees

," just let Seokie go....I beg you Kim we won't ever meddle in your life. You keep the baby but just let him go ....if he stays by your side....he will be fucking dead ....sooner than later....I beg you Kim....please please ...let me have my Seokie back , let me have my peace back Taehyung. I beg you please..."

He cried bowing his head on floor

Taehyung staggar back his eyes having unfocused ...his feelings were disrupted...but one thing was evident he was scared ..he was fuckin scared of letting Hoseok go..," I am sorry but I won't let him go . "


Hoseok woke up feeling like needles were stabbing him.

He looked to see Taehyung sitting staring at him.

" How are you ??"

"Alive " Hoseok said in monotone.

"How many time it is that I am here ? I am afraid next time I won't make it " Hoseok said laughing treating it like as a joke .

"Can you st-"

"I want to stop as well , Trust me I do. Putting end to this is-"

He stopped when he saw Sana and Namjoon enter.


Kim's put everyone who were involved in bullying behind bar.

Yoongi was thrown out by Taehyung's bodyguard . Everyone were unaware by this .

Time Skip - 3 days later.

Taehyung carried Hoseok in his bedroom. He gently laid him on bed.

"Where is Yeonjun?" Hoseok asked in nonchalant voice.

"He is with Omma "

" Bring him here "

"I will bring him after I am done doing your bandage"

" I can do it on my own " Hoseok said stubborn voice .

Taehyung didn't listen to anything as he started unbuttoning his shirt

Hoseok grabbed his hand in his gauze wrapped hand and said in stern voice," I said I will do it". His eyes flashing anger.

Taehyung ignore him and kept unbuttoning his shirt

"Don't you fuckin understand I said I will do it just leave me alone " Hoseok cried in anger.

Taehyung didn't moved an inch.
He applied cream on Hoseok's brusiesd stomach , hand and cheeks.

"Get away from me .....I feel...disgusting ....just go away ...leave me...." Hoseok cried but Taehyung didn't listen.

He made him drink medicine .

And put him to bed .

" Go to sleep I will take care of everything. "

"I fuckin hate you Kim" Hoseok said in venomous tone tear spilled from his eyes.

"Why you are like this ?"Hoseok further mumble before heaviness clouded his vision.


Yeonjun was between his parents. His eyes twinklling when he saw his Appa's hand on his Omma .

He frown when he saw his Appa crying.


Taehyung used to Bathe Yeonjun since Hoseok hasn't recovered yet.

He let Hoseok rest as much as he need . Hoseok won't speak to him much.

"You go and study I will play with Junnie" Hoseok said

" No I will play you take rest. I have already studied for exam"

Hoseok didn't said anything further more.


Time Skip of few weeks

"No baby thats uyuyi (bad) don't put it in mouth " Hoseok said in baby tone to Yeonjun who was putting Toy in his mouth. It was 4 in morning and our Junnie wasn't feeling asleep at all.

Hoseok had dark circles under his eyes and over all he was very exhausted.

Taehyung wasn't there today with them as Jungkook was feeling very sick and was hospitalized.

Hoseok first priority as of now was to regulate his source of income.

His and Namjoon's plan to incorporate company was going well but they needed huge investment. Even though Bogum Appa suggested he would invest they decline.

They don't want to rely on anyone.

The money that he took from Taemin he had invested them in shares but currently market wasn't in good condition for him to sell the shares.
If he would he would go in loss so he needed to wait for sometime.

He was thinking of arranging fund when

He felt chubby hand on his .
He look down and smiled at at Yeonjun who was staring intendly at him.

Hoseok kissed his forehead,"Mama will make sure that you get best Baby.Mama will protect little Junnie ." He said.

Yeonjun pouted his lips as he tap his hand on Hoseok's chest.

Hoseok understood he was hungry so he fed him rocking him as well. So he would sleep which he gladly did.

Hoseok carried Yeonjun to crib . He was about to put him in crib when Yeonjun face turned in discomfort.

Hoseok pulled him back to him nuzzling him to his neck and baby relax.

Hoseok turn back to his bed as he put baby on bed and put Tons of pillows around him.

He than slept beside him patting his back as baby nuzzle to his mother.


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